This Gemini Full Moon illuminates the TWINS, Castor & Pollux 

Castor is the Mortal Son born of Spartan

 & Pollux is Immortal born of ZEUS

This represents all those DICHOTOMIES of life, feeling invincible or feeling small,  feeling UNLIMITED & then feeling OVERWHELMED, HOPE & FEAR,  Love & Hate, Peace & War, we maybe feeling the whole SPECTRUM of big feelings this Supermoon & what can you release now into the ETHERS to clear your mind as we prepare to bid adieu to 2024 to shed our skin like the SNAKE Year of 2025 we will be moving into.

Who are my GEMINI friends? I’d love to know! We all have GEMINI somewhere, my Gemini is in the 11th House of friendships, I have so many Gemini friends & I love them but they do drive me crazy with how UNPREDICTABLE they can be! I like to say SQUIRREL to my Gemini friends b/c they are always chasing Squirrels in new directions, leaving behind their path & purpose for some new shiny thing! 

This full Moon will cross JUPITER the KING of WISHES, Jupiter is like Santa Claus promising you will get everything you want, so make a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance REIKI for it to come true. 

The exact Moon Jupiter Conjunction will be on FRIDAY the 13th an auspicious time for MOON MAGIC as it represents the time when wise women would GATHER for Lunar Rituals, this is why Friday the 13th has a bad reputation, anytime powerful women gather together it was thought to be EVIL or SCARY, so get out there & do something that scares you & EMPOWERS you at the same time!

 I will be hosting another REIKI infused MOON MAGIC ZOOM this time focusing on manifesting ABUNDANCE, I will link below to sign up.

Moon conjunct Jupiter is all about WISH FULFILLMENT & GOOD FORTUNE, I think we can all use this optimistic transit right now & it shows up at 15 degrees of GEMINI so look at your chart & let me know where 15 degrees of Gemini shows up for. For my it’s the 11th house which is an auspicious placement for Jupiter so of course I will be buying a Mega Millions Ticket this week, let me know where Gemini is for you & I will give you a mini reading. 


KEYNOTE: The need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals, it’s that coming together, gathering wisdom & this ties into the Iching I am covering in the 9 Star Ki Astrology which is about the power of FELLOWSHIP

Transcendent experiences when likeminded individuals come together, The “Dutch children” communicate with their subconscious minds in a spirit of discussion that has prevailed in Holland. They are “children” because this implies brand new experiences that demands a “clean” and open mind eager to test what is experienced in a state of NEW “Discovery.”In old tribal cultures a man’s “great dreams” were accepted as valid and acted upon only if another tribesman also had a similar dream. here we find a need for COLLECTIVE OBJECTIVITY

If you look at Jupiter in the night sky right now as it gets in alignment with this Full Moon you will see that it’s actually happening in Taurus & we have a MOON, JUPITER, PLEIADES ALIGNMENT happening this week, Pleiades the 7 Sisters, rulers of DESTINY, this is a BENEVOLENT alignment that connects us to the DIVINE SOURCE, Angels, Ancestors & Aliens alike, all coming in strong this moon to assist us, so this is a time to ask for HELP from a Higher Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it. 

This is a time to ENERGETICALLY ALIGN to whatever you DESIRE, Ask, Believe & you will receive, this is your best chance for manifesting with the Law of Attraction in this Lunar cycle, then we move on to Capricorn next month & we will have to WORK for what we want again, so take some time out this Full Moon to connect energetically, to send distance Reiki, to get an energy clearing or just try DREAMING  it into being because we also have NEPTUNE in PISCES in a T Square to this Sun & Moon saying if you can DREAM It you can Achieve it, though we may be delusional about how much we can accomplish right now.

This COLD Full Moon on December 15, 2024, will rise and set at its most extreme northerly points on the horizon—the result of a once-every-18.6 years “major lunar standstill.” This is a PIVOTAL CROSSROADS point for all of us, to call on HECATE for new directions, a new purpose, perhaps NEW LOVE or new ways to PROFIT in the coming year.  Then we will have the Winter Solstice, darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

We just completed that SOLAR FLIP of the SUN’s MAGNETIC North & South poles & our earth is still spinning, we survived the Geomagnetic Storms of 2024 without any real electrical grid mayhem, hopefully we will Survive whatever comes our way, let’s just take it day by day for now in gratitude for this peaceful moment & maybe the next one will be good, too.

