How to get pregnant… Castor Pack for Fertility

If you are trying to get pregnant, you can try using a Castor Pack during your Follicular Phase of your menstrual cycle. This is just after your period ends & up to the day you ovulate, it’s generally a 7-10 day cycle when you can use the Castor Pack to increase your chances of conception.

This method works great if you have had Endometriosis, irregular bleeding, excessive bleeding or cramps during your cycle. Even if you are not trying to get pregnant, a castor pack can be nourishing to your uterus.

In this simplified version, you do not need to soak rags in castor oil, which can be so messy! You can simply massage your abdomen region with high quality, food grade Castor Oil. Then place a wool or fleece cloth over your belly & add a heat pack. You can do this every day of your Follicular cycle, then once you have ovulated, stop doing the castor packs until you know if you are pregnant or not. Then you can try again the next month after you have menstruated if not.



Lionsgate Astrology Transit Readings for $88. Email me at

On August 08th we have the LEO NEW MOON combined with the magical LIONSGATE cosmic alignment of our SUN with the Sirius Dog Star, this OPENS an Energetic PORTAL that has been worshipped by Egyptians since the dawn of time as Sirius appears at it’s closest point to the Earth, this Sirius Star Aligning with the Sun at it’s closest point to the Earth gives an INCREASE IN ABUNDANCE ENERGY that you can really tap into now, this is the time for setting INTENTIONS for whatever it is you want to MANIFEST & energy can be used like a Money Magnet

IN EGYPT the LIONSGATE Alignment signified the time of rising tides of the NILE RIVER & as we know WATER = WEALTH especially when you are a farming community that requires WATER for CROPS as we are learning all to well here in the WEST right now as we are in the worst DROUGHT in over 1400 years, this LIONSGATE Alignment will be the best time to be PRAYING for RAIN & even for SNOW to come later, set your intentions for WATER NOW & it’s not as if it only affects us on 08/08, the portal will OPEN on this day & we can access this ENERGY for several months taking us into the Autumn Equinox & our HARVEST Season, so use this energy to REAP what you SOW this Summer!

When this Alignment happens each year, there is a VORTEX that opens up & A SURGE of more LIGHT on our planet & Energetic Downloads of CODES that you can receive just by being willing to receive, it helps to do some kind of meditative or Spiritual practice this day especially in NATURE.

This is a great day of CONNECTION HEART to HEART as LEO the LION rules over our HEARTS & we are still in that 9 STAR KI FIRE HEART LOVER STAR, so this gateway brings us so much PASSION, HEART CHAKRAS SPINNING, if you are looking for LOVE, set that INTENTION this NEW MOON, too! This gateway will turn on your LOVELIGHT for sure!

As this incredible LIGHT Vortex that opens each year to rebirth us into being more of who we are meant to be, renewing our energy, lighting us up like lanterns in the dark, you might meet new friends under this influence or transform yourself in some way & you won’t have to TRY, this energy will just come to you from that brilliant BLUE DOG STAR of Sirius shining her magic just for YOU, so just be open & receiving!!!

LIONSGATE is a potent THRESHOLD into a whole NEW WORLD, a Higher 5th Dimension world can be accessed now with this new energy pouring into our planet & many lightworkers have been feeling this ALL SUMMER long building up to this week of the LIONSGATE, I have been studying this Lionsgate phenomena for 20 years & this is the strongest one I have ever felt, a huge paradigm SHIFT is taking place this year!

Whether you acknowledge it’s happening or not, we will enter into a HIGHER ENERGETIC VIBRATION this New Moon Cycle, it’s like an Eclipse, some people are very aware it is happening or they may view it & others aren’t aware, but we are all affected by this Energy anyways, so you may be getting downloads even if you didn’t know it was going on! We have this once a year opportunity to be ALIGNED with this potent energy which can even open your 3rd EYE, it can cause Prophetic Dreams, the Veil is thin, so it can be a great time to connect with ANCESTORS, Spirit Guides or Channel Wisdom from Higher Beings, if you are interested in ASTRAL TRAVELS this is an ideal time for it, or HYPNOSIS, give yourself some time this New Moon for whatever your SPIRITUAL Rituals is whether it is Meditation, chanting, Nature Therapy, Breathwork, Dreamwork, I love to teach REIKI near the Lionsgate, this year I am teaching the day before b/c both in Giving & Receiving a Reiki

Attunement, you can really tap into to these higher frequencies available to us now…I am going to record a LIONSGATE Meditation on 08/08 this year, so look for that coming up!

