9 Star Ki Astrology November 

Earth 8 Mountain Star

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2024 will be the year of the WOOD DRAGON & the 3 Wood Star in 9 Star Ki

2024 9 Star Ki Astrology SALE!!!

November 7th we enter an 8 Earth Mountain month & things should calm down a bit in the chaos of this war that started in October’s 9 Fire Star month that is ruled by the heart but last month’s events were heartbreaking….

I look to astrology to try to understand what is going on in the world around me & honestly, as I’m to preparing my 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology readings it looks like this state of unrest could get even worse next year as we move into the Three Tree Star because it’s associated with a WARRIOR ruled by the liver and a hot, YANG rising energy, suggesting pent up frustrations that may suddenly explode plus Putin is a 3 Tree Star, so Russia may become even more aggressive but it’s not looking good for Putin as he moves into his Hurricane year where things will get crazy. I’m not loving next year b/c I am a 3 Tree Star myself, so it will be my Center Star year, always a chaotic time ahead…

When we get to Fall/Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of the next year begins to come in, perhaps that is why we are seeing more Yang Rising Aggression coming in now…combined with Mars conjunct Sun in Scorpio in Western Astrology, so much hot headed energy. 

If you are new to 9 Star Ki Astrology, this system is based on the 5 ELEMENT System used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Feng Shui where we have Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. Right now I am giving away FREE 9 STAR KI readings on my website Kimimihealingarts.com, link down below & there’s also a chart in the description where you can get your 9 Star Ki # so you can see what November will bring for you personally as I post each Stars monthly prediction at the end.

The November energy flows from an 8 Earth Mountain within a 4 Tree /Wood year within a 2 Earth 2 year cycle within a 9 fire 81 year greater cycle. This month the tree on the mountain has support from this strong Earth energy, even if the Tree is on fire as it has been all year, the CHI flows in a productive cycle, albeit a SLOWER energy that is rooted in support from double earth energy that can make it hard for us to motivate, sleep in, rest & nourish yourself.  

The Earth Mountain Star is about TRANSFORMATION & it pairs so well with the Scorpio New Moon this month. This is not about making “Outer Changes” this is about the changes you make WITHIN, like a caterpillar going into a cocoon to become a butterfly, “It all begins WITHIN” This is a time to do the work to clean up your internal limiting beliefs, to do therapy to process your old baggage or trauma or do hypnosis to transform your old stories into a new belief system that supports you better, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, you will begin to see things change for the better in your outer world when you do your INNER WORK this month. 

In the Fall, trees & plants bring all of their energy back into their ROOTS, to nourish their roots & we will want to root down this month, get back to our BODIES nourish ourselves, get mindful, be still & quiet, do Yin Yoga, meditation, journaling, get into our receptive mode, less talking, more LISTENING…. 

when we move into Earth energy, everything moves slower, it is represented by this season of Fall going into Winter when the earth gets cold & solidifies, there’s no growth happening now, it’s time to settle down. We might WORRY about our resources, especially if our harvest didn’t feel like enough this season. 

Earth rules the stomach, so you may have digestive issues. This is the time to NOURISH yourself with warming foods, like this pumpkin curry stew recipe I am in love with that uses onions, peppers, turmeric & ginger, I will link to this pumpkin curry stew video we did on our other Health channel in the description, it’s so nourishing to your stomach CHI. Spicy Chai or Ginger tea is also warm & nourishing for your digestion this season. Wearing earthy colors of orange, golds & browns will feel cozy.

Get out into nature if you can & hike in silence.This month can be about having deep faith & TRUST in the universe to provide the support & resources you need. You don’t have to struggle or hustle to get what you need, see if you can manifest by energetic ALIGNMENT,  just  ALLOW good things to show up for you or ask others for help when you need it. 

There is a subtle “surrender” energy in an 8 Earth Mountain, have you ever tried to manifest something, maybe a job or a relationship & it just didn’t come, maybe you felt DOUBT that it would ever show up & then when you “LET IT GO” & sort of “GIVE UP” on it, in that moment of SURRENDER is when it suddenly shows up in a completely  surprising way….I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard friends say, “I don’t even want a relationship right now, I just want to be alone & learn how to truly love myself….” that’s usually right before they meet the love of their life…. so stop “EFFORTING” this month, give yourself permission to take a break, Netflix & Chill, you will want to be home, in your haven, more alone time & resting with this heavy CAVE Mountain energy. This is a good month to for SELF CARE, starting an exercise routine, getting a massage or taking more supplements to avoid getting sick.  

8 Earth Mountain Star Aligns so well with Thanksgiving b/c you will want to NOURISH yourself & also give Thanks for all that you do have, find ways to show more GRATITUDE this month, time to start a gratitude journal to count your blessings & you can use your journal to start thinking about what you want in 2024, we have some journals on Amazon, I will link below in description.

The only constant in life is change & it’s our responsibility to make sure the changes to come are positive by taking initiative & aligning with positive energy to take us in the right directions, we have some magical REIKI infused Soundscapes that you can listen to & align with a higher vibrational energy through Quantum Healing. 2024 will bring an even FASTER Change cycle, so get your REST this Earth month, so you can get ready to be ready for what is coming next year. 

