THIS Black Moon is a SPECIAL, RARE Opportunity to step out of your own way & MANIFEST something MORE in your life, it’s a call to DREAM BIGGER, to step into your TRUE, DIVINE POWER, to finally live the life you were always meant to, to access all those things you’ve been putting into your Vortex that you want to MANIFEST as Esther Hicks says, I’ve been listening to more Esther Hicks to stay INSPIRED, maybe this Black Moon we can get into the receiving mode & finally MANIFEST everything we want as we move into yet another LUCKY MANIFESTING MOON that is ruled by the auspicious Purva Phalguni Vedic Nakshatra, who is the GOD of WEALTH & MIRACLES who guides us in our Pursuit of Happiness, what a promising star as we move into this New Year!
This is a POTENT SEED MOON for planting your 2025 Intentions coming in right at the beginning of this FERTILE SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year, what do you want to MANIFEST now? CLAIM it in the Comments & I will send Reiki to it!!!
I am thrilled to move out of 2024 & into 2025 with the energy of this NEW MOON CAPRICORN Guiding us forward, as I will be personally moving on from my Hurricane year in the Nine Star Ki Astrology & into my Luckiest Metal Star of Abundance, bring it on!!!!
I just recorded ALL of my 9 Star Ki astrology readings for 2025, find your STAR & see what this Snake year will hold for you. This Snake Year will be all about REINVENTING Ourselves as we SHED our old snake skins of the past in a powerful death transformation rebirth cycle that we’ve been traveling through since 2020 now we are REBORN & anything is POSSIBLE, but it will require us to really LET GO & there may be some kind of UNRAVELING occurring in 2025 that forces us to SURRENDER to the PROCESS.
this Black Moon is the PORTAL that opens this brand NEW way for what we will BECOME, this New Moon Intention may be the most important one we will make this year, so dig deep & set some goals because Capricorns LOVE to make GOALS.
One of my goals is to focus more on 9 Star Ki Readings this year & I am giving away a 9 STAR KI Reading each month instead of Western Astrology Charts when you like, subscribe & comment you will be init2winit!!!
I really want to teach you how powerful this 9 Star Ki 5 Element system is for ALIGNING to the ENERGY of everything you want to call in.
I have seen absolute MIRACLES happening recently for some of my clients who received 9 Star Ki readings with distance Reiki & Energy Clearings & they’ve MANIFESTED their Heart’s desires within a few days after our Zoom, it’s mind blowing MAGIC Happening, as we enter 2025, things are speeding up, the energy on our planet is increasing & I believe 9 Star Ki combined with REIKI & Energy Clearing is pure MAGIC for this MOMENT!!!!, I hope you will go to the SNAKE year reading, look at the Chart & find your Star so you can get into this other form of Astrology as much as I am! Right now you can get your 2025 9 Star Ki Reading with a ZOOM with me + Distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing for just $138. I am probably going to raise my rates in February of this year, so get in now!
For the purposes of this Video, I will unpack the Western Astrology with CAPRICORN, Cardinal Earth Sign bringing us stability & a foundation to support this massive growth cycle we are beginning as we move into 2025. We will need to pack our patience as we begin to climb this mountain because we still have MARS in LEO, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus & Chiron in Aries all RETROGRADE at the moment.
Capricorn wants us to set those BIG GOALS but Mars retrograde refuses to fuel our ambitions making it hard to accomplish anything right now, Jupiter retrograde means we’ve lost faith in our ability to succeed, Uranus retrograde means there could be a major PLOT TWIST coming that changes our direction & Chiron Retrograde is bringing up our DEEPEST WOUNDS that need to be HEALED before we can move forward, so instead of doing your usual New Year’s Goals & VISION Boards, use this extraordinary BLACK MOON to allow yourself to be in a state of simply NOT KNOWING, let UNSEEN FORCES GUIDE you now, get out of your own way, stop trying to “DO THE THING” & get into a RECEIVING MODE where you simply ALLOW THINGS TO HAPPEN like nature grows trees, in a cycle of seed, to sprout to solid form, by simply allowing the growth to happen, you cannot control anything this moon.
Listen to the Winds of Change that are blowing now, Listen to SPIRIT for guidance, Call on your ANGELS & Spirit Guides to lead you on a brand new path you may have never thought of before, Harmony, growth, Love, happiness and prosperity will come to you when you can get out of your own way & simply connect to a Divine Source of Energy that will bring you everything you desire.
