Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse Portal

Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse Portal

PISCES SUPERMOON Partial LUNAR ECLIPSE MIRACLE MOON w/ AMETHYSTS in RIVER & harvest elder berries, watch the VIDEO here


Receive your Astrology Chart & a full reading about how these Fall Eclipses will impact you based on what houses & planets will be involved for you personally. This reading includes a distance Reiki Healing & Energy Clearing to support your Eclipse process!

Giveaway Winners are….. @ANNMARITNIELSEN!!! Chart reading & Reiki Zoom goes to @Lindsey1839 some of you have not claimed your Winnings from last months giveaways, I announced on the August 9 Star Ki reading & I don’t have any way to message you here in youtube land, wish we could have DMs like insta or facebook, so you have to reach out & connect with me through my website at where you can also get a free 9 Star Ki Astrology reading when you sign up for my monthly emails.

I think the message of this ECLIPSE PORTAL beginning with this SUPERMOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN PISCES 12th HOUSE is this, the more you deeply you HEAL the more you will MANIFEST by becoming a better ENERGETIC MATCH to all that you desire!!! Have you ever gone through a HEALING CRISIS & then afterwards your life got so much better? We still have that BENEFICIAL GRAND TRINE KITE TRANSIT full of POTENTIAL but as we reach for this Higher Level by stepping into our Divine Power, there is some deep HEALING that has to happen first, it’s like a DETOXIFICATION Process, you may be feeling WORSE before it gets BETTER 

Check on your Highly Sensitive Friends, they are not okay right now!!! 

I have been feeling OFF, not sure if it’s Solar Storms, Retrogrades or this Eclipse Portal hitting the WATER SIGNS the most of all & many of you have told me you’re not feeling well in the readings I’ve been doing,  I have been doing my ECLIPSE CHART READINGS for the Eclipse SALE I’m having, you can still get in on this deal for $88 I will let you know how this whole Fall Eclipse Portal will affect you & it seems like everyone is having issues with BAD NEIGHBORS this eclipse & I have a remedy for this! 

I’m going to post another video about how to get rid of bad neighbors b/c I have a simple way that has worked wonders for me over & over again! 

Some of us ARE feeling all these ASCENSION SYMPTOMS more than others, but everyone is being affected from the incredible energetic SHIFTS happening with these 4 SUPERMOONS the most intense SUPERMOON will actually be OCTOBER’s Hunter moon in ARIES, very volatile energy there, but this PISCES HARVEST LUNAR ECLIPSE is AWAKENING US with a Grand Trine KITE that is like an ALARM CLOCK going off & we can’t hit snooze, it’s time to WAKE UP, make a Change this Eclipse is a CATALYST bringing MOMENTUM to RISE into your DIVINE Purpose with breakthroughs, quantum leaps. 

This COLLECTIVE AWAKENING that I have been talking about ALL YEAR & I really covered this AWAKENING in my 9 Star Ki Wood Dragon video, if you haven’t seen that, I wll link in description, this DRAGON YEAR brings AWAKENING but it’s not all Rainbows & Unicorns I like to say, just like a Reiki Attunement, it brings a DETOXIFICATION Process & our whole WORLD  is releasing TOXINS right now, it’s not that our world is getting darker, our world is actually AWAKENING to this 5D Reality but in the process it is releasing the lower 3D level realities that include Fear, Hate, Scarcity & if you want to get through this process quicker, tap into your HEART, because this Awakening process requires our Heart Centered participation & we all have to choose LOVE, be in a state of LOVE, give LOVE, BE LOVE to make it happen faster &

 this KITE TRANSIT is an invitation to LOVE, an invitation to AWAKEN to our Divine Purpose with LOVE, do what you LOVE the money will follow!  

I dare say this is a MIRACLE MOON that may hold the MEDICINE we need for these times as Pisces 12th house rules Medicine including ENERGY MEDICINE like REIKI 

Pisces 12th House rules over Hospitals & INSANE Asylums & they will be BUSY this Eclipse, bless the NURSES, Health Providers & Practitioners out there!!!
12th house is about ENDINGS & HOSPICE, too. 

There also seems to be LOTS of PEOPLE CROSSING OVER RIGHT NOW, 12th house is that final house of death leading to transformation & rebirth, I’ve been sending so many “Bridge of Lights” for hospice situations & I am honestly worried that my DOG, KINKACHOO,  might just cross over this Supermoon, he is elderly nearing hospice & it breaks my heart to think of life without him, but he’s getting old & fragile & he has his PISCES MOON at 27 Degrees in the 12th House of endings, this Lunar Eclipse will be nearly conjunct his MOON,  bringing up all the feels for him & yes, you can use Astrology on your PETS!!!! 

If you know someone crossing over or you have a GHOST or SPIRIT in your house, I did this Bridge of Light Video that I use with my Reiki students, I will link it in the description, it includes a very powerful Blue Flame Technique for ghostbusting & space clearing, too. the VEIL GETS THIN during this ECLIPSE PORTAL, especially with PISCES who rules over all the SUPERNATURAL things there can be some spooky energy coming in.

