ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY CHART SALE thru 10/17 $88. for an eclipse reading, click title!

This Ring of Fire Eclipse is happening with SUN & MOON both at 10 degrees of LIBRA w/ Mercury close by!

Wednesday 10/02 9:17 am

Spirit is saying, “Get clear about what you

want to MANIFEST & know your WHY.”

When you’re aligned with your divine purpose, it

will all fall into place for you, but if you don’t even

know why you want this thing, it might not come,

so get out your journal & find your WHY!!!!

I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance

Class on Sunday October 13th where you will

receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your

energetic vibration so that you will become a

better energetic match to all that you desire. I love

teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent

TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my

students! I’m also offering my Reiki for

Abundance Classes ONLINE now through

TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube

Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE.

If you’re needing some TLC to get through this

Eclipse Portal, remember that I offer


space for wherever you live, we can connect on

ZOOM for Distance Healing.I still have my Eclipse Astrology Sale going through

October 30th for a $88. Reading until the

Eclipse Portal finally ENDS as this New Moon will be

a SUPERMOON in ARIES on October 17th, then

waning for 2 weeks after that finally reaching it’s

culmination of Eclipse energies on 10/30 just

before my favorite New Moon Scorpio

November 1st.

This is a Culmination of Timelines Eclipse

Portal that we’re collectively experiencing

right now, isn’t amazing that we all chose to

be here together to birth in this NEW EARTH

right here, right now, this timeline that is coming

in strong brings us PEACE, JOY, HARMONY, LOVE &

the most COPACETIC ENERGY, can you feel it IS

getting better suddenly? We’re still riding the

rollercoaster before we arrive at our final

destination in a true Paradise, but we’re so close….

this is a time to


Get into your Heart Space now, always choose

LOVE & COMPASSION no matter what is going on

that is trying to pull you back into that negative 3D

dimension, you rise to 5D by loving your enemies

& through true FORGIVENESS for everyone &

everything that has happened to you.

there is an integration of these higher vibrational

Love energies happening on our planet nowit is like a DETOXIFICATION Process, lot of old

stuff coming up to be healed & forgiveness helps


We’re in a period of recalibration & reset, that

requires more REST than usual.

We’re all cleaning up our vibrations, this work

happens when we’re sleeping.

We’re Releasing old paradigms, worn out things,

worn out relationships, old, limiting beliefs.

There is a call for deep healing as we begin

to feel lighter, there’s still ascension symptoms

happening & I am planning to do a REIKI

ACTIVATION Video to support this Massive

SHIFT we’re undergoing before Pluto moves into

Aquarius so stay tuned!

Important transits to pay attention to:

Moon Saturn Conjunction 10/13 in Pisces

I am trying to schedule my Fall Reiki classes & I

keep bumping into these INTENSE transits that

aren’t so fun, moon saturn conjuction is a heavy

emotion, feeling burdened.


known as the HUNTER Moon, this will be our

closest in Perigree Supermoon & it has some crazy

aspects like a Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

just the day after this Supermoon really activating

our fight or flight, it will be triggering our

Hypothalamus with all the “SURVIVAL”instincts that can make for crazy town, is that a

good time to have a class? No, no it is not.

This Fall is Off the Charts CHAOS coming in, we

can have sudden emotional outbursts, our deep

Ancestral Wounds will be triggered, there’s a

reckless need for excitement, something downright

STRANGE could occur in our world that I can’t

predict because we’ve never seen anything like it,

ALIENS?????,whatever it is, it will be

SURPRISING! I guess we’re all here for it. As a

Scorpio, I don’t like Surprises, I like to plan for

everything but you can’t plan for URANUS transits.


October 09th

Jupiter in Gemini means the King of Wishes is

granting Miracles to Gemini, but now he’s going

back to TAURUS If you’re a TAURUS & Santa

Jupiter didn’t bring you everything you asked for

last year, you get one last chance to ask believe &

receive, he won’t be back for 12 years, so Manifest

it all now!!!

PLUTO stations DIRECT October 11th could we

finally be OVER this 29 degree of Capricorn forever,

it’s still going to take a hot minute to move into

Aquarius but PLUTO gains POWER & comes in

STRONG & INTENSE on this day, go easy on

yourself you may be feeling all the feels this day!VENUS is in Scorpio, she’s moving fast into

Sagittarius next month & on the ELECTION VENUS

will be crossing the GALACTIC CENTER at Kamala

Harris’ Midheaven, I need to do an Election

Astrology reading superfast, how are we this close

to the election already???




