QUANTUM LEAP w/ Aquarius Supermoon 08/19


Watch the VIDEO on my Youtube here: https://youtu.be/hxyiv7Rmsy4?si=NCd_FDYxNMe1BFvo

QUANTUM LEAP Changes!!! 

We have 4 SUPERMOONS in a ROW for August,September, October & November taking us right through the Election with a lot of ENERGY as a supermoon is a full moon within 90% of its closest approach to Earth, these moons are bigger, brighter & more INTENSE stirring up all this Subconscious, emotional ENERGY as Venus is Rising, getting stronger & brighter as evening star, bringing that Divine Feminine Rising & A Female Presidential Candidate who truly can WIN but then we have this critical JUPITER SQUARE SATURN, Jupiter Conjunct Mars, Mercury Sun Cazimi Square Uranus & all those retrograde planets, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Mercury, Chiron all of them traveling backwards invoking fears that our wishes might not come true, our plans might now work out, let’s not forget the SOLAR STORMS threatening our Electrical Grid & Internet & causing crazy symptoms for those of us who are more in tune to the frequencies, we’re feeling ALL these feels & there’s a lot of ups & downs, head spinning, oopsy daisy, did someone put something in my drink, I feel motion sickness that can only come from this high powered Aquarian WATER BEARER SUPERMOON, it’s getting TRIPPY. if you know any Aquarius in your life, sometimes it feels like you don’t know where you stand with an Aquarius, they are FICKLE beings, the word ACQUAINTANCE relates to AQUARIUS & I feel like I can’t get beyond “Acquaintance” status with my Aquarian friends as a Scorpio I try to delve deep to really get to know people in my life, but Aquarius are the supreme MYSTERY, like ALIENS, they’re so Other Worldly, higher minds,  I can’t figure them out, what will this AQUARIUS SUPERMOON bring us, when will we enter this AGE OF AQUARIUS?  Hopefully this moon unites our COMMUNITY & brings us a sense of BELONGING b/c that’s what Aquarius does best.

Let’s Quickly unpack this Jupiter square Saturn happening on this SUPERMOON

You might be craving some kind of LUCKY BREAK Financial Windfall to catapult you into a new reality under this Jupiter Saturn Square with Mercury Sun Cazimi JEDI MIND POWERS Squaring URANUS planet of SURPRISES this is a time when you can QUANTUM LEAP into a new reality, some fated events CAN show up to put you on a brand new trajectory that aligns to your divine purpose & it all begins within, with the story you are telling yourself, so this is a time to get energetically ALIGNED to a higher state of MIND focus on the reality you want & feel it coming.

if you’ve watched my channel for awhile you know how I feel about SQUARES & their diamond making pressure that brings obstacles, roadblocks & CHALLENGES, but it is in those CHALLENGES, when we are TESTED that we GROW & so the gift of this massive, life altering SQUARE between Jupiter the King who grants our Wishes & SATURN the LORD of KARMIC LESSONS is ultimately our SOUL is about to be TESTED in exactly the way we need to GROW into the person we are born to become & isn’t that what we signed up for when we agreed to come to Earth School?

If you want to know what area of your life will be challenged simply look to your GEMINI & PISCES houses in your chart & what do you have going on there? If you know your chart, leave it in the comments what house is your GEMINI & PISCES IN?!?!? If you want to know even more about this JUPITER SQUARE SATURN I am going to UNPACK in a separate transit reading where I talk more about the financial implications of this powerhouse transit that we will have 3 times between now & JUNE 2025 & the effects will ripple out into our ECONOMY because Jupiter & Saturn both rule over Money & Wealth in very different ways as you will learn in my other report. There’s also a COLLECTIVE AWAKENING being emphasized in the Sabian Symbols for this transit, stay tuned for that transit.

Mars Jupiter Conjunction squaring Saturn

It’s too bad this transit didn’t come during the OLYMPICS because on a good day Mars represents our AMBITION, Athletic Performance & that Competitive Spirit that is useful in all SPORTS, expanded my JUPITER we will have a lot of ENERGY on this Supermoon to accomplish great things & I imagine this will give our Political Campaigns a lot of fuel for the fire! But on a bad day, MARS is the WARRIOR Planet bring Aggression, Anger & Violence so tread carefully, this is a “Do not engage with Crazy” transit, things can be heating up in our world, lots of unrest, I wouldn’t want to be driving, traveling or in crowded spaces for this aggressive conjunction, I will stay home, maybe take a vow of a silence that day so I don’t say anything I regret out of some stupid frustration.