But we also have this truly OPTIMISTIC ENERGY of this GRAND TRINE KITE is still impacting us, I talked about this in depth in my Virgo New moon report, go back & watch that if you haven’t already b/c this is a once in a lifetime moment to step into your divine purpose to harness your talents & superpowers to make it all happen for you! 

SUPERMOON PISCES 25 degrees nearly conjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES at 28 degrees TRINE URANUS who just went RETROGRADE, I am creating a separate report for Uranus Retrograde, TRINE PLUTO in CAPRICORN at that critical 29 Degrees with the SUN in VIRGO now holding the tension rod of this KITE, at the new moon Virgo it was VENUS holding the tension rod, but Venus has moved on through Libra, she’s moving so fast as Venus is rising in her star pattern, she will be in SCORPIO  on 09/22 for a transformative EQUINOX!

Lot to unpack here, Neptune in Pisces is all about illusions, delusions & confusions, but it’s begging us to tap into our INTUITION, DREAMS & Alice in Wonderland IMAGINATION to create something unusual trining URANUS it’s a Surprising, Unexpected Twist of FATE trine Pluto that will TRANSFORM US in that Death, Transformation Rebirth way, Pluto ruler of the Underworld, we need to go DEEP below, to our subconscious or do some ANCESTRAL HEALING Pluto has retrograded back to Capricorn where Pluto was in 2020 but we Won’t Go BACK! we just made Kamala Harris T-shirts that say “we won’t go back!” & I am donating proceeds to her campaign because it is so important that we don’t go back.

I trust SUN in Virgo with the tension rod, Virgos are some of the most grounded in reality people I know, so Virgo is making sure this Kite doesn’t fly away into never never land as these truly mystical yet unpredictable planets are giving us opportunities for huge, life altering changes!!! 

Let’s look at how this KITE will be hitting Kamala Harris this week: SUN in VIRGO that is holding the control of this KITE is crossing her STELLIUM of PLANETS in VIRGO, she just had Sun conjunct Uranus, surprise your the Candidate now! SUN conjunct PLUTO big life altering changes for her, you think? SUN VENUS CAZIMI happening just before this Eclipse that is lighting up her HEART, she is tapped into the POWER OF LOVE to succeed, there’s nothing better than a Venus Sun Cazimi & she is literally anchoring this KITE transit for us all with DIVINE LOVE!!!! Pisces Supermoon will cross her CHIRON lighting up any areas she needs to HEAL in her 10th house of career & recognition, that is interesting, NEPTUNE is also there in her 10th house where she will need to Transcend the Bullshit, sounds about right for her debate with Trump, if she can TRANSCEND & use her INTUITION & IMAGINATION to outsmart him this week, this GRAND TRINE is really working in her favor so far, it puts her in a state of SYNCHRONICITY that seems heavenly in some way, like maybe her mother is helping her from the other side, I do believe that is possible, there’s a KISMET sense of Luck that things are working in her favor! 

Uranus in Taurus shows up in her 12th house where she just had a Uranus Jupiter conjunction, there are higher forces that are working through her right now, she is literally channeling this desire for FREEDOM & she is a big part of the crumbling & releasing of the OLD WAYS to make room for ushering in a NEW PARADIGM, a NEW WAY FORWARD!!!! PLUTO in CAPRICORN is in her 8th House of sex, death & other people’s money, the house is naturally ruled by PLUTO & she is receiving huge Financial Windfalls of money from others as we are clearly seeing this to be true! This Kite is definitely aligning in positive ways for her! 

So this shows you how these houses of PISCES, Capricorn & Virgo will be affecting Kamala & We all have those signs somewhere in our chart, let me know where those signs show up for YOU & I will give you a mini reading in comments. 

Now let’s look at TRUMP’s Chart 

Neptune in Pisces & Supermoon will be in his 8th House of Sex, Death & Other people’s money, there can be some confusion around either a sexual encounter or shared resources like joint funds or properties, lines can be blurred between what belongs to you & what belongs to your partners, there can be fraud around how joint funds are being used, it could even be mishandling campaign funds or other people’s money, generally having Neptune in any house of finances brings problems, the Supermoon is lighting this up, so it will be revealed, possibly in a public way.

Uranus in Taurus shows up in Trump’s 10th House of Career & Recognition creating revolutionary changes to his position in life, I’ve had Uranus in Taurus in my 10th house all year, too, it is so UNPREDICTABLE & hard to tell what will happen with this surprising planet but he’s not on even ground in his job currently & Uranus is heading towards GEMINI next where Trump will have a URANUS RETURN that can be extremely VOLATILE but generally indicates an “END of an ERA.” so in that sense it would make sense that Trump’s career is ENDING in some way that indicates he LOSES clearly! You only have ONE URANUS return in life around 80 Years old & I can’t believe Trump is going to be 80 soon! Is that too old? He would be our OLDEST President in all of history & we’ve had a LOT of OLD Presidents! 

PLUTO In Capricorn is crossing his 5th House in Capricorn, nothing remarkable there, but there may be something that changes with his relationship to his KIDS with this KITE? Some of that negotiating resources with his spouse in the 8th house could have to do with a potential for divorce with Melania that has been speculated about, some say she is being paid off to stay with him until the election is over & perhaps there is a shift in his relationship with his youngest son if he does get a divorce. 

