Leo Full Moon February Wednesday, February 12th 

24 degrees LEO

BEND HEALTH GUIDE IS hosting our Spring Health Fair 05/10/2025, I’d love to see you there, get TICKETS here:


If you’d like a BOOTH email me at Bendhealthguide@gmail.com, they’re going fast!

Hello friends, this is your LEO FULL MOON report, if you’re new here I am Terie & I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Massage therapist who loves to look at the STARS & try to figure it all out. We have had a very busy month watching that PLANETARY ALIGNMENT that was so exciting & today as I record this we have that MERCURY SUN CAZIMI conjunction happening in Aquarius, real close to my North Node, lighting a FIRE under me to get so much done, I’ve been promoting this SPRING HEALTH FAIR for my Bend Health Guide all weekend, if you live in Oregon as I know many of you do, I hope you will come out for this magical event on Saturday May 10th in the Old Mill District, I will put a link down below & I’d love to see some of my Reiki students there giving Reiki sessions, reach out to me if you want to be a part of this COMMUNITY HEALING event, I will put a link with info below. I’ve been hosting these Health Fairs in Bend since 2016 & it’s such a powerful gathering, this year we will have some incredible speakers! We have to focus on our own personal HEALING so we can collectively AWAKEN & HEAL OUR broken WORLD & one of my Reiki Master Students, Mary, sent me this beautiful message from 

Hopi Indians leader White Eagle “This moment that mankind is experiencing now can be seen as either a door or a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the door is yours alone. 

If you absorb negative energy & bad information all day, you will be constantly nervous, and pessimistic, you might fall into the hole.

If you take this opportunity to look at yourself, use the time to rethink life and death, to HEAL yourself, to care for yourself and others, then you are walking through the portal to an enlightened state. Keep your home, keep your body safe. Connect with your spiritual home. When you HEAL yourself, you HEAL everyone else. Don’t underestimate the spiritual dimensions of this crisis. Take the perspective of an eagle that sees everything from above with a broader perspective. There is a social issue in this crisis but also a spiritual issue. You were born prepared to go through this crisis. Learn the resistance from the example of the Indian and African people: We are and still are being threatened, extinct. But we never stopped singing, dancing, building bonfires and having joy.

Don’t feel guilty for feeling happy in difficult times. It doesn’t help at all to be sad or angry. Practice Resistance through joy!

You have every right to be strong and positive. And there’s no other way to do this than by adopting a beautiful, cheerful and empathetic attitude. This is not ignoring World problems, it’s choosing LOVE & JOY as a HEALING strategy. When we enter the door, we are given a new worldview because we have faced our fears and overcome adversity. 

I so believe what White Eagle is saying & I think I was talking about getting into your EAGLE VIEW in my last New Moon report & right after I recorded that, I saw a large family of 5 WHITE EAGLES when I was on a long drive in the early morning sunrise, they were all flying high in formation, they seemed to be holding an important purpose & then later that day when I went out again, they flew right over me & followed me to my home, it felt like they were looking out for me & I felt so UPLIFTED, so HOPEFUL for their presence!!!

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” 

And I truly believe that together, we can be that light. I have been burning this MAGICAL DRAGONS BLOOD Incense that just UPLIFTS your MIND, BODY & SOUL no matter what is going on, it’s meant for protection & abundance, but I am hooked on this stuff as a coping mechanism & also my ROSE OIL, I cannot get enough of this Bulgarian ROSE OIL, it really brings you to a higher VIBRATION of LOVE no matter what is going on, it’s good for seasonal affect, I will link to these & if you need to get HEART CENTERED & tap into a LOVE vibe this Valentines, remember we did a SOUND HEALING with 444 hz binaural beats to open your Heart Chakra, I will link to that, too. We have VENUS going Retrograde on MARCH 1st, I will cover that in my Pisces New Moon reading, but this is a time to protect to your HEART!!!

