Sun entered Scorpio on 10/22 happy solar return to all my fellow scorpio friends!
I had a Giveaway for one FREE ONLINE REIKI CLASS & “OHSUSANNA8099 Won!
This Scorpio New Moon ties in with DIWALI the INDIAN Festival of LIGHTS that honors Goddess LAKSHMI, who brings Prosperity & grants Wishes.
On October 31, Hallows Eve, the Amavasya moon will be visible in Hindu cultures, this is a potent time for new beginnings, introspection, and renewal. This alignment of the sun and moon during Amavasya creates a powerful energy shift on Earth that brings a COLLECTIVE SPIRITUAL AWAKENING & this is an ideal time for setting intentions and manifestations..leave your New Moon intention in the comment & I will send REIKI for it to come true & then you will be IN IT 2 WIN it for a FREE Astrology Chart Reading on the TAURUS SUPERMOON happening, our last Supermoon of the 4 MASSIVE SUPERMOONS,
I think it might SNOW this HALLOWEEN where I live because when I taught my Reiki for Abundance Class, one student was talking about how it ALWAYS used to SNOW on Halloween & I swear anytime we talk about things in the Reiki Class Portal, it always happens, so that’s my Amavasya prediction, we will see snow as a sign of hope & prosperity because WATER is WEALTH & where I live we’ve been in a severe drought, causing all these Wildfires & really causing financial issues for many, too, I’ve seen so many beloved small businesses go out of business this year & so many people I know are having financial hardships like never before, drought brings scarcity & water brings wealth, we need to do our Snow Dances this New Moon Scorpio!
So as this VEIL is THIN & we have a black moon waning during Halloween, then on November 1st we move into this New Moon Scorpio & November 1st is the INDIAN CELEBRATION of LIGHTS known as DIWALI, I like to call it LAKSHMI Day
we can celebrate MAHALAKSHMI the DIVINE MOTHER GODDESS who takes care of all of her children, if you know me, you’ve probably heard my talk about manifesting with LAKSHMI because she is the ultimate PROVIDER of the Hindu Goddesses, she can transform your dreams into reality if you call on her, during this New Moon on Diwali, it’s best if you clean your homes, make an altar to Lakshmi with sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruits & light ghee candles in the hopes that Lakshmi will grant your wishes, she’s kind of like Santa Claus this way. As we begin our descent into the darkness in the Northern Hemisphere, lighting a candle for Lakshmi on this New Moon can feel very uplifting!!! In India they say “Light Your Candle to SLAY YOUR INNER DEMONS!” It is a time to clear negativity from your life!
I heard AMMA the hugging SAINT talk about Mahalakshmi being seen as a beautiful HUMMINGBIRD, she is most attracted to the sweetest nectars, so be sure that you speak sweet words from your lips this new moon, speak from the heart, speak words of love & gratitude for your friends & family, this sweetness will attract her to visit your home to bless you with abundance, just as the sweet syrup in a hummingbird feeder brings in the hummingbird, so shall your loving sweetness bring Lakshmi to you, to grant you the gifts this NEW MOON.
I am so inspired by LAKSHMI that I am feeling called to do a Distance REIKI ACTIVATION healing meditation in honor of LAKSHMI on this NEW MOON Scorpio on Friday 11/1 at 11:11 am I am going to offer a ZOOM CALL for $18. 18 means One will Prosper in Numerology & this will be a special REIKI FOR ABUNDANCE Meditation with a Lakshmi ACTIVATION for increasing WEALTH & MANIFESTING WISHES. I will put the link for it down below, I hope you can make it!
You can also CHANT LAKSHMI prayers that you can easily find on youtube, I will link to some of my fave ones below.
In other Astrology news VENUS entered Sagittarius where she will align with the GALACTIC CENTER at 27 Degrees of Sagittarius just around ELECTION TIME on KAMALAS Midheaven, that feels so hopeful. I talked more about this alignment in my Kamala Astrology reading, I will link below if you’re curious.