VIRGO SUN holding the tension rod for this KITE Transit shows up in Trump’s 1st house of who he is & that is in opposition with this Supermoon Pisces Eclipse that is really on the line between his 7th house of relationship & 8th House of Joint resources, causing a CHANGE in RELATIONSHIPS & Neptune confusion over shared resources, I smell a divorce coming & I talked about this in Trump’s astrology reading at the beginning of the year even! 

Does Trump seem a little pre-occupied in the debate? We shall see! 

Trump has SATURN in Pisces in his 7th house of relationships, too, that brings some HARD LESSONS to his love life, too. Who could focus on an election with Saturn in the 7th house in opposition to your 1st house of who you are & your own personal needs? Tough stuff for Trump, I have compassion for him, this is not an easy transit!  

We just had that Saturn Opposition happening 09/07 as I record this, the best chance to see Saturn in the night sky just after Sunset, so of course we had clouds here in the Pacific Northwest, but I look forward to to seeing images from NASA.

Saturn in Pisces might be putting some roadblocks or obstacles in front of us all this month, do you know what house PISCES is in your chart?  That’s where you will be receiving some powerful lessons for MASTERY, do you ever notice that you have the worst scarcity or problems right before you quantum leap into something far better? That Contrast causes you to desire, so if you’re not happy where you are, make a list of all the things you don’t like, that’s your CONTRAST LIST & then make a second list of DESIRES.  So your contrast list may say things like, I don’t like where I am living right now, your Desire List is “I am manifesting a new home in a new location that supports me better energetically.”

Or you may be upset that you’re in debt right now, you’re not alone, I am hearing this a lot from people, so you put that “I am not happy about my current debt.” in the Contrast list & then your Desire List says “I am manifesting ways to make more money swiftly to pay off all of my debts & have more than enough money for everything I need & everything I want.” 

SATURN QUINTILE URANUS on 09/20 going into the EQUINOX, I will cover that in my Equinox reading.

I hope to UNPACK PLUTO 29 degrees of CAPRICORN the FINAL time in Capricorn in our LIFETIME more in my next report too. 

For now I will leave you with the SABIAN SYMBOL for this incredible Lunar Eclipse with KITE Transit:


KEYNOTE: The power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life and to induce necessary catharsis.

Excess conscious attention on greed for power and wealth can bring negative results. Every man is a Church that has the Soul as its god, but most people forget the Soul and live according to dogmatic rules and habits that have become empty of inner meaning. A purging or catharsis is needed to restore fresh & creative spontaneity through contact with the Soul. This final consummation of the process of actualization of the potency inherent in the original Creative Act requires moments of crisis and PURIFICATION.

I didn’t read this until now but it completely aligns with what I was saying in the beginning of this report, that we are in a process of DETOXIFICATION before we ASCEND to this HIGHER LEVEL, something is ENDING this month to make way for a NEW FRESH ERA, it’s like a massive STORM how dramatic it is but then afterwards everything is so fresh smelling & you may even see a rainbow & your hope is restored!!! If you’re feeling awful this month, you might just be getting ready to be ready to TRANSCEND!!!! 


I am celebrating LIONSGATE PORTAL 08/08 this year with an ASTROLOGY CHART GIVEAWAY & the WINNER will be announced on 08/08 eve!!! 

To Enter like, subscribe & comment on my Youtube video:



Lionsgate REIKI CLASS 08/08

.LIONSGATE is a powerful time to do all kinds of ENERGY WORK, Reiki, energy clearings, space clearings, meditation, yoga , manifestation work & nature therapy to align with this crystalline energy pouring onto our planet from the SIRIUS Star PORTAL. We can tap into this energy once a year, to increase our ability to MANIFEST. This relates to ancient Egyptian times when te SIRIUS STAR begins RISING in the night sky over EGYPT at it’s closest position to the earth in JULY this would begin the time when THE NILE RIVER would RISE with WATER, A SIGN OF DIVINE ABUNDANCE for WATER is Wealth & in this time of drought on our world, we will soon learn just how much WATER truly is our most precious resource, water is our wealth still today. The GIZA Pyramids in Egypt were built to align with the ORION STAR Constellation & this bright blue SIRIUS STAR, during the LIONSGATE Portal they align perfectly with the 3 stars, South Pyramid aligns with Orion representing OSIRIS Rebirth, North Pyramid aligns with Draco Star & the Middle Pyramid aligns with SIRIUS which they called ISIS’ Star. This Lionsgate is a time when Egyptians would tune in to receive DIVINE MESSAGES FROM ISIS. Egyptians would pray for LOVE & ABUNDANCE in many rituals they performed around the SIRIUS STAR Portal. When Sirius shines its beautiful Blue Light Energy over us, this Energy is available for all of us to receive this during this once a year LIONSGATE Activation Portal & truly the best way to TAP into this QUANTUM HEALING ENERGY is by Receiving a Reiki Healing session as you will receive with this distance REIKI in this video!!!

