Stay Home & Heal your Heart this moon


on Monday, January 13th


the day ruled by the MOON 

& Cancer is ruled by the MOON


I am urging you to 


take a MENTAL HEALTH Day OFF for some 






we will be talking about how to care for your HEART in todays reading & I am wearing my heart on my sleeve literally as we get closer to Valentine’s Day, I am having a RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY CHART READING SALE, you get 2 CHARTS one for you & one for your partner plus learn how you relate to each other based on how your planets interact, it is SO HELPFUL to know this, I offer Relationship advice & COPING Mechanisms to help you CONNECT on an even deeper level with the one you love!   You have to order this by JANUARY 30th if you want to have it completed in time to give as a GIFT for VALENTINES DAY, the LINK is below in the Description & on my WEBSITE at KIMIMIhealingarts.

This Cancer Full Moon is all about MOTHERHOOD but even if you’re not a mother you can always MOTHER your INNER CHILD, ask your inner child what it wants to do today.

see if you can HEAL an INNER CHILD WOUNDs, this is remarkable work that can CHANGE everything! 

You may be feeling more Vulnerable this Lunar Cycle, 

or Overwhelmed & that is just the energy of this moment as we prepare to transition out of the DRAGON Year & into this SNAKE EARTH MOTHER year on January 29th Lunar New Years & I just recorded all of my SNAKE YEAR Predictions for the 9 Star Ki, be sure to check those out, find your own Star & see what this year holds for YOU! I am still having my 9 Star Ki reading sale with distance Reiki & an Energy clearing until January 29th & then the price goes up, the link for that is below, too. 


AS WE ENTER 2025???? Oh YES darlings,  there IS!!! 

JANUARY 11TH THE LUNAR NODES MOVE FROM ARIES / LIBRA AXIS where we were in 2024 trying to balance our own personal needs with the needs of our RELATIONSHIPS

 & now we have this MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT INTO PISCES & VIRGO that will last 18 months & we will have ALL those ECLIPSES in 2025 in PISCES / VIRGO

Pisces Rules the 12th House, Completion of a Karmic Cycle, the last house of the Zodiac wheel that represents endings, death & ultimately Spiritual Enlightenment if you’re lucky. Pisces brings this Mystical, Magical energy & we can really channel DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT now to guide us forward into the great UNKNOWN, the ABYSS, this brand new awakened world we’re moving into where it feels like the LANDSCAPE has changed & we’re not in KANSAS anymore! Pisces rules hospitals & INSANE ASYLUM & we may see more PSYCHOSIS in 2025 that will have you clicking your ruby slippers together saying “There’s NO Place LIKE HOME!” because you may want to hide out at home during this year’s Eclipse Portal!!! 

Combined with VIRGO who is so Salt of the Earth PRACTICAL in the 6th House of our Health & Wellbeing as they relate to your Daily ROUTINES, take your VITAMINS KIDS! Virgo is like the Mailman, dependable, reliable delivery of the goods, so cling to that predictability as everything is changing around you, especially when this NORTH NODE COMES INTO CONJUNCTION W/ NEPTUNE bringing us confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland house of mirrors where we can’t even tell what is real anymore, especially with Artificial Intelligence giving us fantasy world images, North Node Pisces conjunct Neptune sets the stage of an otherworldly theatre experience like the Wizard of Oz but throw in more ALIENS, ANGELS & ANCESTORS! 

I am going to unpack all of this in a separate NODAL AXIS report for 2025 soon but what you really need to know is…



 EXACT on January 18th,  already visible in the night sky, Venus shines her LOVELIGHT on this Saturn in Pisces situation to bring in some softer mood lighting to the PLAY we’re about to watch, Saturn is the SOUL TEACHER here to give you Soul Lessons & tough homework assignments, but VENUS says, STAY HEART CENTERED & you will not FAIL these TESTS that are coming, if it gets hard, keep placing your hands over your heart, close your eyes, feel your heart beating, tune in, tap into that LOVE that resides into your heart, it is always available to you through this simple act of SELF LOVE, you can access Self Healing, Joy & BLISS when you take a moment out to simply place your hands on your heart & breathe. 

