Scorpio Season




Sun entered Scorpio on 10/22 happy solar return to all my fellow scorpio friends!

 I had a Giveaway for one FREE ONLINE REIKI CLASS & “OHSUSANNA8099 Won! 

This Scorpio New Moon ties in with DIWALI the INDIAN Festival of LIGHTS that honors Goddess LAKSHMI, who brings Prosperity & grants Wishes. 

On October 31, Hallows Eve, the Amavasya moon will be visible in Hindu cultures, this is a potent  time for new beginnings, introspection, and renewal. This alignment of the sun and moon during Amavasya creates a powerful energy shift on Earth that brings a COLLECTIVE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING & this is an ideal time for setting intentions and manifestations..leave your New Moon intention in the comment & I will send REIKI for it to come true & then you will be IN IT 2 WIN it for a FREE Astrology Chart Reading on the TAURUS SUPERMOON happening, our last Supermoon of the 4 MASSIVE SUPERMOONS, 

I think it might SNOW this HALLOWEEN where I live because when I taught my Reiki for Abundance Class, one student was talking about how it ALWAYS  used to SNOW on Halloween & I swear anytime we talk about things in the Reiki Class Portal, it always happens, so that’s my Amavasya prediction, we will see snow as a sign of hope & prosperity because WATER is WEALTH & where I live we’ve been in a severe drought, causing all these Wildfires & really causing financial issues for many, too, I’ve seen so many beloved small businesses go out of business this year & so many people I know are having financial hardships like never before, drought brings scarcity & water brings wealth, we need to do our Snow Dances this New Moon Scorpio! 

So as this VEIL is THIN & we have a black moon waning during Halloween, then on November 1st we move into this New Moon Scorpio & November 1st is the INDIAN CELEBRATION of LIGHTS known as DIWALI, I like to call it LAKSHMI Day

we can celebrate MAHALAKSHMI the DIVINE MOTHER GODDESS who takes care of all of her children, if you know me, you’ve probably heard my talk about manifesting with LAKSHMI because she is the ultimate PROVIDER of the Hindu Goddesses, she can transform your dreams into reality if you call on her, during this New Moon on Diwali, it’s best if you clean your homes, make an altar to Lakshmi with sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruits & light ghee candles in the hopes that Lakshmi will grant your wishes, she’s kind of like Santa Claus this way. As we begin our descent into the darkness in the Northern Hemisphere, lighting a candle for Lakshmi on this New Moon can feel very uplifting!!! In India they say “Light Your Candle to SLAY YOUR INNER DEMONS!” It is a time to clear negativity from your life!  

I heard AMMA the hugging SAINT talk about  Mahalakshmi being seen as a beautiful HUMMINGBIRD, she is most attracted to the sweetest nectars, so be sure that you speak sweet words from your lips this new moon, speak from the heart, speak words of love & gratitude for your friends & family, this sweetness will attract her to visit your home to bless you with abundance, just as the sweet syrup in a hummingbird feeder brings in the hummingbird, so shall your loving sweetness bring Lakshmi to you, to grant you the gifts this NEW MOON.

I am so inspired by LAKSHMI that I am feeling called to do a Distance REIKI ACTIVATION healing meditation in honor of LAKSHMI on this NEW MOON Scorpio on Friday 11/1 at 11:11 am I am going to offer a ZOOM CALL for $18. 18 means One will Prosper in Numerology & this will be a special REIKI FOR ABUNDANCE Meditation with a Lakshmi ACTIVATION for increasing WEALTH & MANIFESTING WISHES. I will put the link for it down below, I hope you can make it!

You can also CHANT LAKSHMI prayers that you can easily find on youtube, I will link to some of my fave ones below.

In other Astrology news VENUS entered Sagittarius where she will align with the GALACTIC CENTER at 27 Degrees of Sagittarius just around ELECTION TIME on KAMALAS Midheaven, that feels so hopeful. I talked more about this alignment in my Kamala Astrology reading, I will link below if you’re curious. 

I am inspired by Kamalas middle name DEVI the sanskrit word for DIVINE GODDESS & with Venus RISING as evening STAR in Sagittarius at the Galactic Center, this is the ultimate DIVINE FEMININE RISING as we may have our first FEMALE PRESIDENT, it feels like the STARS are ALIGNING, look into the Western Twilight sky & see if you can see VENUS just after Sunset, I’ve been praying to her!!! I love this time of year when you can see all the stars & moon earlier in the evening & later in the morning, I’ve been catching Sirius & PLEIADES, but I never saw that COMET, did you get a glimpse of the COMET? COMETS are all about DESTINY & the hands of FATE altering our future & that feels accurate for these times, I have to trust that there is a higher power guiding us & everything is going to work out for our highest healing good!!! 