Just after this New Moon we will have a powerful, transformative MARS opposite PLUTO, 2 of the most VOLATILE Planets in opposition bringing us conflict between what we want to be doing with our life & what we’re actually doing in our daily life. It’s like there is this deep desire for great achievement now combined with an inability to get out of bed in the morning. This transit is asking us to overcome our RESISTANCE to change, remove negative thinking, stay away from toxic friends & clear out those pesky energy blocks that are getting in the way of pursuing your CREATIVE PURSUITS. It will be a month long cycle of limited progress & the best you can hope for is to simply REACH FOR BETTER FEELING THOUGHTS as Esther Hicks says, get on a high flying disc of Positivity, shoot rockets of desire & don’t let anyone take your dreams away. Get SPIRITUAL in your INTENTIONS this Black Moon because their are higher beings listening to your prayers now, listen to this Sabian Symbol….
AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP.KEYNOTE:The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.“Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. Surrender your separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God.
This Black Moon brings us an ENERGETIC ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Calling all ANGELS as we enter 2025!!! Thanks for watching
Black Moon Sagittarius entering the Galactic Center is a powerful time to MANIFEST!
BLACK MOON Second New Moon in one month in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter bringing us a candle of hope in the darkness!
This is LUNAR CYCLE for RECLAIMING your MAGIC to create a prosperous life full of Love, Connection & Friendships, this potent Black Moon Cycle is a time to call your power back in & remember how powerful you truly are, to set intentions for what you want to CALL IN for 2024,. I’ve been feeling incredibly introverted during this past waning moon cycle & just needing more time & space for my inner world that was really saying some things in Lucid Dreams that were mindblowing thanks to those Solar Storms we had that were over the top of the charts bringing an energetic UPGRADE & a liminal space for sure as we’ve reached SOLAR MAXIMUM now & the SUN has made it’s FLIP, did you feel the FLIP? There seems to be people in our world Flipping out for sure!
in Ayurvedic Astrology this Black Moon is in an auspicious Anuradha Nakshatra represented by ANTARES the Heart of the Scorpion that helps you Transform from within to EMPOWER you, to get Resourceful & Create ABUNDANCE if you will take some time to focus on your New Moon Intentions with divine purpose this month, remember to tap into your HEART when you set your goals, ask What does my HEART want b/c Venus as Evening Star is guiding us in the dark!
I’ve been doing some 9 Star Ki Readings with Reiki & an energy Clearing on Zoom this past week & it seems like everyone is at this pivotal moment in their life, this crossroads, where our book of life suddenly gets really exciting b/cso many of us are just about to step into our dream life & 9 Star Ki combined with Reiki & an Energy Clearing can really help you to ALIGN with what you’re trying to CALL IN & I am having a SALE through Monday on my 9 Star Ki Zooms with Reiki & an Energy Clearing, give yourself this gift of Energetic Alignment or give this to someone who needs it.
Thank you for my Plaid Friday Sales, my daily sales were up 631% in ONE DAY with my biggest SALE of the YEAR, so Thank You, Thank You, Thank
Thank you to the 7 friends who participated in my Taurus Supermoon Fire Ceremony, we had the POWER of 8 Working it’s MAGIC that night & I am planning on doing 2 more Reiki LIVE ZOOMS on
Friday the 13th & Winter Solstice, join my Email Newsletter to keep up to date with all these events & you will receive a free mini 9 star ki reading for signing up!
VENUS TRINE URANUS December 2nd both in Earth Signs Venus in Capricorn & Uranus in Taurus may bring some Earth related, unexpected event like a Lightning Storm, Volcano, Earthquake.
Uranus is about BREAK THROUGHS & QUANTUM LEAPS that are all about LOVE, I see young lovers running away together suddenly, shockingly & this LOVERS Leap has to come from your HEART with Venus, this is an OPPORTUNITY to SHIFT into GEAR to do the thing your heart has been begging you to do, to make a PROFOUND CHANGE, to get INSPIRED to do what you LOVE, even if it’s just for one day, do something that brings you PURE JOY, listen to your HEART, ask your HEART what it wants to do & let LOVE LEAD You.
VENUS WILL CONJUNCT PLUTO 12/7 in AQUARIUS, who are my Aquarius friends? Or do you KNOW where AQUARIUS is in your Chart? We all have Aquarius somewhere!