MOON CONJUNCT MARS on January 3rd & then it will conjunct again on January 31st as Mars stations Direct & crosses over the moon again, this brings VOLATILE EMOTIONS, feelings that TAKE OVER & cause you do ERRATIC MISTAKES, feel the feelings but please don’t act on them this Full Moon, just stay home, rest & KEEP CALM because we are still experiencing that MARS OPPOSITE PLUTO Transit until Mayday, look at all the EXPLOSIONS & VIOLENCE we saw when that transit was EXACT, remember my MARS MANTRA, “Do NOT Engage with CRAZY!” Find Refuge in your HEART as we wait for this STORM to pass, focus your attention on your HEART daily, place your hands on your heart, tap into those juicy feelings of LOVE, Divine Healing, JOY, Gratitude & BLISS this will create a GOLDEN DOME of protection around you, improving your wellbeing & increase the energetic vibration in our world.

When you do this kind of daily practice with Reiki tapping into your heart space you will call this golden light energy through your crown chakra & expanding outwards, the more you do this the STRONGER & BRIGHTER your Protective Golden Dome of energy becomes around yourself, around your home & your family, this SELF REIKI is always available to you We will all need more ENERGY CLEARINGS, more Healing REIKI & more ENERGETIC PROTECTION in the CHAOS of all these MARS TRANSITS comiing in HOT all through 2025 as I spoke about in my 9 Vibration recording, 9 is ruled by Mars & MARS is prevalent all year, MAR is the WARRIOR, Mars brings WARs, Calamity, Aggression & Violence, this is a call for more HEALING LOVE to pour into our planet to balance this, like the YIN & YANG when the Darkness is a Magnet for the LIGHT.


PLUTO is shaking his DEATH RATTLE with this PLUTO CAZIMI & this is ushering in this KALI YOGA that Hindus believe leads to the destruction of our world, I prefer to see it as a death transformation rebirth cycle but combined with that SNAKE Year , there may be more souls leaving the building this year not ready to energetically EVOLVE to this NEW AWAKENING that is coming in.  

This could make you feel paranoid as if the world really is ending or maybe you feel like someone is out to get you in some way, you might not be wrong about that depending where this AQUARIUS TRANSIT shows up in your chart!! TREAD CAREFULLY like you are stepping on a TIGER’s TAIL/

Our world may see more Catastrophic events, do you see why I am saying you might want to stay HOME & HIBERNATE like all of JANUARY??? Home is where the Heart is & again, I remind you to keep breathing with your hands on your hands on your heart, comforting yourself like a Mother comforts her child, “ALL IS WELL, I AM SAFE, I am calling in a GOLDEN DOME OF PROTECTION for my family.” 

Let’s see if the SABIAN SYMBOL can advise us on how to handle these INTENSE Transits & trust me when the girl with a Scorpio Stellium tells you it’s going to be INTENSE, it’s going to be REAL INTENSE, buckle up!!! 


KEYNOTE: Complex inner potentialities in harmonic relationships.

We’re dealing with a process of integration between  ONE YIN, Woman, emotions, Moon & 2 YANG, MEN, Actions, Sun on an ISLAND in the SOUTH, interesting in the 9 STAR KI the SOUTHEAST is the LUCKY corner of 2025. Together this three-fold consciousness has a harmonious and well-integrated modus vivendi (a specific way of life  where people co-exist in PEACE & HARMONY) this is different from mainstream living & it holds potential for relationships that have mastered INTER-DEPENDENCE.

Let’s read on & see where this is leading us this FULL MOON CANCER….CANCER 25°: A WILL-FULL MAN IS OVERSHADOWED BY A DESCENT OF SUPREME POWER.

KEYNOTE: Spiritual forces bring a descent of power. 

In this descent, divine consciousness, or Shakti, descends directly down from divine source above and enters the crown of a person’s head. This is often experienced as golden light, white light or energy, energetic alchemical “quicksilver” streaming down onto and into a person to create an energetic barrier This is exactly how a REIKI ATTUNEMENT works it’s magic & this is the GOLDEN DOME of PROTECTION I’ve been talking about, I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this reading. 