As VENUS ALIGNS with this Galactic Center with its massive black hole, it is a cosmic eye, the all-seeing eye, the all-knowing eye. The place where everything originated from. The truth of the matter.  The Galactic Center represents a Higher CONSCIOUSNESS, DIVINE POWER GUIDING us 

It is a MAGNETIC ENERGY pulling us in & also giving us the gift of MANIFESTATION, USE THIS MOON to WISH for something BIGGER than you could have ever imagined for yourself!!! This is the ultimate VENUS GALACTIC CENTER MANIFESTING MOON ALIGNMENT & what will you do with your one precious life?
I hope you will at least VOTE!!!!

When VENUS the Planet of LOVE enters the GALACTIC CENTER, LOVE Is AMPLIFIED & LOVE WINS!!! I keep thinking of Lenny Kravitz, you gotta let love win! Love will be VICTORIOUS, we’ve got to believe in the miracles of LOVE. 

This is a New Moon to tap into your heart space, do your self Reiki with hands on your HEART, breathing into your Heart Space & truly listen to your HEART, what is it trying to tell you? Get out a journal & ask your heart to guide you & then do some free writing & see what shows up! 

You can also LISTEN to our LOVE Vibration Binaural music, I will link it below, it truly has attracted LOVE for several of my clients who listened to it regularly, it helps you MANIFEST from a place of deep LOVE.

Lightworkers & Healers are being called now to hold this powerful energy of DIVINE LOVE, get into your HEARTSPACE this NOVEMBER, Let VENUS in the Galactic Center expand your HEART ENERGY rising higher than ever before! VENUS in the Galactic Center is a time to ask your HEART what it WANTS & to connect to a HIGHER PURPOSE based in LOVE, this is the master plan of the UNIVERSE & Listen to your HEART to get your own personal plans forward! 

If you can take some time out this season, to tap into your heart, you may have a massive AHA MOMENT or divine inspiration, perhaps Heart Healing, Forgiveness or an experience of DIVINE JOY that becomes your SUPERPOWER to transform your life in truly profound ways!!!

We have this beautiful KITE TRINE happening in the chart between MARS 29 degrees of CANCER & URANUS in Taurus 26 Degrees & Neptune 27 Degrees of Pisces, holding the line is MERCURY in SCORPIO at 28 Degrees look to your chart to see what houses CANCER, TAURUS, PISCES & SCORPIO reside in, that is where OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND to Transform your reality into better outcomes this season! This a new moon for ALCHEMY, turning lead into GOLD, time to launch your ideas, begin that dream project.  I’d love to know where those signs show up for you or if you ARE a CANCER, TAURUS, PISCES or SCORPIO drop me a comment & I will give you a mini intuitive reading! 

SATURN in Pisces is TRINING this NEW Moon giving us a push to make progress on our big, lofty goals. This is a time to seek advice from older, wise counsel, feel free to ask me a question, I guess I’m entering the old, wise counsel phase now with my grey hair & my mid 50s vibe! 

November 4th there’s a TSquare between Moon, Chariko, that’s Chiron’s Wife, a profound healer asteroid & VARUNO this could be a whole separate video but the feeling I get is “KEEP CALM because the floodgates of EMOTION have just broke open!!!” this is a stay inside & don’t engage with crazy day.

Mars will be in Opposition with PLUTO as we enter Election day, causing cranky vibes around POWER, what could happen there? 

November 5th Election day we have MARS entering LEO, Mars on Fire, lots of heat & loudness to this election day.

JUPITER RETROGRADE in GEMINI is in a Harmonious Sextile with Chiron Retrograde in Aries bringing an expansion of HEALING to the situation, this may bring a RE-EVALUATION to the Election, does anyone else feel like we might not get clear answers to who has WON on election day? Or is that just my own personal FEAR? 

Some MAJOR Life Altering NEWS could occur on November 12th when MERCURY will Conjunct USA’s Ascendent!!! We have so many fascinating TRANSITS occurring on America’s Chart in 2025, stay tuned I will be reading America soon! Ultimately Mercury Conjunct Ascendant brings deep UNDERSTANDING of WHO YOU ARE, so AMERICA might just WAKE UP THIS DAY, like a strong cup of coffee, we will be able to THINK CLEARLY about WHO we ARE as a NATION & this brings us JEDI MIND POWERS so we will be able to FIGURE things OUT, hope that is helpful to our Election Results, I predict something major happening that DAY, BIG NEWS!!!