Mercury the planet that RULES GEMINI is in the opposite Sagittarius, it’s OPPOSITE SIGN

JUPITER the planet that RULES SAGITTARIUS is in GEMINI also the opposite so this is a FLIP the SCRIPT moment for JUPITER & MERCURY two POWER PLANETS that may have people sort of “Flipped Out, too” When you have 2 Planets in their OPPOSING SIGNS at the SAME time this is called a MUTUAL RECEPTION  when you have Mercury the ruler of Gemini in Sagittarius & Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius in Gemini, your peanut butter is in my chocolate, this is a significant AHA Moment of REVELATIONS

Jupiter in Gemini expands COMMUNICATION, oh my, my clients are really wanting to TALK in their MASSAGE sessions right now I am feeling JUPITER expanding GEMINI’s GOSSIPING VIBES

Mercury in Sagittarius is so PHILOSOPHICAL, solving all the world’s problems


Retrograde Planets now JUPITER, URANUS, CHIRON & MARS I will get to soon.

VENUS in Capricorn is in a HARMONIOUS SEXTILE with Mercury in Sagittarius, speak words of LOVE & KINDNESS this Full Moon. This can bring about REVELATIONS

Jupiter Square Saturn I talked about this in my Black Moon report & it’s only getting more INTENSE now as we have this CONFLICT between FREEDOM Jupiter & RESPONSIBILITIES SATURN  & how much do I just want to quit everything & move OFF GRID, anyone else? But SATURN says, “you got bills to pay, go to WORK!!!” 



2 REIKI ZOOMS one of Friday the 13th & one on 12/20 just before the Winter SOLSTICE

one person said of my Fire Ceremony:

“blah blah” 


KEYNOTE:The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment.

Winter symbolizes darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold, that feels very SATURN. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power to rise above an outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill by learning this rhythmic freedom that is so JUPITER  to OVERCOME the Frozen ELEMENTS that is SATURN’s Restriction

SKATING as a form of FREEDOM by using the most binding situations of an ICED over LAKE to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure & movement.  


Entropy is a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. You can think of it as nature’s tax. Entropy naturally increases over time. Problems arise: your house gets messy, your garden gets weeds, and your coffee gets cold.

9 star ki December

4 Wood Star month

December 7th we started a 4 Tree that bends in the WIND Month, in a 3 FAST GROWING Tree Year, in a 2 EARTH 9-Year cycle, in a 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 4 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil making this a very PRODUCTIVE Month as Wood Feeds Fire & Fire Feeds EARTH, get everything DONE now, do your Homework, work on your end of year TAXES, whatever you need to do, do it in the next 2 months before February when I predicted a SLOWER Earth Energy causing us to procrastinate & possibly a deep freeze, snowy February to come according to the Farmer’s Almanac who says big snows will arrive late this year.

Tree energy gets tasks completed this month due to its double WOOD ELEMENT. 9 Fire receives double WOOD FUEL to keep us MOTIVATED. Wood,  Fire and Earth play nice this month bringing us good vibes this Holiday season.
Yet, Wood element rules over the LIVER which can have frustrations & anger, tendency to drink more, so remember to nourish your liver with Lemon ginger hot tea with honey. 

13: Fellowship

When communal or tribal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonding only develops if personal interests are subordinate to virtuous human relations, like open communication and empathy. The broader the perspective, the greater the good that can be achieved; and the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat for the good of all, though it does help to have a beautiful island of high ideals to row toward!

Learn to respect the power of diversity, for a community’s strength lies not only in its numbers but in the diverse skills and collective resources of its members. Like the stoutest walls reinforced by different materials, the strongest groups benefit from a tolerance of differences, strengthening the fabric of the whole. With a unified group solidly behind you, even difficult enterprises can be undertaken without great risk.

The strongest bond is the one between two human hearts that have come to know and share each other’s inner thoughts and desires. Whether separated by circumstances or fate, divided by differences of opinion, or angered by each other’s behavior, if the bond is true, nothing can break it. This type of union can experience difficulty, but it will ultimately bring the sweetest joy known to humankind

So, what resource is available that can provide the organization and stability required? Just look in the mirror. We can. Reach out to your neighbor. Realize that none of us are perfect, so we shouldn’t expect others to be. Allow this time of rising global ki to lift your spirits, your awareness, your kindness and your understanding. Let the yin, expansive, pioneering, inventive light of the dawn shine through. Sure there will be challenges, but doesn’t that mean we’re all sharing the same adventure? We humans can realize that we have more tools at hand than the prevailing ki. We can improve the world, including even our own ki, by the way we eat, how we act, speak, think and pray. After all, it isn’t the ki that caused our problems. And if people can break it then people can fix it.