Nine Star Ki Astrology 2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

Watch my Youtube 9 Star Ki Astrology predictions for 2024.

9 STAR KI Reading SALE!!!

Get a FREE ZOOM CALL READING when you purchase your 9 Star Ki Reading before 11/27/23! Receive your 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with all 3 STARS. Learn how to align with the energy of 2023 to Manifest all that you desire, plus receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing.

9 Star Ki of 2024 is a 3 Wood Star, so what does that mean for me?

Look for your personal 9 Star Ki STAR in the chart & watch my Youtube videos for your personal 9 STAR KI reading.

What is 9 Star KI?

if you’re new to 9 Star Ki, this is probably the oldest form of Astrology there is & it’s my personal FAVORITE SYSTEM for learning how to align with the energy that can support your growth & success when you learn how to use it to your advantage.  Nine Star Ki is a nature based astrology based on the 5 Element system from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Jin Shin Do & Feng Shui. To find your own 9 Star Ki Star look to the chart in the description or sign up for my e-mails & get a FREE 9 Star Ki reading, link below in description. When you know your 9 Star Ki you will want to watch your annual video to find out what star you are traveling through this year. 

We’re all born of 3 different Elements represented as STARS & every month we travel through other elements & every year we’re ruled by an element both personally & collectively, it’s like spirals within spirals. 

The 5 Elements move in a productive cycle that goes like this: WATER feeds WOOD, Wood Feeds Fire Fire Feeds Earth. Earth Feeds Metal & Metal feeds Water through condensation & this natural cycle continues to circle around, but sometimes we can have reverse “destructive patterns’ such as Fire Melting Metal that’s a destructive cycle that will take your  money, so I really pay attention to that one in FENG SHUI when I am doing a Home Clearing.  When you get a 9 Star Ki reading of all 3 elements you can see if it is a productive or destructive cycle & it will tell a story. For instance, I am a 3-6-2 Wood Metal Earth, which would be a destructive cycle because wood going in metal is going to get cut, I picture it like a tree going into a metal chipper but then the product makes mulch which feeds the earth at the end of my cycle. I have witnessed that so many healers have this kind of destructive to productive cycle, we experience pain so that we can learn to heal ourselves & others. 

A beautiful productive cycle that leads to ABUNDANCE would be a 2-6-1 Earth feeds Metal feeds Water, here the earth nourishes metal that feeds water & water is wealth so this person will have great success in life, indeed, I have read this chart for someone who has really prospered. Those are just 2 examples of how the 5 Elements can show up in your 3 star pattern. 

When you learn these natural 5 ELEMENT patterns you will begin to align to the energy of your own personal star cycles by learning about the stars you are traveling through so that you know for instance when it is the BEST time to Launch your business or a productive time to work hard on your goals when you can really MANIFEST or maybe look for LOVE or when it is time to pull your energy back in & just REST & Nourish yourself in order to get ready to be ready for your next big growth cycle.   

I used to get mad at myself for PROCRASTINATING but once I studied this 9 Star KI system, I could see that there’s times when the ENERGY DOESN”T SUPPORT GROWTH or Doing all the things & that sometimes we just need to BE, to rest, to go within, to do the self care & nourish our roots. 

When you learn more about the energy of your own personal growth cycles, you won’t be frustrated about times when nothing seems to be happening because you learn to strike when the iron is hot & act when the energy supports you to get better results, so you’re not wasting your efforts or spinning your wheels in these times when the energy doesn’t support you moving forward.  You can use this energy to manifest all that you desire love, money & success when you align with the right times to make it all happen for you & 9 Star Ki will teach you how to align with a powerful energy to become a magnet for all that you desire when I combine this with Distance REIKI, I’ve witnessed MIRACLES happen.
If you want to get an extended 9 Star Ki reading that includes all 3 Stars & what element you are currently traveling through plus Distance Reiki & an ENERGY CLEARING to remove any blocks so you can move forward,  there is a link below for my 9 Star Ki Reading sale. Thanks for watching & hit the subscribe & notification button to receive all the 9 Star Ki predictions to come

2024 9 Star Ki is a 3 Wood Tree Star

A Wood Dragon year that begins February 10th 2024 on the LUNAR NEW YEAR.

The mantra for 2024 is…

We can do hard things!!!

Especially if you are a 3 Tree Star you will be doing hard things as the Center Star but we will all be asked to RISE to the occasion, let me know in the comments what STAR you are & I will give you a mini intuitive reading, I love to hear what stars you are & let you know what divine message Spirit wants me to share with you. If you are a ONE WATER STAR, you will be under this 3 Fast Growing Tree cycle the most as it is the element you’re personally traveling through as our collective world travels through this Wood element, you’re wood SQUARED, you’re getting the double influence & I had that last year with the 4 Wood Star, you really feel the energy of that wood element when your personal star is the world star.

This year holds a special promise for BENEVOLENCE, there’s an uplifting wordprobably the most positive vibes that can come from this 3 Wood Star, this is an energy of KINDNESS that our world needs right now, this is a glimmer of HOPE that we can make positive changes through our good deeds, that we can return to LOVE.

