The Great Conjunction is Coming!

The Great Conjunction is Coming!

The Great Conjunction is Coming…

Astrologers have been talking about 2020 and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius since I was a kid in the ’70s, that’s how long I’ve studied Astrology. The Saturn Pluto Conjunction of 01/12/2020 in Capricorn brought about profound shifts in 2020. Did you feel it?

Wherever Capricorn is in your chart, that’s where you’ve been affected most, career, relationships, health, etc. This Capricorn Stellium we’ve been under all year is indicative of a Mountain Goat climbing a steep, rocky ridge with obstacles, restrictions, rules and a really, complex energy that is building up in intensity until December 21, Winter Solstice when we have Jupiter Conjunct Saturn at Zero Degrees of Aquarius and so it begins! This Great Conjunction means we’ve finally left our Capricorn difficulties behind, we will finally move forward into Aquarius, ushering in a new paradigm.
This Conjunction relates to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders and people in power. Throughout history leaders have met their demise, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were both assassinated, Franklin Roosevelt died of Cerebral Hemorrhage during past Saturn Jupiter Conjunctions.
This conjunction calls for profound transformations for us all, surrender or be dragged! If you accept the changes and go with the flow, 2021 can be a time of great success and prosperity! Look for solutions not problems and you will fare better. If you dream it, you can achieve it with the right mindset this year. We have seen businesses pivot in powerful ways to increase their growth and sustain their livelihood. We’ve also seen businesses clinging to old ways of doing things, going against the tides of change or whining about how hard it is for them, those businesses will probably not survive this new era, sadly. For myself, it has been a soul searching time. When you risk your life to do your job, it really makes you think about how much you want to be doing it. I didn’t want to do 25 Massages a week in a pandemic with a mask on and all the protocols. I’ve enjoyed teaching smaller, safe Reiki classes, giving Distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions, doing Astrology charts. Now, I am going back to school to get my Real Estate License, something I’ve always wanted to do!
Saturn in Aquarius wants you to clear out any old baggage holding you back, time to tidy up, get rid of your clutter, get rid of worn out things, let go of any deadwood that isn’t serving you. Shed your past to make room for a new life. Clear your mind of negative thought patterns. Clear your heart,raise your energetic vibration to LOVE. Clear your path ahead to create something brand new. It’s a really good time for Space Clearing & Energy Clearing in 2021, two of my specialties!
Saturn in Aquarius is an ideal time for manifesting within a Community, so we will see more shared spaces, co-working, exactly why I am interested in creating a BHG Community Healing Space. In Ayurvedic Astrology, I was born under the Nakshatra Satabhisha, known as the 100 Healers Star. It is my destiny to bring healers together for the wellbeing of our community. Well this barely scratches the surface of all the wonderful paradigm shifts that are coming up in 2021, if you want to read more, follow my Blog at

2021 Astrology Chart Report w/ North Node + 9 Star Ki & a Distance Energy Clearing all for just $108.
Order Online at or



08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!! 
I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation. 

Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt, for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and appears closer to the Earth than any other time of year. Sirius Star is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light and divine energetic downloads. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called Lionsgate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents individualized expressions of the Divine. During Lionsgate, Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet. This is a wonderful day for receiving energy work, attunements, meditations, Yoga and nature therapy! As Exciting as it all sounds, know that, this High Energy Day, may feel uncomfortable for some. Many people are not used to these higher levels of energetcic expansion, as most of us are familiar with a more contracted state of being small, so to feel more safe in the new frequencies that will be electrifying the nervous system, it might be nice not to do too much this day!  You may experience side effects of the massive heart opening that can include feeling anxious, cranky, thirsty, dizzy and ungrounded. Try Earthing, placing your feet in the dirt, grass or beach if you experience any of these side effects! 

Chinese New Year of the RAT!

Chinese New Year of the RAT!

January 25th celebrates Chinese New Year of the Rat with the New Moon Aquarius.  This begins a whole new 12 year cycle as the Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac.  This year is a great time to launch a new business or project as it favors new beginnings and new possibilities. Yang Metal element supports expansion, growth and making more money and it is an especially well aspected year for making money in Health & Wellness businesses! 