KEYNOTE: The self-control and poise necessary to

reach a steady state of inner stability.

Here we are dealing essentially with the emotional life

and its crises (interesting as our last SUPERMOON

ECLIPSE Sabian Symbol was all about CATHARSIS) Now

we find ourselves at the next concluding symbol that

brings us perfection and smooth working of our intellect

ruled by logic and simplicity of means.

An inner “revelation” may have brought about dramatic

confrontations, now it can be meditated upon as it is

reflected on the calm waters of the mind. As a

Keyword is RELIEF after CRISIS.

EQUINOX Astrology Reading w/ Reiki


Equinox perfect balance of darkness & light, Yin & Yang, Feminine & Masculine energies, for a moment all is well in our world.

EQUILIBRIUM the state in which OPPOSING forces or influences are balanced

We’re swimming in that ECLIPSE Portal now as we just had a Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse & next up is a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the New Moon in October, how are you feeling in this liminal space??? We’ve been having massive Geomagnetic Storms from the SOLAR FLIP as the Sun is in it’s process of FLIPPING the Magnetic poles all year & into 2025, there’s just a lot of BIG OLE ENERGIES to process right now & I feel like a broken record as I keep saying, you might find that you need more TIME & SPACE to Process, to Recalibrate, to RESET, to ALIGN to this NEW ENERGY coming in & maybe you need an Energy Clearing to clean up your vibration, get the Self Care you need this season & we begin to bring our energy back into our roots like a tree, this is a time for powerful SELF HEALING, reflection, journal writing, sitting quietly sipping some nourishing herbal tea. I’m finding a shift where I want to talk less & LISTEN more in my practice right now. My clients are falling deeply asleep in their sessions now as we shift into Autumn.

If you need DEEP HEALING this Season,  I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance Class on Sunday October 13th where you will receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your energetic vibration so that you will become a better energetic match to all that you desire. I love teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my  students! I’m also offering my Reiki for Abundance Classes ONLINE now through TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE, that offer expires on October 30th. I also offer distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions through ZOOM, I will link my website in description below.

This EQUINOX I am delving deep into PLUTO at that Critical Degree of CAPRICORN as we begin our Persephone descent into the UNDERWORLD of Hades this season, as a Scorpio this is my favorite time of year! Persephone was either kidnapped & perhaps went willingly with Hades to the Underworld but then her mother Goddess DEMETER tried to rescue her, but alas Persephone had eaten those few pomegranate seeds for which she summoned her fate to have to stay in the Underworld, but Demeter struck a deal where she could come back to Earth every Spring, this is why we have flowers in the Spring when Demeter is so happy & why everything dies & the rains that will follow represent Demeter’s TEARS because Persephone must return to the underworld. 

Sun Trine Pluto in CAPRICORN 29 Degrees

This can be a time to step into your POWER, find where CAPRICORN at 29 degress is in your chart, this is where Pluto keeps returning to again & again & again & now we are at the final pass of this pivotal point that has truly transformed our entire WORLD. What are the messages here for you personally? Learn the SOUL LESSON that you came her to master because we will never experience Pluto in Capricorn again unless we somehow live another 230 years, when Pluto next returns to Capricorn in 2255. This is a time to reflect on what have you learned with PLUTO in Capricorn? Have you become more Resilient or more TIRED? What has transformed for you since 2019? We’ve all been changed in some way from this Transit. 

29 degrees Capricorn is a CRITICAL DEGREE that represents the End of an Era, I think of REM, it’s the end of the World as we KNOW, we are stepping into the great unknown age of Aquarius but first we stand at the top of a steep cliff in Capricorn, like a Mountain Goat with eagle vision, we search the far off terrain for some kind of answers. Pluto is still in that grand trine with NEPTUNE & URANUS bringing us opportunities to figure out our path ahead, this is a very RARE Grand Trine Kite ALIGNMENT that will be with us for awhile & it signifies HOPE for our FUTURE, HARMONY.

 it brings us ALCHEMY to change our life & our world in the best way possible, this is an EQUINOX of MIRACLES coming true finally & I talked all about this alignment in my Supermoon Lunar Eclipse video at length & I will talk more about it in my Solar Eclipse Libra video that has a magical sabian symbol that will have your sighing RELIEF that maybe the dark days are finally OVER, I think of that cheerful song, about “putting on a happy face” we might get our happy faces back!!!  

