Astrology Chart Winner is 


SUPERMOON ARIES CONJUNCT CHIRON the WOUNDED WARRIOR HEALER brings us a massive HEALING CRISIS as our world is facing is so many challenges from the recent Hurricane to the Geomagnetic Storms to a divisive Election, there’s just a LOT GOING ON, how are you handling it all? 

How are you Feeling?

This is a CALL for DEEP HEALING that began when

Chiron entered Aries on February 18th, 2019 for many of us that were born between January 30th of 1969 through May 27th 1976 we are having our CHIRON RETURN, Chiron STATIONED retrograde at 21 degrees on JULY 26th & Chiron will continue going backwards until December 29th, if you have Chiron in Aries between 20-25 degrees, you are feeling this SUPERMOON coming in at 24 Degrees lighting up your deepest wounds to be healed, for ALL of us who have had our Chiron in Aries Return Transit, it was painful to go back & heal those deep wounds & now it’s as if Chiron is saying oh wait, I forgot to show you this other WOUND you forgot to deal with. Chiron keeps coming back to make us do even more deep healing work until 2027 we will be doing this heavy lifting of healing ourselves, healing our limiting beliefs, healing our ancestral wounds, healing generational trauma and trying to HEAL our planet. 

Healer Heal Thyself with Self Awareness & SELF LOVE because we always REPEAT what we don’t REPAIR, so it’s time to breakout of these destructive patterns now. 

Chiron’s biggest Wounds are about Abandonment & feelings of WORTHLESSNESS, Chiron’s initial wound was being abandoned by his mother who was terrified because he was born a CENTAUR,  half man, half HORSE!

We are seeing more EQUINE HEALING in our World with Chiron in Aries. 

Chiron was raised by the gods of light and reason, Apollo and Athene. They loved Chiron’s wild nature, he became an Alchemist Healer & Warrior. Later he opened an orphanage to help other troubled kids who were cast off, we are seeing more issues around teen mental health now. Chiron helped kids find their gifts and true callings. We are in a time that many people are overcoming burnout to find their true path, people are quitting their meaningless day jobs in search of a higher calling, people want to pursue work they love, that brings them JOY.  

Chiron is a Spiritual Warrior who cultivates initiation & rites of passage, in order to awaken this sacred wounded warrior aspect in each of us. Rites of passage are tied to PLUTO where something is ending, there’s a transformation within death & something new begins, a rebirth. 

Initiation is like this COLLECTIVE AWAKENING we are in right now. Chiron in Aries conjunct this SUPERMOON calls on us to unlock the sacred warrior healer teachings that reside deep within  and go on a quest for divine healing, this is a perfect time for a REIKI ATTUNEMENT & I am teaching a Reiki Level 1 Class on Sunday 10/13 in Bend or you can try my new ONLINE REIKI CLASS & experience a Reiki Attunement through the magic of QUANTUM HEALING, I am going to do a PROMO code for this Supermoon because this is the perfect moon for REIKI look for it in the description down below! I will also do a GIVEAWAY for a FREE ONLINE REIKI CLASS, like, subscribe & leave a comment about why you want to receive a Reiki Attunement & I will pick someone on the SUPERMOON & announce here in the comments!  

MOON in Aries & SUN in LIBRA in a Harmonious TRINE of opportunity w/ PLUTO at that critical 29 degrees of Capricorn & MARS at 22 degrees of Cancer this is a massive release of energy to propel us forward, look at your chart, what is going in your ARIES, CAPRICORN, CANCER, LIBRA houses, there is an opportunity, leave it in the comments if you know where those signs show up & I will give you a mini reading. 

This TRINE is like the Carrot in front of the Horse they are meant to inspire you to MOVE FORWARD, you can’t just wait for this carrot to land in your lap, you have to MOVE TOWARDS the CARROT, you have to energetically align with the MOMENTUM of this MOON, if you can do that, you just might receive a WISH FULFILLMENT that brings your deepest DESIRES this MOON,

 ARIES know how to MANIFEST & how to RECEIVE, Aries can sometimes seem “Selfish” but I don’t think they are, Aries is the BABY of the ZODIAC & a BABY must have their needs met for sheer survival, so Aries is fueled by their Survival needs just like the horse going after that carrot.