In 2024 we shift from a 4 Wood Star, that tree that bends in the wind to adapt to changing circumstance and now we will move into the young, buoyant SPRING Tree, the 3 Wood Star will continue a 2 year cycle of major growth & changes but now the change comes from within, you may be feeling like, “I’ve got to make a big change!” it’s about changing yourself, changing your role in life, it’s SELF motivated whereas the change from the 4 wood star of 2023 was more external, things happening to you that force you to change, just as a tree must adapt to external circumstance like droughts, storms and fires. In the 3 Wood Star the change comes from our own personal desire to GROW & we may want to do something completely new this year. So maybe you are craving a move to a brand new location or to start a new business or launch some new project, even craving a new love affair or to begin a new way forward in some way. 

In 2024 we may all take on BIGGER ROLES in life & GROW into new positions that we take on, like a tree will grow into the space it has in the garden, if we give ourselves room to grow this year, we can amaze ourselves with what we accomplish in this fast growth cycle! We will have a greater VISION for our Future this year & this will be the best year for having a VISION BOARD PARTY, I might have to do another Lunar New Year Vision Board party like I did last year.

The 3 Wood Star rules over the season of early Spring, as the light returns after a dark Winter, the world wakes from winter’s slumber, there is rebirth as the flowers begin to bud.  There is this YANG ENERGY that has been stored as we were hibernating all Winter, Winter is a YIN cycle & now this Yang energy wants to be released to RISE UPWARD & EXPAND OUTWARD in a powerful growth cycle we will be feeling for all of 2023. 3 Tree stars bring a hopeful energy that things will get better & our uplifting energy returns, we begin to feel revitalized, rejuvenated, ready to take on big projects again for the first time in a long time.  

There is an optimism that anything is possible now & we can truly manifest great things with the potential that lies in a 3 wood star year. There is a DETERMINATION to succeed that reminds me of the saying Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”  The energy rises upwards and bursts out of the ground with strong, creative force like a flower blooming out of concrete, the energy of lush green sprouts of grass that shoot up from the ground in early Spring. This bright Kelly Green is the color of 3 Wood Star you can wear this color this year to become inspired to make positive changes & grow your business, grow your children or grow food on a farm, we will all be craving to GROW something new & exciting in this 3 wood star year that gives us a greater VISION, a glimpse of something BETTER to come & we overcome our fears of the future now & our adventurous spirit finally returns.

There are some pitfalls in a 3 Wood Star year to beware of. If your Wood element is out of balance, your vision may be clouded. You may get depressed or procrastinate to the point of frustration & self doubt for not being able to move forward or even see a future at all. Or you may push too hard trying to force growth that becomes like over fertilizing our tree until it withers or you could become obsessively fixated in your pursuits even if it’s not working out. This can lead to fear of failure if you can’t grow forth & achieve your goals as quickly as you’d like to. 

Another imbalance of a 3 Wood Star year is when your anger gets out of control & it’s limiting your progress. There can be RESISTANCE to your growth forward this year, too, resistance is like kryptonite to the beautiful young tree that wants to grow forward, resistance kills your dreams, so you may need to do some kind of energy clearing to remove whatever resistance is blocking you so that you can achieve momentum to grow forth in 2024.  I’m offering 9 Star Ki Readings that include distance Reiki & an energy clearing to clear your path forward, link is in description below. 

The organs associated with 3 Wood Star are the Liver and the Gallbladder. The Liver oversees our planning and execution capabilities, while the Gallbladder is in charge of decision-making.

Do you ever wake up at 3AM in the morning? This is the hour of STRATEGIC PLANNING & it is ruled by the Liver & the Wood Element. The hours between 11pm through 3AM are ruled by the Wood Element & the Liver, it includes the energy we use to make big decisions, so you may wake up during this time knowing what to do next to handle a situation.

It comes from our Ancestors, the ones who WON the WARS by getting up at 3 AM to “Plan their Attack” if you were going to have a surprise attack on your enemy before dawn, you would have to rally the troops & plan your attack just before 3 AM the Wood / Liver hour. We are the descendants of the ones who WON the War of course that’s why we are here, so we are hard wired to wake up around 3 AM & plan our attack, figure out our day, I like to keep a notebook by my bed, so if I wake up with a brilliant plan or sometimes it’s a grocery list, I can jot it down & go back to sleep. 

Speaking of WAR, the 3 WOOD STAR is known as the WARRIOR & indeed this fast growing tree has an angry, warring energy about so I fear we will see more tensions & battles ahead under this influence but then by 2025 when we move into the 2 Earth Star it should calm down…  

When anger is channeled properly it can be a useful force that pushes us forward in our pursuits like fighting for justice, we will see lots of this with the combination of the 3 Wood Star & the LIBRA Eclipse portal combined. . Properly acknowledging and channeling our anger into positive changes can be beneficial if we can control it & balance it out with forgiveness and understanding, to aspire to a state of divine benevolence & KINDNESS. This year we may want to give back our time & service to the common good & serving our community without benefit to the self, becomes the ultimate goal for supreme growth.

