LUNAR NEW YEAR of the SNAKE EARTH MOTHER in 9 Star Ki Astrology

This new moon in Aquarius is a call for REVOLUTION as it passes PLUTO at 1 degree of Aquarius where we just had that PLUTO SUN CAZIMI & we are still soaking in the energy of extreme transformations & delving into the UNKNOWN FUTURE, Time to Conjure up some Profound Hidden Forces to influence Outcomes, you may feel PARANOID, but it MAY BE the END of the World as we know it.  Pluto is  POWER & TRANSFORMATION as we SHIFT  in POWER, the Sabian Symbol warns us about a Thunderstorm of nature’s challenges where all human institutions & achievements will be washed away, dust you were & dust you must become, crumbling of anold world era as we enter this Aquarius ♒️ age, we RISE like a PHOENIX in SOUL EVOLUTION amidst CRISIS & CHAOS…

I’ve never been “Religious” I was raised Catholic but I prefer to find my higher powers in NATURE, but when you have a real crisis at hand, most of us will suddenly want to PRAY to a higher power or God, this first occurred to me in 1989 when I was close to the epic center of the biggest EARTHQUAKE I had ever experienced in California, then other times when I really needed Soul Protection or even to call in Favors, PRAYER really can create MIRACLES & this New Moon is TRINE JUPITER in Gemini, Jupiter is all about our FAITH & GEMINI is about COMMUNICATION making this the perfect new moon to say a PRAYER, let me know your prayer in the comments & I will send distance REIKI Golden light for it with my Master Reiki symbols! 

We also have IMBOLC or St. Brigid’s day, the Goddess of DIVINE MIRACLES, who shows us anything is POSSIBLE if we ASK, BELIEVE, we will RECEIVE. I love the story of Brigid & her Magical CAPE, when she asked the KING for Land to build her monastery in Ireland he refused her, but she didn’t give up & she gathered her wise women around her for some MAGIC, when they returned, she wore her Magical Cloak & pleaded with the King once more, please sir may I have just enough land to build a Monastery, I would only need as much land as my cloak could cover, the King said, “Only the size of your Cloak? that’s nothing, yes, you may have that.” then her 4 Wise women took the 4 corners of her cloak & walked outward in all of the 4 directions until her cloak covered several acres. The King was amazed at her magical cloak, he knew she must be blessed by God, he became her patron, giving her the desired land &  more than enough money to build her monastery. If you’re needing FAITH in MIRACLES this New Moon, you can create a Brigid’s Cross & place it in your home to bless your year. I might do that this year, I need all the hope I can muster. I will link to this great Brigidine Website that teaches you how to make a natural St. Brigid’s Cross out of reeds you can find on your next hike. 

I just ordered my beautiful PRAYER FLAGS from the Dharmashop to hang on Lunar New Years, this is so uplifting & Dharmashop prayer flags are made by Buddhist NUNS they have this magical energy to help you MANIFEST your WISHES, if you order right now you could have them in time for Lunar new years, but if you miss it, don’t worry you can hang these prayer flags later, they do have a list of auspicious & not auspicious dates for hanging flags, I will link Dharma Shop in the description. 

Hanging Prayer Flags helps you feel INTENTIONAL about what it is you’re CALLING in for this NEW YEAR & it is believed that the WIND will carry your prayers & wishes to the Sky Gods who can assist you in manifesting whatever your heart desires, we have been hanging Prayer flags in my family for over 20 years now & it’s a wonderful reminder of your wishes for the year everytime you see the WIND dancing in the flags! 