Ultimately, Scorpio season is always about TRANSFORMATION &  METAMORPHOSIS leading to EMPOWERMENT, this year it is being  led by LOVE

Personally, my birthday is just after this ELECTION & all I am WISHING for on my CAKE is that KAMALA WINS by such a landslide that it cannot be denied!!



KEYNOTE: Overcoming negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.

Let’s look at the meaning of teeth. Teeth are used to tear down food so it can be digested and assimilated. Social, cultural patterns impose certain habits of eating & perhaps arouse desires for unwholesome or junk food. This results in tooth decay & the Dentist must skillfully repair the damage. Life in society both breaks and repairs, destroys and rebuilds, hurts and heals — truly a vicious cycle. Man is compelled by social needs to display INVENTIVENESS in FIXING problems.

That’s pretty Scorpio known for being both the CREATOR & DESTROYER like KALI or DURGA Goddesses, there’s so much GODDESS energy afoot in this new moon, can you feel it? 

Solar ECLIPSE Eclipse Astrology Sale for $88.00 receive your Astrology Chart & learn where all 4 2023 Eclipses will be affecting you this year!

Eclipse Portal OPENS and SO IT BEGINS!!! 

We have a New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse going into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio & what do Aries & Scorpio have in common? MARS the fierce warring planet rules both. This Eclipse month is a FORCE to be Reckoned with even as Mars is in Gemini where Mars is more strategic & less volatile, but still this is a month where Tempers can flare. 

4 Eclipses: 

  1. April 19th 9:12pm Aries 29 degrees Solar Eclipse!
  2. MAY 5th 14 degrees Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse 
  3. SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023, at 1:55 PM, at 21° Libra 

4) Partial LUNAR Eclipse October 28, 2023, ° Taurus 

We have so much to UNPACK today w/ this New Blue Moon in Aries, Jupiter Conjunct Eris, everybody’s favorite Mercury Retrograde & a mystical, magical Sabian Symbol asking us all to strike a New Chord to Co-Create a new REALM, oh my, it’s going to be an Ecstatic 6 months Eclipse Portal if you can RISE to the challenges ahead, stay tapped in & turned on until the end of this bumpy ride adventure!!! 

I’ll include some powerful Herbal Allies at the end to help you maintain your equilibrium….& a Shiva Lingum pendulum space clearing that we could all use about now! 

Life imitates Astrology b/c this Eclipse is all about Disruptions & Obstacles & so I have my Ganesh remover of obstacles….b/c we went out in nature yesterday & we were hit w/ so many Disruptors, even just NATURE, Arctic WIND Breezes so fierce 


REBIRTH, RESET, Brand Spanking New Opportunities

A FRESH, New way Forward is coming in!!! 

Whenever we have 2 New Moons in a row in the same sign,

like we do this month, our 2nd New moon ARIES,

it’s like having a Blue Moon which is 2 Full moons in one

month, it’s extra Special, it’s the Universe saying PAY

ATTENTION NOW!  Something SPECTACULAR is about to

happen, OPEN YOUR EYES, get off your phone, LOOK UP, this

is going to shake you out of your slumber & this Eclipse

Portal will be a collective AWAKENING!!!

Perhaps some Great OPPORTUNITY Came to you w/ that magnificent Jupiter Sun Cazimi, but now is not a time to forge ahead, now is a time to ask yourself “ARE YOU SURE?!?!” & Weigh your OPTIONS b/c the Dragon’s Tail of this Eclipse is LIBRA, the SCALES 

A Double NEW Moon is a time to revise your intentions that were set in the previous new moon cycle and this is an opportunity for to adapt to changing circumstances. If whatever you are trying to do is not working, TRY, TRY Again, Try a different way or let that intention go & make a New Plan Forward because what’s meant for you will not pass you by, if it’s not coming to you, maybe it’s not meant for you? Align with the energy of what it is you want, start there. This ARIES new moon lights a FIRE under you, to motivate you & the ambitious energy coming in now is double that of the previous Aries new moon. The energy of this new karmic cycle is asking you to stand up for yourself & achieve your Biggest Goals even if you are confronting some obstacle, enemy or disruption!!! Be the RAM push your way through the hardships, deal with it & move FORWARD beyond the power struggles.