In Numerology of course 8 is the number of INFINITY & Abundance & this year we have 8 =8 = 5 as 2021 = a 5 Pentacle Year, so add it all up & this Lionsgate equals 12 a powerful Master Number held SACRED in Egyptian Numerology this is a very significant number meaning Healers & Magicians who will become Great Teachers & it is also the number for ALCHEMY that is produced from a Divine connection to SOURCE or some higher FAITH.

Of course when you add 1+2 of 12 you get 3 which is all about that Trinity, PYRAMID ENERGY, Creative Expression & this LIONSGATE I am really feeling the presence of SEKHMET THE WARRIOR GODDESS OF HEALING showing up this Lionsgate season.

Sekhmet is the Sun Goddess, daughter of RA who came to Earth to get revenge for anyone who did not worship RA,

she started spreading diseases & plauges that killed Millions, hmmm…
Her bloodthirst grew so great, she just started killing everyone & it got even more violent, now she was taking innocent lives, not just those who did not worship RA.

She nearly destroyed all of humanity on her vicious killing sprees and she loved to drink the blood of those she killed, just like a cat sipping milk, so RA, her father, decided it was getting out of hand & he started pouring copius amounts of red wine & red ale around her killlings to get Sekhmet so drunk so she would pass out & stop killing everyone!

Egypt has many ceremonies to appease Sekhmet in times of people dying from disease or battles, it is common to place Red WINE or Red Ale in temples of worship for this very reason.

She is known as the Goddess of the SUN’s great FLAME, so… Whenever there is a HEATWAVE, Fires, droughts or Hot Winds like RIGHT NOW, it is said that Sekhmet is making her presence known & you must appease her if you want to stay alive, this is just so fitting for this years LIONSGATE doncha think?

I don’t even like wine, but this LIONSGATE, I think I will open a bottle of the finest RED in her name & beg her to be saved!

She giveth as much as she taketh b/c she is also one you can call on for MANIFESTING your DESIRES, if you worship her & her father RA with faith, she will deliver anything you desire through a process of ALCHEMY, we see that Alchemy showing up again with Sekhmet, just as we saw it in the sacred number 12 that was used in Egyptian & Mayan cultures prominently.
Sekhmet is also an incredibly powerful healer for those who worship her, she can save your life & heal you even when the prognosis is fatal, she has been known to produce incredible MIRACLES of Recovery. Sekhmet also rules over days & time like how much time you have left to LIVE.
Tell me this, does anyone else feel like TIME is SPEEDING up this year?!?! That could be Sekhmet again!
Leave a comment if you thing 2021 is going at rapid speed b/c how are we already in August the 8th month of the year?

Have you even come close to accomplishing all the goals you set out for yourself this year?

I blame URANUS, too, such a fast paced, FAST moving planet coming in so STRONG ALL year forcing us to make all the great, big changes & shows up here AGAIN as a SQUARE to this NEW MOON, I think of Squares as producing that Diamond making pressure & when it’s URANUS putting on the PRESSURE it can be very UNSTABLE like you trying to balance on a wobbling plank & the earth is shifting under your feet & it might just be with this moon b/c Uranus also rules Earthquakes & unexpected Weather as we had at that

Aquarius Full Moon when the Moon was conjunct Uranus. This aspect is creating CHAOS & things may become completely out of our control, needless to say, I still would not travel right now…lots of unexpected delays & downright confusion at the airports especially combined with strange weather, fires & floods, you never know what could happen, no thanks.

