Aries Solar Eclipse


This Eclipse is a culmination of 6 years of HEALING Work we’ve been doing on our planet since Chiron the Wounded Warrior Healer entered ARIES in 2019 beginning a Healing CRISIS. For those of you born between 1969-1976 you may have CHIRON in ARIES & this has been an intense Chiron in Aries RETURN where your deepest wounds are being TRIGGERED & coming to the surface to be HEALED. I did 2 separate reports on Chiron in Aries, I will drop them in the comments b/c there’s a LOT to UNPACK about Chiron’s influence! 

If you’re an ARIES, you’ve probably had a lot to HEAL recently, let me know in the comments if that’s true for you ARIES, but we all have ARIES somewhere in our Chart, we all have our work to do. This is also a CHIRON RETURN Time for the UNITED STATES, our Country needs to HEAL from some deep WOUNDS that have been buried, we might all need a powerful Energetic HEALING this Eclipse, so it’s fascinating that the PATH of TOTALITY will be crossing right over the UNITED STATES, beginning in the Pacific Ocean crossing over MEXICO first coming into Texas right where we have so much migrant madness going on, how will this Eclipse affect all of these states in the LINE of TOTALITY where it will be crossing Dallas, TEXAS, Little Rock, Arkansas; Indianapolis, Cleveland & Buffalo, New York.

This Eclipse is a WILD CARD of CHANGE that is BIRTHING in something BRAND NEW we can’t even comprehend what it is just yet, just like when a Baby is Born, there’s no way of knowing who this newborn will become over time, we have to wait & surrender to this birthing process of Change that is occurring in this 1st House of the Zodiac Wheel, it’s a Brand NEW growth CYCLE, a brand NEW Day & we’re like infants who don’t know what to do next, just BE here now & ALLOW the tides of change to wash over you, there’s nothing you have to do it, it will be a natural process like a sprout bursting out of a SEED in the Springtime. 

Look at that chart how ALL of the PLANETS are just lining up close to the action Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, North Node, Moon, Sun, Chiron & Mercury with Jupiter & Uranus close by, SOMETHING will be REVEALED that will begin a process of DEEP HEALING for ourselves & perhaps on a larger scale, for our World! 

What is Revealed can vary for us greatly depending on how your own personal chart looks, some may have very disrupting changes & others may have be lucky enough to have incredible BREAKTHROUGHS & AHA moments!  Either way don’t rush into solutions or feel like you have to “ACT” immediately, just sit with what shows up for you & explore it first. If you want to see what your CHART says, I am having an Eclipse Astrology Chart Sale for $88. you will receive ALL 4 Eclipses for 2024 & a write up about where these eclipses will be showing up in your houses & how that will affect you. 

If you’re an Aries or Libra North Node you will be feeling it the most of all, this is your SOUL”S BIG MOMENT to do the thing you were brought here to do & it may involve being UPROOTED in some way, there may be a LOSS that is making room for some new direction to come, so even if things seem bad right now, remember it WILL GET BETTER & you are Not Alone, I feel like we need to start an Eclipse Support Group right now b/c I’ve been hearing from so many of you about how difficult this time is, it’s a time of UNRAVELING is the word I keep hearing

When I had my North Node Eclipse in Aquarius it felt like being enlisted in a SOUL’s ARMY, like the Universe woke me up at 5 am & insisted, it’s time to go, you need to leave, you’ve got to go over here, to do this other thing, I thought, how long will I be doing this other thing? You just have to GO & do the thing, there will be signs along the way to tell you where to go, who to talk to & what lessons you need to learn. You simply have to SURRENDER to the PROCESS or be Dragged!

It’s nice to know what HOUSE it is happening in for you, so you can follow along. It’s wild the Libra Lunar Eclipse was in my 3rd House of Neighbors & Siblings, all of a sudden my neighbors on either side of me moved out of state, they had opportunities elsewhere & immediately packed up & left. Then my sister in law, closest to a sibling I have, she is a LIBRA with her Sun in exact conjunction to the Eclipse & we were in communication during the Lunar Eclipse. So you look to your HOUSE of Aries & Libra in your chart & you to make sense of what is going on around you & what are you supposed to do in this particular situation. If you’re lucky, you’re not directly affected & then you can just be an “Observer” I didn’t have any planets or major aspects, I watched it affect my neighbors greatly though.

Eclipses always arrive together based on the Moons Axis, the Head & the Tail of the Drago this eclipse is on  Aries North Node Head of the Drago & Libra South Node tail of the dragon Axis, so we have both Eclipses close together. 