This brings a Heart felt REVELATION that forces you to make a CHANGE or maybe you will Fall Deeply in LOVE, there can be such an intense, magnetic attraction to the point of STALKING with this transit so be very careful if you’re out there dating!
INTENSE (PLUTO) LOVE VIBES (VENUS) this could bring a LOVE for the AGES!
Attracting new love with someone who is on the same FREQUENCY as you, so make sure you keep your LOVE VIBES high, if you’re in a good mood, you’re attracting positive energy people but if you’re feeling depressed, negative or cranky, you may find you’re a MAGNET for negativity, too!
Pluto just entered Aquarius & now it’s like Venus has to come see what all the fuss is about & maybe she wants to decorate this new home for Pluto, Venus is always about redecorating, bringing in the LOVING Touch to the powerful TRANSFORMATION we are beginning now.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius, how were your TRAVELS? NOW we have a Mercury Sun Cazimi when Mercury conjuncts the SUN on December 5th
Mercury rules over our Quiksilver mind, writing, communicating, social media in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter there is a theme of FAITH & if you Believe it ,you will SEE it, this is a time to manifest with your Jedi Mind Skills & TRAVEL, especially short, inspired road trips are favored here, it might be time to escape your reality for a bit, go to the Hot Springs, get out of your own way mentally & get a Fresh Perspective on life.
JUPITER IN GEMINI SQUARE SATURN IN PISCES will be EXACT on Christmas Eve but we’re already soaking in the energy of this MAJOR TRANSIT that reminds me of that Christmas Star when Jupiter & Saturn conjunct in 2020 with the Great Conjunction that changed everything, now they are in a more challenging orbit, that brings a STRUGGLE to move forward this season, we are being “FORCED to CHANGE” from EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES here, those changes are never as fun as the ones we make because we WANT to CHANGE. Where you need to EVOLVE will be found in your house of PISCES & GEMINI, where do those signs show up in your CHART, leave it in the comments & I will let you know what it might mean for you. If you don’t have your Chart, I do Astrology Readings & I have a SALE on my simplest Astrology Chart Reading right now, I will link below.
So let’s unpack this diamond making Square where JUPITER is like SANTA CLAUS who promises to give you everything you WANT if you will just BELIEVE & then SATURN is your Karmic SOUL TEACHER telling you that you can’t have until you’ve completed your deep SOUL LESSONS. This Season is forcing us to EVOLVE in ways we have never even imagined, stepping into a newfound POWER that will come with so many new challenges, it is DEEP GROWTH CYCLE, I think of that saying “You’re about to be SCHOOLED!!!”
We may have to learn some things the HARD WAY.
Be careful about OVERCOMMITING this Holiday season, financially, emotionally or energetically, there may not be enough of you to go around & we might have some major obstacles coming up with this one,
I don’t want to Travel at all this Holiday, I want to stay deeply rooted in my own space when those diamond making challenges come up, but I am a hermit, you do you.
Saturn bringing rules, regulations & restrictions that Jupiter will only EXPAND upon makes me think of the immigrant issues that are looming, if we’re kicking everyone out, can I please return to Norway then? This whole thing reminds me of my Great Grandmother Theresa my namesake who was a Norwegian Immigrant, she moved with her family when she was just 16 because her father became a Flutist in the SF Orchestra.
I was going to take some personal time off for the election results, but then I thought, that will just give me anxiety, so I did the exact opposite, I opened up my massage schedule for even more availability because I thought if it’s bad news I just want to pour into my work of healing others, when I am stressed out, it feels good to give to others. I am a classic workaholic, when the going gets tough, I bury myself in work but I LOVE my work so it’s my favorite coping mechanism. I realized everyone I saw was completely out of their bodies, detached, floating away, maybe it was too much news, too much social media, but I spent the whole week putting people back into their bodies. I realized that it’s EMBODIMENT that can HEAL Us right now, we need to return to our bodies now, get outside, get into nature, call your spirit back home like a stray cat that’s roamed too far off, it’s time to come back.
Embodiment calls all your power back home. Get back in your body & bring your AWARENESS back to your own inner knowing, bring your focus inward, stop worrying about what’s happening out there, UNPLUG, go for a walk, do some movement, get a MASSAGE or even a distance REIKI Zoom session, I will link my website below, I can help you get back into your body if you’ve left the building & this embodiment will help you feel better!
