Lionsgate Portal Reiki for Abundance Class

Lionsgate Portal Reiki for Abundance Class

Lionsgate Reiki For Abundance Class is 08/06th at UNITY in BEND! I will be teaching a special LIONSGATE Portal Reiki for Abundance Class on 08/06th at UNITY Community of BendLionsgate Portal is 08/08/2022 I am teaching a special Reiki for Abundance Class at Unity to...

Reiki 2 Class at Casa Cascadia Retreat

This Reiki 2 Class will be a Reiki Retreat at Casa Cascadia!!!Transform your Reiki when you receive your Reiki Toolbox! In Reiki 2 you will receive a Reiki Attunement with Symbols, this Attunement opens your 3rd Eye Energy Center. Then we will do Distance Reiki...

Astrology Charts Sale!!

  Holiday Astrology Sale! Give the Gift of Knowing this Christmas with Astrology Charts for the 2019 Year. It can be extremely powerful to know what is coming in your future & how to plan for it. This Year of the Earth PIG will be especially Auspicious for...

Back to School Massage Specials in Bend

    Back to School Massage Special As kids return to school it’s times for Moms to refill their Well with Selfcare once again. This year for my Back to School Special, I am offering a FREE Pendulum Energy Clearing with any scheduled Massage or Reiki...

Cinnamon Abundance Ritual

Cinnamon Abundance Ritual On the New Moon, put some powder cinnamon in the palm of your hand, go to the front door and open it, face your house, your feet must be inside of your house just above the doorway. Set an intention of Prosperity with faith & hope by...