I’m hyperfocused on VENUS & MARS this Eclipse, VENUS moves into Aries April 5th,  just before this total solar eclipse, now the LOVER becomes the WARRIOR, perhaps she is FIGHTING for LOVE & she is also CHASING LOVE now, Aries love the Chase & Conquest of LOVE it becomes a competitive SPORT & this will bring on SPRING FEVER, new relationships will BLOOM, there’s a fiery, passionate desire brewing, you may be wanting something new & exciting, even married people may want to have a Spring Fling, Love becomes so SPONTANEOUS, it’s not LONG Lasting here in Aries I’m afraid. Venus in Aries can bring fierce fighting in your relationship, too. 

 I fear some people could have their hearts broken under this influence, just be careful. I am sad to see Venus leave Pisces & I am counting the days until Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, where she is at home again & not so cruel in love! VENUS rules LIBRA PEACE

MARS is the natural ruler of ARIES the Warrior but Mars is softened now in PISCES water on it’s fire creating steam. Mars becomes more of a Spiritual Warrior now, could this bring some PEACE at least a respite for now.

Mars Saturn Conjunction APRIL 10th!!! 

Mars gives you the energy & ambition to fulfill your GOALS & attain your Desires while Saturn offers the control & Self Discipline necessary for success &  growth. You would think this would work out well, but it can be very volatile, unpredictable especially in watery PISCES where emotions get the better of us & there can be angry outbursts, destructive energy, losing control of our aggressive tendencies. This is a VOLATILE ENERGY. Will I stay in & hide under my bed during this transit? Maybe! 

But Pisces is also that OLD SOUL Wisdom that might know better than to start a fight they can’t win….Pisces is a CALMER energy for Mars & it makes Saturn more of a Spiritual Teacher…

I am wondering what affect this will have on all the WAR situations…. I think of Frankie goes to Hollywood

“WAR what is it good for?”


Can we please realize that & choose PEACE? 

Then after this Eclipse we will have a really BIG Deal Jupiter Uranus CONJUNCTION in TAURUS that will be coming April 20th. JUPITER EXPANDS & Gives us FAITH & URANUS SURPRISES & Gives us Breakthroughs in Taurus an EARTH sign, this could be geomagnetic activity, solar storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather storms, floods & mudslide & Taurus also rules the 2nd House of Wealth, our Resources, so we may have some Financial Surprises coming, let’s hope it’s Financial Windfalls & not Financial Recessions. This is a RARE Jupiter Uranus Conjunction, between the year 1100 and 2023, Jupiter and Uranus came together in a conjunction only 3 times: back in 1181, 1858, and the most recent was 1941. What was it that happened in 1941? After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. a few days later, and the nation became fully engaged in the Second World War. Lots to unpack, I will do a separate report on this JUPITER URANUS TRANSIT, stay tuned.

In Astrology charts we say this is an Aries Eclipse but…. because of the procession of stars… If you look to where the ECLIPSE will actually show up in the night sky in ASTRONOMY, it’s showing up in  the constellation of PISCES right at that KARMIC KNOT between the two Fishes. The 2 Fishes represent DUALITY between Reality & Fantasy, one fish swims Upstream while the other swims downstream, Pisces has all this Wisdom yet the fish can SELF SABOTAGE, ruled by Neptune there can be real CONFUSION happening on this Eclipse, what is REAL & what is AI? We’re already not sure what is REAL right now.

Pisces the Fish is one of the ancient constellations. In the Greek story, a massive sea monster, Typhon, was sent to destroy the gods. After being alerted to the monster’s presence, Aphrodite and Eros 2 LOVE Goddesses, swam into the Euphrates River where they transformed themselves into FISHES, I think of SATURN transforming into the SEA GOAT with a Mermaid tale as Saturn is transiting Pisces now. 

It’s all happening under the SQUARE constellation of PEGASUS & the Triangulum, this is a very MYSTICAL area of the night sky that rules over ANCIENT Wisdom, old souls, ancestors & aliens alike, it’s so other worldly, this is the gateway of Pisces & the oldest ways of being just as we cross a Threshold into Aries birthing a brand new way forward. 

PEGASUS constellation coming in hot here, represents profound World CHANGES that will come to our OCEANS, our oceans may heat up with that fiery energy of MARS in PISCES that symbolizes a combination of FIRE & WATER, could there be EXPLOSIONS at SEA or maybe it will be those Underground Volcanoes erupting, there is a destructive OCEAN FIERY BATTLE scene here, this is one Summer I will NOT be taking a CRUISE, stay away from the Ocean on this eclipse, could this even be TSUNAMI energy? 

