Leo Full Moon February Wednesday, February 12th
24 degrees LEO
BEND HEALTH GUIDE IS hosting our Spring Health Fair 05/10/2025, I’d love to see you there, get TICKETS here:
If you’d like a BOOTH email me at Bendhealthguide@gmail.com, they’re going fast!
Hello friends, this is your LEO FULL MOON report, if you’re new here I am Terie & I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Massage therapist who loves to look at the STARS & try to figure it all out. We have had a very busy month watching that PLANETARY ALIGNMENT that was so exciting & today as I record this we have that MERCURY SUN CAZIMI conjunction happening in Aquarius, real close to my North Node, lighting a FIRE under me to get so much done, I’ve been promoting this SPRING HEALTH FAIR for my Bend Health Guide all weekend, if you live in Oregon as I know many of you do, I hope you will come out for this magical event on Saturday May 10th in the Old Mill District, I will put a link down below & I’d love to see some of my Reiki students there giving Reiki sessions, reach out to me if you want to be a part of this COMMUNITY HEALING event, I will put a link with info below. I’ve been hosting these Health Fairs in Bend since 2016 & it’s such a powerful gathering, this year we will have some incredible speakers! We have to focus on our own personal HEALING so we can collectively AWAKEN & HEAL OUR broken WORLD & one of my Reiki Master Students, Mary, sent me this beautiful message from
Hopi Indians leader White Eagle “This moment that mankind is experiencing now can be seen as either a door or a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the door is yours alone.
If you absorb negative energy & bad information all day, you will be constantly nervous, and pessimistic, you might fall into the hole.
If you take this opportunity to look at yourself, use the time to rethink life and death, to HEAL yourself, to care for yourself and others, then you are walking through the portal to an enlightened state. Keep your home, keep your body safe. Connect with your spiritual home. When you HEAL yourself, you HEAL everyone else. Don’t underestimate the spiritual dimensions of this crisis. Take the perspective of an eagle that sees everything from above with a broader perspective. There is a social issue in this crisis but also a spiritual issue. You were born prepared to go through this crisis. Learn the resistance from the example of the Indian and African people: We are and still are being threatened, extinct. But we never stopped singing, dancing, building bonfires and having joy.
Don’t feel guilty for feeling happy in difficult times. It doesn’t help at all to be sad or angry. Practice Resistance through joy!
You have every right to be strong and positive. And there’s no other way to do this than by adopting a beautiful, cheerful and empathetic attitude. This is not ignoring World problems, it’s choosing LOVE & JOY as a HEALING strategy. When we enter the door, we are given a new worldview because we have faced our fears and overcome adversity.
I so believe what White Eagle is saying & I think I was talking about getting into your EAGLE VIEW in my last New Moon report & right after I recorded that, I saw a large family of 5 WHITE EAGLES when I was on a long drive in the early morning sunrise, they were all flying high in formation, they seemed to be holding an important purpose & then later that day when I went out again, they flew right over me & followed me to my home, it felt like they were looking out for me & I felt so UPLIFTED, so HOPEFUL for their presence!!!
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
And I truly believe that together, we can be that light. I have been burning this MAGICAL DRAGONS BLOOD Incense that just UPLIFTS your MIND, BODY & SOUL no matter what is going on, it’s meant for protection & abundance, but I am hooked on this stuff as a coping mechanism & also my ROSE OIL, I cannot get enough of this Bulgarian ROSE OIL, it really brings you to a higher VIBRATION of LOVE no matter what is going on, it’s good for seasonal affect, I will link to these & if you need to get HEART CENTERED & tap into a LOVE vibe this Valentines, remember we did a SOUND HEALING with 444 hz binaural beats to open your Heart Chakra, I will link to that, too. We have VENUS going Retrograde on MARCH 1st, I will cover that in my Pisces New Moon reading, but this is a time to protect to your HEART!!!
On January 30th, Uranus finally stationed direct. Whenever Uranus stations direct it is always followed by a square to the Sun that can cause Shocking Events, Unexpected Surprises & a restlessness for change, those REVOLUTIONARY ideas or NEW DIRECTIONS call to us to MAKE A CHANGE & Uranus is in TAURUS so this Square can bring EARTH CRISIS, FOOD CRISIS or Earthquakes, Lightning storms, Volcanos, what will happen next?