It feels like the Angels heralding a smooth transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, those signs may seem so different, Capricorn is so stern, like a strict Father or Teacher with rules, regulations & restrictions, ultimately for our own good, whereas Aquarius is freedom loving running off barefoot to a music festival, but they both have SATURN in common, Saturn rules Capricorn now & Saturn once ruled Aquarius before Uranus came along. Both Capricorn & Aquarius care deeply for the welfare of our community & common good they just go about it in different ways, Capricorn is world structures & Aquarius is this other worldly energetic vibration coming in to shift our reality, it will be an interesting transition to be sure! 

Some of us with PLUTO in VIRGO, if you were born 1957 – 1972 raise your hand & comment because you probably have Pluto in Virgo & we’re having a powerful SUN CONJUNCT our Natal PLUTO in Virgo this EQUINOX just as the Sun is forming a TRINE to Pluto in Capricorn giving us an extra SUPERPOWER PLUTO TRINE which brings transformative Alchemy making gold out of any situation when you get into ALIGNMENT with a higher vibrational energy like the life force energy of REIKI, I have been doing so many Reiki sessions for clients who have Pluto in Virgo lately, they’re all feeling this MASSIVE SHIFT in their DIVINE PURPOSE, this TIME TO RISE to do something bigger with their lives! KAMALA HARRIS has PLUTO in VIRGO she is truly stepping into her divine POWER to RULE, Pluto has her back, she is supported by higher forces & with Venus conjunct Galactic Center on her Midheaven this Election, she is absolutely going to WIN!!!!

This TRINE of Opportunity can help Pluto in Virgos to OVERCOME something stressful as well, pay off your bills, get out of debt, clean out your garage, remodel your kitchen, quit your addictions, stop hanging around toxic friends, get a better job, make more money, it’s an opportunity to make a dramatic change, to choose a higher path in life. 

Clean up your thoughts to support your forward momentum,  as Bruce Lee said, “As you think, so shall you become.” make sure your inner thoughts are aligned with what you want to see in your life right now, gosh I am preaching to myself here! 

Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

My Virgo friends can tell you all about this transit, the’ve been feeling it for years now! This can cause confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland vibe that you’re not sure what is real & what you’re imagining right now. I would NOT sign a contract or buy any swamp land for now. It will be over soon as the sun continues onto LIBRA.

Mercury in Virgo is in opposition to 

Saturn in Pisces 

This brings up pessimistic worry that can be downright delusional in Pisces, I always say worrying is like praying for what you don’t want, if you’re in a negative mental loop of doom & gloom about our world, all you have to do is get out into NATURE & it will change your mind! Nature is not worried about the Wars, the Election, our Economy or any of the garbage you see on the news, nature is birds migrating, butterflies still taking flight, leaves starting to turn to gold, get out of your mind for a minute & get into NATURE for a hike, it feels really good.


This Hexagram shows double WATER symbols & WATER always represents WEALTH, so this is an Auspicious Iching that brings GREAT JOY & Abundance.

Joy is returning to our world, & the power of joy should not be underestimated. Whatever brings you joy will become a source of much potential & abundance. Surround yourself with people who reflect and support your inner joy. If happiness is supported by stability, it will wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon of light in a dark world. The presence of JOY is an indication of extremely good fortune to come! I am wishing you a fortunate, JOYFUL EQUINOX. 

Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse Portal

Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse Portal

PISCES SUPERMOON Partial LUNAR ECLIPSE MIRACLE MOON w/ AMETHYSTS in RIVER & harvest elder berries, watch the VIDEO here


Receive your Astrology Chart & a full reading about how these Fall Eclipses will impact you based on what houses & planets will be involved for you personally. This reading includes a distance Reiki Healing & Energy Clearing to support your Eclipse process!

Giveaway Winners are….. @ANNMARITNIELSEN!!! Chart reading & Reiki Zoom goes to @Lindsey1839 some of you have not claimed your Winnings from last months giveaways, I announced on the August 9 Star Ki reading & I don’t have any way to message you here in youtube land, wish we could have DMs like insta or facebook, so you have to reach out & connect with me through my website at where you can also get a free 9 Star Ki Astrology reading when you sign up for my monthly emails.

I think the message of this ECLIPSE PORTAL beginning with this SUPERMOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES 12th HOUSE is this, the more you deeply you HEAL the more you will MANIFEST by becoming a better ENERGETIC MATCH to all that you desire!!! Have you ever gone through a HEALING CRISIS & then afterwards your life got so much better? We still have that BENEFICIAL GRAND TRINE KITE TRANSIT full of POTENTIAL but as we reach for this Higher Level by stepping into our Divine Power, there is some deep HEALING that has to happen first, it’s like a DETOXIFICATION Process, you may be feeling WORSE before it gets BETTER 

Check on your Highly Sensitive Friends, they are not okay right now!!! 

