we will be talking about how to care for your HEART in todays reading & I am wearing my heart on my sleeve literally as we get closer to Valentine’s Day, I am having a RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY CHART READING SALE, you get 2 CHARTS one for you & one for your partner plus learn how you relate to each other based on how your planets interact, it is SO HELPFUL to know this, I offer Relationship advice & COPING Mechanisms to help you CONNECT on an even deeper level with the one you love! You have to order this by JANUARY 30th if you want to have it completed in time to give as a GIFT for VALENTINES DAY, the LINK is below in the Description & on my WEBSITE at KIMIMIhealingarts.
This Cancer Full Moon is all about MOTHERHOOD but even if you’re not a mother you can always MOTHER your INNER CHILD, ask your inner child what it wants to do today.
see if you can HEAL an INNER CHILD WOUNDs, this is remarkable work that can CHANGE everything!
You may be feeling more Vulnerable this Lunar Cycle,
or Overwhelmed & that is just the energy of this moment as we prepare to transition out of the DRAGON Year & into this SNAKE EARTH MOTHER year on January 29th Lunar New Years & I just recorded all of my SNAKE YEAR Predictions for the 9 Star Ki, be sure to check those out, find your own Star & see what this year holds for YOU! I am still having my 9 Star Ki reading sale with distance Reiki & an Energy clearing until January 29th & then the price goes up, the link for that is below, too.
AS WE ENTER 2025???? Oh YES darlings, there IS!!!
JANUARY 11TH THE LUNAR NODES MOVE FROM ARIES / LIBRA AXIS where we were in 2024 trying to balance our own personal needs with the needs of our RELATIONSHIPS
& now we have this MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT INTO PISCES & VIRGO that will last 18 months & we will have ALL those ECLIPSES in 2025 in PISCES / VIRGO
Pisces Rules the 12th House, Completion of a Karmic Cycle, the last house of the Zodiac wheel that represents endings, death & ultimately Spiritual Enlightenment if you’re lucky. Pisces brings this Mystical, Magical energy & we can really channel DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT now to guide us forward into the great UNKNOWN, the ABYSS, this brand new awakened world we’re moving into where it feels like the LANDSCAPE has changed & we’re not in KANSAS anymore! Pisces rules hospitals & INSANE ASYLUM & we may see more PSYCHOSIS in 2025 that will have you clicking your ruby slippers together saying “There’s NO Place LIKE HOME!” because you may want to hide out at home during this year’s Eclipse Portal!!!
Combined with VIRGO who is so Salt of the Earth PRACTICAL in the 6th House of our Health & Wellbeing as they relate to your Daily ROUTINES, take your VITAMINS KIDS! Virgo is like the Mailman, dependable, reliable delivery of the goods, so cling to that predictability as everything is changing around you, especially when this NORTH NODE COMES INTO CONJUNCTION W/ NEPTUNE bringing us confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland house of mirrors where we can’t even tell what is real anymore, especially with Artificial Intelligence giving us fantasy world images, North Node Pisces conjunct Neptune sets the stage of an otherworldly theatre experience like the Wizard of Oz but throw in more ALIENS, ANGELS & ANCESTORS!
I am going to unpack all of this in a separate NODAL AXIS report for 2025 soon but what you really need to know is…
EXACT on January 18th, already visible in the night sky, Venus shines her LOVELIGHT on this Saturn in Pisces situation to bring in some softer mood lighting to the PLAY we’re about to watch, Saturn is the SOUL TEACHER here to give you Soul Lessons & tough homework assignments, but VENUS says, STAY HEART CENTERED & you will not FAIL these TESTS that are coming, if it gets hard, keep placing your hands over your heart, close your eyes, feel your heart beating, tune in, tap into that LOVE that resides into your heart, it is always available to you through this simple act of SELF LOVE, you can access Self Healing, Joy & BLISS when you take a moment out to simply place your hands on your heart & breathe.
MOON CONJUNCT MARS on January 3rd & then it will conjunct again on January 31st as Mars stations Direct & crosses over the moon again, this brings VOLATILE EMOTIONS, feelings that TAKE OVER & cause you do ERRATIC MISTAKES, feel the feelings but please don’t act on them this Full Moon, just stay home, rest & KEEP CALM because we are still experiencing that MARS OPPOSITE PLUTO Transit until Mayday, look at all the EXPLOSIONS & VIOLENCE we saw when that transit was EXACT, remember my MARS MANTRA, “Do NOT Engage with CRAZY!” Find Refuge in your HEART as we wait for this STORM to pass, focus your attention on your HEART daily, place your hands on your heart, tap into those juicy feelings of LOVE, Divine Healing, JOY, Gratitude & BLISS this will create a GOLDEN DOME of protection around you, improving your wellbeing & increase the energetic vibration in our world.