Pegasus is a HORSE that can FLY Like a Bird, representing that we all RISE ABOVE whatever chaos comes from this disruption. Pegasus was born from the blood of the gorgon Medusa after Perseus decapitated her. Pegasus emerged fully-formed from her neck, talk about rising above bad situations. With his white wings and powers of flight, Pegasus was considered a divine creature associated with poetry, wisdom, and the springs of Hippocrene and Pirene. Pegasus is also known in mythology as Thundering Horse of Jove, the ancient God of Rome who became Jupiter, that carried the divine lightning to bring ENLIGHTENMENT & Inspiration. Pegasus came to represent a free spirit who nurtures creative talents. Pegasus brings us Fearless Adventures, new exploration, intuition, imagination & he wants us to take FLIGHT, perhaps without leaving the ground, maybe ASTRAL TRAVEL or the Magic Carpet ride that is coming up in the Sabian Symbols.  There is so much EXPANSION & ASCENSION Energy coming in this Eclipse Season, give yourself TIME & SPACE to Absorb the energetic downloads, we’re already soaking in it, can you feel it? Add to that those Solar Storms that are lighting us up energetically. We have Triangulum constellation that brings that TRINITY energy this relates to DEMETER Godddess Mother of Persephone who promises to bring a bountiful SPRING but only if her daughter returns home in time, this Eclipse holds our Harvest in the Balance &  this Triangle constellation also contains a Pinwheel SPIRAL Galaxy that might make you dizzy when you’re looking up at the Eclipse, there’s an ALTERED STATE of Consciousness energy here, I would not partake in mind altering substances during this Eclipse, your mind will be altered naturally, if you added more to the mix, you may fly away never to return. 

ARIES 19 Degrees sabian


KEYNOTE: The use of creative imagination.

A way of life refusing a hectic involvement in social competition and waste-producing overproduction allows for the development of unattached and transcendent understanding. The static floor (carpet) on which man’s feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception. The period of rest from outwardly directed activity bound to collective normality presents the creative mind with the possibility of surveying in dreams the totality of the present-day social situation, thus “to see whole.” A STRIFE-TRANSCENDING AND UNATTACHED OUTLOOK UPON EVERYDAY REALITY.

Nine Star Ki Astrology 8 Earth Mountain Star for November 2023

Nine Star Ki Astrology 8 Earth Mountain Star for November 2023

9 Star Ki Astrology November 

Earth 8 Mountain Star

Get a FREE 9 Star Ki Mini reading when you sign up for my E-mail Newsletter!!!

2024 will be the year of the WOOD DRAGON & the 3 Wood Star in 9 Star Ki

2024 9 Star Ki Astrology SALE!!!

November 7th we enter an 8 Earth Mountain month & things should calm down a bit in the chaos of this war that started in October’s 9 Fire Star month that is ruled by the heart but last month’s events were heartbreaking….

I look to astrology to try to understand what is going on in the world around me & honestly, as I’m to preparing my 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology readings it looks like this state of unrest could get even worse next year as we move into the Three Tree Star because it’s associated with a WARRIOR ruled by the liver and a hot, YANG rising energy, suggesting pent up frustrations that may suddenly explode plus Putin is a 3 Tree Star, so Russia may become even more aggressive but it’s not looking good for Putin as he moves into his Hurricane year where things will get crazy. I’m not loving next year b/c I am a 3 Tree Star myself, so it will be my Center Star year, always a chaotic time ahead…

When we get to Fall/Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of the next year begins to come in, perhaps that is why we are seeing more Yang Rising Aggression coming in now…combined with Mars conjunct Sun in Scorpio in Western Astrology, so much hot headed energy. 

If you are new to 9 Star Ki Astrology, this system is based on the 5 ELEMENT System used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Feng Shui where we have Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. Right now I am giving away FREE 9 STAR KI readings on my website, link down below & there’s also a chart in the description where you can get your 9 Star Ki # so you can see what November will bring for you personally as I post each Stars monthly prediction at the end.

The November energy flows from an 8 Earth Mountain within a 4 Tree /Wood year within a 2 Earth 2 year cycle within a 9 fire 81 year greater cycle. This month the tree on the mountain has support from this strong Earth energy, even if the Tree is on fire as it has been all year, the CHI flows in a productive cycle, albeit a SLOWER energy that is rooted in support from double earth energy that can make it hard for us to motivate, sleep in, rest & nourish yourself.  