When you tap into this boundless energy of a 3 Tree Year, you may take on more than you think you can handle, like a tree rising up to grow taller than it ever thought it could, you will rise to meet the occasion but remember a Tree can only grow as tall as it’s roots dig deep, so stay ROOTED & Grounded with lots of earthing, nature therapy, yin yoga &  remember to nourish your root system with healthy foods, all work and no play can be common place in a 3 wood star but it’s not healthy so take time off because you may be having some growing pains this year.

3 Wood stars are really good at starting something new, but not always good at finishing their projects, so be careful that you’re not starting too many things without giving yourself the time to complete each new project. So often when we’re traveling through a 3 Wood Star we get inspired & want to do multiple things but then we may fail & not complete any of it, so just take on ONE thing at a time. 

In 2025 we will have a major slow down energetically so don’t commit to so many things that take you years to complete, try to focus on what you can do this year alone. 

We will all have more progress this year & finally feel like we have a clear VISION for our future! We will be able to make plans for our future and execute them with determination and efficiency. Our sense of divine purpose in this moment for this life is clearer now that it has been in years. There is also flexibility to this energetic action as this Spring tree is very buoyant & it can grow past obstacles and react accordingly to any changing circumstances.

How to nourish & support yourself during this time of rapid change that comes with a 3 Fast Growing Tree Star:

DRINK lots of WATER trees need water, water will become a focus this year as we are in unprecedented drought but we will all be craving more water under this 3 Tree star.

Even listening to the sounds of water will nourish your wood element, we did a water sounds recording for 11/11 I will link it in the description. 

Get more exercise than usual this fast growing tree energy has a YANG Rising energy that can fuel our growth but it can also feel like you’ve had too much coffee & exercise, especially out in nature like hiking will be one of the best ways to balance that aggressive Yang energy. 

Earthing with bare feet in the soil or gardening can also nourish your roots. Growing food in your yard can be a great way to resonate with this growth cycle. 

Wearing the colors of trees, I love to wear a kelly green shirt with brown pants, feels like being a tree, colors of water will feed our wood energy like my favorite Turquoise any blue will do. 

READ more books this year! Wood elements love to learn, so tap into your wood element by reading more or take a class just for fun to learn something new. 

Consume foods & drinks that nourish your liver like artichoke, olive oil, sauerkraut, oatmeal & my fave Coffee, yes coffee is actually good for your liver! Avoid too much alcohol, sugar or processed foods.

Want to learn how to MANIFEST Money, Love or maybe your dream home in this 3 Wood Star Year? You’re in luck b/c WOOD Element is one of the most resourceful elements we have, making 2024 one of our best opportunities to make our dreams come true & the way to do it may surprise you….you’ve got to QUIT TRYING & release your resistance so that you can ALLOW good things to come to you naturally! 

A Spring Tree doesn’t “TRY” to GROW it just allows nature to take it’s course & before you know it, it’s growing….So do less efforting & focus on more ALLOWING this year! 

Releasing your resistance will allow you to receive what the universe is already trying to give you. How do you release resistance, first you have to figure out what your resistance is & you can try some automatic writing with a journal, where you simply ask yourself what is blocking me from having all that I desire & see what pops up, is it fear of change? do you have a fear of having money & why? Do you have a limiting story that you got from your parents?

If you feel like you need to reprogram your brain to get into the receiving mode, we did a fun video called “Making money while you sleep” where you can reprogram your brain to overcome resistance. Or like I mentioned before you may want to try an energy clearing if you’re feeling really stuck. Once you clear all the resistance to your growth you will see there is nothing that you need to do to grow more abundance, love & all the good things you want to call in, you can simply be like that Spring Tree & GROW tall & branch out & become bigger than you could have ever imagined! 




This year my PLAID FRIDAY SALE is for a 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with a ZOOM CALL with me! Receive your 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with all 3 STARS & find out what next year holds for you. Learn how to align with the energy of 2023 to Manifest all that you desire, plus receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing. If you order it before Cyber Monday 11/27 you will get the add on ZOOM CALL, a one on one video chat where you can ask questions after you receive your written reading. If you are giving this gift, please purchase before 12/01/2023 to give me time to complete the reading before Christmas!

I know have done Massage Sales in the past, but honestly, I have more clients on my waitlist right now than I can handle in my home spa for Massages, so this year I am doing something different. I know I have given little mini 9 Star Ki readings to so many of you when you come for your massage. This is an opportunity to unpack what your STAR really means & find out what 2024 will be like for you personally.

I love 9 Star Ki so much for manifesting, planning & dreaming my way forward.

Another wonderful gift idea is the INFRARED BIOMAT & you can purchase it online!

Thanks for your support of my small business in 2023!!!

So much LOVE & LIGHT to you & yours at this special holiday season!

Terie Sandusky

Nine Star Ki Astrology 8 Earth Mountain Star for November 2023

Nine Star Ki Astrology 8 Earth Mountain Star for November 2023

9 Star Ki Astrology November 

Earth 8 Mountain Star

Get a FREE 9 Star Ki Mini reading when you sign up for my E-mail Newsletter!!!