This LEO NEW MOON is going to be at 17 Degrees of LEO with LEO SUN at 16 Degrees, so wherever you may have Leo at 16 or 17 Degrees or withing 3-4 degrees, for me I have LEO Ascendant in my First House of Self at 20 Degrees, but it can also affect wherever you have 16 or 17 degrees of any FIXED SIGN, so TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO AQUARIUS those houses will be greatly affected, too & those FIXED Signs have been feeling UNDER PRESSURE for awhile now, too much to do, too much going on, I knew 2021 was gonna be cranking on us, but you just don’t know what that means until you are IN IT says the girl with SCORPIO Stellium, Leo Rising, Aquarius North Node & a Strong Taurus Saturn to boot, oh boy, I have a whole STELLIUM of Planets at 16 & 17 Degrees of Scorpios in my 4th house, so I will be feeling this one for sure, in all the best ways I hope!!! Then of course my Saturn in Taurus in the 10th house of career also in 17 Degrees, it’s just so fun to look at your chart & see where this LIONSGATE TRANSIT will be LIGHTING up YOUR CHART, somewhere in your chart it will be hitting you, too!!!
I am going to offer Mini Lionsgate Readings for just $88 where I will chart WHERE in your Chart this incredible aspect is hitting you & I will leave a link down below to my Astrology Website if you are interested.

So let’s look at the SABIAN SYMBOL for this powerful NEW MOON LEO is at 17 Degrees & 51 of Leo, so I will read it at 18 Degrees of LEO,
Also, someone asked me why I read the Sabian Symbol for 2 degrees after I said the moon was at 1 degrees last month, that is a great ?, I LOVE all of your ?s feel free to ask me anything in the comments, truly & I will answer you back, but I thought this would be good for everyone. So the Aquarius Full moon was actually at 1 degree 26 which makes it closer to 2 than to 1, it was practically moving into 2 as it became full, so often if that 2nd degree is over 20, I will just read for the next degree. I LOVE your all of your questions feel free to ASK away in the comments & I will answer each & every one!

In inquiring into the hidden process of nature, the human mind experiences the thrill of discovery.

Here we reach the level of intellectual analysis and human ability to control natural processes. This ability is based on the inherited knowledge acquired by a community of men, generation after generation. An individual demonstrates his power, which is founded on a long series of efforts. He is one link in an ancestral chain which his activity prolongs into the future.
as an agent of the collectivity of human beings, approaching nature in terms of the possibility of transforming it in order to satisfy man’s needs or wants. At the highest level of this activity this would be,


Alchemy is just coming up again & again, this magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. Time to read Paulo Coehlo’s “The Alchemist.” again, I’ve only read it 100 times or so. We are in such a state of AWAKENING, awakening to WHO WE ARE & WHY WE ARE HERE & the PATH is getting CLEARER for many of us, there will be lots of Karmic Changes coming up for people & if you are not on your true path, you might get knocked around a bit by this wicked strong energy but know that everything that is happening to you is guiding you on your PATH to exactly where you are meant to be!!!

There are no accidents in this Universe, it is all so meant to be now, especially under this influence & you simply can’t hide under your bed from it, your destiny is gonna find you no matter what & take you on a WILD RIDE w/ this LUNAR CYCLE, so BUCKLE UP & just ENJOY your RIDE, what a Rollercoaster it will be but it could be FUN, it could be an ADVENTURE if you can smile & go with it! ALLOW this STRONG ENERGY IN but don’t let it overwhelm you, some side effects of this kind of energetic downloads can be headaches, vertigo, extreme thirst & that good ole HEALING CRISIS!!! SO NURTURE YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR ASCENSION THIS MONTH!

ICHING – 50 the TING or the Three Legged Cooking pot or Cauldron
This is yet another sign of ALCHEMY, the everyday alchemy of cooking food for nourishment & this is an auspicious ICHING to get right now b/c this 3 legged pot is considered to be a SYMBOL of Great WEALTH in Eastern cultures, what is wealth but having enough to EAT, food provided by ALCHEMY!!!