Let’s do a simple Somatic exercise to get back into your body right here, right now, I call this butterfly wings, you know KIMIMI my business name means Butterfly, so interlace your thumbs so your hands are like butterfly wings. Now rest your hands on your heart, take a deep breath in, call your attention to your heart. Now gently pat your butterfly wings, bringing your awareness to the soothing sensation of this gentle tapping on your chest, tune everything else out, just focus on your chest & this gentle tapping & see what shows up for you, you may begin to feel all the feels & that is the point really, let things come up, disappointments, sadness, anger whatever shows up just allow it to surface & then release like a butterfly floating away.
Listen to the rhythm of your taps, bring your awareness into your chest & get into it as you call yourself home with this somatic exercise, stay here as long as you want.
I had a wonderful New Moon Scorpio meeting with some of you on my LAKSHMI REIKI ACTIVATION on ZOOM where I gave Distance REIKI & of course it was so powerful that just after this Zoom an electrical TRANSFORMER in my neighborhood BLEW, there’s always some issue with technology & electricity when those Reiki Master Symbols start working their magic but we had fun & luckily the power didn’t go out until the Zoom was over!
I am going to do another LIVE REIKI for MANIFESTATION ACTIVATION for this TAURUS SUPERMOON this is the BEST SUPERMOON for MANIFESTING MONEY of ALL because TAURUS RULES over MONEY, so let’s come together to MANIFEST FINANCIAL WINDFALLS on 11/15 it will be a LIVE FIRE CEREMONY at 5:55pm just as the moon reaches it’s peak Fullness, we can RELEASE what no longer serves us, whatever is holding us back from Manifesting all that we desire into the Fire & I will link the sign up below & I am going to GIVEAWAY 3 Spots for this ZOOM call when you like, subscribe & comment you will be in it to WIN IT! The winner of my Full Moon Astrology Reading is @ITSFUNBEINGAGIRL what a great handle, be sure to email me at with your date, location & time of birth & I will start your chart!
We have such an EARTHY Month with this TAURUS SUPERMOON & in the 9 Star Ki we are in that 5 Earth Center Star, where we all go home, it’s time to get rooted, time to do some Earthing with barefeet in the muddy soil, grass or sand.
Taurus is about our RESOURCES, do we have enough money, food, love to survive? Taurus craves NOURISHMENT, if you’ve ever been around a Taurus who is HANGRY, you know that all you have to do is FEED them & they transform into the most loving people again, Taurus is ruled by VENUS.
VENUS was having fun in Sagittarius, she’s risen as evening star, you can see her shining bright in the night sky, she crossed the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittariu & now she moves into serious CAPRICORN where she will get rooted & gain strength. This is the time for Capricorns to find LOVE & Money, to fix up their homes & get into their heart space, do I have any Capricorns watching? Use this time to tap into your JOY just as Pluto leaves Capricorn it’s as if Venus is bringing her Heart Salve to heal Capricorns after years of PLUTONIAN intensity & transformation, now Venus the love Goddess comes to HEAL your broken Heart & say, you’re going to be okay now. Venus is healing all of us from what we have been through since 2020 when she reaches that Capricorn 29 degree point where Pluto relentlessly went back & forth for years.
PLUTO enters AQUARIUS 11/19 that is a separate video because this transit is going to bring a Massive WAVE of Transformation & REVOLUTION to our world as we enter this AQUARIUS Age, we will watch power structures crumble so don’t even worry about who was elected, it’s a house of cards about to fall, just stay in your body!
SATURN stations DIRECT in pisces 11/15, Saturn gains POWER & MOMENTUM in his journey as primordial SEA GOAT, pay attention to where PISCES is in your chart, leave it in the comments if you know where PISCES shows up for you & I will give you a mini reading about what that will be about.
Saturn demands you to LEARN a LESSON here, you may have been ignoring a situation, glossing over a problem & with Neptune in Pisces as well, you may be down right delusional about your current situation, but Saturn is your SOUL TEACHER reminding you that your HOMEWORK is DUE, no more meandering or avoiding, you need to hyperfocus & complete your assignment before you fail this course!
We have a TRINE between SATURN in Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius & Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini brining us powerful LESSONS that require us to tap into our deepest FAITH, to use our Jedi Mind Powers to EXPAND our Horizons through deep CONNECTIONS. There is a SEA CHANGE Happening & maybe it’s all playing out exactly as it is meant to be to make way for the REVOLUTION that is coming.