This Aries Supermoon is a time for finally getting your own personal needs met, if you’ve been a giver, it is time for you to RECEIVE! 

This is a time we can ambitiously “GO FOR IT” & start something new, Aries is about New Beginnings that 1st house of the Zodiac & we are stepping into a brand 5D New Reality where LOVE WINS if we will align to this Collective Awakening as I talked about in depth in my Wood Dragon Year 9 Star Ki reading, have you made the ENERGETIC SHIFT yet to receive all that you desire? It’s NOT too late, you have until the next LUNAR NEW YEAR February 2025 to Make it all happen & I find the best way to MANIFEST  what you’re calling in is to become an ENERGETIC MATCH to what you want whether it’s LOVE, MONEY, a new job, a new house, a new life, it all begins on this Energetic Plane & for me, it was when I received my first REIKI ATTUNEMENT that I really started to MANIFEST my best life b/c the Reiki Attunement INCREASED my ENERGY levels so I could call in better things, better friends, better clients, Twu Love, a family of my own, buying homes & a the little day to day things we manifest for fulfillment! 

What do YOU want to MANIFEST with this potent Aries Supermoon? Leave it in the comments & I will send distance REIKI to raise your energetic vibration to have it!

This is a powerful SUPERMOON for those IAM AFFIRMATIONS where you CLAIM what you want to become by saying “I AM….then whatever you want to step into, “I am a MILLIONARE” look into a MIRROR & Own it like an ARIES Does!!! 

VENUS in Scorpio TRINE MARS in Cancer 10/08th just before this Supermoon is a time to put yourself out there & pursue meaningful work that brings you JOY & this could be a good time for deep soulful connection with a love interest or rekindling the flames of your relationship, it’s too bad it falls on a Tuesday, wish it was on a weekend when we could really soak it all up, but maybe you just want to play hooky this day & go on a hike with someone you love. I can imagine staring into each others eyes for hours under this influence, both Scorpios & Cancer water signs love to gaze deeply into eyes, like X-Ray machines, you can’t hide anything from these 2 signs, so don’t bother lying to a Scorpio or Cancer, you will be caught in a trap! 

Do some SUPERMOON GAZING looking up at the moon in reflection & meditation until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get it this month, I’ve been moon gazing in the early morning hours this month & I love this time of year when you can watch the moon in the mornings with a cup of coffee. During the Supermoon Pisces, Spirit insisted I get up at 3 AM to soak my crystal ball in salt water under the light of the Supermoon & I have learned if I don’t just get up & do the thing, Spirit will persist & keep asking so I won’t be able to sleep anyways, so I did it, I went in my backyard at 3am with my crystal ball soaking in a salt water bath in a metal bowl & I sat moon gazing for awhile, I have been mystical, magical dreams ever since, did you see that PISCES SUPERMOON?!!!


There is ALCHEMY in this transit, a blend of caution and courage makes this a good time to take a chance emotionally, tell someone you LOVE them, Propose to the love of your life, in your career you can overcome We’re still in that beneficial transit between NEPTUNE in PISCES, URANUS in TAURUS & MARS in CANCER  that helps us to step into our Divine Purpose, we can have FATED events that shift us into a new reality, better paying job, finding your dream home, calling in the love of your life, this is a time for MIRACLES

Could OCTOBER an AMAZING TIME FOR SCORPIOS? This is our LUCKIEST Birthday season I have ever seen.Scorpio has Mars Trine, Saturn Trine & VENUS in our house, MAKE a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance Reiki for it to come true! 

This SUPERMOON brings us the Culmination of this Aries / Libra Eclipse Axis we’ve been on, as this chapter closes & we move onto Pisces / Virgo Eclipses next… 

When we bring in that LIBRA Sun, where we just had an eclipse, we can add in a Relationship element that might have us questioning, “Is this Relationship meeting my own personal needs?” or “What do I need from this Relationship for my own FULFILMENT?” Especially useful to think about these questions if you are single & calling in your next relationship, spend sometime & make that list of everything you desire in a partner, it works! 

SABIAN SYMBOL for 24 degrees ARIES is


KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.

Abundance is brought to physical fruition operating at a spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression. Inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopia shape of the curtains is MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0