When you do this kind of daily practice with Reiki tapping into your heart space you will call this golden light energy through your crown chakra & expanding outwards, the more you do this the STRONGER & BRIGHTER your Protective Golden Dome of energy becomes around yourself, around your home & your family, this SELF REIKI is always available to you We will all need more ENERGY CLEARINGS, more Healing REIKI & more ENERGETIC PROTECTION in the CHAOS of all these MARS TRANSITS comiing in HOT all through 2025 as I spoke about in my 9 Vibration recording, 9 is ruled by Mars & MARS is prevalent all year, MAR is the WARRIOR, Mars brings WARs, Calamity, Aggression & Violence, this is a call for more HEALING LOVE to pour into our planet to balance this, like the YIN & YANG when the Darkness is a Magnet for the LIGHT.
PLUTO is shaking his DEATH RATTLE with this PLUTO CAZIMI & this is ushering in this KALI YOGA that Hindus believe leads to the destruction of our world, I prefer to see it as a death transformation rebirth cycle but combined with that SNAKE Year , there may be more souls leaving the building this year not ready to energetically EVOLVE to this NEW AWAKENING that is coming in.
This could make you feel paranoid as if the world really is ending or maybe you feel like someone is out to get you in some way, you might not be wrong about that depending where this AQUARIUS TRANSIT shows up in your chart!! TREAD CAREFULLY like you are stepping on a TIGER’s TAIL/
Our world may see more Catastrophic events, do you see why I am saying you might want to stay HOME & HIBERNATE like all of JANUARY??? Home is where the Heart is & again, I remind you to keep breathing with your hands on your hands on your heart, comforting yourself like a Mother comforts her child, “ALL IS WELL, I AM SAFE, I am calling in a GOLDEN DOME OF PROTECTION for my family.”
Let’s see if the SABIAN SYMBOL can advise us on how to handle these INTENSE Transits & trust me when the girl with a Scorpio Stellium tells you it’s going to be INTENSE, it’s going to be REAL INTENSE, buckle up!!!
KEYNOTE:Complex inner potentialities in harmonic relationships.
We’re dealing with a process of integration between ONE YIN, Woman, emotions, Moon & 2 YANG, MEN, Actions, Sun on an ISLAND in the SOUTH, interesting in the 9 STAR KI the SOUTHEAST is the LUCKY corner of 2025. Together this three-fold consciousness has a harmonious and well-integrated modus vivendi (a specific way of life where people co-exist in PEACE & HARMONY) this is different from mainstream living & it holds potential for relationships that have mastered INTER-DEPENDENCE.
KEYNOTE:Spiritual forces bring a descent of power.
In this descent, divine consciousness, or Shakti, descends directly down from divine source above and enters the crown of a person’s head. This is often experienced as golden light, white light or energy, energetic alchemical βquicksilverβ streaming down onto and into a person to create an energetic barrier This is exactly how a REIKI ATTUNEMENT works it’s magic & this is the GOLDEN DOME of PROTECTION I’ve been talking about, I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this reading.
In this Sabian symbol we have a transcendent expression of “success.” It is a spiritual descent of POWER, an energeticENDOWMENT.
So even though we have a Willful Man taking POWER this Month, there is a SUPREME POWER still working it’s magic if you can align with this HIGHER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY that is also pouring into our planet right now with the RISE of the SCHUMANN RESONANCE & all of the Geomagnetic storms that are going to be OFF THE CHARTS all of 2025, these are UPGRADING Us energetically for the times, so your homework assignment is to STAY HOME, place your hands on your heart & BREATHE!!!!
SUPERMOON ARIES CONJUNCT CHIRON the WOUNDED WARRIOR HEALER brings us a massive HEALING CRISIS as our world is facing is so many challenges from the recent Hurricane to the Geomagnetic Storms to a divisive Election, there’s just a LOT GOING ON, how are you handling it all?
How are you Feeling?