This Eclipse Portal we are entering will have a

profound effect on us for the next 6 MONTHS if you are an

Aries or a Libra or you have your North Node in Aries / Libra

you will be having the biggest

QUANTUM LEAPS forward, but just like I tell my Reiki

Students when they get their Reiki Attunements, it’s not all

Rainbows & Unicorns….it can also bring about Healing Crisis,

the dark night of the Soul & ARIES the WARRIOR combined

with his sister ERIS the Goddess of Dischord is saying FEEL


Aries the fierce Warrior would bring his sister ERIS into battle

& they were both fearless fighters full of rage &

righteousness, fighting for the PEOPLE, so this is a time when “You gotta FIGHT for your Right….to party, I just get Beastie Boys when I say that but..” it’s a tricky time where Passion may lead us on new paths, but it’s NOT a great time to make any big, life altering decisions, see the Path to take but stay where you are for now.

We are asked to be 

BIGGER, to EXPAND, to go BEYOND our current

capabilities, to Strive for something GREATER, to make

a real difference in our world, to stand up to injustice, to

REVOLT, but also to HEAL our deepest wounds,  we’re all

going to be BUSY the next 6 months, especially Aries & Libra,

but we all have Aries & Libra somewhere in our chart, it’s a

good idea to know where this Eclipse Portal Energy is hitting

you personally!!!

I am doing an ECLIPSE Astrology Reading sale for $88

I will give you a Chart reading focused on how the 2023

Eclipse Portal will affect you personally & I will include all 4

Eclipses that we have this year! 

Jupiter Conjunct ERIS the Goddess of Dischord in ARIES,

this is a time of DISRUPTIONS. Let’s talk about ERIS….

As the story goes…A hero named Peleus and a sea nympThetis

had a magnificent wedding on Mount Olympus.

Everyone was invited, except for the goddess Eris, whose name

is also “Discordia” in Latin. Well shunning Eris was a Big


Eris created CHAOS at the wedding when she threw a golden apple marked for the “fairest of all” into the dining table. Three goddesses believed it was for them and started to fight — Athena, Goddess of wisdom, Venus, goddess of love and beauty and Juno, the Queen. A heated battle ensued over this golden apple. To settle the dispute, Jupiter, the king of the gods, plucked a poor mortal named Paris from a hillside and forced him to choose. All the goddesses tried to bribe him: Athena with her martial arts, Juno with political clout, but it was Venus’ who won after charming with her beauty & love vibes. Paris was granted the most beautiful woman in the world in return for awarding the golden apple to Venus, the goddess of love. Unfortunately, the woman he chose was Helen of Troy, who was already married to King Menelaus. When Paris ran off with Helen,  the Trojan War ensued, it all began with Eris seeking revenge for not being included, so there is a theme running right now about how those who are excluded will rise up & create dischord, we are in such a time of the “Haves & Have nots” this Jupiter conjunct Eris with an ARIES eclipse has REVOLUTION written all over it!

Eris is urging us all to speak out, to take action, to make a CHANGE. I think Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Campaign is the embodiment of this Eris Conjunct Jupiter transit as she ran in 2020 & she was practically shunned, not taken seriously, even as she gave a powerful message that inspired real CHANGE, she is challenging our broken down System with a force of LOVE & Grace unlike any politician we have ever seen & Rayner Jae Liu sees her as ERIS, too as he wrote an article entitled “meet Eris, the Goddess behind the Force that is Marianne Williamson” & I love this quote from his piece: 

“I think Marianne running is kicking up the unhealed parts of the country. The Goddess Eris story is extremely relevant to your campaign. When a truth-teller enters the scene, she reveals the darker underbellies of the collective that many people would prefer to ignore.” I will link to this article in the description if you want to learn more.  This is exactly what Goddess ERIS does, she shows us our UNHEALED Parts, our failings, our EGO wounds & she makes us deal with it by bringing Chaos into our lives…. Put your seat belts on & prepare for turbulence this Eclipse Portal!!! 

When I do Astrology readings & I see an aspect like this, I am a truth telling Scorpio, I’m going to tell you it’s going to be HARD, there’s no way to sweeten a transit like this, the best thing you can do is KNOW where ERIS at 24 Degrees of Aries falls for you & then prepare for battle!!! For me it’s my 9th House of Beliefs, look at your chart, find the House that ARIES is in & leave a comment about where ERIS falls for you & I will let you know what I think it means for you. Eris conjunct Jupiter in my 9th house asks me to stand up for my beliefs & Freedom & rebel against anything that would try to take that away from me. This conjunction will have a different FLAVOR for each & every one of you depending which house it shows up in. Eris is exalted in the 4th House & the sign of Cancer, so if you have Eris in the 4th house, you will be the most empowered by this!!! 