4 Tree is the ki of technology and commerce. Three Tree is associated with fresh starts, progress and new adventures. Nine Fire supports chaos but is also the ki of fortunate outcomes. Let us learn to use them in loving and constructive ways.

We can make this holiday season shine with the yin, warm, outgoing, rising energy.

1 Waters- will be happiest if they turn their attention to family and friends. Two Soils- your break is over, but look for some interesting developments near the end of this period. Three Trees- can make constructive progress but should proceed in a mature, attentive way. Four Trees- time for your karmic checkup. 5 Soils- will travel a well defined path but it will be difficult to move in new directions. Six Metals- will continue through their second month of stability but will be open to heartfelt moments. Sevens- will be supported by small changes if they maintain a focused goal. Eight Soils- will have a sunnier outlook if they remain organized. And 9 Fires- will be successful if they maintain a spiritual perspective and good humor. All of us- can conceive a better New Year, with a little extra effort.



Aries Solar Eclipse


This Eclipse is a culmination of 6 years of HEALING Work we’ve been doing on our planet since Chiron the Wounded Warrior Healer entered ARIES in 2019 beginning a Healing CRISIS. For those of you born between 1969-1976 you may have CHIRON in ARIES & this has been an intense Chiron in Aries RETURN where your deepest wounds are being TRIGGERED & coming to the surface to be HEALED. I did 2 separate reports on Chiron in Aries, I will drop them in the comments b/c there’s a LOT to UNPACK about Chiron’s influence! 

If you’re an ARIES, you’ve probably had a lot to HEAL recently, let me know in the comments if that’s true for you ARIES, but we all have ARIES somewhere in our Chart, we all have our work to do. This is also a CHIRON RETURN Time for the UNITED STATES, our Country needs to HEAL from some deep WOUNDS that have been buried, we might all need a powerful Energetic HEALING this Eclipse, so it’s fascinating that the PATH of TOTALITY will be crossing right over the UNITED STATES, beginning in the Pacific Ocean crossing over MEXICO first coming into Texas right where we have so much migrant madness going on, how will this Eclipse affect all of these states in the LINE of TOTALITY where it will be crossing Dallas, TEXAS, Little Rock, Arkansas; Indianapolis, Cleveland & Buffalo, New York.

This Eclipse is a WILD CARD of CHANGE that is BIRTHING in something BRAND NEW we can’t even comprehend what it is just yet, just like when a Baby is Born, there’s no way of knowing who this newborn will become over time, we have to wait & surrender to this birthing process of Change that is occurring in this 1st House of the Zodiac Wheel, it’s a Brand NEW growth CYCLE, a brand NEW Day & we’re like infants who don’t know what to do next, just BE here now & ALLOW the tides of change to wash over you, there’s nothing you have to do it, it will be a natural process like a sprout bursting out of a SEED in the Springtime. 

Look at that chart how ALL of the PLANETS are just lining up close to the action Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, North Node, Moon, Sun, Chiron & Mercury with Jupiter & Uranus close by, SOMETHING will be REVEALED that will begin a process of DEEP HEALING for ourselves & perhaps on a larger scale, for our World! 

What is Revealed can vary for us greatly depending on how your own personal chart looks, some may have very disrupting changes & others may have be lucky enough to have incredible BREAKTHROUGHS & AHA moments!  Either way don’t rush into solutions or feel like you have to “ACT” immediately, just sit with what shows up for you & explore it first. If you want to see what your CHART says, I am having an Eclipse Astrology Chart Sale for $88. you will receive ALL 4 Eclipses for 2024 & a write up about where these eclipses will be showing up in your houses & how that will affect you. 

If you’re an Aries or Libra North Node you will be feeling it the most of all, this is your SOUL”S BIG MOMENT to do the thing you were brought here to do & it may involve being UPROOTED in some way, there may be a LOSS that is making room for some new direction to come, so even if things seem bad right now, remember it WILL GET BETTER & you are Not Alone, I feel like we need to start an Eclipse Support Group right now b/c I’ve been hearing from so many of you about how difficult this time is, it’s a time of UNRAVELING is the word I keep hearing

When I had my North Node Eclipse in Aquarius it felt like being enlisted in a SOUL’s ARMY, like the Universe woke me up at 5 am & insisted, it’s time to go, you need to leave, you’ve got to go over here, to do this other thing, I thought, how long will I be doing this other thing? You just have to GO & do the thing, there will be signs along the way to tell you where to go, who to talk to & what lessons you need to learn. You simply have to SURRENDER to the PROCESS or be Dragged!