This is a CALL for DEEP HEALING that began when
Chiron entered Aries on February 18th, 2019 for many of us that were born between January 30th of 1969 through May 27th 1976 we are having our CHIRON RETURN, Chiron STATIONED retrograde at 21 degrees on JULY 26th & Chiron will continue going backwards until December 29th, if you have Chiron in Aries between 20-25 degrees, you are feeling this SUPERMOON coming in at 24 Degrees lighting up your deepest wounds to be healed, for ALL of us who have had our Chiron in Aries Return Transit, it was painful to go back & heal those deep wounds & now it’s as if Chiron is saying oh wait, I forgot to show you this other WOUND you forgot to deal with. Chiron keeps coming back to make us do even more deep healing work until 2027 we will be doing this heavy lifting of healing ourselves, healing our limiting beliefs, healing our ancestral wounds, healing generational trauma and trying to HEAL our planet.
Healer Heal Thyself with Self Awareness & SELF LOVE because we always REPEAT what we don’t REPAIR, so it’s time to breakout of these destructive patterns now.
Chiron’s biggest Wounds are about Abandonment & feelings of WORTHLESSNESS, Chiron’s initial wound was being abandoned by his mother who was terrified because he was born a CENTAUR, half man, half HORSE!
We are seeing more EQUINE HEALING in our World with Chiron in Aries.
Chiron was raised by the gods of light and reason, Apollo and Athene. They loved Chiron’s wild nature, he became an Alchemist Healer & Warrior. Later he opened an orphanage to help other troubled kids who were cast off, we are seeing more issues around teen mental health now. Chiron helped kids find their gifts and true callings. We are in a time that many people are overcoming burnout to find their true path, people are quitting their meaningless day jobs in search of a higher calling, people want to pursue work they love, that brings them JOY.
Chiron is a Spiritual Warrior who cultivates initiation & rites of passage, in order to awaken this sacred wounded warrior aspect in each of us. Rites of passage are tied to PLUTO where something is ending, there’s a transformation within death & something new begins, a rebirth.
Initiation is like this COLLECTIVE AWAKENING we are in right now. Chiron in Aries conjunct this SUPERMOON calls on us to unlock the sacred warrior healer teachings that reside deep within and go on a quest for divine healing, this is a perfect time for a REIKI ATTUNEMENT & I am teaching a Reiki Level 1 Class on Sunday 10/13 in Bend or you can try my new ONLINE REIKI CLASS & experience a Reiki Attunement through the magic of QUANTUM HEALING, I am going to do a PROMO code for this Supermoon because this is the perfect moon for REIKI look for it in the description down below! I will also do a GIVEAWAY for a FREE ONLINE REIKI CLASS, like, subscribe & leave a comment about why you want to receive a Reiki Attunement & I will pick someone on the SUPERMOON & announce here in the comments!
MOON in Aries & SUN in LIBRA in a Harmonious TRINE of opportunity w/ PLUTO at that critical 29 degrees of Capricorn & MARS at 22 degrees of Cancer this is a massive release of energy to propel us forward, look at your chart, what is going in your ARIES, CAPRICORN, CANCER, LIBRA houses, there is an opportunity, leave it in the comments if you know where those signs show up & I will give you a mini reading.
This TRINE is like the Carrot in front of the Horse they are meant to inspire you to MOVE FORWARD, you can’t just wait for this carrot to land in your lap, you have to MOVE TOWARDS the CARROT, you have to energetically align with the MOMENTUM of this MOON, if you can do that, you just might receive a WISH FULFILLMENT that brings your deepest DESIRES this MOON,
ARIES know how to MANIFEST & how to RECEIVE, Aries can sometimes seem “Selfish” but I don’t think they are, Aries is the BABY of the ZODIAC & a BABY must have their needs met for sheer survival, so Aries is fueled by their Survival needs just like the horse going after that carrot.
This Aries Supermoon is a time for finally getting your own personal needs met, if you’ve been a giver, it is time for you to RECEIVE!
This is a time we can ambitiously “GO FOR IT” & start something new, Aries is about New Beginnings that 1st house of the Zodiac & we are stepping into a brand 5D New Reality where LOVE WINS if we will align to this Collective Awakening as I talked about in depth in my Wood Dragon Year 9 Star Ki reading, have you made the ENERGETIC SHIFT yet to receive all that you desire? It’s NOT too late, you have until the next LUNAR NEW YEAR February 2025 to Make it all happen & I find the best way to MANIFEST what you’re calling in is to become an ENERGETIC MATCH to what you want whether it’s LOVE, MONEY, a new job, a new house, a new life, it all begins on this Energetic Plane & for me, it was when I received my first REIKI ATTUNEMENT that I really started to MANIFEST my best life b/c the Reiki Attunement INCREASED my ENERGY levels so I could call in better things, better friends, better clients, Twu Love, a family of my own, buying homes & a the little day to day things we manifest for fulfillment!
