by Terrie Sweigert | Oct 18, 2018 | Aromatherapy, Back to school massage Bend, Bend Course in Miracles, Bend Feng Shui, Bend Health Guide, Bend Massage, Bend Oregon Massage, Bend Prenatal Massage, Bend Reiki, Bend Reiki Classes, Bend Shaman, Bend Space Clearing, best massage, Best Massage Bend, Cupping Therapy, Cupping Treatment (TCM), Deep tissue massage, Distance Reiki Healing, Fertililty Treatment, Fertility Acupressure, Fertility Massage, Fertility Treatment, health, Holistic Health Bend, Hot Stone Massage, Infrared Biomat Bend, Infrared BioMat Massage, law of attraction, Massage, Massage gift certificates, Massage in Bend, Massage Specials, Migraine Remedy, Pregnancy Massage, Pregnancy Massage Bend, Reiki, reiki attunement, Reiki Class, Reiki Class, Reiki Master, Reiki Training, Seattle massage, Seattle Reiki Class, Spa Treatments, Women's Health

Sock cure for the common cold
Sock Cure for the Common Cold!
The kids are back in school & that means cold season has officially begun!
I just heard a report that drinking out of a school faucet has more germs
Than drinking out of a school toilet, yuck! Thank goodness for Klean Kanteen,
I highly recommend telling your child only to drink from their personal water bottle.
Inevitably, you might end up fighting a cold this season, so I thought I’d share my absolute favorite cold remedy: the Sock Cure! This cold treatment will help your body fight the common cold, reduce congestion, decrease headache and treat coughs. This cure is not effective for stomach flu per se, but can be used to break a fever with flu. This remedy is safe and effective for kids and pregnant women, too. I start with the sock therapy before I give my son medicine for a fever because 9 times out of 10 this will cure his fever.
Here’s what you need:
1 pair ordinary socks
1 pair 85% -100% WOOL socks (I like Smart Wool)
1 bottle of Eucalyptus (Ravensara works wonders, too!)
Have everything at hand, this process takes less than 5 minutes, but it involves your feet, so you’re not going to want to get up and have to get something once you get started.
First throw a pair of wool socks in the dryer for a few minutes, so they get really toasty warm, take them out & have them handy.
Second Rinse the other pair of socks in cold water, ring them out.
Rub the Eucalyptus oil on the bottom of your feet. It has been clinically proven that Aromatherapy oils will directly enter the blood stream when placed on the bottom of your feet (there are the most receptors there).
Put cold rinsed, wringed out socks on your feet.
Put the dry, warm wool socks over the wet socks on your feet.
Climb into bed and prepare to sweat.
This process brings all the heat in the body down to your feet to warm the wet feet, this will break a fever and your body will begin to sweat out the cold. The process of drawing heat down to your feet will also heal a headache and decrease sinus congestion. The Eucalyptus on your feet will eliminate coughing so you can get deep rest. I generally just fall asleep with the socks on, but if you prefer to take them off, give it at least 3 hours. When you take the socks off the inner sock should be completely dry. If the inner sock is not dry, you may not have had a 80 % Wool sock on the outer.
I learned this Sock Cure from my favorite Bastyr Founder Naturopath Dr. Bill Mitchell.
This Sock remedy has been shown to:
• help fight off cold viruses
• overcome infections of the throat
• reduce coughing, especially at night
• clear nasal congestion
• treats respiratory sinus infections,
• reduces headache & migraine pain
• decreases fevers
I like to add to this treatment a bowl of Tom Ka soup, Chili Verde or hot tea to increase the sweat even more.
Of course my other favorite treatment for the common cold is cupping the back of the neck, I’ll write about that one sometime soon. If the sock treatment doesn’t do it, come in & get your neck cupped, this always does the trick!
If you get real sick this season, remember that I also offer Distance Reiki Sessions now, so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your couch and I can send you some healing Reiki to help you feel better and recover quicker.
Be Well Everyone!
by Terrie Sweigert | Aug 27, 2018 | Abundance, Aromatherapy, Astrology, Back to school massage Bend, Bend Course in Miracles, Bend Health Guide, Bend Massage, Bend Oregon Massage, Bend Prenatal Massage, Bend Reiki, Bend Reiki Classes, Bend Shaman, Energy Clearing, Fertililty Treatment, Fertility Acupressure, Fertility Massage, Fertility Treatment, health, Massage, Massage gift certificates, Massage in Bend, Massage Specials, Migraine Remedy, Pregnancy Massage, Pregnancy Massage Bend, prenatal massage, Reiki, reiki attunement, Reiki Circle, Reiki Gift, Reiki in Bend, Reiki Master, Reiki Practioner, Reiki Therapist, Reiki Training, Reiki Yoga, Spa Gift, Spa Gift Card, Spa Treatments, Space Clearing, Women's Health

Bend Massage
Back to School Massage Special
As kids return to school it’s times for Moms to refill their Well with Selfcare once again. This year for my Back to School Special, I am offering a FREE Pendulum Energy Clearing with any scheduled Massage or Reiki Session through 10/5/18.
This Summer I did an extensive training in Santa Cruz with Jean Haner on how to clear Energy using a Pendulum. I’d love for your to experience this amazing modality! Do you feel like you might have picked up some energy this Summer that is not your own? Don’t we all?! Come in for a Massage & leave with your Energy crystal clear like a freshly cleaned window! Regain your sparkle!
Look forward to seeing you soon, you can schedule online with the “Schedule now” button on the Home page!
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