The Earth Mountain Star is about TRANSFORMATION & it pairs so well with the Scorpio New Moon this month. This is not about making “Outer Changes” this is about the changes you make WITHIN, like a caterpillar going into a cocoon to become a butterfly, “It all begins WITHIN” This is a time to do the work to clean up your internal limiting beliefs, to do therapy to process your old baggage or trauma or do hypnosis to transform your old stories into a new belief system that supports you better, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, you will begin to see things change for the better in your outer world when you do your INNER WORK this month. 

In the Fall, trees & plants bring all of their energy back into their ROOTS, to nourish their roots & we will want to root down this month, get back to our BODIES nourish ourselves, get mindful, be still & quiet, do Yin Yoga, meditation, journaling, get into our receptive mode, less talking, more LISTENING…. 

when we move into Earth energy, everything moves slower, it is represented by this season of Fall going into Winter when the earth gets cold & solidifies, there’s no growth happening now, it’s time to settle down. We might WORRY about our resources, especially if our harvest didn’t feel like enough this season. 

Earth rules the stomach, so you may have digestive issues. This is the time to NOURISH yourself with warming foods, like this pumpkin curry stew recipe I am in love with that uses onions, peppers, turmeric & ginger, I will link to this pumpkin curry stew video we did on our other Health channel in the description, it’s so nourishing to your stomach CHI. Spicy Chai or Ginger tea is also warm & nourishing for your digestion this season. Wearing earthy colors of orange, golds & browns will feel cozy.

Get out into nature if you can & hike in silence.This month can be about having deep faith & TRUST in the universe to provide the support & resources you need. You don’t have to struggle or hustle to get what you need, see if you can manifest by energetic ALIGNMENT,  just  ALLOW good things to show up for you or ask others for help when you need it. 

There is a subtle “surrender” energy in an 8 Earth Mountain, have you ever tried to manifest something, maybe a job or a relationship & it just didn’t come, maybe you felt DOUBT that it would ever show up & then when you “LET IT GO” & sort of “GIVE UP” on it, in that moment of SURRENDER is when it suddenly shows up in a completely  surprising way….I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard friends say, “I don’t even want a relationship right now, I just want to be alone & learn how to truly love myself….” that’s usually right before they meet the love of their life…. so stop “EFFORTING” this month, give yourself permission to take a break, Netflix & Chill, you will want to be home, in your haven, more alone time & resting with this heavy CAVE Mountain energy. This is a good month to for SELF CARE, starting an exercise routine, getting a massage or taking more supplements to avoid getting sick.  

8 Earth Mountain Star Aligns so well with Thanksgiving b/c you will want to NOURISH yourself & also give Thanks for all that you do have, find ways to show more GRATITUDE this month, time to start a gratitude journal to count your blessings & you can use your journal to start thinking about what you want in 2024, we have some journals on Amazon, I will link below in description.

The only constant in life is change & it’s our responsibility to make sure the changes to come are positive by taking initiative & aligning with positive energy to take us in the right directions, we have some magical REIKI infused Soundscapes that you can listen to & align with a higher vibrational energy through Quantum Healing. 2024 will bring an even FASTER Change cycle, so get your REST this Earth month, so you can get ready to be ready for what is coming next year. 

There is an interconnectedness to this Earth Mountain energy, I think of Mycellium or Tree roots that have these underground networks where they share resources of food & water, they can also send distress signals about droughts or insects attacking. It’s a Matriachal system where Elder Mother trees rule, they care for & protect young saplings by sending resources through underground networks.  this ties into Western Astrology where we have this Divine Feminine Energy rising with all these powerful GODDESS Planets showing up now, I talked about it in my New Moon Scorpio reading. I think we’re moving into a new way of operating from a place of motherly wisdom that includes nurturing, collaboration, community & connection. 

1 Star You may be feeling more energetically sensitive, intuitive & empathic this month, this is a perfect time to get an Energy Clearing or Space clearing to clear yourself of other people’s stuff. Or maybe you could de-clutter & get rid of anything that no longer serves you, to lighten up. There is a balance between wanting to be alone, to process your thoughts & wanting to be with others to enjoy time together. Take in all the beauty that surrounds you this month, go for a sunset walk or enjoy a really good meal in a fancy restaurant. Whatever you’re doing, be mindful, be present in the moment & give thanks for your wonderful life you have created. 