I know so many of you are feeling depressed about the state of our world, but as an energy healer, I am sensing so much LIGHT & LOVE just pouring into our world right now from a higher source, if you turn off the TV & just get out into nature & tap into the real energy of our planet, there is something shifting, there is this REBIRTH energy pouring in & there is an ENLIGHTENMENT VIBE coming in strong right now so be careful about where you place your focus right now, surround yourself with energetically high vibration friends, try to stay in that upward spiral on the energetic scale by focusing on LOVE & JOY, so many of us light workers are making a point of sending HEALING ENERGY to our WORLD in these meditations that are happening at 2pm every single day, doesn’t matter the time you’re in, if you can take 15 minutes out of your day wherever you live to just sit in meditation or even if you’re out on a walk, see if you can tap into these healing energies & send some of your own at 2pm daily, I’ve made a point of meditating & sending distance Reiki to the situation of our world with an intention of raising the vibration to LOVE, I rest on my INFRARED BIOMAT listening to the sound healings we have & playing my Heart Sutra Singing Bowl, it feels so good to tap into this HEALING FREQUENCY every day at 2PM.

Aquarius is all about the COMMUNITY & I love this HEALING COMMUNITY that is happening. I have North Node in Aquarius in my 6th House of Health & my calling in life is to create healing communities, my Reiki tribe is definitely a Healing Community, but I also publish the Bend Health Guide that I am working on right now featuring so many Community Health Leaders & then this Spring we will be doing a HEALTH FAIR at this incredible community space I’ve found & hopefully more Healthy Happy Hours this Spring if you live in Central Oregon, follow my Meetups I will link below, lots of amazing HEALING Happenings coming in 2025 as so many people want to GATHER with like minded people for deep healing right now. 

AQUARIUS is a HEALING Energy ruled by URANUS the planet of SPONTANEOUS HEALING, what if our WORLD could have SPONTANEOUS Healing as we enter this AGE OF AQUARIUS, this brand new way of being that is really opening our minds to new possibilities, brand new opportunities, QUANTUM SHIFTS & BREAKTHROUGHS, I always think of channeling ALIENS & ANCESTORS when I think of Aquarius ruled by URANUS, this is a time when you can tap into DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT, so ask your guides & guardians where should you go, what should you be doing, invite a higher mind to guide you this New Moon, 

I have been doing so many 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings with Reiki & an Energy Clearing from my SALE & the divine messages that are coming through for people are so OTHERWORLDLY now & lots of Totem Animals & Spirit Guides are showing up in my VISIONS to give their people messages, too, it’s been wild & so much of my readings don’t even come from me, it’s always funny when a client will say, you told me this thing & It was exactly as you told me, down to the exact WORD that was used & I will just look at them blankly, like, I do not even remember saying that WORD at all & that is because, I didn’t say it, SPIRIT said it, I was just sitting with my journal scribbling it all down, that is how I do readings I do free writing & the things that come through are just amazing to me!~ So see if you can tap into some of this HIGHER WISDOM that is floating in our ETHERS this NEW MOON, too, get out a JOURNAL & WRITE it all out, I sell some journals on Amazon if you need a new one I highly recommend my GANESH Journal, he will help you overcome obstacles this year! 

Some good news is URANUS & JUPITER station DIRECT now we can finally MOVE FORWARD on our BIG PLANS & MAKE SOME MONEY, JUPITER & EXPAND our AWARENESS, URANUS, URANUS will enter Gemini this SUMMER bringing Trump a crazy URANUS RETURN that doesn’t happen until you’re in your 80s but I will be curious to see what SHOCKING SURPRISES hit Trump later this year.

VENUS in PISCES will be in a Harmonious SEXTILE to URANUS in Taurus just before this NEW MOON, an excellent time for a surprising NEW LOVE AFFAIR but also just a ROMANTIC, EXCITING time to REKINDLE your relationship in new & surprising ways, should make for an EXCITING VALENTINES Day why not do something totally unexpected to SURPRISE the LOVE of your LIFE? Sneak out for a getaway if you can. I am doing some wonderful VALENTINE’S DAY RELATIONSHIP CHARTS FULL OF FUN SURPRISES & Soulmate discoveries, if you want to get a Valentines Relationship Astrology Chart on sale through Valentines, order soon so I can complete your reading insights before February 14th, which is a blink away.