All the animals were competing to be first in line in the Chinese Zodiac & Rat got first place by riding on the back of an Ox until they got near the finish line & then he leaped off the Ox’s back and into first place (also funny because this is a LEAP Year!) This year will bring lots of competition in business with an element of deceit or trickster shenanigans, so pay attention and watch your back! 

Rats are considered favorable for business, abundance and fertility because a rat can always find food (opportunities) and they have lots of babies. Yang metal is good for prosperity, making money and keeping it. It is an especially good year for accumulating personal wealth, if you are an Ox, Dragon or Monkey. Health and Wellness will be in focus as Yang Metal Element lends itself to self care, eating healthy, exercise and sleeping better.

A Rat year is also an auspicious time to Tidy Up your home or do Feng Shui to improve the Chi of your home because Rats are very focused on their dwelling places.

2020 is blessed with an auspicious Immortal Peach Blossom aspect, which is Spring’s gift after an especially hard Winter, it promises luck, love, fertility, joy and abundance all year. Anything started in a Peach Blossom year, such as a relationship, friendship or new business, will be forever blessed by this powerful aspect.  This is a great year to promote your business in Bend Health Guide Spring Edition & reap the rewards of a very lucky year! 

9 Star Ki Astrology Readings 2020

9 Star Ki Astrology Readings 2020

9 Star Ki Chart

1 Water  1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008

2 Earth Mother  1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989,1998, 2007

3 Wood Tree     1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006

4 Wood Bamboo 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005

5 Earth Center  1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004

6 Metal Father 1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003

7 Metal Artist   1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002

8 Mountain       1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001

9 Fire           1937, 1946, 1955, 1964, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2000

Nine Star Ki is a Chinese Astrology based on a Five Elements system used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Bagua of Feng Shui. This is a nature based tradition, where we are born into certain elements and each year we travel through other elements within this 5 elements star. Your home also has a 9 Star Ki that will directly affect your health, wealth and love life. To learn more about 9 Star Ki contact

1 Water Star  This year is about inner transformations, like a caterpillar that goes into its cocoon to transform into a Butterfly,  you will need more time to yourself, to go deep within and figure things out. Accept this year as a time of deep, inner work & hibernation as you prepare for bigger things to come next year. Allow time for solitude, naps, lots of self care, healing, go get bodywork, take time for journaling and Yin Yoga. Your home will be a place of refuge, so this is a good time to organize & tidy up your home but this is not a good time to move or Travel!

Your lucky directions for hanging prayer flags & sleeping in this year are Northwest & Northeast.

2 Earth Star  You are on fire this year as you enter the 9th Archetype that is ruled by the Heart. This is your time to shine & you may receive more attention than usual this year.  You will feel outgoing, so have fun with it, go to all the parties and dance to your own beat.  You may find yourself so busy with too many projects and events, that your head is swirling, so take time to meditate. If you are single, you will probably meet “the one” this year, as you are tapped in, turned on and ready for love! Your lucky direction is South East this year.

3 Wood Tree Star Starting all over again!  This is your very first year in a brand new 9 year cycle, you are like a seed, underground, full of potential, like the Acorn that will manifest into a mighty Oak Tree someday, but this will not be a “doing year”  as much as an imagining, planning year. Give yourself time to dream your future into being, do a vision board! You are germinating this year, the most important part of the growth cycle, take time for yourself to envision what it is you want to create. If people say you are being lazy just tell them you are germinating! This reflective, imagining time can be difficult for Tree types who like to grow & make things happen, but truly slow down & take some time to chart your course, use your energy wisely, do less and manifest even more as we learn in the Tao Te Ching.

Powerful directions for sleeping is South East, hang prayer flags in Southeast or Southwest.