2 Star You are always giving so much to others, this is your month to focus on your own needs, your own health &  wellbeing. Nourish yourself with healthy soups & warm teas. Treat yourself as good as you would treat your friends or family this month, do something special for yourself like get a massage or go to Yoga.  Your free time is so precious, don’t give it all away this month serving others, take time to be at home more. You will be craving more alone time than usual, so hit the PAUSE button, turn your phone on do not disturb, carve out some time to just BE without any obligations to others. Take a sick day at work, especially if you feel GOOD. 

3 Star Turn on your Love light this month & let it shine for others who are in the dark. You have this warm, radiant energy of a campfire on a cold night this month, everyone wants to circle around your warm & friendly vibe. Your divine healing energy will attract amazing new friends & profound experiences if you will be open & accepting of invitations to get out & be seen in the world. When you open your heart to experience JOY & BLISS, you will become a magnet for Miracles! If you are single, you may meet the love of your life this month. If you are in a relationship, you will enjoy being with your partner, maybe go on a romantic Fall getaway. 

4 Star This is a powerful conception month for you, something brand new wants to be born, either an idea, a project or even a baby, there is a fertile energy that is in it’s pure potential state. Treat your new ideas like precious jewels that hold tremendous value, give yourself time & space to dream something new into being. If a new opportunity or new path arises this month, say Yes! Shift your focus from what could go wrong to what if it could be better than you imagine, when you dream bigger this month. It’s important to keep a positive mindset as you conceive this new thing, so avoid negative people, scary t.v shows or bad news, you will be more sensitive to bad energy as you birth in this bright, beautiful new thing! 

5 Star This will be a busy month of planning ahead, figuring out your next steps forward on your projects, solving any problems that prevent you from having the life you know you can have. You can begin to plan out your 2024 goals because you have some exciting things coming in next year & now is your time to write out your timeline so you can begin to make it all happen. Better things are coming to you soon, you can just feel this SHIFT in your energy now. You’re pleasantly optimistic about the future for the first time in awhile..although there’s still some heavy lifting work to be done.  If there’s anything you want to change about your life, now is the time to strategize what to do next to accomplish your big plans. 

6 Star 

Everything you want in life, already exists within you, you only have to bring it up to the surface to experience it. This month you access your greatest inner resources so that you can pursue your dreams. You will have more energy than usual this month to make it all happen & you will be BUSIER than usual. You can feel a positive new change in the air & you’re happy for it. This is a good time to start a new physical exercise, stretching, biking, running to burn all that energy you will have & get some endorphins.

7 Star You are inspired to make positive changes this month, but you’re not sure exactly what it is that needs to change. Be like a leaf on the stream & go with the flow, look for signs to guide you on your path ahead & let go of the reins, just allow things to change without having to control this new way forward. Take care of yourself this month so you do not get sick, rest, nourish & relax. You’re craving self inquiry, spend some time figuring out what you want to do next in life as you begin a new chapter of letting go of your past in preparation to bring in something new over the next 2 years, this is a clearing out process & a good time for a space clearing or energy clearing. 

8 Star This month is all about creating energetic boundaries so that you’re not over giving to others or doing too much at work,  it seems like everyone is depending on you right now, but you don’t have to do it all. Learn to say NO & honor your precious time & energy. This would be an excellent time for an Energy Clearing to clear out other people’s stuff that is dragging you down. Give yourself some time off this month with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no agend, simply be in the moment & let your cares go. This is a good month to try a Forgiveness exercise like H’opono-ono to “make things right” with anyone who has hurt you in the past, simply say I am sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, Thank you, I love you.

9 Star  This is your LUCKY Harvest Month when you will receive great abundance for all of your efforts all year long, you will reap what you have sown. You deserve to have what you want, so ask, believe & receive it all now. Give yourself permission to have everything you want but avoid overspending or going into debt this month. You are blessed by a divine providence to manifest this month, so spend some time figuring out what you want & how to get it. Remember when you have more, give to others who have less & this will ensure future prosperity to come.  



August 30th

Blue Moon is when we have 2 FULL MOONS in one month & A SuperMoon is a perigee-syzygy, meaning the Moon is at 90% or greater perigree, in it’s closest approach to Earth, so this MOON will look closer & brighter & feel much more INTENSE…Get your rest before it comes, we will have Supermoon insomnia but also crazy intuitve dreams giving us insight to our Destiny w/ that powerful KITE transit with the GRAND TRINE, wowee, this could easily be a 4 hour reading but I’m going to distill it down quick & easy for you to take like an elixir. I am Feeling it in my chart, I have PISCES moon at 9 degrees & my son has his North Node at exact conjunction to this Superbluemoon 7 Degrees of Pisces!!!