THEN Venus will conjunct North Node at 28 Degrees of PISCES just be

There may be Ending Relationships, releasing worn out things or LOSING SOMETHING to make way for NEW LOVE coming in 2025 with some OLD SOUL connections, possibly meeting your TWIN FLAME. Venus is sprinkling her LOVE VIBES on the North Node PISCES before those POWERFUL SPRING ECLIPSES come, 

I am already delving into what that is going to bring, pay attention to where PISCES VIRGO are in your chart & if you KNOW, leave it in the comments, my PISCES VIRGO FRIENDS will be FEELING these & if you have Pisces North Node, this is your NORTH NODE RETURN Spiritual BOOTCAMP TIME, get READY!!! 

Mercury will conjunct Pluto this New Moon time to transform your INNER LIMITING BELIEFS so you can MANIFEST & really Change your life, get into a higher energetic vibration, listen to our sound healings & see if you can make a PROFOUND SHIFT, this is the perfect transit for setting those POWERFUL LUNAR NEW YEAR INTENTIONS, give yourself time & space to CALL IN what you want to CREATE this year!!!

SABIAN 9 Degrees of Aquarius

AQUARIUS 9°): A FLAG IS SEEN TURNING INTO AN EAGLE. KEYNOTE: The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values. Revitalization of a powerful symbol, its embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given living substance and wings. The Image has become a Power. To “see” the new archetype, to perceive a new standard of value with one’s mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision. One Silver Lining of having Trump as President is that people seem to want to GET INVOLVED in POLITICS all of a sudden, to DO SOMETHING, I’ve been following ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ & she is so INSPIRING


KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal.

Here we have a relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate, between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love — a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION. in the 9 STAR KI TRUMP IS the 9 FIRE, the LOVER STAR & he makes people LOVE him somehow, I don’t understand it, but now there is some DISILLUSIONMENT happening for those who voted for TRUMP & didn’t think he would do what he’s doing, I love MAYA ANGELOU’s quote, something like, “People tell you exactly who they are, you’re just not LISTENING!” 

We are still under the influence of that powerful VENUS CONJUNCT SATURN bringing us EXISTENTIAL CRISIS, I spoke about this more in my Cancer Full Moon report, but I didn’t read the SABIAN SYMBOL which I find so interesting….



KEYNOTE: Reliance upon one’s inner source of inspiration or guidance. In this ritual of cyclic existence we have a process that perpetuates a creative impulse of SELF ACTUALIZATION. This source is above & beyond, but also all around the individual creator. The inspiration is given a form which is conditioned by the cultural, social and religious background of the creative person. In a sense, every genius merely records an answer to the needs of his time. The hands that write, play an instrument, or mold materials are his own but the flow of inspiration has arisen in the vast collective mind of Man & Spirit.This creative process requires an individual’s need for concentration and inner quiet. He must have faith in his own SUBJECTIVE STRENGTH.

I have been CRAVING more DOWN TIME to be CREATIVE in the midst of all the crazy going on, how about you?
This FLOW of CREATIVITY that is calling us, just might hold the MEDICINE for these TIMES!!!! 


Stay Home & Heal your Heart this moon


on Monday, January 13th


the day ruled by the MOON 

& Cancer is ruled by the MOON


I am urging you to 


take a MENTAL HEALTH Day OFF for some 






we will be talking about how to care for your HEART in todays reading & I am wearing my heart on my sleeve literally as we get closer to Valentine’s Day, I am having a RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY CHART READING SALE, you get 2 CHARTS one for you & one for your partner plus learn how you relate to each other based on how your planets interact, it is SO HELPFUL to know this, I offer Relationship advice & COPING Mechanisms to help you CONNECT on an even deeper level with the one you love!   You have to order this by JANUARY 30th if you want to have it completed in time to give as a GIFT for VALENTINES DAY, the LINK is below in the Description & on my WEBSITE at KIMIMIhealingarts.