What makes this time a little more volatile and erratic than usual, is that this year the Sun in Aquarius Uranus in Taurus square is being magnified by this Full Moon LEO that is opposite the Sun & Square Uranus, so it’s a double Uranus Square creating TENSION in every direction, that diamond making PRESSURE that brings challenges & obstacles to our progress but sometimes our most stressful times can bring a FLASH of INSIGHT, Awareness & those Aha moments. When you’re really having a DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL it’s when you STEP INTO YOUR POWER, let me know if you’re having a crisis, challenge or obstacle & I will send you Distant REIKI, so many people I know are having hard times right now. LEO rules over our HEART, ruled by the SUN, it’s our external personna, but it also has a lot to do with SELF WORTH & if we feel DESERVING of our DREAM LIFE, it can even bring up our VANITY about how we feel about our Appearance, that’s what’s being SQUARED right now.
This is a CROSSROADS moment when some things may be ending, but new doors are opening & you can Quantum Leap into a new way related to wherever your fixed signs at 24 Degrees are, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius & Scorpio, if you know what house those signs are in, leave it in the comments & I will give you a mini reading for what I think that will bring, but it’s all so UNEXPECTED with Uranus, this is the hardest planet to predict just what will happen.
JUPITER stationed DIRECT in GEMINI, hope you GEMINI’s got your WISHES because soon it will be CANCERS turn to ask the KING of WISHES for what they WANT & the last time JUPITER was in CANCER was in 2013-14, think back what that time looked like for you & where is your CANCER HOUSE in your ASTROLOGY, that is where you will EXPAND this YEAR, for me it’s 12th House & that is such a SPIRITUALLY DIVINE house where Spirit SPEAKS…
I feel like I’ve been working for SPIRIT so much this year already with all of my 9 Star Ki readings & Couples Astrology readings, SPIRIT had a LOT to SAY for ALL of you & I am still finishing up some powerful WRITE UPS from the Healings we did, I do reading really differently as a REIKI MASTER TEACHER who studied Pendulum Energy Clearing with Jean Haner, you get your 9 Star Ki Reading but you also get a distance Reiki where I send healing for your emotional, mental, physical & spiritual well being using my REIKI MONKEY here, then I do a PENDULUM Energy Clearing for all the 5 Elements & to clear any blocks or disturbing energy from others you may have picked up, then I do a SINGING BOWL where I ring your prayers, wishes, intentions or whatever you want to focus on, I ask SPIRIT for help & then I sit in quiet meditation & reflection with my beautiful Ganesh Journal as SPIRIT Speaks to me & I just write it all down like a secretary taking dictation, in a very free flow way & then I have to interpret what the heck I wrote b/c it all comes in so fast & furious.
KEYNOTE: FOCUSED energy and consciousness at the expense of all forms of outward activity and care.
This Hindu holyman uses intense concentration to gain spiritual attainment, self-realization, an AWAKENING into the “God experience”. There can be no halfway measures if the goal of true Yogic ENLIGHTENMENT is to be reached, Divine Focus is necessary to reach one’s envisioned goals. This LEO Full moon brings TOTAL CONCENTRATION.
9 Star Ki February
February is a 2 EARTH MOTHER STAR in a 2 Earth Mother Snake Year in a 2 Earth Mother 9-Year cycle, in a larger 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from FIRE Feeding EARTH so it’s kind of Productive, but it’s a lot of EARTH & all that EARTH could overpower the FIRE & put out that Fire as well, so this month is sort of Productive then Destructive, for me it’s showing up like “I rush all around putting out fires & then I collapse on the couch & I am EXHAUSTED”. The VIBE has changed into a slower moving energy than the last 2 TREE MONTHS where we felt like we GROWING FORTH, now we’re having to NOURISH our ROOTS with Rest, Soup & this is when everyone can really get SICK & we’re seeing BIRD FLU, COVID & just good ole COLD Viruses on the rise now, not suprising in a 2 Earth Mother Star month & we may continue to see illnesses spread for this whole SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year, sadly.
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