2024 will be the year of the WOOD DRAGON & the 3 Wood Star in 9 Star Ki

2024 9 Star Ki Astrology SALE!!!

November 7th we enter an 8 Earth Mountain month & things should calm down a bit in the chaos of this war that started in October’s 9 Fire Star month that is ruled by the heart but last month’s events were heartbreaking….

I look to astrology to try to understand what is going on in the world around me & honestly, as I’m to preparing my 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology readings it looks like this state of unrest could get even worse next year as we move into the Three Tree Star because it’s associated with a WARRIOR ruled by the liver and a hot, YANG rising energy, suggesting pent up frustrations that may suddenly explode plus Putin is a 3 Tree Star, so Russia may become even more aggressive but it’s not looking good for Putin as he moves into his Hurricane year where things will get crazy. I’m not loving next year b/c I am a 3 Tree Star myself, so it will be my Center Star year, always a chaotic time ahead…

When we get to Fall/Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of the next year begins to come in, perhaps that is why we are seeing more Yang Rising Aggression coming in now…combined with Mars conjunct Sun in Scorpio in Western Astrology, so much hot headed energy. 

If you are new to 9 Star Ki Astrology, this system is based on the 5 ELEMENT System used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Feng Shui where we have Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. Right now I am giving away FREE 9 STAR KI readings on my website, link down below & there’s also a chart in the description where you can get your 9 Star Ki # so you can see what November will bring for you personally as I post each Stars monthly prediction at the end.

The November energy flows from an 8 Earth Mountain within a 4 Tree /Wood year within a 2 Earth 2 year cycle within a 9 fire 81 year greater cycle. This month the tree on the mountain has support from this strong Earth energy, even if the Tree is on fire as it has been all year, the CHI flows in a productive cycle, albeit a SLOWER energy that is rooted in support from double earth energy that can make it hard for us to motivate, sleep in, rest & nourish yourself.  

The Earth Mountain Star is about TRANSFORMATION & it pairs so well with the Scorpio New Moon this month. This is not about making “Outer Changes” this is about the changes you make WITHIN, like a caterpillar going into a cocoon to become a butterfly, “It all begins WITHIN” This is a time to do the work to clean up your internal limiting beliefs, to do therapy to process your old baggage or trauma or do hypnosis to transform your old stories into a new belief system that supports you better, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, you will begin to see things change for the better in your outer world when you do your INNER WORK this month. 

In the Fall, trees & plants bring all of their energy back into their ROOTS, to nourish their roots & we will want to root down this month, get back to our BODIES nourish ourselves, get mindful, be still & quiet, do Yin Yoga, meditation, journaling, get into our receptive mode, less talking, more LISTENING…. 

when we move into Earth energy, everything moves slower, it is represented by this season of Fall going into Winter when the earth gets cold & solidifies, there’s no growth happening now, it’s time to settle down. We might WORRY about our resources, especially if our harvest didn’t feel like enough this season. 

Earth rules the stomach, so you may have digestive issues. This is the time to NOURISH yourself with warming foods, like this pumpkin curry stew recipe I am in love with that uses onions, peppers, turmeric & ginger, I will link to this pumpkin curry stew video we did on our other Health channel in the description, it’s so nourishing to your stomach CHI. Spicy Chai or Ginger tea is also warm & nourishing for your digestion this season. Wearing earthy colors of orange, golds & browns will feel cozy.

Get out into nature if you can & hike in silence.This month can be about having deep faith & TRUST in the universe to provide the support & resources you need. You don’t have to struggle or hustle to get what you need, see if you can manifest by energetic ALIGNMENT,  just  ALLOW good things to show up for you or ask others for help when you need it. 

There is a subtle “surrender” energy in an 8 Earth Mountain, have you ever tried to manifest something, maybe a job or a relationship & it just didn’t come, maybe you felt DOUBT that it would ever show up & then when you “LET IT GO” & sort of “GIVE UP” on it, in that moment of SURRENDER is when it suddenly shows up in a completely  surprising way….I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard friends say, “I don’t even want a relationship right now, I just want to be alone & learn how to truly love myself….” that’s usually right before they meet the love of their life…. so stop “EFFORTING” this month, give yourself permission to take a break, Netflix & Chill, you will want to be home, in your haven, more alone time & resting with this heavy CAVE Mountain energy. This is a good month to for SELF CARE, starting an exercise routine, getting a massage or taking more supplements to avoid getting sick.  

8 Earth Mountain Star Aligns so well with Thanksgiving b/c you will want to NOURISH yourself & also give Thanks for all that you do have, find ways to show more GRATITUDE this month, time to start a gratitude journal to count your blessings & you can use your journal to start thinking about what you want in 2024, we have some journals on Amazon, I will link below in description.

The only constant in life is change & it’s our responsibility to make sure the changes to come are positive by taking initiative & aligning with positive energy to take us in the right directions, we have some magical REIKI infused Soundscapes that you can listen to & align with a higher vibrational energy through Quantum Healing. 2024 will bring an even FASTER Change cycle, so get your REST this Earth month, so you can get ready to be ready for what is coming next year. 