MERCURY in Sagittarius WILL GO RETROGRADE on 11/25 just in time for Thanksgiving Travels
MARS in fiery LEO will RETROGRADE 12/6 right as VENUS joins PLUTO in AQUARIUS opposing Mars will usher in a new revolution of Love vibrations, don’t worry about what stupidity is going on in the 3rd dimension we can rise above it all into the 5th DImension & leave behind this timeline of stupidity.
There is a REVOLUTION of LOVE happening & this Revolution will not be televised, so it’s time to finally turn off your TV, stop watching the news, create your own Reality, find healthy friends & make magic happen in your world no matter what is going on in the 3D world.
What are your COPING MECHANISMS for times like this? It seems like the whole world is Triggered whether your candidate Won or Lost, it reminds me of working at a domestic violence shelter where we dreaded Superbowl, the day of the worst violence towards women, usually it was the Men whose teams WON who were the worst aggressors. So I say once again, “Don’t Engage with CRAZY” not even on social media b/c there’s going to be some CRAZY out there in the weeks to come.
I’ve been using this Mantra from Louise Hay to regulate myself “All is Well in my World, Everything is working out for my Highest Good. Only good will come out of this situation. I am safe.”
KEYNOTE:The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation.
The positive results of man’s collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city.
This is a symbol of COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of “belonging” to a large, organized, peaceful whole.
As I read this, this Sabian Symbol was familiar to me from doing Kamala Harris Chart & indeed this Supermoon will conjunct her JUPITER at a late 24 degrees of Taurus & I read this Sabian Symbol for her Chart reading, this Supermoon conjunct her Jupiter in her 12th house is about endings that will bring her a time of deep Spiritual FAITH, Jupiter expanding this Supermoon brings her a gift of emotional fulfillment despite her losses, she has gained something in this process & Jupiter, the King of Wishes will still grant her deepest desires, if only emotionally / spiritually, she will still find her JOY as she has taught us to do.
We can CHOOSE the 5D TIMELINE that favors LOVE & ignores politics, I’ll meet you there, I have that RUMI poem in mind.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep.”
SUPERMOON ARIES CONJUNCT CHIRON the WOUNDED WARRIOR HEALER brings us a massive HEALING CRISIS as our world is facing is so many challenges from the recent Hurricane to the Geomagnetic Storms to a divisive Election, there’s just a LOT GOING ON, how are you handling it all?
How are you Feeling?
This is a CALL for DEEP HEALING that began when
Chiron entered Aries on February 18th, 2019 for many of us that were born between January 30th of 1969 through May 27th 1976 we are having our CHIRON RETURN, Chiron STATIONED retrograde at 21 degrees on JULY 26th & Chiron will continue going backwards until December 29th, if you have Chiron in Aries between 20-25 degrees, you are feeling this SUPERMOON coming in at 24 Degrees lighting up your deepest wounds to be healed, for ALL of us who have had our Chiron in Aries Return Transit, it was painful to go back & heal those deep wounds & now it’s as if Chiron is saying oh wait, I forgot to show you this other WOUND you forgot to deal with. Chiron keeps coming back to make us do even more deep healing work until 2027 we will be doing this heavy lifting of healing ourselves, healing our limiting beliefs, healing our ancestral wounds, healing generational trauma and trying to HEAL our planet.
Healer Heal Thyself with Self Awareness & SELF LOVE because we always REPEAT what we don’t REPAIR, so it’s time to breakout of these destructive patterns now.
Chiron’s biggest Wounds are about Abandonment & feelings of WORTHLESSNESS, Chiron’s initial wound was being abandoned by his mother who was terrified because he was born a CENTAUR, half man, half HORSE!
We are seeing more EQUINE HEALING in our World with Chiron in Aries.
Chiron was raised by the gods of light and reason, Apollo and Athene. They loved Chiron’s wild nature, he became an Alchemist Healer & Warrior. Later he opened an orphanage to help other troubled kids who were cast off, we are seeing more issues around teen mental health now. Chiron helped kids find their gifts and true callings. We are in a time that many people are overcoming burnout to find their true path, people are quitting their meaningless day jobs in search of a higher calling, people want to pursue work they love, that brings them JOY.
Chiron is a Spiritual Warrior who cultivates initiation & rites of passage, in order to awaken this sacred wounded warrior aspect in each of us. Rites of passage are tied to PLUTO where something is ending, there’s a transformation within death & something new begins, a rebirth.