Where is your PISCES 7 degrees?!? I will circle it on the Chart so you can look for Pisces in your chart, if you haven’t had your chart read, I do Astrology Readings, I will link to my website below in the descriptions.

I can’t stop thinking of an image of a TSUNAMI when I think of this Superbluemoon & I always want to be on the BEACH for Pisces Full Moons, but this year, I feel like I just want to be home in my own safe harbor… Tsunami is a Japanese word Tsu means Harbour & Nami means WAVE. Get to a SAFE HARBOR we’re about to have a devastating WAVE!

A Tsunami is one of the most powerful, destructive natural forces that comes in a series of massive WAVES expanding outwards caused by a sudden disruption in the Ocean, such as an Earthquake, Geopathic Distress or a massive underwater Volcano. Tsunamis radiate outward in all directions & it’s mostly going on UNDER the SEA, not visible on the surface, that is fascinating & reminds me of so many of us right now who may have waves of turbulence going on within, even as we might not see anything happening on the surface, there may be turbulence underground…..We may try to ignore the Earth’s

issues, but eventually we won’t be able to ignore it when the WAVES rise above the surface….
We will all be feeling all the Tsunami of feels this Super Blue Moon, but how many people will express it or even let it come to the surface because Pisces rules the 12th house ruled by the SUBCONSCIOUS, all things HIDDEN, under the surface, DEEP SECRETS, this 12th house also rules over Insane Asylums, hospitals & our own inner journey that we rarely share with others, this Supermoon may bring some VULNERABLE POSTS or some shocking secrets exposed…. So even if we don’t see an actual Tsunami this Supermoon, we might be feeling massive waves of EMOTIONS spreading out in all directions, hidden just under the surface that threaten to drown us with this powerful PISCES superbluemoon at 7 DEGREES. 12th house rules over Hospice, Death and Self Undoing, meaning anything we do to undermine or self sabotage ourselves. Paired with CHIRON in ARIES Retrograde, that wounded warrior healer we might see a lot of HEALING CRISIS this Supermoon & lots of people acting out in crazy ways, try to keep COMPASSION as your shield against others who might not be able to handle the intensity of this energy, but for the most part, I want to hide out on this kind of a moon, take some strong KAVA KAVA potion & see what VISIONS my dreams will bring.

Full Moons are always about RELEASING whatever is holding us back & with a Moon this powerful, it might be that everything is stripped away from you whether you’re ready to release it or not & we are definitely seeing that for all of those affected by the Maui wildfires.

URANUS stations RETROGRADE 08/28 at 23 degrees of TAURUS in such close range to Jupiter at 15 degrees of Taurus, not a conjunction per se, but Jupiter has an effect of EXPANDING Uranus who is creating unexpected EARTH events that relate to our RESOURCES in Taurus, where is your TAURUS in your chart, there could be Upheaval or

Breakthroughs or a little bit of both, an upheaval that leads to a breakthrough.
TAURUS 23°): A JEWELRY SHOP FILLED WITH VALUABLE GEMS. KEYNOTE: Social confirmation of natural excellence. Gems result from natural processes, induced by extreme volcanic heat and pressure & geopathic stress. The GEM is a finished product of refined craftsmen. Both the gems themselves and the artistry are highly prized and bring prestige to the owner of the jewels. The symbol applies to any product of culturally acquired skill embellishing or transforming the end results of a lengthy and demanding natural process. CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.

The Natural process that makes GEMS reminds me of an Astrological SQUARE creating that DIAMOND making process & we have Venus Square Jupiter right now as Venus in LEO prepares to go direct 09/03 but first she will square Jupiter on 08/22, of all the squares this one is the least of our worries, Venus wants love, money, beauty & she aligns well with Jupiter the King who grants wishes, probably our biggest worry with this square would be OVERSPENDING & I just saw a story about the new TIFFANY’s remodel in NYC who wouldn’t love to be rich enough to shop for some precious gem there, we are living in such a time of haves & have nots. This Money Square brings a tendency toward greed, excess, and extravagance but can cause problems for gluttony, drinking and drug abuse. As Oscar Wilde said, “Moderation in all things, including Moderation…”

She will cross over all those LEO points again, for the 3rd TIME I think of Commodores, Once, Twice, three times a Lady, Lionel Richie wrote that in honor of his wife, very VENUS divine feminine empowered… where is your LEO?! A lot will be ACTIVATED, Triggered, GLIMMERED & Shimmered here in your house of LEO. Do you like Glimmer or Shimmer better? Glimmers & Shimmers are the opposite of Triggered, it’s when something LIGHTS YOU UP in a GOOD

