When you receive Pregnancy Massage at Kimimi  Healing Arts in Bend,  you can rest assured you are receiving the best prenatal care for you and your baby.   I have advanced training from Brian Utting School of Massage (BUSM) in prenatal massage, as well as being a mom myself, I know what a pregnant woman wants from her massage!

I offer sideline pregnancy massage because this is the most recommended position for prenatal massage.  Be wary of  Spas offering those tables with the holes cut out for the belly.  The American Medical Association (AMA) has concurred what most midwives and prenatal Massage therapist have known all along, those tables with the holes are dangerous because they cut off blood circulation/blood supply to the womb during a prenatal massage.

Self care is one of the best things you can do for your baby while you are pregnant. Massage has been shown to improve labor.

You can safely receive moderately deep massage work all through your pregnancy


Prenatal Massage can improve your labor experience by relaxing the sacrum, low back, hips and pelvic floor in preparation for the opening and releasing that occurs in labor.  It increases blood circulation, which brings healthier blood to the baby in utero. Postpartum massage can help support your body with the physical challenges that come from motherhood (I never realized how physical parenting could be!)

You can safely receive moderately deep massage work all through your pregnancy, it is so good for getting circulation to those muscles that might not be getting as much movement during pregnancy.   I have so many pregnant massage clients come in and tell me they went to a Spa where they were only given fluff massage, probably because the Massage therapist was not comfortable with a pregnant client and afraid of somehow hurting the mother or baby.  I am confident in my prenatal massage and I know the areas that need work: sciatic and sacral region, low back, hips, all the muscles along the spine, etc.

I offer sideline pregnancy massage because this is the most recommended position for prenatal massage.  Be wary of  Spas offering those tables with the holes cut out for the belly.  The American Medical Association (AMA) has concurred what most midwives and prenatal Massage therapists have known all along, those tables with the holes are dangerous because they cut off blood circulation/blood supply to the womb during a prenatal massage.

Why Prenatal Massage?


• Women who received massage reported decreased depression & anxiety

•  Prenatal Massage reduced leg and back pain.

•  Cortisol levels decreased and excessive fetal activity decreased after Massage

•  Sleep and sense of well being improved after pregnancy Massage. 

The rate of prematurity was lower in the prenatal massage group.

• In a study of labors, women who received prenatal massage therapy experienced significantly less pain, less distress and their labors were on average 3 hours shorter with less need for medications!

• Massage therapy is the most common alternative therapy recommended during pregnancy.

• The most important finding was the lower incidence of prematurity and low birthweight in the massaged women.

• Postpartum depression and cortisol levels were decreased in the massaged women. The newborns of the massaged mothers also had lower cortisol levels than the newborns of the control mothers.


I just love working with pregnant clients and I would love to be a nurturing part of your pregnancy, too!

Terri is a Godsend to pregnant mommas!

“After being disappointed with a prenatal massage from a different business, I searched online for a different massage therapist. I felt so lucky and blessed to have found Terri! She’s so positive and friendly and made me feel at ease. She knows exactly how to massage pregnant women, and you can tell that she loves her job. I felt so much better during and after my massage. And the Reiki that she performed on my little bambino was fantastic. If I had the funds, I would treat myself to a couple massages a week with her. I felt so much better physically and even emotionally after my session. Terri is a godsend to pregnant mommas! Thanks so much!”



This was the Best Prenatal Massage in Bend!

“Terri is not afraid to give you a deep tissue Prenatal Massage just because you are pregnant! (unlike the way too light touch pregnancy massage I had at a well known spa in town, the girl seemed scared!) Just because you are pregnant does not mean you can’t handle a strong massage & Terri knew all the tight spots of a pregnant momma because she is a momma herself! This was the Best Prenatal Massage in Bend! I loved the hip/sacrum work & it was the first time I slept thru the night since I have been pregnant, now I am going back for prenatal massage once a week until this kid comes out (hopefully soon!)”



Do you have questions for me? I am happy to talk! 

Reiki for Abundance

Reiki for Abundance

Reiki for Abundance is a level 1 Reiki Class open to everybody. Overcome burnout by aligning with a higher vibrational energy to receive all that you desire. Reiki is the cure for burnout because it was born of burnout! If you want your life to flow more easily, learn potent skills to unblock energy, heal your life & create everyday miracles this is the class for you! In this class you will receive a powerful Distance Reiki Attunement to begin a 21 day Healing Transformation! Learn hands on healing techniques & how to manifest with Reiki.



Terie Sandusky

kimimihealingarts@gmail.com |



Terie Sandusky




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