Aries Solar Eclipse New SUPER moon w/ SUN MOON CHIRON CONJUNCTION This Eclipse is a culmination of 6 years of HEALING Work we’ve been doing on our planet since Chiron the Wounded Warrior Healer entered ARIES in 2019 beginning a Healing CRISIS. For those of...
MARCH 25th Full Moon LIBRA LUNAR Eclipse Penumbral 12:00 AM witching hour Pray for Peace This Full Moon we have a penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25 at Midnight, the Witching hour at 5 degrees and 07 minutes of Libra, opposing the Sun at 5 degrees and 07...
ARIES / LIBRA ECLIPSE PORTAL OPENS ON OCTOBER 14TH WITH A NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE IN LIBRA AT 21 DEGREES ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY SALE for $88.!!! Find out how the Eclipse will be affecting you personally, based on what house it shows up in, get a full reading with details...
PISCES SUPER BLUE MOON TSUNAMIAugust 30th Blue Moon is when we have 2 FULL MOONS in one month & A SuperMoon is a perigee-syzygy, meaning the Moon is at 90% or greater perigree, in it’s closest approach to Earth, so this MOON will look closer... Eclipse Astrology Sale for $88.00 receive your Astrology Chart & learn where all 4 2023 Eclipses will be affecting you this year! Eclipse Portal OPENS and SO IT BEGINS!!! We have a New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse going into a Full...
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