WAY, those micro-moments in life, when you begin to SHINE from the JOY within, I had this recently at CRATER LAKE, I felt HIGH with the beauty of that deep blue water or maybe it’s a gorgeous Sunrise or Sunset that lifts your heart or jumping into the cool water on a hot day, the happiness you feel seeing your newborn baby smile for the first time that can light up the room or when you have finally HEALED from an injury & you have your first glorious, pain free day that feels magnificent have you had a GLIMMER or SHIMMER experience? I’d love to know

Jupiter Quintile Saturn at 11:11 pm on this Supermoon. “RE-ORG…”
, this Quintile brings

restrained expansion a PUSH PULL Energy, there is a Spiritual FAITH & HOPE to transform our world (Jupiter) meeting with Rules, Regulations, Restrictions & LESSONS with SATURN Retrograde in Pisces at 3 degrees brings KARMIC LESSONS as Saturn is nearly conjunct this Supermoon bringing a sense of SERIOUSNESS to our EMOTIONS, we could DROWN in the Seriousness of our Emotions, take it easy, this too shall PASS! Saturn Quintile Jupiter, I envision trying to build your dream house but having the Permit office say, “you can’t do it that way, you can’t add a second floor, you can’t EXPAND, you will have to REDESIGN it according to REGULATIONS” Find another way to EXPAND, REDO everything

Mercury goes Retrograde in VIRGO on 08/23 where it will cross Virgo between 8 – 16 degrees 3 times, Virgo loves perfection, so try, try again to get it RIGHT over the next 2 months.

Jupiter in Taurus goes Retrograde 09/04 affecting our Resources & if you are a Taurus, this is your year to ask Jupiter the KING to grant your wish, but maybe it’s time to re- think what it is you want & if it will really make you happy, we

should all use this time to get really clear about what we want to manifest & why.
Remember if you want to LAUNCH something, this time period of 8 Planets Retrograde is NOT the time to do it, we have Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron and Pluto all retrograde this SUPERBLUEMOON

Mars Trine PLUTO & URANUS Grand Trine part of this KITE of this SUPERBLUEMOON. Kite is a planetary aspect pattern that occurs when three planets in the chart form a Grand Trine and a fourth planet is opposite (180°) one of the Grant Trine planets, and thus forms a sextile aspect (60°) to the other two configured planets.


KITES are about FATE & DESTINY pushing you forward to discover your TALENTS & PURPOSE in life, there can be an INITIATION into something NEW but there can also be a challenging LESSON here that is forcing you to step into your own power, express your True Gifts & show up as your most AUTHENTIC SELF. How will it affect you, where is Pluto 28 Degrees Capricorn for you? There’s your Transformation, Where’s Mars at 2 degrees at LIBRA there’s your Initiation & Ambition, where’s Uranus & Jupiter in Taurus? There’s your sudden, unexpected event or breakthrough, Uranus causing you to EXPAND, Manifest or find your Spiritual Faith, Jupiter. Let’s not forget NEPTUNE in Pisces here at the top of the Kite, listen to your INTUITION, your Dreams, perhaps you will begin an Alice in Wonderland like adventure, I think of friends at Burning Man right now experiencing these powerful transits in that make believe world they co-create, what lessons will Saturn in Pisces bring them?

Last but never least in my heart, CHIRON square to SATURN those DEEP WOUNDS we’ve been working on for awhile are

now giving us healing crisis, soul LESSONS & challenges…I wish I knew my cat’s chart b/c he must have some Chiron in Aries aspects he has had so many HEALTH issues all year & this is all about healing those Deep Wounds & he had a major puncture wound that seemed like it was completely healed but then out of the blue, the whole thing just swelled up again & filled with an abscess that needed to be surgically released & it felt so symbolic to this CHIRON, just when you think your wounds have finally healed, they may begin to SWELL & there’s so much more to be released & purified & you CAN NOT IGNORE it, you have to deal with it right now, there’s no more pushing it down or trying to ignore the pain, the pain is coming up to the surface to be felt, healed & finally released this moon.



KEYNOTE: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen to stand uncompromisingly for their own truth.

Those who do not depend upon collective values, traditions or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion. They are sustained only by the power within them, to which a light above answers. The symbol tells us: “Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an Individual — a child of God.”

a sudden realization that implies the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION.