I am inspired by Kamalas middle name DEVI the sanskrit word for DIVINE GODDESS & with Venus RISING as evening STAR in Sagittarius at the Galactic Center, this is the ultimate DIVINE FEMININE RISING as we may have our first FEMALE PRESIDENT, it feels like the STARS are ALIGNING, look into the Western Twilight sky & see if you can see VENUS just after Sunset, I’ve been praying to her!!! I love this time of year when you can see all the stars & moon earlier in the evening & later in the morning, I’ve been catching Sirius & PLEIADES, but I never saw that COMET, did you get a glimpse of the COMET? COMETS are all about DESTINY & the hands of FATE altering our future & that feels accurate for these times, I have to trust that there is a higher power guiding us & everything is going to work out for our highest healing good!!!
As VENUS ALIGNS with this Galactic Center with its massive black hole, it is a cosmic eye, the all-seeing eye, the all-knowing eye. The place where everything originated from. The truth of the matter. The Galactic Center represents a Higher CONSCIOUSNESS, DIVINE POWER GUIDING us
It is a MAGNETIC ENERGY pulling us in & also giving us the gift of MANIFESTATION, USE THIS MOON to WISH for something BIGGER than you could have ever imagined for yourself!!! This is the ultimate VENUS GALACTIC CENTER MANIFESTING MOON ALIGNMENT & what will you do with your one precious life? I hope you will at least VOTE!!!!
When VENUS the Planet of LOVE enters the GALACTIC CENTER, LOVE Is AMPLIFIED & LOVE WINS!!! I keep thinking of Lenny Kravitz, you gotta let love win! Love will be VICTORIOUS, we’ve got to believe in the miracles of LOVE.
This is a New Moon to tap into your heart space, do your self Reiki with hands on your HEART, breathing into your Heart Space & truly listen to your HEART, what is it trying to tell you? Get out a journal & ask your heart to guide you & then do some free writing & see what shows up!
You can also LISTEN to our LOVE Vibration Binaural music, I will link it below, it truly has attracted LOVE for several of my clients who listened to it regularly, it helps you MANIFEST from a place of deep LOVE.
Lightworkers & Healers are being called now to hold this powerful energy of DIVINE LOVE, get into your HEARTSPACE this NOVEMBER, Let VENUS in the Galactic Center expand your HEART ENERGY rising higher than ever before! VENUS in the Galactic Center is a time to ask your HEART what it WANTS & to connect to a HIGHER PURPOSE based in LOVE, this is the master plan of the UNIVERSE & Listen to your HEART to get your own personal plans forward!
If you can take some time out this season, to tap into your heart, you may have a massive AHA MOMENT or divine inspiration, perhaps Heart Healing, Forgiveness or an experience of DIVINE JOY that becomes your SUPERPOWER to transform your life in truly profound ways!!!
We have this beautiful KITE TRINE happening in the chart between MARS 29 degrees of CANCER & URANUS in Taurus 26 Degrees & Neptune 27 Degrees of Pisces, holding the line is MERCURY in SCORPIO at 28 Degrees look to your chart to see what houses CANCER, TAURUS, PISCES & SCORPIO reside in, that is where OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND to Transform your reality into better outcomes this season! This a new moon for ALCHEMY, turning lead into GOLD, time to launch your ideas, begin that dream project. I’d love to know where those signs show up for you or if you ARE a CANCER, TAURUS, PISCES or SCORPIO drop me a comment & I will give you a mini intuitive reading!
SATURN in Pisces is TRINING this NEW Moon giving us a push to make progress on our big, lofty goals. This is a time to seek advice from older, wise counsel, feel free to ask me a question, I guess I’m entering the old, wise counsel phase now with my grey hair & my mid 50s vibe!
November 4th there’s a TSquare between Moon, Chariko, that’s Chiron’s Wife, a profound healer asteroid & VARUNO this could be a whole separate video but the feeling I get is “KEEP CALM because the floodgates of EMOTION have just broke open!!!” this is a stay inside & don’t engage with crazy day.
Mars will be in Opposition with PLUTO as we enter Election day, causing cranky vibes around POWER, what could happen there?
November 5th Election day we have MARS entering LEO, Mars on Fire, lots of heat & loudness to this election day.
