Deep Tissue Massage in Bend w/ THERAGUN

Deep Tissue Massage in Bend w/ Theragun

THERAGUN is the best percussive therapy deep tissue massage tool to provide an extra deep muscle treatment that releases the armor of tension so many clients have. You just have to try it & see, schedule your Massage online or text 206-794-3118 to get in.

If you are interested in purchasing a Theragun for use at home, they are on sale for Black Friday!

Use this LINK to get the best DEALS, click here: THERAGUN BLACK FRIDAY SALE

Purchase your Massage Gift Cards Online

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Day Massage

Valentine’s Week Massages swiftly filled up this year, but you can still purchase a Gift Certificate online for your Valentine, using out Paypal button on the home page!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0