I have been feeling OFF, not sure if it’s Solar Storms, Retrogrades or this Eclipse Portal hitting the WATER SIGNS the most of all & many of you have told me you’re not feeling well in the readings I’ve been doing,  I have been doing my ECLIPSE CHART READINGS for the Eclipse SALE I’m having, you can still get in on this deal for $88 I will let you know how this whole Fall Eclipse Portal will affect you & it seems like everyone is having issues with BAD NEIGHBORS this eclipse & I have a remedy for this! 

I’m going to post another video about how to get rid of bad neighbors b/c I have a simple way that has worked wonders for me over & over again! 

Some of us ARE feeling all these ASCENSION SYMPTOMS more than others, but everyone is being affected from the incredible energetic SHIFTS happening with these 4 SUPERMOONS the most intense SUPERMOON will actually be OCTOBER’s Hunter moon in ARIES, very volatile energy there, but this PISCES HARVEST LUNAR ECLIPSE is AWAKENING US with a Grand Trine KITE that is like an ALARM CLOCK going off & we can’t hit snooze, it’s time to WAKE UP, make a Change this Eclipse is a CATALYST bringing MOMENTUM to RISE into your DIVINE Purpose with breakthroughs, quantum leaps. 

This COLLECTIVE AWAKENING that I have been talking about ALL YEAR & I really covered this AWAKENING in my 9 Star Ki Wood Dragon video, if you haven’t seen that, I wll link in description, this DRAGON YEAR brings AWAKENING but it’s not all Rainbows & Unicorns I like to say, just like a Reiki Attunement, it brings a DETOXIFICATION Process & our whole WORLD  is releasing TOXINS right now, it’s not that our world is getting darker, our world is actually AWAKENING to this 5D Reality but in the process it is releasing the lower 3D level realities that include Fear, Hate, Scarcity & if you want to get through this process quicker, tap into your HEART, because this Awakening process requires our Heart Centered participation & we all have to choose LOVE, be in a state of LOVE, give LOVE, BE LOVE to make it happen faster &

 this KITE TRANSIT is an invitation to LOVE, an invitation to AWAKEN to our Divine Purpose with LOVE, do what you LOVE the money will follow!  

I dare say this is a MIRACLE MOON that may hold the MEDICINE we need for these times as Pisces 12th house rules Medicine including ENERGY MEDICINE like REIKI 

Pisces 12th House rules over Hospitals & INSANE Asylums & they will be BUSY this Eclipse, bless the NURSES, Health Providers & Practitioners out there!!!
12th house is about ENDINGS & HOSPICE, too. 

There also seems to be LOTS of PEOPLE CROSSING OVER RIGHT NOW, 12th house is that final house of death leading to transformation & rebirth, I’ve been sending so many “Bridge of Lights” for hospice situations & I am honestly worried that my DOG, KINKACHOO,  might just cross over this Supermoon, he is elderly nearing hospice & it breaks my heart to think of life without him, but he’s getting old & fragile & he has his PISCES MOON at 27 Degrees in the 12th House of endings, this Lunar Eclipse will be nearly conjunct his MOON,  bringing up all the feels for him & yes, you can use Astrology on your PETS!!!! 

If you know someone crossing over or you have a GHOST or SPIRIT in your house, I did this Bridge of Light Video that I use with my Reiki students, I will link it in the description, it includes a very powerful Blue Flame Technique for ghostbusting & space clearing, too. the VEIL GETS THIN during this ECLIPSE PORTAL, especially with PISCES who rules over all the SUPERNATURAL things there can be some spooky energy coming in.

But we also have this truly OPTIMISTIC ENERGY of this GRAND TRINE KITE is still impacting us, I talked about this in depth in my Virgo New moon report, go back & watch that if you haven’t already b/c this is a once in a lifetime moment to step into your divine purpose to harness your talents & superpowers to make it all happen for you! 

SUPERMOON PISCES 25 degrees nearly conjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES at 28 degrees TRINE URANUS who just went RETROGRADE, I am creating a separate report for Uranus Retrograde, TRINE PLUTO in CAPRICORN at that critical 29 Degrees with the SUN in VIRGO now holding the tension rod of this KITE, at the new moon Virgo it was VENUS holding the tension rod, but Venus has moved on through Libra, she’s moving so fast as Venus is rising in her star pattern, she will be in SCORPIO  on 09/22 for a transformative EQUINOX!