Initiation is like this COLLECTIVE AWAKENING we are in right now. Chiron in Aries conjunct this SUPERMOON calls on us to unlock the sacred warrior healer teachings that reside deep within and go on a quest for divine healing, this is a perfect time for a REIKI ATTUNEMENT & I am teaching a Reiki Level 1 Class on Sunday 10/13 in Bend or you can try my new ONLINE REIKI CLASS & experience a Reiki Attunement through the magic of QUANTUM HEALING, I am going to do a PROMO code for this Supermoon because this is the perfect moon for REIKI look for it in the description down below! I will also do a GIVEAWAY for a FREE ONLINE REIKI CLASS, like, subscribe & leave a comment about why you want to receive a Reiki Attunement & I will pick someone on the SUPERMOON & announce here in the comments!
MOON in Aries & SUN in LIBRA in a Harmonious TRINE of opportunity w/ PLUTO at that critical 29 degrees of Capricorn & MARS at 22 degrees of Cancer this is a massive release of energy to propel us forward, look at your chart, what is going in your ARIES, CAPRICORN, CANCER, LIBRA houses, there is an opportunity, leave it in the comments if you know where those signs show up & I will give you a mini reading.
This TRINE is like the Carrot in front of the Horse they are meant to inspire you to MOVE FORWARD, you can’t just wait for this carrot to land in your lap, you have to MOVE TOWARDS the CARROT, you have to energetically align with the MOMENTUM of this MOON, if you can do that, you just might receive a WISH FULFILLMENT that brings your deepest DESIRES this MOON,
ARIES know how to MANIFEST & how to RECEIVE, Aries can sometimes seem “Selfish” but I don’t think they are, Aries is the BABY of the ZODIAC & a BABY must have their needs met for sheer survival, so Aries is fueled by their Survival needs just like the horse going after that carrot.
This Aries Supermoon is a time for finally getting your own personal needs met, if you’ve been a giver, it is time for you to RECEIVE!
This is a time we can ambitiously “GO FOR IT” & start something new, Aries is about New Beginnings that 1st house of the Zodiac & we are stepping into a brand 5D New Reality where LOVE WINS if we will align to this Collective Awakening as I talked about in depth in my Wood Dragon Year 9 Star Ki reading, have you made the ENERGETIC SHIFT yet to receive all that you desire? It’s NOT too late, you have until the next LUNAR NEW YEAR February 2025 to Make it all happen & I find the best way to MANIFEST what you’re calling in is to become an ENERGETIC MATCH to what you want whether it’s LOVE, MONEY, a new job, a new house, a new life, it all begins on this Energetic Plane & for me, it was when I received my first REIKI ATTUNEMENT that I really started to MANIFEST my best life b/c the Reiki Attunement INCREASED my ENERGY levels so I could call in better things, better friends, better clients, Twu Love, a family of my own, buying homes & a the little day to day things we manifest for fulfillment!
What do YOU want to MANIFEST with this potent Aries Supermoon? Leave it in the comments & I will send distance REIKI to raise your energetic vibration to have it!
This is a powerful SUPERMOON for those IAM AFFIRMATIONS where you CLAIM what you want to become by saying “I AM….then whatever you want to step into, “I am a MILLIONARE” look into a MIRROR & Own it like an ARIES Does!!!
VENUS in Scorpio TRINE MARS in Cancer 10/08th just before this Supermoon is a time to put yourself out there & pursue meaningful work that brings you JOY & this could be a good time for deep soulful connection with a love interest or rekindling the flames of your relationship, it’s too bad it falls on a Tuesday, wish it was on a weekend when we could really soak it all up, but maybe you just want to play hooky this day & go on a hike with someone you love. I can imagine staring into each others eyes for hours under this influence, both Scorpios & Cancer water signs love to gaze deeply into eyes, like X-Ray machines, you can’t hide anything from these 2 signs, so don’t bother lying to a Scorpio or Cancer, you will be caught in a trap!
Do some SUPERMOON GAZING looking up at the moon in reflection & meditation until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get it this month, I’ve been moon gazing in the early morning hours this month & I love this time of year when you can watch the moon in the mornings with a cup of coffee. During the Supermoon Pisces, Spirit insisted I get up at 3 AM to soak my crystal ball in salt water under the light of the Supermoon & I have learned if I don’t just get up & do the thing, Spirit will persist & keep asking so I won’t be able to sleep anyways, so I did it, I went in my backyard at 3am with my crystal ball soaking in a salt water bath in a metal bowl & I sat moon gazing for awhile, I have been mystical, magical dreams ever since, did you see that PISCES SUPERMOON?!!!