On January 30th, Uranus finally stationed direct. Whenever Uranus stations direct it is always followed by a square to the Sun that can cause Shocking Events, Unexpected Surprises & a restlessness for change, those REVOLUTIONARY ideas or NEW DIRECTIONS call to us to MAKE A CHANGE & Uranus is in TAURUS so this Square can bring EARTH CRISIS, FOOD CRISIS or Earthquakes, Lightning storms, Volcanos, what will happen next? 

What makes this time a little more volatile and erratic than usual, is that this year the Sun in Aquarius Uranus in Taurus square is being magnified by this Full Moon LEO that is opposite the Sun & Square Uranus, so it’s a double Uranus Square creating TENSION in every direction, that diamond making PRESSURE that brings challenges & obstacles to our progress but sometimes our most stressful times can bring a FLASH of INSIGHT, Awareness & those Aha moments. When you’re really having a DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL it’s when you STEP INTO YOUR POWER, let me know if you’re having a crisis, challenge or obstacle & I will send you Distant REIKI, so many people I know are having hard times right now. LEO rules over our HEART, ruled by the SUN, it’s our external personna, but it also has a lot to do with SELF WORTH & if we feel DESERVING of our DREAM LIFE, it can even bring up our VANITY about how we feel about our Appearance, that’s what’s being SQUARED right now.

This is a CROSSROADS moment when some things may be ending, but new doors are opening & you can Quantum Leap into a new way related to wherever your fixed signs at 24 Degrees are, Leo, Taurus, Aquarius & Scorpio, if you know what house those signs are in, leave it in the comments & I will give you a mini reading for what I think that will bring, but it’s all so UNEXPECTED with Uranus, this is the hardest planet to predict just what will happen.

JUPITER stationed DIRECT in GEMINI, hope you GEMINI’s got your WISHES because soon it will be CANCERS turn to ask the KING of WISHES for what they WANT & the last time JUPITER was in CANCER was in 2013-14, think back what that time looked like for you & where is your CANCER HOUSE in your ASTROLOGY, that is where you will EXPAND this YEAR, for me it’s 12th House & that is such a SPIRITUALLY DIVINE house where Spirit SPEAKS…

 I feel like I’ve been working for SPIRIT so much this year already with all of my 9 Star Ki readings & Couples Astrology readings, SPIRIT had a LOT to SAY for ALL of you & I am still finishing up some powerful WRITE UPS from the Healings we did, I do reading really differently as a REIKI MASTER TEACHER who studied Pendulum Energy Clearing with Jean Haner, you get your 9 Star Ki Reading but you also get a distance Reiki where I send healing for your emotional, mental, physical & spiritual well being using my REIKI MONKEY here, then I do a PENDULUM Energy Clearing for all the 5 Elements & to clear any blocks or disturbing energy from others you may have picked up, then I do a SINGING BOWL where I ring your prayers, wishes, intentions or whatever you want to focus on, I ask SPIRIT for help & then I sit in quiet meditation & reflection with my beautiful Ganesh Journal as SPIRIT Speaks to me & I just write it all down like a secretary taking dictation, in a very free flow way & then I have to interpret what the heck I wrote b/c it all comes in so fast & furious. 


KEYNOTE: FOCUSED energy and consciousness at the expense of all forms of outward activity and care.

This Hindu holyman uses intense concentration to gain spiritual attainment, self-realization, an AWAKENING into  the “God experience”. There can be no halfway measures if the goal of true Yogic ENLIGHTENMENT is to be reached, Divine Focus is necessary to reach one’s envisioned goals. This LEO Full moon brings TOTAL CONCENTRATION.

9 Star Ki February

February is a 2 EARTH MOTHER STAR in a 2 Earth Mother Snake Year in a 2 Earth Mother 9-Year cycle, in a larger 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from FIRE Feeding EARTH so it’s kind of Productive, but it’s a lot of EARTH & all that EARTH could overpower the FIRE & put out that Fire as well, so this month is sort of Productive then Destructive, for me it’s showing up like “I rush all around putting out fires & then I collapse on the couch & I am EXHAUSTED”. The VIBE has changed into a slower moving energy than the last 2 TREE MONTHS where we felt like we GROWING FORTH, now we’re having to NOURISH our ROOTS with Rest, Soup & this is when everyone can really get SICK & we’re seeing BIRD FLU, COVID & just good ole COLD Viruses on the rise now, not suprising in a 2 Earth Mother Star month & we may continue to see illnesses spread for this whole SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year, sadly. 