What do YOU want to MANIFEST with this potent Aries Supermoon? Leave it in the comments & I will send distance REIKI to raise your energetic vibration to have it!
This is a powerful SUPERMOON for those IAM AFFIRMATIONS where you CLAIM what you want to become by saying “I AM….then whatever you want to step into, “I am a MILLIONARE” look into a MIRROR & Own it like an ARIES Does!!!
VENUS in Scorpio TRINE MARS in Cancer 10/08th just before this Supermoon is a time to put yourself out there & pursue meaningful work that brings you JOY & this could be a good time for deep soulful connection with a love interest or rekindling the flames of your relationship, it’s too bad it falls on a Tuesday, wish it was on a weekend when we could really soak it all up, but maybe you just want to play hooky this day & go on a hike with someone you love. I can imagine staring into each others eyes for hours under this influence, both Scorpios & Cancer water signs love to gaze deeply into eyes, like X-Ray machines, you can’t hide anything from these 2 signs, so don’t bother lying to a Scorpio or Cancer, you will be caught in a trap!
Do some SUPERMOON GAZING looking up at the moon in reflection & meditation until you clearly perceive what you want and how to get it this month, I’ve been moon gazing in the early morning hours this month & I love this time of year when you can watch the moon in the mornings with a cup of coffee. During the Supermoon Pisces, Spirit insisted I get up at 3 AM to soak my crystal ball in salt water under the light of the Supermoon & I have learned if I don’t just get up & do the thing, Spirit will persist & keep asking so I won’t be able to sleep anyways, so I did it, I went in my backyard at 3am with my crystal ball soaking in a salt water bath in a metal bowl & I sat moon gazing for awhile, I have been mystical, magical dreams ever since, did you see that PISCES SUPERMOON?!!!
There is ALCHEMY in this transit, a blend of caution and courage makes this a good time to take a chance emotionally, tell someone you LOVE them, Propose to the love of your life, in your career you can overcome We’re still in that beneficial transit between NEPTUNE in PISCES, URANUS in TAURUS & MARS in CANCER that helps us to step into our Divine Purpose, we can have FATED events that shift us into a new reality, better paying job, finding your dream home, calling in the love of your life, this is a time for MIRACLES
Could OCTOBER an AMAZING TIME FOR SCORPIOS? This is our LUCKIEST Birthday season I have ever seen.Scorpio has Mars Trine, Saturn Trine & VENUS in our house, MAKE a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance Reiki for it to come true!
This SUPERMOON brings us the Culmination of this Aries / Libra Eclipse Axis we’ve been on, as this chapter closes & we move onto Pisces / Virgo Eclipses next…
When we bring in that LIBRA Sun, where we just had an eclipse, we can add in a Relationship element that might have us questioning, “Is this Relationship meeting my own personal needs?” or “What do I need from this Relationship for my own FULFILMENT?” Especially useful to think about these questions if you are single & calling in your next relationship, spend sometime & make that list of everything you desire in a partner, it works!
SABIAN SYMBOL for 24 degrees ARIES is
KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.
Abundance is brought to physical fruition operating at a spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression. Inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopia shape of the curtains is MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES.
I wrote a book! My Reiki for Abundance Book is now available on Amazon, Kindle & soon to be Audible! You can receive a Free (signed) Copy when you attend any of my REIKI Classes or purchase it on Amazon!
Reiki for Abundance: Overcome burnout by aligning with a higher energy to receive all that you desire.
Reiki Disclaimer:
I had a student who told me her life had changed so much after taking my Reiki class that I should have a disclaimer, so here it is.
A Reiki healing session may increase your energy levels. Taking a Reiki class will change your life forever and there’s no going back.
A Reiki attunement may shift your perspective emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and even financially, for the better! Reiki may accelerate your Soul’s divine purpose. Reiki may improve your life in ways you weren’t ready for.
Higher level Reiki Attunements may speed up your Soul’s karmic lessons and evolution.
Expect Miracles with Reiki!
