Eclipse Astrology SALE

Eclipse Astrology Chart Sale, this is an ONLINE Event only, to purchase your Chart & receive by Email. Total Solar Eclipse July 2nd, 2019 during the New Moon Cancer then the Lunar Eclipse happening on July 16th in Capricorn will Birth great changes for...

Father’s Day Massage Special

This Father’s Day give Dad the Gift of Relaxation with a 90 Minute Massage with CBD infused Oils for the price of a 60 Minute Massage, save $45! There is a Paypal Button on our Home page!     

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

One Lucky Mother will WIN this CBD Gift Bag Purchase a Mother’s Day MASSAGE Gift Certificate or Schedule a Mother’s Day Massage online at  to be entered in this Contest, a Winner will be chosen on Mother’s Day!!!...

Reiki 2 Class at Casa Cascadia Retreat

This Reiki 2 Class will be a Reiki Retreat at Casa Cascadia!!!Transform your Reiki when you receive your Reiki Toolbox! In Reiki 2 you will receive a Reiki Attunement with Symbols, this Attunement opens your 3rd Eye Energy Center. Then we will do Distance Reiki...

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Week Massages swiftly filled up this year, but you can still purchase a Gift Certificate online for your Valentine, using out Paypal button on the home page!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0