Can Infrared prevent VIRUSES? More important now than ever Infrared Biomat has been proven to boost the immune system, prevent viral and bacterial infections and also speed recovery from viral and bacterial infections!
We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus.
Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!
We live in a time where toxins bombard our bodies: herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxins are linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with heat, like a fever when you are fighting a virus, but because our bodies are overwhelmed by more toxins coming in than the body can process, toxins build up over time and end up causing a wide variety of health issues. Far Infrared Heat can remove toxins by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process.
Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.
Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infrared for pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain.
Note that NOT ALL Biomats are Equal! There are a lot of cheapy copycat biomats, but look for the Amethyst Crystals in your Biomat & then you will know for sure! If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, schedule a Massage today!
Here is my CAT enjoying the INFRARED BIOMAT in our Deep Rest Binaural Music Sound Healing Video….
I am always getting this question as an Astrologer! How do I find my Galactic Center in my Astrology Chart? It’s so simple, just look for 27 degrees of Sagittarius in your chart! If you’d like to have a full Astrology Chart completed to learn more about what all that means, you can order online or email me at to get your chart read! I even do ZOOM Readings!
Could Infrared prevent viruses? More important now than ever Infrared Biomat has been proven to boost the immune system, prevent viral and bacterial infections and also speed recovery from viral and bacterial infections!
We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus.
Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!
Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.
Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infraredfor pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain. If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, contact:
Astrologers have been talking about 2020 and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius since I was a kid in the ’70s, that’s how long I’ve studied Astrology. The Saturn Pluto Conjunction of 01/12/2020 in Capricorn brought about profound shifts in 2020. Did you feel it?
Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, that’s where you’ve been affected most, career, relationships, health, etc. This Capricorn Stellium we’ve been under all year is indicative of a Mountain Goat climbing a steep, rocky ridge with obstacles, restrictions, rules and a really, complex energy that is building up in intensity until December 21, Winter Solstice when we have Jupiter Conjunct Saturn at Zero Degrees of Aquarius and so it begins! This Great Conjunction means we’ve finally left our Capricorn difficulties behind, we will finally move forward into Aquarius, ushering in a new paradigm. This Conjunction relates to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and people in power. Throughout history leaders have met their demise, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were both assassinated, Franklin Roosevelt died of Cerebral Hemorrhage during past Saturn Jupiter Conjunctions. This conjunction calls for profound transformations for us all, surrender or be dragged! If you accept the changes and go with the flow, 2021 can be a time of great success and prosperity! Look for solutions not problems and you will fare better. If you dream it, you can achieve it with the right mindset this year. We have seen businesses pivot in powerful ways to increase their growth and sustain their livelihood. We’ve also seen businesses clinging to old ways of doing things, going against the tides of change or whining about how hard it is for them, those businesses will probably not survive this new era, sadly. For myself, it has been a soul searching time. When you risk your life to do your job, it really makes you think about how much you want to be doing it. I didn’t want to do 25 Massages a week in a pandemic with a mask on and all the protocols. I’ve enjoyed teaching smaller, safe Reiki classes, giving Distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions, doing Astrology charts. Now, I am going back to school to get my Real Estate License, something I’ve always wanted to do! Saturn in Aquarius wants you to clear out any old baggage holding you back, time to tidy up, get rid of your clutter, get rid of worn out things, let go of any deadwood that isn’t serving you. Shed your past to make room for a new life. Clear your mind of negative thought patterns. Clear your heart,raise your energetic vibration to LOVE. Clear your path ahead to create something brand new. It’s a really good time for Space Clearing & Energy Clearing in 2021, two of my specialties! Saturn in Aquarius is an ideal time for manifesting within a Community, so we will see more shared spaces, co-working, exactly why I am interested in creating a BHG Community Healing Space. In Ayurvedic Astrology, I was born under the Nakshatra Satabhisha, known as the 100 Healers Star. It is my destiny to bring healers together for the wellbeing of our community. Well this barely scratches the surface of all the wonderful paradigm shifts that are coming up in 2021, if you want to read more, follow my Blog at
PLAID FRIDAY SALE 11/27/2020 2021 Astrology Chart Report w/ North Node + 9 Star Ki & a Distance Energy Clearing all for just $108. Order Online at or
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