JUPITER RETROGRADE in GEMINI is in a Harmonious Sextile with Chiron Retrograde in Aries bringing an expansion of HEALING to the situation, this may bring a RE-EVALUATION to the Election, does anyone else feel like we might not get clear answers to who has WON on election day? Or is that just my own personal FEAR?
Some MAJOR Life Altering NEWS could occur on November 12th when MERCURY will Conjunct USA’s Ascendent!!! We have so many fascinating TRANSITS occurring on America’s Chart in 2025, stay tuned I will be reading America soon! Ultimately Mercury Conjunct Ascendant brings deep UNDERSTANDING of WHO YOU ARE, so AMERICA might just WAKE UP THIS DAY, like a strong cup of coffee, we will be able to THINK CLEARLY about WHO we ARE as a NATION & this brings us JEDI MIND POWERS so we will be able to FIGURE things OUT, hope that is helpful to our Election Results, I predict something major happening that DAY, BIG NEWS!!!
Ultimately, Scorpio season is always about TRANSFORMATION & METAMORPHOSIS leading to EMPOWERMENT, this year it is being led by LOVE
Personally, my birthday is just after this ELECTION & all I am WISHING for on my CAKE is that KAMALA WINS by such a landslide that it cannot be denied!!
KEYNOTE: Overcoming negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.
Let’s look at the meaning of teeth. Teeth are used to tear down food so it can be digested and assimilated. Social, cultural patterns impose certain habits of eating & perhaps arouse desires for unwholesome or junk food. This results in tooth decay & the Dentist must skillfully repair the damage. Life in society both breaks and repairs, destroys and rebuilds, hurts and heals β truly a vicious cycle. Man is compelled by social needs to display INVENTIVENESS in FIXING problems.
That’s pretty Scorpio known for being both the CREATOR & DESTROYER like KALI or DURGA Goddesses, there’s so much GODDESS energy afoot in this new moon, can you feel it?
Equinox perfect balance of darkness & light, Yin & Yang, Feminine & Masculine energies, for a moment all is well in our world.
EQUILIBRIUM the state in which OPPOSING forces or influences are balanced
We’re swimming in that ECLIPSE Portal now as we just had a Supermoon Pisces Lunar Eclipse & next up is a Solar Eclipse in Libra on the New Moon in October, how are you feeling in this liminal space??? We’ve been having massive Geomagnetic Storms from the SOLAR FLIP as the Sun is in it’s process of FLIPPING the Magnetic poles all year & into 2025, there’s just a lot of BIG OLE ENERGIES to process right now & I feel like a broken record as I keep saying, you might find that you need more TIME & SPACE to Process, to Recalibrate, to RESET, to ALIGN to this NEW ENERGY coming in & maybe you need an Energy Clearing to clean up your vibration, get the Self Care you need this season & we begin to bring our energy back into our roots like a tree, this is a time for powerful SELF HEALING, reflection, journal writing, sitting quietly sipping some nourishing herbal tea. I’m finding a shift where I want to talk less & LISTEN more in my practice right now. My clients are falling deeply asleep in their sessions now as we shift into Autumn.
If you need DEEP HEALING this Season, I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance Class on Sunday October 13th where you will receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your energetic vibration so that you will become a better energetic match to all that you desire. I love teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my students! I’m also offering my Reiki for Abundance Classes ONLINE now through TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE, that offer expires on October 30th. I also offer distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions through ZOOM, I will link my website in description below.
This EQUINOX I am delving deep into PLUTO at that Critical Degree of CAPRICORN as we begin our Persephone descent into the UNDERWORLD of Hades this season, as a Scorpio this is my favorite time of year! Persephone was either kidnapped & perhaps went willingly with Hades to the Underworld but then her mother Goddess DEMETER tried to rescue her, but alas Persephone had eaten those few pomegranate seeds for which she summoned her fate to have to stay in the Underworld, but Demeter struck a deal where she could come back to Earth every Spring, this is why we have flowers in the Spring when Demeter is so happy & why everything dies & the rains that will follow represent Demeter’s TEARS because Persephone must return to the underworld.