It’s nice to know what HOUSE it is happening in for you, so you can follow along. It’s wild the Libra Lunar Eclipse was in my 3rd House of Neighbors & Siblings, all of a sudden my neighbors on either side of me moved out of state, they had opportunities elsewhere & immediately packed up & left. Then my sister in law, closest to a sibling I have, she is a LIBRA with her Sun in exact conjunction to the Eclipse & we were in communication during the Lunar Eclipse. So you look to your HOUSE of Aries & Libra in your chart & you to make sense of what is going on around you & what are you supposed to do in this particular situation. If you’re lucky, you’re not directly affected & then you can just be an “Observer” I didn’t have any planets or major aspects, I watched it affect my neighbors greatly though.

Eclipses always arrive together based on the Moons Axis, the Head & the Tail of the Drago this eclipse is on  Aries North Node Head of the Drago & Libra South Node tail of the dragon Axis, so we have both Eclipses close together. 

I’m hyperfocused on VENUS & MARS this Eclipse, VENUS moves into Aries April 5th,  just before this total solar eclipse, now the LOVER becomes the WARRIOR, perhaps she is FIGHTING for LOVE & she is also CHASING LOVE now, Aries love the Chase & Conquest of LOVE it becomes a competitive SPORT & this will bring on SPRING FEVER, new relationships will BLOOM, there’s a fiery, passionate desire brewing, you may be wanting something new & exciting, even married people may want to have a Spring Fling, Love becomes so SPONTANEOUS, it’s not LONG Lasting here in Aries I’m afraid. Venus in Aries can bring fierce fighting in your relationship, too. 

 I fear some people could have their hearts broken under this influence, just be careful. I am sad to see Venus leave Pisces & I am counting the days until Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, where she is at home again & not so cruel in love! VENUS rules LIBRA PEACE

MARS is the natural ruler of ARIES the Warrior but Mars is softened now in PISCES water on it’s fire creating steam. Mars becomes more of a Spiritual Warrior now, could this bring some PEACE at least a respite for now.

Mars Saturn Conjunction APRIL 10th!!! 

Mars gives you the energy & ambition to fulfill your GOALS & attain your Desires while Saturn offers the control & Self Discipline necessary for success &  growth. You would think this would work out well, but it can be very volatile, unpredictable especially in watery PISCES where emotions get the better of us & there can be angry outbursts, destructive energy, losing control of our aggressive tendencies. This is a VOLATILE ENERGY. Will I stay in & hide under my bed during this transit? Maybe! 

But Pisces is also that OLD SOUL Wisdom that might know better than to start a fight they can’t win….Pisces is a CALMER energy for Mars & it makes Saturn more of a Spiritual Teacher…

I am wondering what affect this will have on all the WAR situations…. I think of Frankie goes to Hollywood

“WAR what is it good for?”


Can we please realize that & choose PEACE? 

Then after this Eclipse we will have a really BIG Deal Jupiter Uranus CONJUNCTION in TAURUS that will be coming April 20th. JUPITER EXPANDS & Gives us FAITH & URANUS SURPRISES & Gives us Breakthroughs in Taurus an EARTH sign, this could be geomagnetic activity, solar storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather storms, floods & mudslide & Taurus also rules the 2nd House of Wealth, our Resources, so we may have some Financial Surprises coming, let’s hope it’s Financial Windfalls & not Financial Recessions. This is a RARE Jupiter Uranus Conjunction, between the year 1100 and 2023, Jupiter and Uranus came together in a conjunction only 3 times: back in 1181, 1858, and the most recent was 1941. What was it that happened in 1941? After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. a few days later, and the nation became fully engaged in the Second World War. Lots to unpack, I will do a separate report on this JUPITER URANUS TRANSIT, stay tuned.

In Astrology charts we say this is an Aries Eclipse but…. because of the procession of stars… If you look to where the ECLIPSE will actually show up in the night sky in ASTRONOMY, it’s showing up in  the constellation of PISCES right at that KARMIC KNOT between the two Fishes. The 2 Fishes represent DUALITY between Reality & Fantasy, one fish swims Upstream while the other swims downstream, Pisces has all this Wisdom yet the fish can SELF SABOTAGE, ruled by Neptune there can be real CONFUSION happening on this Eclipse, what is REAL & what is AI? We’re already not sure what is REAL right now.