This Cancer Full Moon is all about MOTHERHOOD but even if you’re not a mother you can always MOTHER your INNER CHILD, ask your inner child what it wants to do today.

see if you can HEAL an INNER CHILD WOUNDs, this is remarkable work that can CHANGE everything! 

You may be feeling more Vulnerable this Lunar Cycle, 

or Overwhelmed & that is just the energy of this moment as we prepare to transition out of the DRAGON Year & into this SNAKE EARTH MOTHER year on January 29th Lunar New Years & I just recorded all of my SNAKE YEAR Predictions for the 9 Star Ki, be sure to check those out, find your own Star & see what this year holds for YOU! I am still having my 9 Star Ki reading sale with distance Reiki & an Energy clearing until January 29th & then the price goes up, the link for that is below, too. 


AS WE ENTER 2025???? Oh YES darlings,  there IS!!! 

JANUARY 11TH THE LUNAR NODES MOVE FROM ARIES / LIBRA AXIS where we were in 2024 trying to balance our own personal needs with the needs of our RELATIONSHIPS

 & now we have this MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT INTO PISCES & VIRGO that will last 18 months & we will have ALL those ECLIPSES in 2025 in PISCES / VIRGO

Pisces Rules the 12th House, Completion of a Karmic Cycle, the last house of the Zodiac wheel that represents endings, death & ultimately Spiritual Enlightenment if you’re lucky. Pisces brings this Mystical, Magical energy & we can really channel DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT now to guide us forward into the great UNKNOWN, the ABYSS, this brand new awakened world we’re moving into where it feels like the LANDSCAPE has changed & we’re not in KANSAS anymore! Pisces rules hospitals & INSANE ASYLUM & we may see more PSYCHOSIS in 2025 that will have you clicking your ruby slippers together saying “There’s NO Place LIKE HOME!” because you may want to hide out at home during this year’s Eclipse Portal!!! 

Combined with VIRGO who is so Salt of the Earth PRACTICAL in the 6th House of our Health & Wellbeing as they relate to your Daily ROUTINES, take your VITAMINS KIDS! Virgo is like the Mailman, dependable, reliable delivery of the goods, so cling to that predictability as everything is changing around you, especially when this NORTH NODE COMES INTO CONJUNCTION W/ NEPTUNE bringing us confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland house of mirrors where we can’t even tell what is real anymore, especially with Artificial Intelligence giving us fantasy world images, North Node Pisces conjunct Neptune sets the stage of an otherworldly theatre experience like the Wizard of Oz but throw in more ALIENS, ANGELS & ANCESTORS! 

I am going to unpack all of this in a separate NODAL AXIS report for 2025 soon but what you really need to know is…



 EXACT on January 18th,  already visible in the night sky, Venus shines her LOVELIGHT on this Saturn in Pisces situation to bring in some softer mood lighting to the PLAY we’re about to watch, Saturn is the SOUL TEACHER here to give you Soul Lessons & tough homework assignments, but VENUS says, STAY HEART CENTERED & you will not FAIL these TESTS that are coming, if it gets hard, keep placing your hands over your heart, close your eyes, feel your heart beating, tune in, tap into that LOVE that resides into your heart, it is always available to you through this simple act of SELF LOVE, you can access Self Healing, Joy & BLISS when you take a moment out to simply place your hands on your heart & breathe. 

MOON CONJUNCT MARS on January 3rd & then it will conjunct again on January 31st as Mars stations Direct & crosses over the moon again, this brings VOLATILE EMOTIONS, feelings that TAKE OVER & cause you do ERRATIC MISTAKES, feel the feelings but please don’t act on them this Full Moon, just stay home, rest & KEEP CALM because we are still experiencing that MARS OPPOSITE PLUTO Transit until Mayday, look at all the EXPLOSIONS & VIOLENCE we saw when that transit was EXACT, remember my MARS MANTRA, “Do NOT Engage with CRAZY!” Find Refuge in your HEART as we wait for this STORM to pass, focus your attention on your HEART daily, place your hands on your heart, tap into those juicy feelings of LOVE, Divine Healing, JOY, Gratitude & BLISS this will create a GOLDEN DOME of protection around you, improving your wellbeing & increase the energetic vibration in our world.