In this Sabian symbol we have a transcendent expression of “success.” It is a spiritual descent of POWER, an energetic ENDOWMENT.

So even though we have a Willful Man taking POWER this Month, there is a SUPREME POWER still working it’s magic if you can align with this HIGHER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY that is also pouring into our planet right now with the RISE of the SCHUMANN RESONANCE & all of the Geomagnetic storms that are going to be OFF THE CHARTS all of 2025, these are UPGRADING Us energetically for the times, so your homework assignment is to STAY HOME, place your hands on your heart & BREATHE!!!! 

How to get pregnant… Castor Pack for Fertility

If you are trying to get pregnant, you can try using a Castor Pack during your Follicular Phase of your menstrual cycle. This is just after your period ends & up to the day you ovulate, it’s generally a 7-10 day cycle when you can use the Castor Pack to increase your chances of conception.

This method works great if you have had Endometriosis, irregular bleeding, excessive bleeding or cramps during your cycle. Even if you are not trying to get pregnant, a castor pack can be nourishing to your uterus.

In this simplified version, you do not need to soak rags in castor oil, which can be so messy! You can simply massage your abdomen region with high quality, food grade Castor Oil. Then place a wool or fleece cloth over your belly & add a heat pack. You can do this every day of your Follicular cycle, then once you have ovulated, stop doing the castor packs until you know if you are pregnant or not. Then you can try again the next month after you have menstruated if not.

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer Massage! So check back on 11/29/19 b/c this sale will be ONLINE right here on our Website for ONE DAY ONLY 11/29/19!!!

BOGO Massage Gift Certificates

Purchase a 90 Minute Massage & get a 60 Minute Massage FREE! Give one as a gift & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer massage, use Paypal button at

BOGO 2 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings for $108

See what 2020 holds for you & someone special with a Full Astrology Chart including your 9 Star Ki predictions, buy online at

BOGO Reiki For Abundance Class

take Abundance Reiki class with a friend or loved and you both will prosper, when you buy 2 spots for the price of one $185.

BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing & get a Free Energy Clearing & free 9 Star Ki reading.

When you buy a Feng Shui Home or Office Space Clearing you will get a Free Energy Clearing & 9 Star Ki reading with it, a $203. Value! All for $235.

SAVE $111 on your 2020 ASTROLOGY CHART!!!

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

One Lucky Mother will WIN this CBD Gift Bag

Purchase a Mother’s Day MASSAGE Gift Certificate

or Schedule a Mother’s Day Massage online at 

to be entered in this Contest, a Winner will be chosen on Mother’s Day!!!

Give your Mom what she really wants…. A Massage & some REST!!! 

All Mother’s Day Massages will include a CBD pain relieving gel option, to be used

during the Massage! 

Included in this Gift package for one Lucky Winning Mom: 

Rest CBD BATH Soak, Lavender Blossom


300mg, 7oz REST CBD SOAK is a luxury goat milk bath with sleep-inducing CBD and therapeutic essential oils. Approximately eight servings per container.


  • Quiet your mind and body
  • Prepare you for sleep
  • Hydrate & Exfoliate Your Skin


  • All-Natural
  • Chemical-free
  • Nutrient-rich

Rest CBD Cream


REST CBD GOAT MILK CREAM is loaded with CBD to prepare your body for bedtime and treat your skin all night long. 300mg CBD. 2 Fluid Ounces. REST CBD will:

  • Hydrate Your Skin
  • Calm Your Muscles and Mind
  • Stimulate Collagen and ElastinRest CBD Goat Milk SoapDEEPEN YOUR SLEEPREST CBD GOAT MILK SOAP is an all-natural synergy of CBD and essential oils to prepare you for a deeper night of sleep. With chemical-free cleansing power and healing goat milk, this soap will deliver 200mg of CBD to your body to calm your mind while improving your sleep.REST CBD SOAP will:
    • Prepare you for sleep
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Hydrate and moisturize
    • All-Natural
    • Chemical-free
    • Healing for problem skin
CBD Goatsmilk REST products from MISSION FARMS!

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Week Massages swiftly filled up this year, but you can still purchase a Gift Certificate online for your Valentine, using out Paypal button on the home page!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0