ECLIPSE ASTROLOGY CHART SALE thru 10/17 $88. for an eclipse reading, click title!

This Ring of Fire Eclipse is happening with SUN & MOON both at 10 degrees of LIBRA w/ Mercury close by!

Wednesday 10/02 9:17 am

Spirit is saying, “Get clear about what you

want to MANIFEST & know your WHY.”

When you’re aligned with your divine purpose, it

will all fall into place for you, but if you don’t even

know why you want this thing, it might not come,

so get out your journal & find your WHY!!!!

I am teaching an in-person REIKI for Abundance

Class on Sunday October 13th where you will

receive a Reiki Attunement that will increase your

energetic vibration so that you will become a

better energetic match to all that you desire. I love

teaching this class & witnessing the magnificent

TRANSFORMATIONS that happen afterwards for my

students! I’m also offering my Reiki for

Abundance Classes ONLINE now through

TEACHABLE & for a limited time for my Youtube

Members when you join the REIKI TRIBE.

If you’re needing some TLC to get through this

Eclipse Portal, remember that I offer


space for wherever you live, we can connect on

ZOOM for Distance Healing.I still have my Eclipse Astrology Sale going through

October 30th for a $88. Reading until the

Eclipse Portal finally ENDS as this New Moon will be

a SUPERMOON in ARIES on October 17th, then

waning for 2 weeks after that finally reaching it’s

culmination of Eclipse energies on 10/30 just

before my favorite New Moon Scorpio

November 1st.

This is a Culmination of Timelines Eclipse

Portal that we’re collectively experiencing

right now, isn’t amazing that we all chose to

be here together to birth in this NEW EARTH

right here, right now, this timeline that is coming

in strong brings us PEACE, JOY, HARMONY, LOVE &

the most COPACETIC ENERGY, can you feel it IS

getting better suddenly? We’re still riding the

rollercoaster before we arrive at our final

destination in a true Paradise, but we’re so close….

this is a time to


Get into your Heart Space now, always choose

LOVE & COMPASSION no matter what is going on

that is trying to pull you back into that negative 3D

dimension, you rise to 5D by loving your enemies

& through true FORGIVENESS for everyone &

everything that has happened to you.

there is an integration of these higher vibrational

Love energies happening on our planet nowit is like a DETOXIFICATION Process, lot of old

stuff coming up to be healed & forgiveness helps


We’re in a period of recalibration & reset, that

requires more REST than usual.

We’re all cleaning up our vibrations, this work

happens when we’re sleeping.

We’re Releasing old paradigms, worn out things,

worn out relationships, old, limiting beliefs.

There is a call for deep healing as we begin

to feel lighter, there’s still ascension symptoms

happening & I am planning to do a REIKI

ACTIVATION Video to support this Massive

SHIFT we’re undergoing before Pluto moves into

Aquarius so stay tuned!

Important transits to pay attention to:

Moon Saturn Conjunction 10/13 in Pisces

I am trying to schedule my Fall Reiki classes & I

keep bumping into these INTENSE transits that

aren’t so fun, moon saturn conjuction is a heavy

emotion, feeling burdened.


known as the HUNTER Moon, this will be our

closest in Perigree Supermoon & it has some crazy

aspects like a Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus

just the day after this Supermoon really activating

our fight or flight, it will be triggering our

Hypothalamus with all the “SURVIVAL”instincts that can make for crazy town, is that a

good time to have a class? No, no it is not.

This Fall is Off the Charts CHAOS coming in, we

can have sudden emotional outbursts, our deep

Ancestral Wounds will be triggered, there’s a

reckless need for excitement, something downright

STRANGE could occur in our world that I can’t

predict because we’ve never seen anything like it,

ALIENS?????,whatever it is, it will be

SURPRISING! I guess we’re all here for it. As a

Scorpio, I don’t like Surprises, I like to plan for

everything but you can’t plan for URANUS transits.


October 09th

Jupiter in Gemini means the King of Wishes is

granting Miracles to Gemini, but now he’s going

back to TAURUS If you’re a TAURUS & Santa

Jupiter didn’t bring you everything you asked for

last year, you get one last chance to ask believe &

receive, he won’t be back for 12 years, so Manifest

it all now!!!

PLUTO stations DIRECT October 11th could we

finally be OVER this 29 degree of Capricorn forever,

it’s still going to take a hot minute to move into

Aquarius but PLUTO gains POWER & comes in

STRONG & INTENSE on this day, go easy on

yourself you may be feeling all the feels this day!VENUS is in Scorpio, she’s moving fast into

Sagittarius next month & on the ELECTION VENUS

will be crossing the GALACTIC CENTER at Kamala

Harris’ Midheaven, I need to do an Election

Astrology reading superfast, how are we this close

to the election already???




KEYNOTE: The self-control and poise necessary to

reach a steady state of inner stability.

Here we are dealing essentially with the emotional life

and its crises (interesting as our last SUPERMOON

ECLIPSE Sabian Symbol was all about CATHARSIS) Now

we find ourselves at the next concluding symbol that

brings us perfection and smooth working of our intellect

ruled by logic and simplicity of means.

An inner “revelation” may have brought about dramatic

confrontations, now it can be meditated upon as it is

reflected on the calm waters of the mind. As a

Keyword is RELIEF after CRISIS., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0