Here is an excerpt from my book to peak your interest…
Reiki for Abundance
“We teach best, what we want to learnβ
Richard Bach
I’ve seen Reiki bring miracles for myself, my clients and my students. Reiki can bring miracles for your life, too. My intention is to teach you how to align with this radiant energy to manifest all that you desire using the healing powers of Reiki. This traditional Usui Reiki healing system is passed down from Ascended Masters, enlightened beings of love and light, in a lineage that is celebrating 100 years in 2022.
You might be drawn to this book because Reiki is calling you. If so, you might be experiencing burnout, exhaustion or wanting more meaning in your life. This book will show you the way to use Reiki to regain your vitality and receive greater abundance in your life. This Reiki energy is your birthright.
Anyone can receive Reiki for their own healing any time without any proper training. This life force energy known as Reiki is always available for you to access for your own divine healing. If you have ever hurt yourself and immediately put your hand on the area of pain, then you have healed yourself with Reiki. When a child falls down and their parent immediately places their hands on their injury, holding the area to comfort their child, they are giving Reiki, too. This is healing energy we all have access to in the palms of our hands. We learn the very first time we hurt ourselves how to give and receive Reiki energy to heal ourselves with our hands.
This book contains Reiki. If you were drawn to read this Reiki book, the universe may be nudging you to take in this Reiki energy. Receive it and let it transform your life. Take a moment now to breathe it in, as we begin. Even if you never receive a Reiki session or take a Reiki class you will be receiving Reiki as you read or listen to this book. Let this Reiki energy be for your highest healing good. There is nothing you have to do to get this energy. You’re already soaking in it. It is an effortless process. Your higher mind knows how to tap into this Reiki to get just the right amount. Take it in and let it heal you.
This New SUPERMOON in Taurus is a MANIFESTING Moon that is both EXCITING & TUMULTOUS!!!
We’ve been so through so much astrologically this year & once again we’re feeling a Powerful SHIFT in the Energy, time to get out your surfboard & ride the WAVES of CHANGE.
Are you feeling an ENERGETIC SHIFT?!?!
We have the LUCKIEST Transits of the Year this month with a SUN JUPITER CAZIMI, Jupiter conjunct Venus in TAURUS giving us an opportunity to MANIFEST our deepest desires, this is Exciting but we also have an INTENSE PLUTO Retrograde, it will be the Best of Times & the most intense times.
Something bigger is happening right now that we can’t even comprehend, the energy is RISING & Expanding after that Jupiter Uranus conjunction Massive changes are ahead for our WORLD but this SHIFT in the energy is asking us to say PRESENT & BE the PEACE we want to see in the World, Thich Nhat Hanh says Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves with everything we do, when you’re conscious of every breath & every step we take, we can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. We need only to be awake & alive in this present moment to choose PEACE.β
This is moment in time to rise above our FEARS, Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future so the more we tap into the right Here & NOW holding a state of PEACE & Gratitude, the more you can keep your ENERGETIC VIBRATION Higher & keep your FAITH that everything will be okay when you stay in this present moment, ALL IS WELL.
MARS IN ARIES April 30th- June 9th.
Mars is the natural ruler of Aries the WARRIOR, Mars empowers Aries with power, strength, courage, energy & resilience. Aries are ambitious, fearless leaders who embrace challenges as opportunities. This will be a strong cup of coffee for getting things DONE & I am grateful for that after the Eclipse Portal, Mercury Retrograde month had me feeling scattered. We can return to setting GOALS & accomplishing our day to day duties. Mars in Aries loves to exercise & play competitive sports, we will feel more physically ACTIVE now.
Mars in Aries fuels ANGER as we enter this more YANG Dominant energy of Spring with it’s RISING UP, Revolutionary, Protest movements that we’re seeing.. I worry that Mars in Aries will fuel the fires of War. When Mars enters Aries it’s like a superpower for fighting battles & winning, but are there any real winners in a WAR? I’m afraid we will see more violence with Mars in Aries.