Lot to unpack here, Neptune in Pisces is all about illusions, delusions & confusions, but it’s begging us to tap into our INTUITION, DREAMS & Alice in Wonderland IMAGINATION to create something unusual trining URANUS it’s a Surprising, Unexpected Twist of FATE trine Pluto that will TRANSFORM US in that Death, Transformation Rebirth way, Pluto ruler of the Underworld, we need to go DEEP below, to our subconscious or do some ANCESTRAL HEALING Pluto has retrograded back to Capricorn where Pluto was in 2020 but we Won’t Go BACK! we just made Kamala Harris T-shirts that say “we won’t go back!” & I am donating proceeds to her campaign because it is so important that we don’t go back.

I trust SUN in Virgo with the tension rod, Virgos are some of the most grounded in reality people I know, so Virgo is making sure this Kite doesn’t fly away into never never land as these truly mystical yet unpredictable planets are giving us opportunities for huge, life altering changes!!! 

Let’s look at how this KITE will be hitting Kamala Harris this week: SUN in VIRGO that is holding the control of this KITE is crossing her STELLIUM of PLANETS in VIRGO, she just had Sun conjunct Uranus, surprise your the Candidate now! SUN conjunct PLUTO big life altering changes for her, you think? SUN VENUS CAZIMI happening just before this Eclipse that is lighting up her HEART, she is tapped into the POWER OF LOVE to succeed, there’s nothing better than a Venus Sun Cazimi & she is literally anchoring this KITE transit for us all with DIVINE LOVE!!!! Pisces Supermoon will cross her CHIRON lighting up any areas she needs to HEAL in her 10th house of career & recognition, that is interesting, NEPTUNE is also there in her 10th house where she will need to Transcend the Bullshit, sounds about right for her debate with Trump, if she can TRANSCEND & use her INTUITION & IMAGINATION to outsmart him this week, this GRAND TRINE is really working in her favor so far, it puts her in a state of SYNCHRONICITY that seems heavenly in some way, like maybe her mother is helping her from the other side, I do believe that is possible, there’s a KISMET sense of Luck that things are working in her favor! 

Uranus in Taurus shows up in her 12th house where she just had a Uranus Jupiter conjunction, there are higher forces that are working through her right now, she is literally channeling this desire for FREEDOM & she is a big part of the crumbling & releasing of the OLD WAYS to make room for ushering in a NEW PARADIGM, a NEW WAY FORWARD!!!! PLUTO in CAPRICORN is in her 8th House of sex, death & other people’s money, the house is naturally ruled by PLUTO & she is receiving huge Financial Windfalls of money from others as we are clearly seeing this to be true! This Kite is definitely aligning in positive ways for her! 

So this shows you how these houses of PISCES, Capricorn & Virgo will be affecting Kamala & We all have those signs somewhere in our chart, let me know where those signs show up for YOU & I will give you a mini reading in comments. 

Now let’s look at TRUMP’s Chart 

Neptune in Pisces & Supermoon will be in his 8th House of Sex, Death & Other people’s money, there can be some confusion around either a sexual encounter or shared resources like joint funds or properties, lines can be blurred between what belongs to you & what belongs to your partners, there can be fraud around how joint funds are being used, it could even be mishandling campaign funds or other people’s money, generally having Neptune in any house of finances brings problems, the Supermoon is lighting this up, so it will be revealed, possibly in a public way.

Uranus in Taurus shows up in Trump’s 10th House of Career & Recognition creating revolutionary changes to his position in life, I’ve had Uranus in Taurus in my 10th house all year, too, it is so UNPREDICTABLE & hard to tell what will happen with this surprising planet but he’s not on even ground in his job currently & Uranus is heading towards GEMINI next where Trump will have a URANUS RETURN that can be extremely VOLATILE but generally indicates an “END of an ERA.” so in that sense it would make sense that Trump’s career is ENDING in some way that indicates he LOSES clearly! You only have ONE URANUS return in life around 80 Years old & I can’t believe Trump is going to be 80 soon! Is that too old? He would be our OLDEST President in all of history & we’ve had a LOT of OLD Presidents! 

PLUTO In Capricorn is crossing his 5th House in Capricorn, nothing remarkable there, but there may be something that changes with his relationship to his KIDS with this KITE? Some of that negotiating resources with his spouse in the 8th house could have to do with a potential for divorce with Melania that has been speculated about, some say she is being paid off to stay with him until the election is over & perhaps there is a shift in his relationship with his youngest son if he does get a divorce. 