Sun Trine Pluto in CAPRICORN 29 Degrees
This can be a time to step into your POWER, find where CAPRICORN at 29 degress is in your chart, this is where Pluto keeps returning to again & again & again & now we are at the final pass of this pivotal point that has truly transformed our entire WORLD. What are the messages here for you personally? Learn the SOUL LESSON that you came her to master because we will never experience Pluto in Capricorn again unless we somehow live another 230 years, when Pluto next returns to Capricorn in 2255. This is a time to reflect on what have you learned with PLUTO in Capricorn? Have you become more Resilient or more TIRED? What has transformed for you since 2019? We’ve all been changed in some way from this Transit.
29 degrees Capricorn is a CRITICAL DEGREE that represents the End of an Era, I think of REM, it’s the end of the World as we KNOW, we are stepping into the great unknown age of Aquarius but first we stand at the top of a steep cliff in Capricorn, like a Mountain Goat with eagle vision, we search the far off terrain for some kind of answers. Pluto is still in that grand trine with NEPTUNE & URANUS bringing us opportunities to figure out our path ahead, this is a very RARE Grand Trine Kite ALIGNMENT that will be with us for awhile & it signifies HOPE for our FUTURE, HARMONY.
it brings us ALCHEMY to change our life & our world in the best way possible, this is an EQUINOX of MIRACLES coming true finally & I talked all about this alignment in my Supermoon Lunar Eclipse video at length & I will talk more about it in my Solar Eclipse Libra video that has a magical sabian symbol that will have your sighing RELIEF that maybe the dark days are finally OVER, I think of that cheerful song, about “putting on a happy face” we might get our happy faces back!!!
It feels like the Angels heralding a smooth transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, those signs may seem so different, Capricorn is so stern, like a strict Father or Teacher with rules, regulations & restrictions, ultimately for our own good, whereas Aquarius is freedom loving running off barefoot to a music festival, but they both have SATURN in common, Saturn rules Capricorn now & Saturn once ruled Aquarius before Uranus came along. Both Capricorn & Aquarius care deeply for the welfare of our community & common good they just go about it in different ways, Capricorn is world structures & Aquarius is this other worldly energetic vibration coming in to shift our reality, it will be an interesting transition to be sure!
Some of us with PLUTO in VIRGO, if you were born 1957 – 1972 raise your hand & comment because you probably have Pluto in Virgo & we’re having a powerful SUN CONJUNCT our Natal PLUTO in Virgo this EQUINOX just as the Sun is forming a TRINE to Pluto in Capricorn giving us an extra SUPERPOWERPLUTO TRINE which brings transformative Alchemy making gold out of any situation when you get into ALIGNMENT with a higher vibrational energy like the life force energy of REIKI, I have been doing so many Reiki sessions for clients who have Pluto in Virgo lately, they’re all feeling this MASSIVE SHIFT in their DIVINE PURPOSE, this TIME TO RISE to do something bigger with their lives! KAMALA HARRIS has PLUTO in VIRGO she is truly stepping into her divine POWER to RULE, Pluto has her back, she is supported by higher forces & with Venus conjunct Galactic Center on her Midheaven this Election, she is absolutely going to WIN!!!!
This TRINE of Opportunity can help Pluto in Virgos to OVERCOME something stressful as well, pay off your bills, get out of debt, clean out your garage, remodel your kitchen, quit your addictions, stop hanging around toxic friends, get a better job, make more money, it’s an opportunity to make a dramatic change, to choose a higher path in life.
Clean up your thoughts to support your forward momentum, as Bruce Lee said, “As you think, so shall you become.” make sure your inner thoughts are aligned with what you want to see in your life right now, gosh I am preaching to myself here!
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
My Virgo friends can tell you all about this transit, the’ve been feeling it for years now! This can cause confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland vibe that you’re not sure what is real & what you’re imagining right now. I would NOT sign a contract or buy any swamp land for now. It will be over soon as the sun continues onto LIBRA.