Venus in Taurus can balance this energy with a Promise of PEACE swooping in like the White Dove of Peace. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, when she enters Taurus on 04/29 she is right at home, Taurus rules over the 2nd House of Wealth & Possessions so this is the best month all year to Make Money & Buy things, beautiful things, like your DREAM HOME & May is the best month to sell a home. Venus rules over Love & Money & getting what you want, so tell me what you want in the comments & I will send Distance Reiki for you to Manifest it because this is a Manifesting New Moon, make sure you spend some time setting your Seeds of Intention, Asking the Universe for what you want, then Believing it is coming & by the time we have the Taurus Full Moon on November 15th you may just have what you desire b/c that is how manifesting with the Lunar Cycles works, you set your intentions on the New Moon, this month it’s a TAURUS New Moon & it’s not like your intention is going to be delivered to your front porch the next day, like an Amazon package, it takes time for seeds to germinate, so give it until November when this Taurus New Moon comes back around as the Taurus Full Moon, that’s when you have the best chance of reaping this reward. I have been manifesting with the Moon since the 90s when I used to do powerful moon circles gathered with other goddesses, this Moon Magic truly works when you align with the energy of these astrological cycles, people always tell me “I’m Lucky” but it’s not Luck, it’s energetic Alignment, knowing when it’s the best time to manifest Love & Money, it’s the Taurus New Moon with Venus in Taurus, this is your moment to get what you Desire!!!
If you desire LOVE we made a Reiki infused sound healing for LOVE & 2 of my clients are actually getting married this Summer, they credit falling in love from listening to that LOVE Music!!!
If you desire WEALTH we did a Reiki infused Wealth DNA Activation sound healing that has also had some MIRACULOUS results. Money is ENERGY & it responds to the energetic vibration of Abundance by listening to this Wealth Frequency Music you align with the frequency of Money, so money naturally shows up! I will link both of these below, it takes a solid 21 days of listening in a row to make the energetic shift in your subconscious but give it a try this New Moon cycle & see!
Venus in Taurus is decadent & Fun Loving, if you want to have the best experience eating out at a fancy restaurant, go with a Venus in Taurus, they will order Dessert First & they have mastery over ordering the most delicious things to eat! This is a time to indulge in the finer things in life, invest in buying art, beauty products, jewelry, luxurious foods & treat yourself to some new clothes but do not OVERSPEND or go into Debt buying things you don’t need because that is the downside to Venus in Taurus, you feel like you deserve to have everything you want & sure you do but if you can’t afford it, don’t overindulge! Venus in Taurus brings PEACE while Mars in Aries brings WAR so we may break even here, what will happen in our world?
Venus will Square PLUTO on May Day bringing conflicts, challenges & obstacles that force us to make a change showing up in our love life, there could be infidelity, break ups & fighting. This Square affects all things Taurus & Aquarius, the economy, resources, food stability, there may be food scarcity due to weather conditions, storms ruining crops, in business we will see fierce competition, there will be conflicts in communities & dynamic shifts in the collective consciousness where some people are rising above the chaos & others are falling prey to negative situations, there is a chasm here between the haves & have nots. Later this month Venus will conjunct Jupiter & Uranus re-triggering all the feels of that Jupiter Uranus conjunction this time saying, “Without LOVE in the Dream it’ll never come true!” Focus on doing what you LOVE!!! I will cover these powerful transits more in my May Full Moon forecast.
SUN & MOON WILL BOTH CONJUNCT URANUS & JUPITER LIGHTING UP this SHIFT in Consciousness that started on the Uranus Jupiter conjunction.
Sun conjuncts Uranus on May 13th
only constant in life is change, Everything changes and nothing remains still, you cannot step twice into the same stream, HERACLITUS We have to learn to adapt to changing circumstances this month. There is a craving for EXCITEMENT, to break away, find FREEDOM, this is a good day for a Ferris Bueller day off. Uranus is the planet of QUANTUM LEAPS when the Sun Lights up Uranus we can connect to a higher vibrational energy so this is a good day for ENERGY work, to MANIFEST something BIG! Uranus also rules over LIGHTNING Storms, electrical accidents, Internet outages, so be careful working on anything to do with electricity or wires on this day. Uranus in Taurus rules over geomagnetic storms, earthquakes, floodings & strange weather patterns so we may experience that, too.
SUN CONJUNCT JUPITER in Taurus May 18th is one of the LUCKIEST TRANSITS EVER for MANIFESTING MONEY, EXPANDING your Business & getting what you want when you ASK, BELIEVE & RECEIVE especially if you’re a TAURUS, go ahead & buy that Lottery ticket Taurus, this is your last chance to WIN It! Jupiter is the KING that GRANTS WISHES & he has been in Taurus for a long time now, he’s going to be heading into GEMINI at the end of this month, so if you’re a TAURUS & you haven’t ASKED for what you want, this is your LAST CHANCE to put in your request with King Jupiter & if you’re a GEMINI start thinking about what you WANT because you’re next in line! Scorpios also have an opportunity to MANIFEST with that Jupiter in Taurus opposition!