April 20th we have SUN SQUARE PLUTO, the Sun has just moved into Taurus now Square Pluto at Zero degrees Aquarius affecting all FIXED SIGNS with that diamond making pressure we’ve become accustomed to by now. There is a danger of a deep TRANSFORMATION here, look out Will Robinson, I can’t say much more about this Square, as a Scorpio I am just squared out, but will I be laying low this day? why Yes, yes I will.

Mercury Retrograde in TAURUS April 21st will be

adding fuel to this already disruptive fire affecting all the

Earth sign things like Farming, food production, our

environment, maybe shaking up some EARTHQUAKES with

Uranus still strong in Taurus, but Taurus also rules over our 

MONEY, so pay attention to your accounting, beware of fraud

on your accounts, & there will be even more disruptions for

our financial institutions, pay attention to your RESOURCES


This Mercury Retrograde makes me think of the Einstein

Quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over

and expecting different results.” We’re all being asked to

try a NEW WAY FORWARD for the next 6 months, our old,

outdated patterns aren’t serving us anymore!!!This brings us

beautifully into the Sabian Symbol:


KEYNOTE: Attunement to cosmic order.

A brand new technique is being presented based on experiences implied in the preceding symbols. Now we enter into a new realm of possibilities of action, there’s brand new harmonic principles operating in this brand new realm. The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. An individual advancing “on the Path” should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind’s evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to all seekers of meaning found in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part – yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its divine meaning.               

I’m really on a Marianne Williamson kick today but this quote, we all know it, is so fitting for this Eclipse Portal! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

2 Herbal Allies that I promised for this Eclipse Portal are 


Ravensara is the most protective herb on the planet & we will all need protection from the crazy, I think of Ravensara as a golden dome of high vibrational energy that keeps out viruses, toxic emotions, as a healer I depend on this oil the most in sessions to keep me clear of taking on other people’s stuff…. It also protects against Viruses & bacterial infections that seem to be running rampant right now. Ravensara reduces anxiety, helps you sleep better when you annoint your feet with it before bed. Ravensara dispells negativity & evil, malefic entities, it is a powerful SPACE Cleaning oil when diffused in a room. What I really love about Ravensara for these times is that It can clear your mind and help you focus on higher, magical new moon intentions & life purposes, it helps you step into being something MORE, to fulfill your SOUL”S PURPOSE on the planet! 

honestly, after 24 years of doing Massage Therapy, Ravensara may be the most POWERFUL Essential Oil I’ve ever encountered & I source my Ravensara from a small harvest company in Canada, it’s all organic & ethically harvested & I usually only sell it to my clients & Reiki students, but it’s just so important for these times, I am going to sell some bottles here, I feel like this Ravensara medicine wants to reach more people this season, I will link in description…

Holy Basil also known as TULSI is my other fave for this Eclipse, it’s a sacred plant in India, known as the ELIXIR of LIFE, I love to grow it in the Spring, so my seeds of intention will probably be planted as Holy Basil seeds, it also protects us & gives us a keen focus to transcend whatever chaos is going on & know our MISSION in life & how to proceed. Grown in your yard, it will protect your home & family. It’s a powerful adaptogen & helps us recover from stress, difficult situations & burnout, be sure to stock you apothecary with this one this season!

This Solar Eclipse in Aries also brings to mind the WOLVERINE that we have showing up here n Oregon, getting closer & closer to my house, the Wolverine is such a fierce creature it should invoke a healthy amount of FEAR …. Whenever an animal shows up for me, if I encounter it in the woods or in the news, I love to turn to a website called “What’s Your Sign,” I will link below.

AVA says, “Wolverine’s meaning is bold and in your face with fierce confidence, wildly intense energy & unpredictable, mischievious Behavior, the Wolverine will NOT BACK DOWN, it will stand it’s ground, just like Tom Petty.

The wolverine does what it has to do to live, eat, survive and maintain homeostasis. Wolverine teaches us is to accept our WILD nature & refuse to be tamed. If you struggle with your dark side – the wolverine will help you love your shadows. If you have had a hard childhood, a hard life..if you have had to scratch and claw for survival or equality you might resonate with this WARRIOR wolverine energy that is coming in this Eclipse but it’s also a warning to beware of the primal energy that may be lurking nearby, lock your doors….