Mercury in Virgo is in opposition to
Saturn in Pisces
This brings up pessimistic worry that can be downright delusional in Pisces, I always say worrying is like praying for what you don’t want, if you’re in a negative mental loop of doom & gloom about our world, all you have to do is get out into NATURE & it will change your mind! Nature is not worried about the Wars, the Election, our Economy or any of the garbage you see on the news, nature is birds migrating, butterflies still taking flight, leaves starting to turn to gold, get out of your mind for a minute & get into NATURE for a hike, it feels really good.
This Hexagram shows double WATER symbols & WATER always represents WEALTH, so this is an Auspicious Iching that brings GREAT JOY & Abundance.
Joy is returning to our world, & the power of joy should not be underestimated. Whatever brings you joy will become a source of much potential & abundance. Surround yourself with people who reflect and support your inner joy. If happiness is supported by stability, it will wear down the stiffest barrier and win over the hardest heart. True joy is a beacon of light in a dark world. The presence of JOY is an indication of extremely good fortune to come! I am wishing you a fortunate, JOYFUL EQUINOX.
This New SUPERMOON in Taurus is a MANIFESTING Moon that is both EXCITING & TUMULTOUS!!!
We’ve been so through so much astrologically this year & once again we’re feeling a Powerful SHIFT in the Energy, time to get out your surfboard & ride the WAVES of CHANGE.
Are you feeling an ENERGETIC SHIFT?!?!
We have the LUCKIEST Transits of the Year this month with a SUN JUPITER CAZIMI, Jupiter conjunct Venus in TAURUS giving us an opportunity to MANIFEST our deepest desires, this is Exciting but we also have an INTENSE PLUTO Retrograde, it will be the Best of Times & the most intense times.
Something bigger is happening right now that we can’t even comprehend, the energy is RISING & Expanding after that Jupiter Uranus conjunction Massive changes are ahead for our WORLD but this SHIFT in the energy is asking us to say PRESENT & BE the PEACE we want to see in the World, Thich Nhat Hanh says Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves with everything we do, when you’re conscious of every breath & every step we take, we can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake & alive in this present moment to choose PEACE.β
This is moment in time to rise above our FEARS, Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future so the more we tap into the right Here & NOW holding a state of PEACE & Gratitude, the more you can keep your ENERGETIC VIBRATION Higher & keep your FAITH that everything will be okay when you stay in this present moment, ALL IS WELL.
MARS IN ARIES April 30th- June 9th.
Mars is the natural ruler of Aries the WARRIOR, Mars empowers Aries with power, strength, courage, energy & resilience. Aries are ambitious, fearless leaders who embrace challenges as opportunities. This will be a strong cup of coffee for getting things DONE & I am grateful for that after the Eclipse Portal, Mercury Retrograde month had me feeling scattered. We can return to setting GOALS & accomplishing our day to day duties. Mars in Aries loves to exercise & play competitive sports, we will feel more physically ACTIVE now.
Mars in Aries fuels ANGER as we enter this more YANG Dominant energy of Spring with it’s RISING UP, Revolutionary, Protest movements that we’re seeing.. I worry that Mars in Aries will fuel the fires of War. When Mars enters Aries it’s like a superpower for fighting battles & winning, but are there any real winners in a WAR? I’m afraid we will see more violence with Mars in Aries.
Venus in Taurus can balance this energy with a Promise of PEACE swooping in like the White Dove of Peace. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, when she enters Taurus on 04/29 she is right at home, Taurus rules over the 2nd House of Wealth & Possessions so this is the best month all year to Make Money & Buy things, beautiful things, like your DREAM HOME & May is the best month to sell a home. Venus rules over Love & Money & getting what you want, so tell me what you want in the comments & I will send Distance Reiki for you to Manifest it because this is a Manifesting New Moon, make sure you spend some time setting your Seeds of Intention, Asking the Universe for what you want, then Believing it is coming & by the time we have the Taurus Full Moon on November 15th you may just have what you desire b/c that is how manifesting with the Lunar Cycles works, you set your intentions on the New Moon, this month it’s a TAURUS New Moon & it’s not like your intention is going to be delivered to your front porch the next day, like an Amazon package, it takes time for seeds to germinate, so give it until November when this Taurus New Moon comes back around as the Taurus Full Moon, that’s when you have the best chance of reaping this reward. I have been manifesting with the Moon since the 90s when I used to do powerful moon circles gathered with other goddesses, this Moon Magic truly works when you align with the energy of these astrological cycles, people always tell me “I’m Lucky” but it’s not Luck, it’s energetic Alignment, knowing when it’s the best time to manifest Love & Money, it’s the Taurus New Moon with Venus in Taurus, this is your moment to get what you Desire!!!