You only get this JUPITER in your SIGN opportunity to MANIFEST your Deepest desires once every 12 years, make sure you take some time to get clear about what it is you really want out of this one precious life!
No matter what your sign, we will all be feeling Optimistic on this Sun Conjunct Jupiter day, there is HOPE for the FUTURE now, there will be opportunities abounding to GROW Forth, this is an excellent time to LAUNCH a new business, to buy your dream home, to EXPAND your REACH in some way, anything you BEGIN under this influence will be successful, if you’re really lucky, you may even receive a FINANCIAL WINDFALL! The only thing to worry about is OVERCOMMITTING to too many projects under this influence, it makes you believe you can do anything but you might not be able to do it all later on, so be mindful about saying YES to too many things, don’t make promises you can’t keep.
PLUTO in Aquarius goes RETROGRADE MAY 2nd & lasts through October 11th I have so much to say about this, I am going to do a separate transit reading on this one! Pluto was SQUARING our Scorpio Full Moon at 2 degrees predicting all those STORMS that came, now Pluto stations retrograde becoming so powerful, asking us to RECLAIM our Power, to RECOVER from our Trauma, this is a time for SOUL RETRIEVAL, to Recover LOST Things, LOST People, to Reconnect with family, friends or old relations for Reconcilation & this influence always bring up PAST LIFE experiences, maybe you meet someone from a past life or you dream about your past life, have you ever had a past life experience? I will unpack all of this more in my separate report.
Mars Sextile Pluto on May 3rd
Mars empowered in Aries in a positive sextile with Pluto the Great TRANSFORMER gives us a SURGE of ENERGY to make a change & get our tasks done in a brilliant way. I am grateful for this transit b/c I have so much work to do right now! If you’re moving your home, changing jobs or starting a new project this is the energy that supports you to get it all done, this is a Red Bull Transit that gives us Wings not just to finish our tasks but to Transform ourselves in the process, it’s that rare FLOW STATE where you can hyperfocus all of your attention to complete a project, you might call it “BEING IN THE ZONE” If you have something really important to do or a presentation to give, pick this day, it will be a magical time of SYNCHRONICITY & Creativity, too. Let’s do this!
Saturn in Pisces in a Semi SQUARE to Pluto in Aquarius this is what I like to call a “CRUNCHY” Transit, crunchy means things may be HARD for us right now, like you’re working harder to get less results, Saturn brings Lessons & Pluto forces us to make a Change when they’re in a Square we may be faced to look at our life realistically, what is working, what is not & then LET GO of something that isn’t working, it could be a relationship, a job or a living situation. Squares bring conflicts, obstacles & difficulties that force us to make a major change, what CHANGE do you need to make? Leave it in the comments & I will send you some distance Reiki b/c we’re all going to need energetic SUPPORT this May.
The most optimistic outcome from a Saturn Pluto Square would be a proactive RE_ORGANIZATION of some kind, figuring out how to work smarter not harder, clean up our desktop, getting clarity about your Work / Life Schedule, focus on time management & your routines to maximize profits. Saturn teaches us to work hard with determination & GRIT while Pluto in Aquarius wants us to INNOVATE our path forward with a higher vibration that is so outside the box CREATIVE.
Be open minded about what shows up to guide you this month, even watching this video right now, you have an urge to EVOLVE, to overcome your old negative, limiting beliefs that may be blocking your true path ahead, to SHIFT into a state of RECEIVING more, to connect & align with something better this new moon cycle.
We have our work cut out for us this month, it’s going to be busy but be sure to schedule in some time to DO NOTHING, too, we will need our REST!!!!
KEYNOTE:The cleansing of the ego-consciousness.
Traditional teachings concerning man’s nature are reconciled with youthful enthusiasm that sees in every problem the “good” and the “bad.” The symbol suggests that the real enemy is within the mind; it is the ego and its attachment to possessions. The mind is shown as a “bag,” now empty and needing to be aired in the sunlight. But the “window” must first be opened and the bag emptied. Like “cleansing the doors of perception” what is to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images β i.e. the ego mind. The Keyword is PURIFICATION.
I am teaching a Reiki for Abundance Class on Summer Solstice at the LOOKOUT LODGE!
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