LUNAR NEW YEAR of the SNAKE EARTH MOTHER in 9 Star Ki Astrology

This new moon in Aquarius is a call for REVOLUTION as it passes PLUTO at 1 degree of Aquarius where we just had that PLUTO SUN CAZIMI & we are still soaking in the energy of extreme transformations & delving into the UNKNOWN FUTURE, Time to Conjure up some Profound Hidden Forces to influence Outcomes, you may feel PARANOID, but it MAY BE the END of the World as we know it.  Pluto is  POWER & TRANSFORMATION as we SHIFT  in POWER, the Sabian Symbol warns us about a Thunderstorm of nature’s challenges where all human institutions & achievements will be washed away, dust you were & dust you must become, crumbling of anold world era as we enter this Aquarius ♒️ age, we RISE like a PHOENIX in SOUL EVOLUTION amidst CRISIS & CHAOS…

I’ve never been “Religious” I was raised Catholic but I prefer to find my higher powers in NATURE, but when you have a real crisis at hand, most of us will suddenly want to PRAY to a higher power or God, this first occurred to me in 1989 when I was close to the epic center of the biggest EARTHQUAKE I had ever experienced in California, then other times when I really needed Soul Protection or even to call in Favors, PRAYER really can create MIRACLES & this New Moon is TRINE JUPITER in Gemini, Jupiter is all about our FAITH & GEMINI is about COMMUNICATION making this the perfect new moon to say a PRAYER, let me know your prayer in the comments & I will send distance REIKI Golden light for it with my Master Reiki symbols! 

We also have IMBOLC or St. Brigid’s day, the Goddess of DIVINE MIRACLES, who shows us anything is POSSIBLE if we ASK, BELIEVE, we will RECEIVE. I love the story of Brigid & her Magical CAPE, when she asked the KING for Land to build her monastery in Ireland he refused her, but she didn’t give up & she gathered her wise women around her for some MAGIC, when they returned, she wore her Magical Cloak & pleaded with the King once more, please sir may I have just enough land to build a Monastery, I would only need as much land as my cloak could cover, the King said, “Only the size of your Cloak? that’s nothing, yes, you may have that.” then her 4 Wise women took the 4 corners of her cloak & walked outward in all of the 4 directions until her cloak covered several acres. The King was amazed at her magical cloak, he knew she must be blessed by God, he became her patron, giving her the desired land &  more than enough money to build her monastery. If you’re needing FAITH in MIRACLES this New Moon, you can create a Brigid’s Cross & place it in your home to bless your year. I might do that this year, I need all the hope I can muster. I will link to this great Brigidine Website that teaches you how to make a natural St. Brigid’s Cross out of reeds you can find on your next hike. 

I just ordered my beautiful PRAYER FLAGS from the Dharmashop to hang on Lunar New Years, this is so uplifting & Dharmashop prayer flags are made by Buddhist NUNS they have this magical energy to help you MANIFEST your WISHES, if you order right now you could have them in time for Lunar new years, but if you miss it, don’t worry you can hang these prayer flags later, they do have a list of auspicious & not auspicious dates for hanging flags, I will link Dharma Shop in the description. 

Hanging Prayer Flags helps you feel INTENTIONAL about what it is you’re CALLING in for this NEW YEAR & it is believed that the WIND will carry your prayers & wishes to the Sky Gods who can assist you in manifesting whatever your heart desires, we have been hanging Prayer flags in my family for over 20 years now & it’s a wonderful reminder of your wishes for the year everytime you see the WIND dancing in the flags! 

