How to get pregnant… Castor Pack for Fertility

If you are trying to get pregnant, you can try using a Castor Pack during your Follicular Phase of your menstrual cycle. This is just after your period ends & up to the day you ovulate, it’s generally a 7-10 day cycle when you can use the Castor Pack to...
Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself,...

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

One Lucky Mother will WIN this CBD Gift Bag Purchase a Mother’s Day MASSAGE Gift Certificate or Schedule a Mother’s Day Massage online at  to be entered in this Contest, a Winner will be chosen on Mother’s Day!!!...

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Week Massages swiftly filled up this year, but you can still purchase a Gift Certificate online for your Valentine, using out Paypal button on the home page!

Plaid Friday Sale!

2019 SALE can be found here: Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19 Plaid Friday Sale at Kimimi Healing Arts[/caption] <h2><strong>BOGO Massage Gift Certificates</strong></h2> <h2><a href=””..., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0