When you do this kind of daily practice with Reiki tapping into your heart space you will call this golden light energy through your crown chakra & expanding outwards, the more you do this the STRONGER & BRIGHTER your Protective Golden Dome of energy becomes around yourself, around your home & your family, this SELF REIKI is always available to you We will all need more ENERGY CLEARINGS, more Healing REIKI & more ENERGETIC PROTECTION in the CHAOS of all these MARS TRANSITS comiing in HOT all through 2025 as I spoke about in my 9 Vibration recording, 9 is ruled by Mars & MARS is prevalent all year, MAR is the WARRIOR, Mars brings WARs, Calamity, Aggression & Violence, this is a call for more HEALING LOVE to pour into our planet to balance this, like the YIN & YANG when the Darkness is a Magnet for the LIGHT.


PLUTO is shaking his DEATH RATTLE with this PLUTO CAZIMI & this is ushering in this KALI YOGA that Hindus believe leads to the destruction of our world, I prefer to see it as a death transformation rebirth cycle but combined with that SNAKE Year , there may be more souls leaving the building this year not ready to energetically EVOLVE to this NEW AWAKENING that is coming in.  

This could make you feel paranoid as if the world really is ending or maybe you feel like someone is out to get you in some way, you might not be wrong about that depending where this AQUARIUS TRANSIT shows up in your chart!! TREAD CAREFULLY like you are stepping on a TIGER’s TAIL/

Our world may see more Catastrophic events, do you see why I am saying you might want to stay HOME & HIBERNATE like all of JANUARY??? Home is where the Heart is & again, I remind you to keep breathing with your hands on your hands on your heart, comforting yourself like a Mother comforts her child, “ALL IS WELL, I AM SAFE, I am calling in a GOLDEN DOME OF PROTECTION for my family.” 

Let’s see if the SABIAN SYMBOL can advise us on how to handle these INTENSE Transits & trust me when the girl with a Scorpio Stellium tells you it’s going to be INTENSE, it’s going to be REAL INTENSE, buckle up!!! 


KEYNOTE: Complex inner potentialities in harmonic relationships.

We’re dealing with a process of integration between  ONE YIN, Woman, emotions, Moon & 2 YANG, MEN, Actions, Sun on an ISLAND in the SOUTH, interesting in the 9 STAR KI the SOUTHEAST is the LUCKY corner of 2025. Together this three-fold consciousness has a harmonious and well-integrated modus vivendi (a specific way of life  where people co-exist in PEACE & HARMONY) this is different from mainstream living & it holds potential for relationships that have mastered INTER-DEPENDENCE.

Let’s read on & see where this is leading us this FULL MOON CANCER….CANCER 25°: A WILL-FULL MAN IS OVERSHADOWED BY A DESCENT OF SUPREME POWER.

KEYNOTE: Spiritual forces bring a descent of power. 

In this descent, divine consciousness, or Shakti, descends directly down from divine source above and enters the crown of a person’s head. This is often experienced as golden light, white light or energy, energetic alchemical “quicksilver” streaming down onto and into a person to create an energetic barrier This is exactly how a REIKI ATTUNEMENT works it’s magic & this is the GOLDEN DOME of PROTECTION I’ve been talking about, I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this reading. 

In this Sabian symbol we have a transcendent expression of “success.” It is a spiritual descent of POWER, an energetic ENDOWMENT.

So even though we have a Willful Man taking POWER this Month, there is a SUPREME POWER still working it’s magic if you can align with this HIGHER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY that is also pouring into our planet right now with the RISE of the SCHUMANN RESONANCE & all of the Geomagnetic storms that are going to be OFF THE CHARTS all of 2025, these are UPGRADING Us energetically for the times, so your homework assignment is to STAY HOME, place your hands on your heart & BREATHE!!!!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0