I know so many of you are feeling depressed about the state of our world, but as an energy healer, I am sensing so much LIGHT & LOVE just pouring into our world right now from a higher source, if you turn off the TV & just get out into nature & tap into the real energy of our planet, there is something shifting, there is this REBIRTH energy pouring in & there is an ENLIGHTENMENT VIBE coming in strong right now so be careful about where you place your focus right now, surround yourself with energetically high vibration friends, try to stay in that upward spiral on the energetic scale by focusing on LOVE & JOY, so many of us light workers are making a point of sending HEALING ENERGY to our WORLD in these meditations that are happening at 2pm every single day, doesn’t matter the time you’re in, if you can take 15 minutes out of your day wherever you live to just sit in meditation or even if you’re out on a walk, see if you can tap into these healing energies & send some of your own at 2pm daily, I’ve made a point of meditating & sending distance Reiki to the situation of our world with an intention of raising the vibration to LOVE, I rest on my INFRARED BIOMAT listening to the sound healings we have & playing my Heart Sutra Singing Bowl, it feels so good to tap into this HEALING FREQUENCY every day at 2PM.

Aquarius is all about the COMMUNITY & I love this HEALING COMMUNITY that is happening. I have North Node in Aquarius in my 6th House of Health & my calling in life is to create healing communities, my Reiki tribe is definitely a Healing Community, but I also publish the Bend Health Guide that I am working on right now featuring so many Community Health Leaders & then this Spring we will be doing a HEALTH FAIR at this incredible community space I’ve found & hopefully more Healthy Happy Hours this Spring if you live in Central Oregon, follow my Meetups I will link below, lots of amazing HEALING Happenings coming in 2025 as so many people want to GATHER with like minded people for deep healing right now. 

AQUARIUS is a HEALING Energy ruled by URANUS the planet of SPONTANEOUS HEALING, what if our WORLD could have SPONTANEOUS Healing as we enter this AGE OF AQUARIUS, this brand new way of being that is really opening our minds to new possibilities, brand new opportunities, QUANTUM SHIFTS & BREAKTHROUGHS, I always think of channeling ALIENS & ANCESTORS when I think of Aquarius ruled by URANUS, this is a time when you can tap into DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT, so ask your guides & guardians where should you go, what should you be doing, invite a higher mind to guide you this New Moon, 

I have been doing so many 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings with Reiki & an Energy Clearing from my SALE & the divine messages that are coming through for people are so OTHERWORLDLY now & lots of Totem Animals & Spirit Guides are showing up in my VISIONS to give their people messages, too, it’s been wild & so much of my readings don’t even come from me, it’s always funny when a client will say, you told me this thing & It was exactly as you told me, down to the exact WORD that was used & I will just look at them blankly, like, I do not even remember saying that WORD at all & that is because, I didn’t say it, SPIRIT said it, I was just sitting with my journal scribbling it all down, that is how I do readings I do free writing & the things that come through are just amazing to me!~ So see if you can tap into some of this HIGHER WISDOM that is floating in our ETHERS this NEW MOON, too, get out a JOURNAL & WRITE it all out, I sell some journals on Amazon if you need a new one I highly recommend my GANESH Journal, he will help you overcome obstacles this year! 

Some good news is URANUS & JUPITER station DIRECT now we can finally MOVE FORWARD on our BIG PLANS & MAKE SOME MONEY, JUPITER & EXPAND our AWARENESS, URANUS, URANUS will enter Gemini this SUMMER bringing Trump a crazy URANUS RETURN that doesn’t happen until you’re in your 80s but I will be curious to see what SHOCKING SURPRISES hit Trump later this year.

VENUS in PISCES will be in a Harmonious SEXTILE to URANUS in Taurus just before this NEW MOON, an excellent time for a surprising NEW LOVE AFFAIR but also just a ROMANTIC, EXCITING time to REKINDLE your relationship in new & surprising ways, should make for an EXCITING VALENTINES Day why not do something totally unexpected to SURPRISE the LOVE of your LIFE? Sneak out for a getaway if you can. I am doing some wonderful VALENTINE’S DAY RELATIONSHIP CHARTS FULL OF FUN SURPRISES & Soulmate discoveries, if you want to get a Valentines Relationship Astrology Chart on sale through Valentines, order soon so I can complete your reading insights before February 14th, which is a blink away.

