totality hits AMERICA, Canada Mexico, & South

America there’s a lot going on for us. Will you

WATCH this Eclipse?


Check on your Pisces & Virgo friends, they are not okay.

IDES of MARCH brings Uranus crossing over

ALGOL STAR point hitting Trump’s Midheaven

this signifies possible HEAD injury or possibly

LOSING his MIND, this is where Uranus & Mars

were crossing last year when Trump was shot in

the Ear & Algol represents MEDUSA, it always

brings HEAD INJURIES, we should all MIND OUR

HEADS during this Eclipse Portal. For Trump having

it right on his MIDHEAVEN, this is about his

DESTINY, it’s like he’s destined to have something

happen to his Head plus he has enemies from

within based on his Eclipse chart, I did a whole

separate reading on this Ides of March transit that

could be the downfall of Trump just as it was for

Julius Caesar, I will link below.SUN CONJUNCT SATURN in Pisces happens

March 12th this is an INTENSE Cazimi with the

Lord of Karma bringing ENDINGS in Pisces ruler of

the 12th house, this is the end of the road, there

can be a LOSS or hardship, where does PISCES

show up in your Chart? That is where your SOUL

LESSONS are showing up & this transit calls for

you to dig deep, find your inner GRIT that passion

& perseverance to move forward & make it all

happen despite all those obstacles Saturn is

placing in front of you, the obstacles bring the

deep SOUL LESSONS, pay attention to what is

showing up now related to your Pisces / Virgo.

MARS in cancer TRINE SUN & Saturn in Pisces

gives you the courage to FOLLOW THROUGH

on your Dreams, do the thing you’ve been

talking about doing, this will energize your

ambitions & gives you perseverance to accomplish

huge goals that just might surprise you to see

what you’re capable of accomplishing this month in

Pisces 12th house. it’s about finally COMPLETING

your big project, finishing the Script, your big TASK

you’ve been working on is finally DONE! I finally

finished up so many 2025 Astrology Readings & I

am having an Eclipse Astrology Sale that will end

on March 13th.then I am taking a PAUSE on Readings until May

15th because I am working on the Bend Health

Guide, our Spring Health Fair & teaching Reiki class

on April 27th, this is a BUSY SPRING for the

Scorpios & Pisces Signs who are benefiting from

both Saturn & Mars TRINE giving us MOTIVATION,

but be careful not to take on too much!

NORTH NODE of the moon conjunct NEPTUNE

opposite this LUNAR ECLIPSE, holy smokes,

this is HEAVY, Mystical, Magical, other worldly

SOUL WORK that aligns with an increase in the

Schumann Resonance bringing us ENERGETIC

DOWNLOADS that we cannot even comprehend

yet, but they are energetically, structurally

transforming our WORLD, it’s the end of the World

as we know it, but there is our COLLECTIVE

AWAKENING HAPPENING on our planet that is

delivering a NEW WAY Forward as we move sit on

this precipice between 12th House Pisces & 1st

Aries with all these planets lining up to see what is

dying & what is being born as we are sort of

STUCK in the BIRTH CANAL, will we need a C-

Section to get this NEW WORLD BORN? Maybe just

an epidural would help. This time feels so much

like a birthing process, we have to release, let go,

just ALLOW it to happen, we can’t control anything

in this Eclipse Portal, for me, I just keep asking,

“Then what happen?”We’re not at the end of the story, we’re birthing in

the BEGINNING of a brand new story, “and then

what happened?” This may feel like the END but in

fact it’s the beginning that comes with some Alice

in Wonderland Confusion & Delusion all year.

This Eclipse will bring a powerful MOON conjunct

Pluto opposite Neptune for so many Gen Xers

like me, if you were born between 1967 through

1975 you probably have Pluto in Virgo at this 20 –

29 degree point that is in exact opposition to this

Neptune North Node transit during this Eclipse, this

is about your LEGACY & this is your MOMENT to

do something PROFOUND, to live out your VISION,

to quit waiting to live the life of your dreams, to go

after your DREAM right now, in this moment b/c

tomorrow is promised to no one, it’s a little bit

HEAVY & Intense feeling that time is running out

for Gen X, this feeling of mortality especially with

SATURN so close by making it all feel so SERIOUS,

we can see the SAND pouring out of the

HOURGLASS now & there’s not as much at the top

anymore, yikes, I don’t love this transit, but is

urging us to take care of our SELF CARE with that

PLUTO in VIRGO, Virgo rules the 6th House of

Health & daily habits.VIRGO the sign of this BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE is

about WELLNESS Related HABITS, but it could also

force us to look at our BAD HABITS & force us to

make a change for the better, it’s our daily

ROUTINES as we Spring Forward maybe we want

to create new RITUALS, it can also be about our

Procrastination that comes from perfectionism,

there is a lot to get done this cycle & it’s better

DONE than Perfect, just do the thing you’ve been

dreaming of, then you can always do it better next




KEYNOTE: The need to tame one’s vital energies in

order to fulfill one’s destiny.

This is about being in complete control of your vital

energies. On a spiritual level this includes overcoming

the boastful pride attached to an exalted status or social

Office, sounds like our PRESIDENT there, someone needs

to TAME this LION!!!! This is a process to control man’s

“animal nature.” The energies of this LION can be put to

many uses once tamed and trained with



KEYNOTE: The need to keep a vibrant and pure

simplicity at the core of one’s being as one meets

the many tests of existence.

Coming after the preceding symbols this one tells us that,

though great, spectacular and resolute efforts are needed

in order to achieve one’s higher goals of destiny,

Jesus’ told his disciples to be like “little children.” for an

individual whose innocence is fixed upon spiritual

realization should genuinely radiate childlike

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