VIRGO SUN holding the tension rod for this KITE Transit shows up in Trump’s 1st house of who he is & that is in opposition with this Supermoon Pisces Eclipse that is really on the line between his 7th house of relationship & 8th House of Joint resources, causing a CHANGE in RELATIONSHIPS & Neptune confusion over shared resources, I smell a divorce coming & I talked about this in Trump’s astrology reading at the beginning of the year even! 

Does Trump seem a little pre-occupied in the debate? We shall see! 

Trump has SATURN in Pisces in his 7th house of relationships, too, that brings some HARD LESSONS to his love life, too. Who could focus on an election with Saturn in the 7th house in opposition to your 1st house of who you are & your own personal needs? Tough stuff for Trump, I have compassion for him, this is not an easy transit!  

We just had that Saturn Opposition happening 09/07 as I record this, the best chance to see Saturn in the night sky just after Sunset, so of course we had clouds here in the Pacific Northwest, but I look forward to to seeing images from NASA.

Saturn in Pisces might be putting some roadblocks or obstacles in front of us all this month, do you know what house PISCES is in your chart?  That’s where you will be receiving some powerful lessons for MASTERY, do you ever notice that you have the worst scarcity or problems right before you quantum leap into something far better? That Contrast causes you to desire, so if you’re not happy where you are, make a list of all the things you don’t like, that’s your CONTRAST LIST & then make a second list of DESIRES.  So your contrast list may say things like, I don’t like where I am living right now, your Desire List is “I am manifesting a new home in a new location that supports me better energetically.”

Or you may be upset that you’re in debt right now, you’re not alone, I am hearing this a lot from people, so you put that “I am not happy about my current debt.” in the Contrast list & then your Desire List says “I am manifesting ways to make more money swiftly to pay off all of my debts & have more than enough money for everything I need & everything I want.” 

SATURN QUINTILE URANUS on 09/20 going into the EQUINOX, I will cover that in my Equinox reading.

I hope to UNPACK PLUTO 29 degrees of CAPRICORN the FINAL time in Capricorn in our LIFETIME more in my next report too. 

For now I will leave you with the SABIAN SYMBOL for this incredible Lunar Eclipse with KITE Transit:


KEYNOTE: The power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life and to induce necessary catharsis.

Excess conscious attention on greed for power and wealth can bring negative results. Every man is a Church that has the Soul as its god, but most people forget the Soul and live according to dogmatic rules and habits that have become empty of inner meaning. A purging or catharsis is needed to restore fresh & creative spontaneity through contact with the Soul. This final consummation of the process of actualization of the potency inherent in the original Creative Act requires moments of crisis and PURIFICATION.

I didn’t read this until now but it completely aligns with what I was saying in the beginning of this report, that we are in a process of DETOXIFICATION before we ASCEND to this HIGHER LEVEL, something is ENDING this month to make way for a NEW FRESH ERA, it’s like a massive STORM how dramatic it is but then afterwards everything is so fresh smelling & you may even see a rainbow & your hope is restored!!! If you’re feeling awful this month, you might just be getting ready to be ready to TRANSCEND!!!! 

QUANTUM LEAP w/ Aquarius Supermoon 08/19


Watch the VIDEO on my Youtube here:

QUANTUM LEAP Changes!!! 

We have 4 SUPERMOONS in a ROW for August,September, October & November taking us right through the Election with a lot of ENERGY as a supermoon is a full moon within 90% of its closest approach to Earth, these moons are bigger, brighter & more INTENSE stirring up all this Subconscious, emotional ENERGY as Venus is Rising, getting stronger & brighter as evening star, bringing that Divine Feminine Rising & A Female Presidential Candidate who truly can WIN but then we have this critical JUPITER SQUARE SATURN, Jupiter Conjunct Mars, Mercury Sun Cazimi Square Uranus & all those retrograde planets, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, Chiron all of them traveling backwards invoking fears that our wishes might not come true, our plans might now work out, let’s not forget the SOLAR STORMS threatening our Electrical Grid & Internet & causing crazy symptoms for those of us who are more in tune to the frequencies, we’re feeling ALL these feels & there’s a lot of ups & downs, head spinning, oopsy daisy, did someone put something in my drink, I feel motion sickness that can only come from this high powered Aquarian WATER BEARER SUPERMOON, it’s getting TRIPPY. if you know any Aquarius in your life, sometimes it feels like you don’t know where you stand with an Aquarius, they are FICKLE beings, the word ACQUAINTANCE relates to AQUARIUS & I feel like I can’t get beyond “Acquaintance” status with my Aquarian friends as a Scorpio I try to delve deep to really get to know people in my life, but Aquarius are the supreme MYSTERY, like ALIENS, they’re so Other Worldly, higher minds,  I can’t figure them out, what will this AQUARIUS SUPERMOON bring us, when will we enter this AGE OF AQUARIUS?  Hopefully this moon unites our COMMUNITY & brings us a sense of BELONGING b/c that’s what Aquarius does best.