THEN Venus will conjunct North Node at 28 Degrees of PISCES just be

There may be Ending Relationships, releasing worn out things or LOSING SOMETHING to make way for NEW LOVE coming in 2025 with some OLD SOUL connections, possibly meeting your TWIN FLAME. Venus is sprinkling her LOVE VIBES on the North Node PISCES before those POWERFUL SPRING ECLIPSES come, 

I am already delving into what that is going to bring, pay attention to where PISCES VIRGO are in your chart & if you KNOW, leave it in the comments, my PISCES VIRGO FRIENDS will be FEELING these & if you have Pisces North Node, this is your NORTH NODE RETURN Spiritual BOOTCAMP TIME, get READY!!! 

Mercury will conjunct Pluto this New Moon time to transform your INNER LIMITING BELIEFS so you can MANIFEST & really Change your life, get into a higher energetic vibration, listen to our sound healings & see if you can make a PROFOUND SHIFT, this is the perfect transit for setting those POWERFUL LUNAR NEW YEAR INTENTIONS, give yourself time & space to CALL IN what you want to CREATE this year!!!

SABIAN 9 Degrees of Aquarius

AQUARIUS 9°): A FLAG IS SEEN TURNING INTO AN EAGLE. KEYNOTE: The dynamic incorporation of new social values in individuals who exemplify the spiritual potential and greatest significance of these values. Revitalization of a powerful symbol, its embodiment in a living reality, i.e. in a person able to fly in consciousness to the highest spiritual realm. The archetype is given living substance and wings. The Image has become a Power. To “see” the new archetype, to perceive a new standard of value with one’s mind is not enough. The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the ACTING OUT of the vision. One Silver Lining of having Trump as President is that people seem to want to GET INVOLVED in POLITICS all of a sudden, to DO SOMETHING, I’ve been following ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ & she is so INSPIRING


KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal.

Here we have a relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate, between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love — a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION. in the 9 STAR KI TRUMP IS the 9 FIRE, the LOVER STAR & he makes people LOVE him somehow, I don’t understand it, but now there is some DISILLUSIONMENT happening for those who voted for TRUMP & didn’t think he would do what he’s doing, I love MAYA ANGELOU’s quote, something like, “People tell you exactly who they are, you’re just not LISTENING!” 

We are still under the influence of that powerful VENUS CONJUNCT SATURN bringing us EXISTENTIAL CRISIS, I spoke about this more in my Cancer Full Moon report, but I didn’t read the SABIAN SYMBOL which I find so interesting….



KEYNOTE: Reliance upon one’s inner source of inspiration or guidance. In this ritual of cyclic existence we have a process that perpetuates a creative impulse of SELF ACTUALIZATION. This source is above & beyond, but also all around the individual creator. The inspiration is given a form which is conditioned by the cultural, social and religious background of the creative person. In a sense, every genius merely records an answer to the needs of his time. The hands that write, play an instrument, or mold materials are his own but the flow of inspiration has arisen in the vast collective mind of Man & Spirit.This creative process requires an individual’s need for concentration and inner quiet. He must have faith in his own SUBJECTIVE STRENGTH.

I have been CRAVING more DOWN TIME to be CREATIVE in the midst of all the crazy going on, how about you?
This FLOW of CREATIVITY that is calling us, just might hold the MEDICINE for these TIMES!!!! 



08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!! 
I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation. 

Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt, for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and appears closer to the Earth than any other time of year. Sirius Star is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light and divine energetic downloads. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called Lionsgate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents individualized expressions of the Divine. During Lionsgate, Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet. This is a wonderful day for receiving energy work, attunements, meditations, Yoga and nature therapy! As Exciting as it all sounds, know that, this High Energy Day, may feel uncomfortable for some. Many people are not used to these higher levels of energetcic expansion, as most of us are familiar with a more contracted state of being small, so to feel more safe in the new frequencies that will be electrifying the nervous system, it might be nice not to do too much this day!  You may experience side effects of the massive heart opening that can include feeling anxious, cranky, thirsty, dizzy and ungrounded. Try Earthing, placing your feet in the dirt, grass or beach if you experience any of these side effects! 