If you desire LOVE we made a Reiki infused sound healing for LOVE & 2 of my clients are actually getting married this Summer, they credit falling in love from listening to that LOVE Music!!!
If you desire WEALTH we did a Reiki infused Wealth DNA Activation sound healing that has also had some MIRACULOUS results. Money is ENERGY & it responds to the energetic vibration of Abundance by listening to this Wealth Frequency Music you align with the frequency of Money, so money naturally shows up! I will link both of these below, it takes a solid 21 days of listening in a row to make the energetic shift in your subconscious but give it a try this New Moon cycle & see!
Venus in Taurus is decadent & Fun Loving, if you want to have the best experience eating out at a fancy restaurant, go with a Venus in Taurus, they will order Dessert First & they have mastery over ordering the most delicious things to eat! This is a time to indulge in the finer things in life, invest in buying art, beauty products, jewelry, luxurious foods & treat yourself to some new clothes but do not OVERSPEND or go into Debt buying things you don’t need because that is the downside to Venus in Taurus, you feel like you deserve to have everything you want & sure you do but if you can’t afford it, don’t overindulge! Venus in Taurus brings PEACE while Mars in Aries brings WAR so we may break even here, what will happen in our world?
Venus will Square PLUTO on May Day bringing conflicts, challenges & obstacles that force us to make a change showing up in our love life, there could be infidelity, break ups & fighting. This Square affects all things Taurus & Aquarius, the economy, resources, food stability, there may be food scarcity due to weather conditions, storms ruining crops, in business we will see fierce competition, there will be conflicts in communities & dynamic shifts in the collective consciousness where some people are rising above the chaos & others are falling prey to negative situations, there is a chasm here between the haves & have nots. Later this month Venus will conjunct Jupiter & Uranus re-triggering all the feels of that Jupiter Uranus conjunction this time saying, “Without LOVE in the Dream it’ll never come true!” Focus on doing what you LOVE!!! I will cover these powerful transits more in my May Full Moon forecast.
SUN & MOON WILL BOTH CONJUNCT URANUS & JUPITER LIGHTING UP this SHIFT in Consciousness that started on the Uranus Jupiter conjunction.
Sun conjuncts Uranus on May 13th
only constant in life is change, Everything changes and nothing remains still, you cannot step twice into the same stream, HERACLITUS We have to learn to adapt to changing circumstances this month. There is a craving for EXCITEMENT, to break away, find FREEDOM, this is a good day for a Ferris Bueller day off. Uranus is the planet of QUANTUM LEAPS when the Sun Lights up Uranus we can connect to a higher vibrational energy so this is a good day for ENERGY work, to MANIFEST something BIG! Uranus also rules over LIGHTNING Storms, electrical accidents, Internet outages, so be careful working on anything to do with electricity or wires on this day. Uranus in Taurus rules over geomagnetic storms, earthquakes, floodings & strange weather patterns so we may experience that, too.
SUN CONJUNCT JUPITER in Taurus May 18th is one of the LUCKIEST TRANSITS EVER for MANIFESTING MONEY, EXPANDING your Business & getting what you want when you ASK, BELIEVE & RECEIVE especially if you’re a TAURUS, go ahead & buy that Lottery ticket Taurus, this is your last chance to WIN It! Jupiter is the KING that GRANTS WISHES & he has been in Taurus for a long time now, he’s going to be heading into GEMINI at the end of this month, so if you’re a TAURUS & you haven’t ASKED for what you want, this is your LAST CHANCE to put in your request with King Jupiter & if you’re a GEMINI start thinking about what you WANT because you’re next in line! Scorpios also have an opportunity to MANIFEST with that Jupiter in Taurus opposition!