Stay Safe, Stay focused, you got this!!!

I’ll see you on the other side as the next report will be that SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE falling right on my stellium of 5 planets in Scorpio, but I’m not nervous, it’s fine, it’ll be fine, We WILL SURVIVE, right?

2023 Astrology Insights SALE!!!

2023 Astrology Insights SALE!!!

2023 will be all about new beginnings as we move out of the Scorpio / Taurus Death Transformation Rebirth North Node Axis into the Libra / Aries Axis, Aries being the Baby of the Zodiac & the Wheels of the Zodiac resets to a brand new era where anything is possible!!!

I am so excited about the NEWness of it all! I am offering my best SALE ever on 2023 Astrology Chart Readings with Distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing included for just $88. find out where in your chart this Aries / Libra axis of 2023 will be affecting your life!!! Plus, you will receive your Astrology Chart & an overview of what will show up for you in 2023. Then I will send you Distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing! All of this combined normally costs $343. but just until JANUARY 1st it will only be $88.!!! Link to Sale or use Button


You can still order a regularly priced Western Astrology Chart reading for $233. or check out my

9 Star Ki Astrology Sale for $88



Plaid Friday is my ONE DAY Only, ONLINE only Sale that I do with the Bend Health Guide every year! Support local small businesses in Bend when you shop locally for Healing Gifts. Thanks so much for supporting my little business during your holiday shopping this season. I am providing these gift card buttons using secure SQUARE shopping for Gift cards!

Receive a Full Western Astrology Chart with a Zoom Session, see what 2023 holds for You!!!

Honestly, Web Design is not my strong point as a Healer, so bear with me as I create this #PlaidFriday Blog post to bring all the Sales to you! You can click on each button below to see all my deals on Reiki, Massage, Astrology & Energy Clearings, plus I’ve added the links to the Infrared Biomat because I know several of you have mentioned you would love to get one, maybe for Christmas!

Thank you so much for supporting my l’il business ALL Year long, the last 2 years have been my busiest years ever, thanks to YOU! Have a wonderful, restful Thanksgivng Holiday!

We seriously need a new Family Plaid image b/c Liam is taller than me now!

8 Planets Retrograde & Mercury is the least of my problems


It’s all about FORCING us to MAKE Deep, Internal CHANGES & if the retrogrades don’t get ya, then the Taurus Scorpio Eclipse Portal WILL, we are all headed into some Changing times ahead….ARE YOU FEELING it?! What is changing for you, leave a comment, I’d love to know how this is showing up in your life. 

If you want to know WHERE these RETROGRADES are showing up for YOU, I am doing a 

$88 RETROGRADE Astrology Chart SALE!!!  Where I will show you where these planets are landing in YOUR CHART & how you can COPE with it best…If you leave a comment right now about how you’re feeling, I will enter you to WIN a FREE Retrograde Astrology Chart & I will announce the Winner on my FULL MOON ARIES Report coming soon! 

If you’ve been watching my Astrology Videos for awhile now, you know, I told you this FALL was going to be a tough time & NOW here we are….I hope you used the Summer to “Prepare yourself in some way” b/c this is CRAZY….. 

We’ve had some FAILURE to LAUNCH issues with Nasa having troubles launching & now Jeff Beso’s Rocket CRASHES after Liftoff, for as much as these guys love SPACE you’d think they’d  care about Planetary Retrogrades, but we can all be feeling this FAILURE to LAUNCH this month & even trying to record this Video, I had obstacle over obstacle & so I’m inside my house b/c the SMOKE in Central Oregon is UNHEALTHY today & I’ve GANESH the God who helps you OVERCOME Obstacles b/c of course he puts them there, he’s so SATURN! & 

 my shirt is unraveling, I think we’re all unraveling right now…..We may have more unraveling to come this FALL as it’s not going to get any easier anytime soon, but the show must go on despite Retrogrades, so I will show you how you can handle each & every Planetary Retrograde we are under right now….

I think of the story of the ANT & the Grasshopper, the Ant worked hard all Summer to prepare for the changing season & to have enough food & resources for Winter while the Grasshopper just played & enjoyed his life & honestly, this year, I’m not sure it matters, I don’t know if that ANT really did get ahead for all that hard work with inflation taking any gains aways & a Global Economic Recession looming the likes we may never have seen before…. maybe the Grasshopper had the right idea, just ENJOY your life b/c who knows what tomorrow brings at this rate…
Let’s go through ALL these Retrogrades because so many friends keep asking me, “what’s going ON right now?” 

