Equinox perfect balance of darkness & light, Yin & Yang, Feminine & Masculine energies, for a moment all is well in our world.

EQUILIBRIUM the state in which OPPOSING forces or influences are balanced

We’re swimming in that ECLIPSE Portal now as we just had a Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse & next up is a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the New Moon in October, how are you feeling in this liminal space??? We’ve been having massive Geomagnetic Storms from the SOLAR FLIP as the Sun is in it’s process of FLIPPING the Magnetic poles all year & into 2025, there’s just a lot of BIG OLE ENERGIES to process right now & I feel like a broken record as I keep saying, you might find that you need more TIME & SPACE to Process, to Recalibrate, to RESET, to ALIGN to this NEW ENERGY coming in & maybe you need an Energy Clearing to clean up your vibration, get the Self Care you need this season & we begin to bring our energy back into our roots like a tree, this is a time for powerful SELF HEALING, reflection, journal writing, sitting quietly sipping some nourishing herbal tea. I’m finding a shift where I want to talk less & LISTEN more in my practice right now. My clients are falling deeply asleep in their sessions now as we shift into Autumn.

If you need DEEP HEALING this Season,  I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance Class on Sunday October 13th where you will receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your energetic vibration so that you will become a better energetic match to all that you desire. I love teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my  students! I’m also offering my Reiki for Abundance Classes ONLINE now through TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE, that offer expires on October 30th. I also offer distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions through ZOOM, I will link my website in description below.

This EQUINOX I am delving deep into PLUTO at that Critical Degree of CAPRICORN as we begin our Persephone descent into the UNDERWORLD of Hades this season, as a Scorpio this is my favorite time of year! Persephone was either kidnapped & perhaps went willingly with Hades to the Underworld but then her mother Goddess DEMETER tried to rescue her, but alas Persephone had eaten those few pomegranate seeds for which she summoned her fate to have to stay in the Underworld, but Demeter struck a deal where she could come back to Earth every Spring, this is why we have flowers in the Spring when Demeter is so happy & why everything dies & the rains that will follow represent Demeter’s TEARS because Persephone must return to the underworld. 

Sun Trine Pluto in CAPRICORN 29 Degrees

This can be a time to step into your POWER, find where CAPRICORN at 29 degress is in your chart, this is where Pluto keeps returning to again & again & again & now we are at the final pass of this pivotal point that has truly transformed our entire WORLD. What are the messages here for you personally? Learn the SOUL LESSON that you came her to master because we will never experience Pluto in Capricorn again unless we somehow live another 230 years, when Pluto next returns to Capricorn in 2255. This is a time to reflect on what have you learned with PLUTO in Capricorn? Have you become more Resilient or more TIRED? What has transformed for you since 2019? We’ve all been changed in some way from this Transit. 

29 degrees Capricorn is a CRITICAL DEGREE that represents the End of an Era, I think of REM, it’s the end of the World as we KNOW, we are stepping into the great unknown age of Aquarius but first we stand at the top of a steep cliff in Capricorn, like a Mountain Goat with eagle vision, we search the far off terrain for some kind of answers. Pluto is still in that grand trine with NEPTUNE & URANUS bringing us opportunities to figure out our path ahead, this is a very RARE Grand Trine Kite ALIGNMENT that will be with us for awhile & it signifies HOPE for our FUTURE, HARMONY.

 it brings us ALCHEMY to change our life & our world in the best way possible, this is an EQUINOX of MIRACLES coming true finally & I talked all about this alignment in my Supermoon Lunar Eclipse video at length & I will talk more about it in my Solar Eclipse Libra video that has a magical sabian symbol that will have your sighing RELIEF that maybe the dark days are finally OVER, I think of that cheerful song, about “putting on a happy face” we might get our happy faces back!!!  

It feels like the Angels heralding a smooth transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, those signs may seem so different, Capricorn is so stern, like a strict Father or Teacher with rules, regulations & restrictions, ultimately for our own good, whereas Aquarius is freedom loving running off barefoot to a music festival, but they both have SATURN in common, Saturn rules Capricorn now & Saturn once ruled Aquarius before Uranus came along. Both Capricorn & Aquarius care deeply for the welfare of our community & common good they just go about it in different ways, Capricorn is world structures & Aquarius is this other worldly energetic vibration coming in to shift our reality, it will be an interesting transition to be sure! 

Some of us with PLUTO in VIRGO, if you were born 1957 – 1972 raise your hand & comment because you probably have Pluto in Virgo & we’re having a powerful SUN CONJUNCT our Natal PLUTO in Virgo this EQUINOX just as the Sun is forming a TRINE to Pluto in Capricorn giving us an extra SUPERPOWER PLUTO TRINE which brings transformative Alchemy making gold out of any situation when you get into ALIGNMENT with a higher vibrational energy like the life force energy of REIKI, I have been doing so many Reiki sessions for clients who have Pluto in Virgo lately, they’re all feeling this MASSIVE SHIFT in their DIVINE PURPOSE, this TIME TO RISE to do something bigger with their lives! KAMALA HARRIS has PLUTO in VIRGO she is truly stepping into her divine POWER to RULE, Pluto has her back, she is supported by higher forces & with Venus conjunct Galactic Center on her Midheaven this Election, she is absolutely going to WIN!!!!

This TRINE of Opportunity can help Pluto in Virgos to OVERCOME something stressful as well, pay off your bills, get out of debt, clean out your garage, remodel your kitchen, quit your addictions, stop hanging around toxic friends, get a better job, make more money, it’s an opportunity to make a dramatic change, to choose a higher path in life. 

Clean up your thoughts to support your forward momentum,  as Bruce Lee said, “As you think, so shall you become.” make sure your inner thoughts are aligned with what you want to see in your life right now, gosh I am preaching to myself here! 

Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces

My Virgo friends can tell you all about this transit, the’ve been feeling it for years now! This can cause confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland vibe that you’re not sure what is real & what you’re imagining right now. I would NOT sign a contract or buy any swamp land for now. It will be over soon as the sun continues onto LIBRA.

Mercury in Virgo is in opposition to 

Saturn in Pisces 

This brings up pessimistic worry that can be downright delusional in Pisces, I always say worrying is like praying for what you don’t want, if you’re in a negative mental loop of doom & gloom about our world, all you have to do is get out into NATURE & it will change your mind! Nature is not worried about the Wars, the Election, our Economy or any of the garbage you see on the news, nature is birds migrating, butterflies still taking flight, leaves starting to turn to gold, get out of your mind for a minute & get into NATURE for a hike, it feels really good.


This Hexagram shows double WATER symbols & WATER always represents WEALTH, so this is an Auspicious Iching that brings GREAT JOY & Abundance.

Joy is returning to our world, & the power of joy should not be underestimated. Whatever brings you joy will become a source of much potential & abundance. Surround yourself with people who reflect and support your inner joy. If happiness is supported by stability, it will wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon of light in a dark world. The presence of JOY is an indication of extremely good fortune to come! I am wishing you a fortunate, JOYFUL EQUINOX. 

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