There is ALCHEMY in this transit, a blend of caution and courage makes this a good time to take a chance emotionally, tell someone you LOVE them, Propose to the love of your life, in your career you can overcome We’re still in that beneficial transit between NEPTUNE in PISCES, URANUS in TAURUS & MARS in CANCER that helps us to step into our Divine Purpose, we can have FATED events that shift us into a new reality, better paying job, finding your dream home, calling in the love of your life, this is a time for MIRACLES
Could OCTOBER an AMAZING TIME FOR SCORPIOS? This is our LUCKIEST Birthday season I have ever seen.Scorpio has Mars Trine, Saturn Trine & VENUS in our house, MAKE a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance Reiki for it to come true!
This SUPERMOON brings us the Culmination of this Aries / Libra Eclipse Axis we’ve been on, as this chapter closes & we move onto Pisces / Virgo Eclipses next…
When we bring in that LIBRA Sun, where we just had an eclipse, we can add in a Relationship element that might have us questioning, “Is this Relationship meeting my own personal needs?” or “What do I need from this Relationship for my own FULFILMENT?” Especially useful to think about these questions if you are single & calling in your next relationship, spend sometime & make that list of everything you desire in a partner, it works!
SABIAN SYMBOL for 24 degrees ARIES is
KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.
Abundance is brought to physical fruition operating at a spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression. Inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopia shape of the curtains is MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES.
Equinox perfect balance of darkness & light, Yin & Yang, Feminine & Masculine energies, for a moment all is well in our world.
EQUILIBRIUM the state in which OPPOSING forces or influences are balanced
We’re swimming in that ECLIPSE Portal now as we just had a Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse & next up is a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the New Moon in October, how are you feeling in this liminal space??? We’ve been having massive Geomagnetic Storms from the SOLAR FLIP as the Sun is in it’s process of FLIPPING the Magnetic poles all year & into 2025, there’s just a lot of BIG OLE ENERGIES to process right now & I feel like a broken record as I keep saying, you might find that you need more TIME & SPACE to Process, to Recalibrate, to RESET, to ALIGN to this NEW ENERGY coming in & maybe you need an Energy Clearing to clean up your vibration, get the Self Care you need this season & we begin to bring our energy back into our roots like a tree, this is a time for powerful SELF HEALING, reflection, journal writing, sitting quietly sipping some nourishing herbal tea. I’m finding a shift where I want to talk less & LISTEN more in my practice right now. My clients are falling deeply asleep in their sessions now as we shift into Autumn.
If you need DEEP HEALING this Season, I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance Class on Sunday October 13th where you will receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your energetic vibration so that you will become a better energetic match to all that you desire. I love teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my students! I’m also offering my Reiki for Abundance Classes ONLINE now through TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE, that offer expires on October 30th. I also offer distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions through ZOOM, I will link my website in description below.
This EQUINOX I am delving deep into PLUTO at that Critical Degree of CAPRICORN as we begin our Persephone descent into the UNDERWORLD of Hades this season, as a Scorpio this is my favorite time of year! Persephone was either kidnapped & perhaps went willingly with Hades to the Underworld but then her mother Goddess DEMETER tried to rescue her, but alas Persephone had eaten those few pomegranate seeds for which she summoned her fate to have to stay in the Underworld, but Demeter struck a deal where she could come back to Earth every Spring, this is why we have flowers in the Spring when Demeter is so happy & why everything dies & the rains that will follow represent Demeter’s TEARS because Persephone must return to the underworld.
Sun Trine Pluto in CAPRICORN 29 Degrees
This can be a time to step into your POWER, find where CAPRICORN at 29 degress is in your chart, this is where Pluto keeps returning to again & again & again & now we are at the final pass of this pivotal point that has truly transformed our entire WORLD. What are the messages here for you personally? Learn the SOUL LESSON that you came her to master because we will never experience Pluto in Capricorn again unless we somehow live another 230 years, when Pluto next returns to Capricorn in 2255. This is a time to reflect on what have you learned with PLUTO in Capricorn? Have you become more Resilient or more TIRED? What has transformed for you since 2019? We’ve all been changed in some way from this Transit.