You only get this JUPITER in your SIGN opportunity to MANIFEST your Deepest desires once every 12 years, make sure you take some time to get clear about what it is you really want out of this one precious life!
No matter what your sign, we will all be feeling Optimistic on this Sun Conjunct Jupiter day, there is HOPE for the FUTURE now, there will be opportunities abounding to GROW Forth, this is an excellent time to LAUNCH a new business, to buy your dream home, to EXPAND your REACH in some way, anything you BEGIN under this influence will be successful, if you’re really lucky, you may even receive a FINANCIAL WINDFALL! The only thing to worry about is OVERCOMMITTING to too many projects under this influence, it makes you believe you can do anything but you might not be able to do it all later on, so be mindful about saying YES to too many things, don’t make promises you can’t keep.
PLUTO in Aquarius goes RETROGRADE MAY 2nd & lasts through October 11th I have so much to say about this, I am going to do a separate transit reading on this one! Pluto was SQUARING our Scorpio Full Moon at 2 degrees predicting all those STORMS that came, now Pluto stations retrograde becoming so powerful, asking us to RECLAIM our Power, to RECOVER from our Trauma, this is a time for SOUL RETRIEVAL, to Recover LOST Things, LOST People, to Reconnect with family, friends or old relations for Reconcilation & this influence always bring up PAST LIFE experiences, maybe you meet someone from a past life or you dream about your past life, have you ever had a past life experience? I will unpack all of this more in my separate report.
Mars Sextile Pluto on May 3rd
Mars empowered in Aries in a positive sextile with Pluto the Great TRANSFORMER gives us a SURGE of ENERGY to make a change & get our tasks done in a brilliant way. I am grateful for this transit b/c I have so much work to do right now! If you’re moving your home, changing jobs or starting a new project this is the energy that supports you to get it all done, this is a Red Bull Transit that gives us Wings not just to finish our tasks but to Transform ourselves in the process, it’s that rare FLOW STATE where you can hyperfocus all of your attention to complete a project, you might call it “BEING IN THE ZONE” If you have something really important to do or a presentation to give, pick this day, it will be a magical time of SYNCHRONICITY & Creativity, too. Let’s do this!
Saturn in Pisces in a Semi SQUARE to Pluto in Aquarius this is what I like to call a “CRUNCHY” Transit, crunchy means things may be HARD for us right now, like you’re working harder to get less results, Saturn brings Lessons & Pluto forces us to make a Change when they’re in a Square we may be faced to look at our life realistically, what is working, what is not & then LET GO of something that isn’t working, it could be a relationship, a job or a living situation. Squares bring conflicts, obstacles & difficulties that force us to make a major change, what CHANGE do you need to make? Leave it in the comments & I will send you some distance Reiki b/c we’re all going to need energetic SUPPORT this May.
The most optimistic outcome from a Saturn Pluto Square would be a proactive RE_ORGANIZATION of some kind, figuring out how to work smarter not harder, clean up our desktop, getting clarity about your Work / Life Schedule, focus on time management & your routines to maximize profits. Saturn teaches us to work hard with determination & GRIT while Pluto in Aquarius wants us to INNOVATE our path forward with a higher vibration that is so outside the box CREATIVE.
Be open minded about what shows up to guide you this month, even watching this video right now, you have an urge to EVOLVE, to overcome your old negative, limiting beliefs that may be blocking your true path ahead, to SHIFT into a state of RECEIVING more, to connect & align with something better this new moon cycle.
We have our work cut out for us this month, it’s going to be busy but be sure to schedule in some time to DO NOTHING, too, we will need our REST!!!!
KEYNOTE:The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.
Traditional teachings concerning man’s nature are reconciled with youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem the “good” and the “bad.” The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The mind is shown as a “bag,” now empty and needing to be aired in the sunlight. But the “window” must first be opened and the bag emptied. Like “cleansing the doors of perception” what is to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images β i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is PURIFICATION.
I am teaching a Reiki for Abundance Class on Summer Solstice at the LOOKOUT LODGE!
Auspicious 11/11 day with this Spica Moon Alignment & I will be teaching REIKI at Hanai Center on this day, you can still sign up, email me at
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