4 Bamboo Star You are beginning to unfurl, like a fern in the forest, this begins an important growth cycle as you begin to sprout, the season would be early Spring, take time to set your goals, intentions, make action plans, but don’t actually take action until next year, when the energy supports moving forward better. This is your year to get ready to be ready! Be patient, knowing your time is coming soon. This is an Earth year, time to root down & remember that a tree can only grow as tall as it’s roots grown down, so make sure your roots are firmly planted as you prepare to grow upwards. Plants need Sun, Water & healthy soil to grow well, so remember to nourish yourself with plenty of water, nature therapy, and nourishing foods! In 2021 you will spring into action knowing what you want and how to get it because you planned it all out this year. South East is your most powerful direction to sleep & hang prayer flags in this year. 

5 Earth Star Full steam ahead this year as the wind is in your sails!  If you have been wanting to accomplish something big, this is your time to make it happen! This would be an excellent year to start a new business, make a move or get that promotion you truly deserve. There will be so much growth this year, you might not recognize yourself by December! You have more energy than usual but try not to overdo it. You will need more physical activity, walking, running, biking and nature therapy to ground yourself. The Northeast Direction is the most favorable for you this year to hang prayer flags & sleep in for prosperity. 

6 Metal Star This year you will accomplish a lot but your results can be less predictable than last year, perhaps you have started a business but now you’re unsure of the direction you want to take it next.  In nature, this year would be symbolized by a tree bending in the wind, be flexible, make adjustments, allow for changes to take you in new directions. This would be a good year to expand your horizons with continuing education or a retreat.

7 Metal Star This can be an exciting year & a stressful one. The winds of change that were blowing last year are now a full force hurricane, bringing opportunities and chaos at the same time. Ride out the storm by not making any big changes, this is not the time to move or quit your job, though you may want to. Stay put, find your center, work hard and ride out this storm knowing that next year everything you want is coming your way.

8 Mountain Star  This is your harvest year, you will reap rewards this year! Your mantra is “Let things come to you” and they will. This is your luckiest year, you may receive unexpected money from an inheritance, a big promotion at work or playing the lottery. You will be in your power all year, more able to manifest all that you desire, but the tricky part may be knowing what it is that you really want in life. Try making a wish list at the beginning of the year, see if your wishes do come true this year.

9 Fire Star  You have worked hard and prospered, now is your time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Take a moment in gratitude, enjoy the brilliance of a setting sun and eat nourishing foods. You may be more sensitive to your surroundings making this an ideal time to tidy up your home. You’re also more sensitive to negative energy, this is a good time to receive an energy clearing. This is the perfect year for travel, to take in scenic beauty and paint or take photos.

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When you increase your Energetic Vibration with a Reiki Attunement, you can manifest all that you desire effortlessly! In this Usui Reiki Level One class, you will receive a Reiki Attunement to begin a 21 Day Transformative Cycle. You will learn the history of Reiki & open energy centers in your body that allow you to give & receive Reiki. In this special Abundance edition, we will do a powerful meditation to remove any blocks you have to receiving all that you deserve. There will be Hands On Healing time with fellow classmates for the afternoon portion. No previous Reiki experience is necessary for this class. You can sign up using the Schedule Now button. Class cost is $185.

Class cost is $185.

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer Massage! So check back on 11/29/19 b/c this sale will be ONLINE right here on our Website for ONE DAY ONLY 11/29/19!!!

BOGO Massage Gift Certificates

Purchase a 90 Minute Massage & get a 60 Minute Massage FREE! Give one as a gift & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer massage, use Paypal button at

BOGO 2 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings for $108

See what 2020 holds for you & someone special with a Full Astrology Chart including your 9 Star Ki predictions, buy online at

BOGO Reiki For Abundance Class

take Abundance Reiki class with a friend or loved and you both will prosper, when you buy 2 spots for the price of one $185.

BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing & get a Free Energy Clearing & free 9 Star Ki reading.

When you buy a Feng Shui Home or Office Space Clearing you will get a Free Energy Clearing & 9 Star Ki reading with it, a $203. Value! All for $235.

SAVE $111 on your 2020 ASTROLOGY CHART!!!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0