Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius w/ Antares Star a time of Rebirth

Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius w/ Antares Star a time of Rebirth

Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse happens 12/03/21 at 11:47pm in the PNW. This Solar Eclipse will be most visible in Antartica. This Eclipse will be at 12 Degrees of Sagittarius, so close to the Antares Star, Heart of the Scorpion, at 9 degrees of Sagittarius. It’s good to know where 9 & 12 degrees of Sagittarius show up in your personal Astrology Chart to see how this incredibly powerful Solar Eclipse will affect you. In the 9 Star Ki we are preparing to enter the 5 Center Soil Star Year of Rebirth! I am offering my Once a Year PLAID Friday Sale on Astrology Charts on 11/26/2021 on my Website, order your 9 Star Ki or Western Astrology Charts & receive both a written report plus a ZOOM Reading!… 

Manifest your intentions for 2022 with this Moon.

Whatever intentions you set with this new Moon Sagittarius will come into fruition on the Sagittarius full moon on JUNE 14th, 2022. That is how long this total solar eclipse energy will LAST.  Eclipses are change makers. It’s not as if all the changes will occur on December 4th.  We won’t see the full effects of the Eclipse Completed until this New Moon Sagittarius goes through it’s full gestation cycle. When it becomes a Full Moon Sagittarrius on JUNE 14th before the Summer Solstice next year.  So if there is an area of your life you really want to change  set your intention for  now. Be careful what you wish for with this strong energy! It’s good to KNOW where Sagittarius is in your Chart.  That is where the changes will occur. A wonderful New Moon Ritual for Sagittarius moon is to imagine you are the Goddess ARTEMIS, the great Archer Hunter.  You have a bow with 3 Arrows. They represent 3 things you want to manifest in 2022.  Keep it simple.  Don’t over manifest.  Write down three things you imagine you will shoot your arrows towards in your New Moon Journal.  I am working on creating a New Moon Journal right now.  I hope to have it out before the end of the year. Then because Sagittarius is so Physical… I will  do this Arrow Exercise as I imagine what it is I want or if you can physically shoot arrows at a bullseye, even better!



We can recognize a deep-seated belief that the American nation and its basic democratic institutions were constituted to be the cradle for the next step in human evolution. The “flag” is the abstract symbol of our nation. It becomes an eagle. This is  another U.S. symbol, also a scorpio Symbol. The US transforms into an eagle when the concept of freedom is made alive by bold and transcendent actions. The eagle symbolizes spiritual will and the power to rise. Flying higher than other birds, the eagle is the first living creature to perceive the rising sun. Having perceived it, it heralds it.  Then there is the crowing chanticleer.  He believes his resonant cry was responsible for the rise of the sun and the coming of this new day.  

A Chanticleer is a rooster.  It is the symbol for France. That makes me wonder what this Rooster has to do with this story? It will be interesting to watch the US/ FRANCE Ally Relationship going forward over the next 6 Months. There has been some drama with France. There were disagreements over Nuclear Submarines between Britain, France and America.  Kamala Harris just went to France to try to repair the damage. France’s President MACRON said,  “We share the view that we are at the beginning of a new era” when they met.  This new era signifies a rebirth.

This Total Solar Eclipse is also conjunct America’s Ascendent or our rising Sign at 12 Degrees of Sagitarrius.  Let’s unpack all of this. When you have Sun Conjunct your Ascendant, it can be a rebirth. This is a time of new, fresh energy, new inspiration. It feels  like your batteries are recharged. Your coffee is strong.  You are ready to take on life again! This aspect gives America a renewed hope for reaching lofty goals.  This is a new beginning, a new direction for America, just as the Sabian Symbol shows, this is truly the dawn of a new era. I find this fascinating as AMERICA is having it’s PLUTO return right now in the house of  wealth & Possessions, we are transforming our entire ECONOMY currently with this new Bill that BIDEN passes we are literally reconstructing America for the BETTER hopefully! This is a very brave, Confident Transit….

Then the pendulum swings back to the MOON also conjunct America’s Aspect is a more emotional transit, there can be heightened emotions, strong, intuitive fears, extreme anxiety & it can all seem so overwhelming. So there is that dichotomy that is going to be affecting AMERICA  for a FULL 6 Months of that Yin/Yang energy, boldly GOING FOR IT, making these big, sweeping changes with that Sun in Sagittarrius Conjunct our Ascendent transit beginning a fresh, new Rebirth Cycle & then the moon conjunction causing us to retreat in fear, not sure if we have made the right choices going forward or not.  That Mercury  conjunct Sagittarius is like the person at work who just wants to talk about what we’re going to do, but nothing ever really gets done., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0