PLUTO UR& it won’t station direct until October 08th, so we’ve been soaking in this Powerful Transformative energy for awhile now.  Pluto rules over our Past Lives &  Ancestors, so you may be meeting people now that feel like you’ve known them in some way. This is an excellent time to do Ancestral Healing, what did your ancestors survive & how is this still affecting you today? For me, my ancestors were forced to move, first from Prussia which is no longer a country, then to Dresden, which was blown up & I still have this Migratory sense of “I need to move somewhere better, safer, more prosperous…” My mother had this ancestral tug, too, so we moved a lot & I am trying to heal this instead of moving again, but when there are wildfires raging in your backyard, you can’t help but think about moving your home! 

PLUTO means Wealth in Greek & Pluto is the God of the Underworld, where our Earth’s Minerals Wealth is stored, so this is a time where we are finding treasures from the underworld come to the surface now & I find it fascinating with this drought that we are seeing beautiful rock sculptures coming to the surface to be discovered & appreciated now. Pluto rules over Scorpio so a Pluto retrograde relates to all those Scorpio things like POWER, CONTROL, Possessions, Obsessions, SEX & SECRETS  & we maybe struggling with all of these issues during this retrograde as we are forced to look at ourselves & then make a change….

SATURN went Retrograde on JUNE 4th  This is Big Karmic Lessons, You will REAP what you SOW, there will be Rewards but alos Retributions as Saturn is going way back because he forgot to get JUSTICE for some Wrong Doings that happened awhile ago & we are seeing this now w/ Trumps whole cabinet getting in legal trouble…

Ssturn can also return to REWARD GOOD KARMA, I think of Saturn Retrograde like Santa Claus coming, are you on the nice list or the naughty list? Will you be getting a PONY or Coal? Saturn also demands you to get your life together, Saturn is the ruler of FATE & DESTINY so your life path may suddenly align you with your greater purpose but you will definitely need to do the heavy lifting & hard work to SUCCEED & Saturn Retrograde is here to teach you a powerful LESSON for your SOUL’s 

GROWTH & there will be no skipping class this time! Where is SATURN showing up for YOU? I have Saturn in my 10th House of Career a strong Saturn placement, I am very connected to this LORD of KARMA & I have found that chanting to SHIVA helps me release some of the intensity of Saturn as Shiva is deeply connected with Saturn, so if you have INTENSE SATURN Placement, try chanting OM NAMA SHIVAYA about a million times!~ 

JUPITER went Retrograde JULY 28th in Aries he will go all the way back to Pisces, where he loves to be probably b/c he forgot to give that windfall to the Water Sign, good news for Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces, your wish may come true afterall!!!!…Jupiter stations direct November 23rd, then starts heading back toward Aries & the party is over for the Water signs, so make your wishes & hope they come true before 11/23rd Water Signs

Jupiter the planet of Expansion is the KING who grants wishes, this is a time for us all to be thinking more about what it is we really want & how in the heck will we GET IT?!?! Your best chance to MANIFEST it will be on the Jupiter Trine Venus happening on 11/15, I did a whole video about this magical transit & we get one more LUCKY Chance this year, so make the best of that day. Jupiter Retrograde in Aries is asking us to believe in ourselves & when it transitions into Pisces it is asking us “what are we willing to LET GO OF to have everything we want?” What is blocking us? Is it an emotion like FEAR, feeling unworthy or is it a physical block like CLUTTER, either way you could benefit greatly from an ENERGY CLEARING or SPACE Clearing between now & November 23rd to make way for everything you want to find you. 

URANUS in Taurus went Retrograde Aug. 24, to Saturday, Jan. 22, 2023.

Uranus in Taurus has been causing chaos for years now, related to our current state of  Earth Crisis, if you don’t know what that is, it’s the historical DRAUGHT, Wildfires, Floods, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Famine, Food Supply Issues, Mass Extinctions of animals, Temperatures rising, you know all the things  & Uranus is the Great Awakener trying to WAKE US UP to this EARTH CATASTROPHE still everyone is just looking down on their phones to see the latest TikTok craze, so now Uranus is going BACK to try to get our attention again & Uranus will shake things up in all things Taurus, like a bull in a china shop, Uranus will be affecting the harvest, food supplies, EARTHQUAKES & most of all Uranus will be trying our patience, something Taurus has lots of but not all of us do….