29 degrees Capricorn is a CRITICAL DEGREE that represents the End of an Era, I think of REM, it’s the end of the World as we KNOW, we are stepping into the great unknown age of Aquarius but first we stand at the top of a steep cliff in Capricorn, like a Mountain Goat with eagle vision, we search the far off terrain for some kind of answers. Pluto is still in that grand trine with NEPTUNE & URANUS bringing us opportunities to figure out our path ahead, this is a very RARE Grand Trine Kite ALIGNMENT that will be with us for awhile & it signifies HOPE for our FUTURE, HARMONY.
it brings us ALCHEMY to change our life & our world in the best way possible, this is an EQUINOX of MIRACLES coming true finally & I talked all about this alignment in my Supermoon Lunar Eclipse video at length & I will talk more about it in my Solar Eclipse Libra video that has a magical sabian symbol that will have your sighing RELIEF that maybe the dark days are finally OVER, I think of that cheerful song, about “putting on a happy face” we might get our happy faces back!!!
It feels like the Angels heralding a smooth transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, those signs may seem so different, Capricorn is so stern, like a strict Father or Teacher with rules, regulations & restrictions, ultimately for our own good, whereas Aquarius is freedom loving running off barefoot to a music festival, but they both have SATURN in common, Saturn rules Capricorn now & Saturn once ruled Aquarius before Uranus came along. Both Capricorn & Aquarius care deeply for the welfare of our community & common good they just go about it in different ways, Capricorn is world structures & Aquarius is this other worldly energetic vibration coming in to shift our reality, it will be an interesting transition to be sure!
Some of us with PLUTO in VIRGO, if you were born 1957 – 1972 raise your hand & comment because you probably have Pluto in Virgo & we’re having a powerful SUN CONJUNCT our Natal PLUTO in Virgo this EQUINOX just as the Sun is forming a TRINE to Pluto in Capricorn giving us an extra SUPERPOWERPLUTO TRINE which brings transformative Alchemy making gold out of any situation when you get into ALIGNMENT with a higher vibrational energy like the life force energy of REIKI, I have been doing so many Reiki sessions for clients who have Pluto in Virgo lately, they’re all feeling this MASSIVE SHIFT in their DIVINE PURPOSE, this TIME TO RISE to do something bigger with their lives! KAMALA HARRIS has PLUTO in VIRGO she is truly stepping into her divine POWER to RULE, Pluto has her back, she is supported by higher forces & with Venus conjunct Galactic Center on her Midheaven this Election, she is absolutely going to WIN!!!!
This TRINE of Opportunity can help Pluto in Virgos to OVERCOME something stressful as well, pay off your bills, get out of debt, clean out your garage, remodel your kitchen, quit your addictions, stop hanging around toxic friends, get a better job, make more money, it’s an opportunity to make a dramatic change, to choose a higher path in life.
Clean up your thoughts to support your forward momentum, as Bruce Lee said, “As you think, so shall you become.” make sure your inner thoughts are aligned with what you want to see in your life right now, gosh I am preaching to myself here!
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
My Virgo friends can tell you all about this transit, the’ve been feeling it for years now! This can cause confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland vibe that you’re not sure what is real & what you’re imagining right now. I would NOT sign a contract or buy any swamp land for now. It will be over soon as the sun continues onto LIBRA.
Mercury in Virgo is in opposition to
Saturn in Pisces
This brings up pessimistic worry that can be downright delusional in Pisces, I always say worrying is like praying for what you don’t want, if you’re in a negative mental loop of doom & gloom about our world, all you have to do is get out into NATURE & it will change your mind! Nature is not worried about the Wars, the Election, our Economy or any of the garbage you see on the news, nature is birds migrating, butterflies still taking flight, leaves starting to turn to gold, get out of your mind for a minute & get into NATURE for a hike, it feels really good.
This Hexagram shows double WATER symbols & WATER always represents WEALTH, so this is an Auspicious Iching that brings GREAT JOY & Abundance.
Joy is returning to our world, & the power of joy should not be underestimated. Whatever brings you joy will become a source of much potential & abundance. Surround yourself with people who reflect and support your inner joy. If happiness is supported by stability, it will wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon of light in a dark world. The presence of JOY is an indication of extremely good fortune to come! I am wishing you a fortunate, JOYFUL EQUINOX.
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