Pisces the Fish is one of the ancient constellations. In the Greek story, a massive sea monster, Typhon, was sent to destroy the gods. After being alerted to the monster’s presence, Aphrodite and Eros 2 LOVE Goddesses, swam into the Euphrates River where they transformed themselves into FISHES, I think of SATURN transforming into the SEA GOAT with a Mermaid tale as Saturn is transiting Pisces now. 

It’s all happening under the SQUARE constellation of PEGASUS & the Triangulum, this is a very MYSTICAL area of the night sky that rules over ANCIENT Wisdom, old souls, ancestors & aliens alike, it’s so other worldly, this is the gateway of Pisces & the oldest ways of being just as we cross a Threshold into Aries birthing a brand new way forward. 

PEGASUS constellation coming in hot here, represents profound World CHANGES that will come to our OCEANS, our oceans may heat up with that fiery energy of MARS in PISCES that symbolizes a combination of FIRE & WATER, could there be EXPLOSIONS at SEA or maybe it will be those Underground Volcanoes erupting, there is a destructive OCEAN FIERY BATTLE scene here, this is one Summer I will NOT be taking a CRUISE, stay away from the Ocean on this eclipse, could this even be TSUNAMI energy? 

Pegasus is a HORSE that can FLY Like a Bird, representing that we all RISE ABOVE whatever chaos comes from this disruption. Pegasus was born from the blood of the gorgon Medusa after Perseus decapitated her. Pegasus emerged fully-formed from her neck, talk about rising above bad situations. With his white wings and powers of flight, Pegasus was considered a divine creature associated with poetry, wisdom, and the springs of Hippocrene and Pirene. Pegasus is also known in mythology as Thundering Horse of Jove, the ancient God of Rome who became Jupiter, that carried the divine lightning to bring ENLIGHTENMENT & Inspiration. Pegasus came to represent a free spirit who nurtures creative talents. Pegasus brings us Fearless Adventures, new exploration, intuition, imagination & he wants us to take FLIGHT, perhaps without leaving the ground, maybe ASTRAL TRAVEL or the Magic Carpet ride that is coming up in the Sabian Symbols.  There is so much EXPANSION & ASCENSION Energy coming in this Eclipse Season, give yourself TIME & SPACE to Absorb the energetic downloads, we’re already soaking in it, can you feel it? Add to that those Solar Storms that are lighting us up energetically. We have Triangulum constellation that brings that TRINITY energy this relates to DEMETER Godddess Mother of Persephone who promises to bring a bountiful SPRING but only if her daughter returns home in time, this Eclipse holds our Harvest in the Balance &  this Triangle constellation also contains a Pinwheel SPIRAL Galaxy that might make you dizzy when you’re looking up at the Eclipse, there’s an ALTERED STATE of Consciousness energy here, I would not partake in mind altering substances during this Eclipse, your mind will be altered naturally, if you added more to the mix, you may fly away never to return. 

ARIES 19 Degrees sabian


KEYNOTE: The use of creative imagination.

A way of life refusing a hectic involvement in social competition and waste-producing overproduction allows for the development of unattached and transcendent understanding. The static floor (carpet) on which man’s feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception. The period of rest from outwardly directed activity bound to collective normality presents the creative mind with the possibility of surveying in dreams the totality of the present-day social situation, thus “to see whole.” A STRIFE-TRANSCENDING AND UNATTACHED OUTLOOK UPON EVERYDAY REALITY.

Infrared Biomat protects your immunity from viruses better than a Sauna

Infrared Biomat protects your immunity from viruses better than a Sauna

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We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus. 

Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!

We live in a time where toxins bombard our bodies: herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxins are linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with heat, like a fever when you are fighting a virus, but because our bodies are overwhelmed by more toxins coming in than the body can process, toxins build up over time and end up causing a wide variety of health issues. Far Infrared Heat can remove toxins by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process.

Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.

Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infrared for pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain.

Note that NOT ALL Biomats are Equal! There are a lot of cheapy copycat biomats, but look for the Amethyst Crystals in your Biomat & then you will know for sure! If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, schedule a Massage today!

Here is my CAT enjoying the INFRARED BIOMAT in our Deep Rest Binaural Music Sound Healing Video….

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer Massage! So check back on 11/29/19 b/c this sale will be ONLINE right here on our Website for ONE DAY ONLY 11/29/19!!!

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Father’s Day Massage Special

Father’s Day Massage Special

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Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

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