CHIRON in Aries the wounded warrior healer is making a Chiron return for anyone born between 1969 through 1976 & asking us to heal our deepest wounds & transform them into our deepest gifts & this healing business is something that many of us would like to put off until later & Chiron Retrograde is saying STOP everything & HEAL now, so there may be some kind of Healing Crisis coming up that you simply cannot ignore, like a stage 4 Cancer diagnosis, combined with Uranus, Chiron is saying Wake up & HEALER HEAL THYSELF, the time is NOW.

NEPTUNE in Pisces Confusion / Delusion & stay away from drugs & alcohol!

NORTH & SOUTN NODES OF THE MOON on that TAURUS / Scorpio Axis are RETROGRADE & this Fall we will enter that Eclipse Portal again that relates to DEATH, Transformation & REBIRTH making life especially difficult for FIXED signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius but we ALL have those signs somewhere in our chart & you can find WHERE  those signs are & you can bet that is where you are UNDER PRESSURE right now, for me Taurus is in my 10th house of Career & Scorpio is in my 4th house of home & family & I have definitely had a year of Work/Life Balance issues & working from home there is this muddled line between my work & my home life…

Everybody’s favorite Mercury Retrograde

Mercury has a 116-day cycle that begins with a conjunction with the Sun that we have on 09/23 this year, this is Mercury’s Solar Return or shall we say Birthday as it begins ANEW, at this time Mercury brings us fresh new ideas if you take the time to align with the Energy of this conjunction, I talk more about this in my Autumn Equinox reaxing …. It is a celestial moment where the Sun, Mercury and Earth are aligned & it occurs in the middle of Mercury’s retrograde period, Gifted Astrologer Dane Rudhyar named this half of Mercury’s cycle Promethean, for the mythological titan who stole the fire of the gods and gave it as a gift to humanity. We can find GREAT Inspiration during this particular Mercury Retrograde if we take the time to Align with Mercury who is going from Libra back into Virgo now…. Then Mercury turns direct fifteen days after this Sun conjunction, and about a week later Mercury reaches its greatest distance from the Sun in it’s Quicksilver fashion, Mercury begins moving quicker than the Sun until it reaches superior conjunction Mercury is at the far side of the Sun which feels like a Mercury equivalent to a FULL MOON & this is the intense Mercury cycle we are in right now, shifting thought patterns, distractions, overwhelm, do your best to take time off & away from anything that is distracting you so you can hyperfocus on what’s really important right now, UNPLUG, Tap in, Tune in, get yourself connected to Mercury’s higher messages now. 

So there are 4 PHASES in Mercury’s Cycle : Promethean Retrograde, Promethean Direct, Epimethean-Direct & Epimethean Retrograde & I am sure I have lost some of you now, but this is a FASCINATING aspect to look at in your chart as it will determine how your MIND works best & what you are here to do in the world! Do you know what phase of Mercury you were born in? It is a fascinating study, I am in the Promethean Direct category in good company with Joni Mitchell & the Dalai Lama I can instigate CHANGES in the world & I see things differently than most,  if you want to know what phase of Mercury you were born in, you can get your astrology chart done by me & request to know your Mercury placement.

Last but certainly NOT Least! VESTA, she may be an Asteroid, but this Vesta Retrogade is not a little thing!It represents DIVINE FEMININE ENERGY rising & it rules over the Harvest, food supplies & our Survival Issues. In ancient Rome, Vesta was Saturn’s daughter and one of the three Vestal Virgins who were in charge of keeping the sacred burning fires that protected the city from strife, in this time WOMEN were empowered & revered for it was women who kept the sacred flame alive, even if it was a man was at the top of the hierarchy.”  In our chart VESTA represents our FIRE WITHIN & we can tap into this FIRE  for our own Healing, INSPIRATION, Creativity & indeed for our own SURVIVAL, find your VESTA in your chart & you will find your way to SHINE BRIGHTLY…So Vesta Retrograde wants us to RECLAIM our SACRED FIRES that we might have lost in the last 2 years, what was it you wanted to do with this one precious life again? How will you keep your FIRES burning for your own SURVIVAL depends on it!!! My Vesta is in Scorpio in my 3rd House of Communication & I have a deep desire to WRITE more….Where is VESTA LIGHTING A FIRE this retrograde for YOU? What Inspiration do you need to RE_Ignite? Where will you Shine BRIGHT like your very survival depends on? You can find out where VESTA is in your chart when you sign up for my RETROGRADE Reading on my Kimimi Healing Arts website or just Email me your birthdate, time & location to get started at kimimihealingarts@kimimihealingarts, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0