Let’s Quickly unpack this Jupiter square Saturn happening on this SUPERMOON

You might be craving some kind of LUCKY BREAK Financial Windfall to catapult you into a new reality under this Jupiter Saturn Square with Mercury Sun Cazimi JEDI MIND POWERS Squaring URANUS planet of SURPRISES this is a time when you can QUANTUM LEAP into a new reality, some fated events CAN show up to put you on a brand new trajectory that aligns to your divine purpose & it all begins within, with the story you are telling yourself, so this is a time to get energetically ALIGNED to a higher state of MIND focus on the reality you want & feel it coming.

if you’ve watched my channel for awhile you know how I feel about SQUARES & their diamond making pressure that brings obstacles, roadblocks & CHALLENGES, but it is in those CHALLENGES, when we are TESTED that we GROW & so the gift of this massive, life altering SQUARE between Jupiter the King who grants our Wishes & SATURN the LORD of KARMIC LESSONS is ultimately our SOUL is about to be TESTED in exactly the way we need to GROW into the person we are born to become & isn’t that what we signed up for when we agreed to come to Earth School?

If you want to know what area of your life will be challenged simply look to your GEMINI & PISCES houses in your chart & what do you have going on there? If you know your chart, leave it in the comments what house is your GEMINI & PISCES IN?!?!? If you want to know even more about this JUPITER SQUARE SATURN I am going to UNPACK in a separate transit reading where I talk more about the financial implications of this powerhouse transit that we will have 3 times between now & JUNE 2025 & the effects will ripple out into our ECONOMY because Jupiter & Saturn both rule over Money & Wealth in very different ways as you will learn in my other report. There’s also a COLLECTIVE AWAKENING being emphasized in the Sabian Symbols for this transit, stay tuned for that transit.

Mars Jupiter Conjunction squaring Saturn

It’s too bad this transit didn’t come during the OLYMPICS because on a good day Mars represents our AMBITION, Athletic Performance & that Competitive Spirit that is useful in all SPORTS, expanded my JUPITER we will have a lot of ENERGY on this Supermoon to accomplish great things & I imagine this will give our Political Campaigns a lot of fuel for the fire! But on a bad day, MARS is the WARRIOR Planet bring Aggression, Anger & Violence so tread carefully, this is a “Do not engage with Crazy” transit, things can be heating up in our world, lots of unrest, I wouldn’t want to be driving, traveling or in crowded spaces for this aggressive conjunction, I will stay home, maybe take a vow of a silence that day so I don’t say anything I regret out of some stupid frustration.


So maybe the struggle & challenges will be affecting your LOVE LIFE as VENUS gives Jupiter an extra Square, poor happy go lucky Jupiter in Gemini is getting the pressure from his BOSS (SATURN) & now his Girlfriend (VENUS) this guy needs to take off on a ROADTRIP & not look back!!! But be careful when you try to ESCAPE these obstacles, they will surely not go away & only get LOUDER. Venus Square Jupiter can also be about overdoing a GOOD Thing, like blowing everything off because you met the Love of your Life & all you want to do is go to the beach & hang out with this new soulmate, but don’t forget you got bills to pay & work to do so that you can afford to keep the life you have become accustomed to! Your newfound lover might leave you when you lose your job, car & home so have FUN but don’t neglect your OBLIGATIONS. 

Venus in Virgo exact opposition to Saturn in Pisces

Full Moon Aquarius is in an EXACT Opposition to mercury retrograde cazimi w/ SUN LEO 


What could go RIGHT? 

I AM PREDICTING INTERNET OUTAGES, we’ve already had so many this summer in Oregon where I live because of WILDFIRES, could you get by, could you do your work without the INTERNET? I couldn’t do Astrology very well but I was giving a Massage when we had a Massive Internet & Electrical Outage this month, the only noticeable thing was that my music being played on bluetooth speakers went out, but I was able to keep calm & carry on with my massage, so I guess I could give Massages all day long without needing internet or electriciy but how many of us could get by in this day & age without Internet & Electricity, we are so dependent on but if we lost it tomorrow, do you think we could go back to a simpler way of being? Our modern world is so delicately bound to TECHNOLOGY now.