So maybe the struggle & challenges will be affecting your LOVE LIFE as VENUS gives Jupiter an extra Square, poor happy go lucky Jupiter in Gemini is getting the pressure from his BOSS (SATURN) & now his Girlfriend (VENUS) this guy needs to take off on a ROADTRIP & not look back!!! But be careful when you try to ESCAPE these obstacles, they will surely not go away & only get LOUDER. Venus Square Jupiter can also be about overdoing a GOOD Thing, like blowing everything off because you met the Love of your Life & all you want to do is go to the beach & hang out with this new soulmate, but don’t forget you got bills to pay & work to do so that you can afford to keep the life you have become accustomed to! Your newfound lover might leave you when you lose your job, car & home so have FUN but don’t neglect your OBLIGATIONS. 

Venus in Virgo exact opposition to Saturn in Pisces

Full Moon Aquarius is in an EXACT Opposition to mercury retrograde cazimi w/ SUN LEO 


What could go RIGHT? 

I AM PREDICTING INTERNET OUTAGES, we’ve already had so many this summer in Oregon where I live because of WILDFIRES, could you get by, could you do your work without the INTERNET? I couldn’t do Astrology very well but I was giving a Massage when we had a Massive Internet & Electrical Outage this month, the only noticeable thing was that my music being played on bluetooth speakers went out, but I was able to keep calm & carry on with my massage, so I guess I could give Massages all day long without needing internet or electriciy but how many of us could get by in this day & age without Internet & Electricity, we are so dependent on but if we lost it tomorrow, do you think we could go back to a simpler way of being? Our modern world is so delicately bound to TECHNOLOGY now.

With Mercury Retrograde being lit up by a powerful SUN in LEO, this can also represent something shocking & unexpected happening to someone FAMOUS or perhaps getting FAMOUS suddenly in a surprising way, I am sure we will see lots of VIRAL Posts & possible Celebrity Scandals this Full Moon. This is a busy making energy of putting out FIRES both literally & figuratively, Mercury Retrograde Cazimi Square URANUS will bring CHAOS that may come from sudden EARTH related events like EARTHQUAKES, Mudslides, Volcanoes & I spoke about this more in my 8 Earth Mountain star report for my August 9 Star Ki, it’s always fascinating when the East meets West & both the eastern & western astrology are saying the same thing, buckle up there can be a whirlwind of revolutionary CHANGES coming this August but for now, it all begins within, it’s a quantum shift within us all before we see the outer results sometimes.

sun enters virgo on 8/22 

ceres stations direct 08/26

Mercury stations direct 08/28

venus enters libra lighting up KAMALA on August 29th 

Mark your Calenders for September 17th for a FULL SUPERMOON PISCES partial LUNAR ECLIPSE w/ VENUS nearby this is the first ECLIPSE on that PISCES / VIRGO Nodal AXIS where the True North Node will be in Pisces from January 11, 2025, to July 26, 2026. Get to know your PISCES / VIRGO houses in your chart where it will all be going down & it just got INTERESTING!!! These eclipses will have that SATURN in PISCES Kicker!!!  I am going to start my ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY SALE NOW for just $88. find out where in your chart this Eclipse will show up & I will give you a chart, an eclipse reading & distance Reiki, I will have 13 Readings available & this gives me just enough time to complete them before 09/17, Link in Description, get yours before they’re gone!

The Lionsgate readings sold out in just 5 days time!


KEYNOTE: The importance of traditional skills and artistic values deeply rooted in man’s instinctive feelings as frames of reference for man’s most authentic emotions.

Violets have often been considered symbols of modesty, service and humility, these were understood to be the mark of true womanhood. It is a symbol of DELICACY OF FEELING.

Violets are ruled by VENUS & the element of Water, used by poets Violets are symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, intuition, inspiration from divine forces,  spiritual passion and sovereignty. 

If you carry violets in your purse or pocket, they will protect you from wicked spirits & they bring Luck, prosperity & a swift change of fortune for the better.

Ancient Greeks wore Violet essential oils to calm tempers & induce deep sleep.

If you gather the first violets you find in Spring, your wishes will come true. 

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