When you increase your Energetic Vibration with a Reiki Attunement, you can manifest all that you desire effortlessly! In this Usui Reiki Level One class, you will receive a Reiki Attunement to begin a 21 Day Transformative Cycle. You will learn the history of Reiki & open energy centers in your body that allow you to give & receive Reiki. In this special Abundance edition, we will do a powerful meditation to remove any blocks you have to receiving all that you deserve. There will be Hands On Healing time with fellow classmates for the afternoon portion. No previous Reiki experience is necessary for this class. You can sign up using the Schedule Now button. Class cost is $185.

Class cost is $185.

Reiki 2 Class at Casa Cascadia Retreat

Reiki 2 Class at Casa Cascadia Retreat

This Reiki 2 Class will be a Reiki Retreat at Casa Cascadia!!!
Transform your Reiki when you receive your Reiki Toolbox! 
In Reiki 2 you will receive a Reiki Attunement with Symbols, this Attunement opens your 3rd Eye Energy Center. Then we will do Distance Reiki in a group to send energy to people and situations in need of healing. Each student brings a project to send Distance Reiki too. The results of Group Distance Reiki are nothing short of Miraculous! ou can sign up online at www.kimimihealingarts.com Go to the Schedule Now Button, hit that, it will take you to Schedulicity, press the Orange Schedule Now button again, it will show appointments / Classes / Hit Classes, you should see ALL the classes there, pick your date & put your name & Info in & you’re all good to go!!!

Terie Sandusky is an USUI Reiki Master with 20 years of Reiki experience, she comes from a Lineage that is only 4 people removed from Mikao Usui himself. The closer to source your Reiki is, the more potent the energy is! 

This class will be held at the beautiful CASA CASCADIA Retreat house in Bend, Oregon & there are 2 rooms available for staying Friday & Saturday night, make it a Reiki Retreat!

Plaid Friday Sale!

Plaid Friday Sale!

Plaid Friday Bend

Plaid Friday Bend

2019 SALE can be found here:

Plaid Friday Sale at Kimimi Healing Arts[/caption]
<h2><strong>BOGO Massage Gift Certificates</strong></h2>
<h2><a href=”https://kimimihealingarts.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Kimimihealingarts.com </a>
Purchase a 90 Minute Massage &amp; get a 60 Minute Massage FREE!
Give one as a gift &amp; keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the
longer massage, use Paypal button at Kimimihealingarts.com
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<option value=”BOGO 90 Min Massage GET 60 Min. Massage FREE MASSAGE”>BOGO 90 Min Massage GET 60 Min. Massage FREE MASSAGE $125.00 USD</option>
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BOGO 2 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings for $108 </strong>
See what 2020 holds for you &amp; someone special with a Full Astrology Chart including your 9 Star Ki predictions.</h2>
<h3><strong>BOGO Reiki For Abundance Class</strong> take Abundance Reiki class with a friend or loved and you both will prosper, when you buy 2 spots for the price of one $185.</h3>
<h3><strong>BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing &amp; get a Free Energy Clearing &amp; free 9 Star Ki reading. </strong>
When you buy a Feng Shui Home or Office Space Clearing you will get a Free Energy Clearing &amp; 9 Star Ki reading with it, a $203. Value! All for $235. Kimimihealingarts.com</h3>

<img class=”size-medium wp-image-2078″ src=”https://www.bendhealthguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Wtsweigert-Photography-quarter-Page-223×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”223″ height=”300″ /> WTSweigert Photography Plaid Friday Sale on Headshots
<h2>$85 Photo Session for Headshots or Christmas Card Photos</h2>
<h2>WTSweigert Photography aka Bill has done most of the headshots for our Bend Health Guide.
He is offering a $85 Special for Plaid Friday online at <a href=”https://gobiwild.dream.press” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>gobiwild.com</a></h2>

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