With Mercury Retrograde being lit up by a powerful SUN in LEO, this can also represent something shocking & unexpected happening to someone FAMOUS or perhaps getting FAMOUS suddenly in a surprising way, I am sure we will see lots of VIRAL Posts & possible Celebrity Scandals this Full Moon. This is a busy making energy of putting out FIRES both literally & figuratively, Mercury Retrograde Cazimi Square URANUS will bring CHAOS that may come from sudden EARTH related events like EARTHQUAKES, Mudslides, Volcanoes & I spoke about this more in my 8 Earth Mountain star report for my August 9 Star Ki, it’s always fascinating when the East meets West & both the eastern & western astrology are saying the same thing, buckle up there can be a whirlwind of revolutionary CHANGES coming this August but for now, it all begins within, it’s a quantum shift within us all before we see the outer results sometimes.

sun enters virgo on 8/22 

ceres stations direct 08/26

Mercury stations direct 08/28

venus enters libra lighting up KAMALA on August 29th 

Mark your Calenders for September 17th for a FULL SUPERMOON PISCES partial LUNAR ECLIPSE w/ VENUS nearby this is the first ECLIPSE on that PISCES / VIRGO Nodal AXIS where the True North Node will be in Pisces from January 11, 2025, to July 26, 2026. Get to know your PISCES / VIRGO houses in your chart where it will all be going down & it just got INTERESTING!!! These eclipses will have that SATURN in PISCES Kicker!!!  I am going to start my ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY SALE NOW for just $88. find out where in your chart this Eclipse will show up & I will give you a chart, an eclipse reading & distance Reiki, I will have 13 Readings available & this gives me just enough time to complete them before 09/17, Link in Description, get yours before they’re gone!

The Lionsgate readings sold out in just 5 days time!


KEYNOTE: The importance of traditional skills and artistic values deeply rooted in man’s instinctive feelings as frames of reference for man’s most authentic emotions.

Violets have often been considered symbols of modesty, service and humility, these were understood to be the mark of true womanhood. It is a symbol of DELICACY OF FEELING.

Violets are ruled by VENUS & the element of Water, used by poets Violets are symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, intuition, inspiration from divine forces,  spiritual passion and sovereignty. 

If you carry violets in your purse or pocket, they will protect you from wicked spirits & they bring Luck, prosperity & a swift change of fortune for the better.

Ancient Greeks wore Violet essential oils to calm tempers & induce deep sleep.

If you gather the first violets you find in Spring, your wishes will come true. 


I am celebrating LIONSGATE PORTAL 08/08 this year with an ASTROLOGY CHART GIVEAWAY & the WINNER will be announced on 08/08 eve!!! 

To Enter like, subscribe & comment on my Youtube video:



Lionsgate REIKI CLASS 08/08

.LIONSGATE is a powerful time to do all kinds of ENERGY WORK, Reiki, energy clearings, space clearings, meditation, yoga , manifestation work & nature therapy to align with this crystalline energy pouring onto our planet from the SIRIUS Star PORTAL. We can tap into this energy once a year, to increase our ability to MANIFEST. This relates to ancient Egyptian times when te SIRIUS STAR begins RISING in the night sky over EGYPT at it’s closest position to the earth in JULY this would begin the time when THE NILE RIVER would RISE with WATER, A SIGN OF DIVINE ABUNDANCE for WATER is Wealth & in this time of drought on our world, we will soon learn just how much WATER truly is our most precious resource, water is our wealth still today. The GIZA Pyramids in Egypt were built to align with the ORION STAR Constellation & this bright blue SIRIUS STAR, during the LIONSGATE Portal they align perfectly with the 3 stars, South Pyramid aligns with Orion representing OSIRIS Rebirth, North Pyramid aligns with Draco Star & the Middle Pyramid aligns with SIRIUS which they called ISIS’ Star. This Lionsgate is a time when Egyptians would tune in to receive DIVINE MESSAGES FROM ISIS. Egyptians would pray for LOVE & ABUNDANCE in many rituals they performed around the SIRIUS STAR Portal. When Sirius shines its beautiful Blue Light Energy over us, this Energy is available for all of us to receive this during this once a year LIONSGATE Activation Portal & truly the best way to TAP into this QUANTUM HEALING ENERGY is by Receiving a Reiki Healing session as you will receive with this distance REIKI in this video!!!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0