12/30 2:27 PM Pacific

THIS Black Moon is a SPECIAL, RARE Opportunity to step out of your own way & MANIFEST something MORE in your life, it’s a call to DREAM BIGGER, to step into your TRUE, DIVINE POWER, to finally live the life you were always meant to, to access all those things you’ve been putting into your Vortex that you want to MANIFEST as Esther Hicks says, I’ve been listening to more Esther Hicks to stay INSPIRED, maybe this Black Moon we can get into the receiving mode & finally MANIFEST everything we want as we move into yet another LUCKY MANIFESTING MOON that is ruled by the auspicious Purva Phalguni Vedic Nakshatra, who is the GOD of WEALTH & MIRACLES who guides us in our Pursuit of Happiness, what a promising star as we move into this New Year! 

This is a POTENT SEED MOON for planting your 2025 Intentions coming in right at the beginning of this FERTILE SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year, what do you want to MANIFEST now? CLAIM it in the Comments & I will send Reiki to it!!! 

I am thrilled to move out of 2024 & into 2025 with the energy of this NEW MOON CAPRICORN Guiding us forward, as I will be personally moving on from my Hurricane year in the Nine Star Ki Astrology & into my Luckiest Metal Star of Abundance, bring it on!!!! 

I just recorded ALL of my 9 Star Ki astrology readings for 2025, find your STAR & see what this Snake year will hold for you. This Snake Year will be all about REINVENTING Ourselves as we SHED our old snake skins of the past in a powerful death transformation rebirth cycle that we’ve been traveling through since 2020 now we are REBORN & anything is POSSIBLE, but it will require us to really LET GO & there may be some kind of UNRAVELING occurring in 2025 that forces us to SURRENDER to the PROCESS.

 this Black Moon is the PORTAL that opens this brand NEW way for what we will BECOME, this New Moon Intention may be the most important one we will make this year, so dig deep & set some goals because Capricorns LOVE to make GOALS. 

One of my goals is to focus more on 9 Star Ki Readings this year & I am giving away a 9 STAR KI Reading each month instead of Western Astrology Charts when you like, subscribe & comment you will be init2winit!!!

I really want to teach you how powerful this 9 Star Ki 5 Element system is for ALIGNING to the ENERGY of everything you want to call in.

I have seen absolute MIRACLES happening recently for some of my clients who received 9 Star Ki readings with distance Reiki & Energy Clearings & they’ve MANIFESTED their Heart’s desires within a few days after our Zoom, it’s mind blowing MAGIC Happening, as we enter 2025, things are speeding up, the energy on our planet is increasing &  I believe 9 Star Ki combined with REIKI & Energy Clearing is pure MAGIC for this MOMENT!!!!, I hope you will go to the SNAKE year reading, look at the Chart & find your Star so you can get into this other form of Astrology as much as I am! Right now you can get your 2025 9 Star Ki Reading with a ZOOM with me + Distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing for just $138. I am probably going to raise my rates in February of this year, so get in now! 

For the purposes of this Video, I will unpack the Western Astrology with CAPRICORN, Cardinal Earth Sign bringing us stability & a foundation to support this massive growth cycle we are beginning as we move into 2025. We will need to pack our patience as we begin to climb this mountain because we still have MARS in LEO, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus & Chiron in Aries all RETROGRADE at the moment.

Capricorn wants us to set those BIG GOALS but Mars retrograde refuses to fuel our ambitions making it hard to accomplish anything right now, Jupiter retrograde means we’ve lost faith in our ability to succeed, Uranus retrograde means there could be a major PLOT TWIST coming that changes our direction & Chiron Retrograde is bringing up our DEEPEST WOUNDS that need to be HEALED before we can move forward, so instead of doing your usual New Year’s Goals & VISION Boards, use this extraordinary BLACK MOON to allow yourself to be in a state of simply NOT KNOWING, let UNSEEN FORCES GUIDE you now, get out of your own way, stop trying to “DO THE THING” & get into a RECEIVING MODE where you simply ALLOW THINGS TO HAPPEN like nature grows trees, in a cycle of seed, to sprout to solid form, by simply allowing the growth to happen, you cannot control anything this moon. 

Listen to the Winds of Change that are blowing now, Listen to SPIRIT for guidance, Call on your ANGELS & Spirit Guides to lead you on a brand new path you may have never thought of before, Harmony, growth, Love, happiness and prosperity will come to you when you can get out of your own way & simply connect to a Divine Source of Energy that will bring you everything you desire.

Just after this New Moon we will have a powerful, transformative MARS opposite PLUTO, 2 of the most VOLATILE Planets in opposition bringing us conflict between what we want to be doing with our life & what we’re actually doing in our daily life. It’s like there is this deep desire for great achievement now combined with an inability to get out of bed in the morning. This transit is asking us to overcome our RESISTANCE to change, remove negative thinking, stay away from toxic friends & clear out those pesky energy blocks that are getting in the way of pursuing your CREATIVE PURSUITS. It will be a month long cycle of limited progress & the best you can hope for is to simply REACH FOR BETTER FEELING THOUGHTS as Esther Hicks says, get on a high flying disc of Positivity, shoot rockets of desire & don’t let anyone take your dreams away. Get SPIRITUAL in your INTENTIONS this Black Moon because their are higher beings listening to your prayers now, listen to this Sabian Symbol….


AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP. KEYNOTE: The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation. “Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. Surrender your separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God.

This Black Moon brings us an ENERGETIC ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Calling all ANGELS as we enter 2025!!! Thanks for watching, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0