There is an interconnectedness to this Earth Mountain energy, I think of Mycellium or Tree roots that have these underground networks where they share resources of food & water, they can also send distress signals about droughts or insects attacking. It’s a Matriachal system where Elder Mother trees rule, they care for & protect young saplings by sending resources through underground networks.  this ties into Western Astrology where we have this Divine Feminine Energy rising with all these powerful GODDESS Planets showing up now, I talked about it in my New Moon Scorpio reading. I think we’re moving into a new way of operating from a place of motherly wisdom that includes nurturing, collaboration, community & connection. 

1 Star You may be feeling more energetically sensitive, intuitive & empathic this month, this is a perfect time to get an Energy Clearing or Space clearing to clear yourself of other people’s stuff. Or maybe you could de-clutter & get rid of anything that no longer serves you, to lighten up. There is a balance between wanting to be alone, to process your thoughts & wanting to be with others to enjoy time together. Take in all the beauty that surrounds you this month, go for a sunset walk or enjoy a really good meal in a fancy restaurant. Whatever you’re doing, be mindful, be present in the moment & give thanks for your wonderful life you have created. 

2 Star You are always giving so much to others, this is your month to focus on your own needs, your own health &  wellbeing. Nourish yourself with healthy soups & warm teas. Treat yourself as good as you would treat your friends or family this month, do something special for yourself like get a massage or go to Yoga.  Your free time is so precious, don’t give it all away this month serving others, take time to be at home more. You will be craving more alone time than usual, so hit the PAUSE button, turn your phone on do not disturb, carve out some time to just BE without any obligations to others. Take a sick day at work, especially if you feel GOOD. 

3 Star Turn on your Love light this month & let it shine for others who are in the dark. You have this warm, radiant energy of a campfire on a cold night this month, everyone wants to circle around your warm & friendly vibe. Your divine healing energy will attract amazing new friends & profound experiences if you will be open & accepting of invitations to get out & be seen in the world. When you open your heart to experience JOY & BLISS, you will become a magnet for Miracles! If you are single, you may meet the love of your life this month. If you are in a relationship, you will enjoy being with your partner, maybe go on a romantic Fall getaway. 

4 Star This is a powerful conception month for you, something brand new wants to be born, either an idea, a project or even a baby, there is a fertile energy that is in it’s pure potential state. Treat your new ideas like precious jewels that hold tremendous value, give yourself time & space to dream something new into being. If a new opportunity or new path arises this month, say Yes! Shift your focus from what could go wrong to what if it could be better than you imagine, when you dream bigger this month. It’s important to keep a positive mindset as you conceive this new thing, so avoid negative people, scary t.v shows or bad news, you will be more sensitive to bad energy as you birth in this bright, beautiful new thing! 

5 Star This will be a busy month of planning ahead, figuring out your next steps forward on your projects, solving any problems that prevent you from having the life you know you can have. You can begin to plan out your 2024 goals because you have some exciting things coming in next year & now is your time to write out your timeline so you can begin to make it all happen. Better things are coming to you soon, you can just feel this SHIFT in your energy now. You’re pleasantly optimistic about the future for the first time in awhile..although there’s still some heavy lifting work to be done.  If there’s anything you want to change about your life, now is the time to strategize what to do next to accomplish your big plans. 

6 Star 

Everything you want in life, already exists within you, you only have to bring it up to the surface to experience it. This month you access your greatest inner resources so that you can pursue your dreams. You will have more energy than usual this month to make it all happen & you will be BUSIER than usual. You can feel a positive new change in the air & you’re happy for it. This is a good time to start a new physical exercise, stretching, biking, running to burn all that energy you will have & get some endorphins.

7 Star You are inspired to make positive changes this month, but you’re not sure exactly what it is that needs to change. Be like a leaf on the stream & go with the flow, look for signs to guide you on your path ahead & let go of the reins, just allow things to change without having to control this new way forward. Take care of yourself this month so you do not get sick, rest, nourish & relax. You’re craving self inquiry, spend some time figuring out what you want to do next in life as you begin a new chapter of letting go of your past in preparation to bring in something new over the next 2 years, this is a clearing out process & a good time for a space clearing or energy clearing. 

8 Star This month is all about creating energetic boundaries so that you’re not over giving to others or doing too much at work,  it seems like everyone is depending on you right now, but you don’t have to do it all. Learn to say NO & honor your precious time & energy. This would be an excellent time for an Energy Clearing to clear out other people’s stuff that is dragging you down. Give yourself some time off this month with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no agend, simply be in the moment & let your cares go. This is a good month to try a Forgiveness exercise like H’opono-ono to “make things right” with anyone who has hurt you in the past, simply say I am sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, Thank you, I love you.

9 Star  This is your LUCKY Harvest Month when you will receive great abundance for all of your efforts all year long, you will reap what you have sown. You deserve to have what you want, so ask, believe & receive it all now. Give yourself permission to have everything you want but avoid overspending or going into debt this month. You are blessed by a divine providence to manifest this month, so spend some time figuring out what you want & how to get it. Remember when you have more, give to others who have less & this will ensure future prosperity to come.  

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