Astrology Chart Readings for Western & 9 Star Ki Astrology. Your natal Astrology chart tells the story of your life as it is written in the stars.  I will read your Astrology chart & help you receive the divine celestial messages to guide you on your true path. I have been an avid Astrologer since I was a child, growing up reading Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs! I’ve studied Western, Ayurvedic, Evolutionary and 9 Star Ki Astrology patterns, so I weave from many traditions in my readings. My charts not only explain where you are in life, but can also map out where you are going & how to align with the energy of your current Astrological Transits so you can manifest the life you desire. I love to write Astrology charts by hand in a journal, as a way to channel divine messages from Spirit, then I transfer it to the computer & edit it. As a Scorpio, I delve deeper than most! My Astrology Charts can take from 2-6 weeks depending how booked out I am, so please be patient, this is not an automated process, this is a deep dive investigation into your Chart! 

Astrology Readings

Email your Birthdate, time of Birth & Location

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Basic Natal Astrology Chart Reading…..$88.

Receive your Western Astrology Chart with current Transits & a personalized reading of Sun, Moon, Rising & most important transits found in your chart. 

9 Star Ki Astrology Charts  ………………………………………………$108.

9 Star Ki Astrology is based on 9 different Archetypes, such as Innovator, Mother, Father, Wind, Mountain, etc. Each Archetype relates to different elements such as Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Metal. We are born into a certain Archetype/ Element & each year we journey through another Archetype/Element. Ever notice how one year can be great, followed by a hard year? Each year has an energy to it and knowing what to expect, you can be aligned with the energies of that year, making better choice and improving your life greatly!

Western Astrology Chart with current Transits………$233.

A copy of your chart and deep dive explanation of all the planetary alignments, transits as well as predictions for your year.  Includes your North Nodes & meanings Your Western Astrology Chart can tell your life story & help you find your purpose in life. It is a wonderful journey of self exploration.

Western Astrology Chart Reading ZOOM Add On……..$108.

If you’d like to have a 40 Minute session with me on ZOOM to talk more about your Astrology Chart Reading & ask questions, it is an add on. Thanks!

Western Astrology Chart w/ 9 Star Ki Reading ……$285.

Best of both worlds get your Western Chart with all alignments & transits plus a 9 Star Ki reading and energy clearing.

 Astrocartography Add on …..$108.

So many people are moving around the country these days & wanting to know where they should land, when I do Astrocartography, I take several things into consideration as I find the perfect place for you to be based on your chart, this takes a long time to delve into the geography.

North Node Western Astrology Chart Reading………………………………..$111.

I love North Node Readings! When we delve into our North Node, we find out r’aison d’etre, our reason to be! Why are we here? What is our Soul’s big lessons for this lifetime? What are some past life issues we are still working on? It’s all found in the North Nodes!

EMAIL me your Date, Time & Location of your birth to

“Had the most accurate, wise and inspiring eclipse reading provided by Terri today! I highly recommend her readings to anyone looking for insight into their own life’s growth and gifts. Thank you!” 

—Sonja Berg, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0