There is an interconnectedness to this Earth Mountain energy, I think of Mycellium or Tree roots that have these underground networks where they share resources of food & water, they can also send distress signals about droughts or insects attacking. It’s a Matriachal system where Elder Mother trees rule, they care for & protect young saplings by sending resources through underground networks.  this ties into Western Astrology where we have this Divine Feminine Energy rising with all these powerful GODDESS Planets showing up now, I talked about it in my New Moon Scorpio reading. I think we’re moving into a new way of operating from a place of motherly wisdom that includes nurturing, collaboration, community & connection. 

1 Star You may be feeling more energetically sensitive, intuitive & empathic this month, this is a perfect time to get an Energy Clearing or Space clearing to clear yourself of other people’s stuff. Or maybe you could de-clutter & get rid of anything that no longer serves you, to lighten up. There is a balance between wanting to be alone, to process your thoughts & wanting to be with others to enjoy time together. Take in all the beauty that surrounds you this month, go for a sunset walk or enjoy a really good meal in a fancy restaurant. Whatever you’re doing, be mindful, be present in the moment & give thanks for your wonderful life you have created. 

2 Star You are always giving so much to others, this is your month to focus on your own needs, your own health &  wellbeing. Nourish yourself with healthy soups & warm teas. Treat yourself as good as you would treat your friends or family this month, do something special for yourself like get a massage or go to Yoga.  Your free time is so precious, don’t give it all away this month serving others, take time to be at home more. You will be craving more alone time than usual, so hit the PAUSE button, turn your phone on do not disturb, carve out some time to just BE without any obligations to others. Take a sick day at work, especially if you feel GOOD. 

3 Star Turn on your Love light this month & let it shine for others who are in the dark. You have this warm, radiant energy of a campfire on a cold night this month, everyone wants to circle around your warm & friendly vibe. Your divine healing energy will attract amazing new friends & profound experiences if you will be open & accepting of invitations to get out & be seen in the world. When you open your heart to experience JOY & BLISS, you will become a magnet for Miracles! If you are single, you may meet the love of your life this month. If you are in a relationship, you will enjoy being with your partner, maybe go on a romantic Fall getaway. 

4 Star This is a powerful conception month for you, something brand new wants to be born, either an idea, a project or even a baby, there is a fertile energy that is in it’s pure potential state. Treat your new ideas like precious jewels that hold tremendous value, give yourself time & space to dream something new into being. If a new opportunity or new path arises this month, say Yes! Shift your focus from what could go wrong to what if it could be better than you imagine, when you dream bigger this month. It’s important to keep a positive mindset as you conceive this new thing, so avoid negative people, scary t.v shows or bad news, you will be more sensitive to bad energy as you birth in this bright, beautiful new thing! 

5 Star This will be a busy month of planning ahead, figuring out your next steps forward on your projects, solving any problems that prevent you from having the life you know you can have. You can begin to plan out your 2024 goals because you have some exciting things coming in next year & now is your time to write out your timeline so you can begin to make it all happen. Better things are coming to you soon, you can just feel this SHIFT in your energy now. You’re pleasantly optimistic about the future for the first time in awhile..although there’s still some heavy lifting work to be done.  If there’s anything you want to change about your life, now is the time to strategize what to do next to accomplish your big plans. 

6 Star 

Everything you want in life, already exists within you, you only have to bring it up to the surface to experience it. This month you access your greatest inner resources so that you can pursue your dreams. You will have more energy than usual this month to make it all happen & you will be BUSIER than usual. You can feel a positive new change in the air & you’re happy for it. This is a good time to start a new physical exercise, stretching, biking, running to burn all that energy you will have & get some endorphins.

7 Star You are inspired to make positive changes this month, but you’re not sure exactly what it is that needs to change. Be like a leaf on the stream & go with the flow, look for signs to guide you on your path ahead & let go of the reins, just allow things to change without having to control this new way forward. Take care of yourself this month so you do not get sick, rest, nourish & relax. You’re craving self inquiry, spend some time figuring out what you want to do next in life as you begin a new chapter of letting go of your past in preparation to bring in something new over the next 2 years, this is a clearing out process & a good time for a space clearing or energy clearing. 

8 Star This month is all about creating energetic boundaries so that you’re not over giving to others or doing too much at work,  it seems like everyone is depending on you right now, but you don’t have to do it all. Learn to say NO & honor your precious time & energy. This would be an excellent time for an Energy Clearing to clear out other people’s stuff that is dragging you down. Give yourself some time off this month with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no agend, simply be in the moment & let your cares go. This is a good month to try a Forgiveness exercise like H’opono-ono to “make things right” with anyone who has hurt you in the past, simply say I am sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, Thank you, I love you.

9 Star  This is your LUCKY Harvest Month when you will receive great abundance for all of your efforts all year long, you will reap what you have sown. You deserve to have what you want, so ask, believe & receive it all now. Give yourself permission to have everything you want but avoid overspending or going into debt this month. You are blessed by a divine providence to manifest this month, so spend some time figuring out what you want & how to get it. Remember when you have more, give to others who have less & this will ensure future prosperity to come., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0