Interesting paired with Taurus Sabian Symbol about the GEMS was a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH now we have

Supreme Worth of Life, the message is about feeling WORTHY & honestly, I worry about Suicide for some people who may be feeling swallowed up by these WAVES of Serious Emotion, no matter where you are or what is happening, your life has infinite WORTH, you are all GEMS shining this supermoon & as Thich Nhat Hanh says, because you are ALIVE everything is possible. You can turn it all around & find your true Destiny this Superbluemoon, you can begin again, it gets better, do not give up just as it’s about to get so much better!!!!

Venus Conjunct Jupiter Lucky Kiss Transit 03/02/2023

Watch my Youtube Video about VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER to learn even more!

If you get your telescopes out right now, you can already see Venus snuggling up to Jupiter in the night sky & if you have a Star App you will see it’s actually in Sidereal Pisces not Aries in 2023 & that is because of the Procession of Stars, which will be another separate video some day.

Jupiter & Venus together at last reminds me of the popular Prom King & Queen, they are the most beautiful COUPLE in the starry sky & they compliment each other so well. When these two come together it’s a special alchemy brewing for MANIFESTING your HEART’s Desires & you have to ask yourself, “DO YOU FEEL LUCKY, well do ya Punk?” 

Truly we will ALL be feeling Lucky on this day & especially if they happen to be crossing your 2nd House of Wealth or your 8th House of Sex & Money, I’ve got 8th house for this transit, so you know I will be buying my lottery ticket this day!

Venus & Jupiter coming together is a good omen for manifesting LOVE, too, I know several people who are working on this, you know who you are & we just did this LOVE Binaural for Valentines with Distance Reiki for your Heart Chakra, listen to it while you sleep for 21 days & see if it opens you up to more LOVE in your life. I also recorded a Video about how to manifest with VENUS & the secret equation is to ASK, Believe & Receive, I will link to it below. 

This Transit feels like SANTA coming & it makes sense b/c we do have SNOW right now & Santa is feeling extra GENEROUS & if you have GOOD KARMA you will be REWARDED but the nice thing here, unlike Saturn transits, is that even if you don’t have a perfect reputation, you may still receive a special gift from Jupiter King who is feeling extra loving around Venus & this is like the Grinch opening his HEART after all, we will ALL DESERVE LOVE & Abundance on this day & you only need to Believe to RECEIVE & maybe you will receive even if you’re feeling resistant to it all! So get into the RECEIVING MODE, Allow the good things to find you, be open to opportunities for LOVE & MONEY especially, this is a SAY YES moment, whatever comes your way, say YES Please & Thank You because it is probably better than you could have ever expected & it is going to give you a Quantum Leap into the life you’ve always wanted!!! 

Even if something so called “Bad” happens to you on this day, take it as a sign that something GOOD is coming right around the corner! I will never forget the last time we had this Venus Jupiter Conjunction & I was all Polyanna over here sprinkling my rainbows from Unicorn butts & one of my Reiki students, “Well I just lost my JOB today so this is NOT a lucky transit for me at all…” She was single & to be honest, she hated that job anyways. So I replied back, “Just watch, it’s bringing you something better!” Well within 3 months she got a BETTER JOB & at her better job, she met the love of her life, she just got married last Spring & she is now expecting her first child!” 

So even if you have a LOSS under this transit, I assure you it’s leading to an ultimate GAIN in your life. You just can’t go wrong with a Venus Jupiter Transit!

Venus is the goddess of Love & Beauty, Jupiter is the King who grants wishes, I promise you that beautiful things are coming to you, you’ll be feeling like a Magnet for the best things in life now, you can attract whatever you want to you, love, money, an infinity pool, I hope there will be TACOS!!! 

If someone asks you on a date for this night, absolutely say YES because you will be radiating beauty from an inner glow of warmth & friendliness. If Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 7th House of relationships you may meet the love of your life this day, this is a wonderful transit for Falling in LOVE or rekindling your relationship to take it to the next level, a marriage on this day will indicate ever lasting love for sure!

Be careful if Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 5th House, you will surely get PREGNANT! 

This is an excellent day to schedule a PHOTO SHOOT or film a Video b/c you will be looking so attractive, especially if it hits your 1st house. Or maybe you want to spruce up your Home & buy some Artwork if it’s in your 4th house. 

Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. This way, you will expose yourself to the greatest opportunities for manifesting, let the Universe find you & reward you this day! You should take advantage of any financial offers or INVESTMENT opportunities that show up because this is a transit that GROWS WEALTH. This is a very lucky transit, so you may even be the beneficiary of a sudden and unexpected windfall, yes please & thank you!!! 

Wishing you all the Venus & Jupiter Luck, I wish we could BOTTLE this Magic!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0