So this can be a time of NOURISHMENT & also of receiving all that you need through this alchemical process of manifestation in connection with a higher SOURCE, once again this magical STICK in a CUP has aligned perfectly with everything this whole New Moon report has been about & I am constantly amazed & delighted with the magic of the ICHING, you will MANIFEST ABUNDANCE WHEN YOU CONNECT TO THIS HIGHER ENERGY, WHEN YOU ARE OPEN TO RECEIVING IT & ALLOWING IT,

This is probably my favorite ICHING of ALL because it feels so lucky, it has this REJUVENATING, HOPEFUL ENERGY that says if you are in the PURSUIT OF YOUR DREAMS, all you need to do is CONNECT WITH SOURCE & YOU CAN MANIFEST ALL THAT YOU DESIRE!!!

It’s like that feeling after a really nourishing meal that was made with love from the finest ingredients grown in a farm that came from the highest intentions, so many things came together to make that meal manifest, the stars aligned for you to receive that perfect dinner & you received it in absolute gratitude!!!

This month you are SUPPORTED by the UNIVERSE, GREAT FORTUNE comes to those who are RECEPTIVE to the GIFTS coming to them because they truly deserve them, good things will come to those who do good on Earth!!!

Your good deeds will be repaid now!

My Massage Schedule is FULL through Mid September right now, but if you are needing any support in the form of distance healing, reiki, energy clearing or you’d like to get your LIONSGATE Astrology Report for $88. Email me at

Chinese New Year of the RAT!

Chinese New Year of the RAT!

January 25th celebrates Chinese New Year of the Rat with the New Moon Aquarius.  This begins a whole new 12 year cycle as the Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac.  This year is a great time to launch a new business or project as it favors new beginnings and new possibilities. Yang Metal element supports expansion, growth and making more money and it is an especially well aspected year for making money in Health & Wellness businesses! 

All the animals were competing to be first in line in the Chinese Zodiac & Rat got first place by riding on the back of an Ox until they got near the finish line & then he leaped off the Ox’s back and into first place (also funny because this is a LEAP Year!) This year will bring lots of competition in business with an element of deceit or trickster shenanigans, so pay attention and watch your back! 

Rats are considered favorable for business, abundance and fertility because a rat can always find food (opportunities) and they have lots of babies. Yang metal is good for prosperity, making money and keeping it. It is an especially good year for accumulating personal wealth, if you are an Ox, Dragon or Monkey. Health and Wellness will be in focus as Yang Metal Element lends itself to self care, eating healthy, exercise and sleeping better.

A Rat year is also an auspicious time to Tidy Up your home or do Feng Shui to improve the Chi of your home because Rats are very focused on their dwelling places.

2020 is blessed with an auspicious Immortal Peach Blossom aspect, which is Spring’s gift after an especially hard Winter, it promises luck, love, fertility, joy and abundance all year. Anything started in a Peach Blossom year, such as a relationship, friendship or new business, will be forever blessed by this powerful aspect.  This is a great year to promote your business in Bend Health Guide Spring Edition & reap the rewards of a very lucky year! 



When you increase your Energetic Vibration with a Reiki Attunement, you can manifest all that you desire effortlessly! In this Usui Reiki Level One class, you will receive a Reiki Attunement to begin a 21 Day Transformative Cycle. You will learn the history of Reiki & open energy centers in your body that allow you to give & receive Reiki. In this special Abundance edition, we will do a powerful meditation to remove any blocks you have to receiving all that you deserve. There will be Hands On Healing time with fellow classmates for the afternoon portion. No previous Reiki experience is necessary for this class. You can sign up using the Schedule Now button. Class cost is $185.

Class cost is $185.

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer Massage! So check back on 11/29/19 b/c this sale will be ONLINE right here on our Website for ONE DAY ONLY 11/29/19!!!

BOGO Massage Gift Certificates

Purchase a 90 Minute Massage & get a 60 Minute Massage FREE! Give one as a gift & keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the longer massage, use Paypal button at

BOGO 2 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings for $108

See what 2020 holds for you & someone special with a Full Astrology Chart including your 9 Star Ki predictions, buy online at

BOGO Reiki For Abundance Class

take Abundance Reiki class with a friend or loved and you both will prosper, when you buy 2 spots for the price of one $185.

BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing & get a Free Energy Clearing & free 9 Star Ki reading.

When you buy a Feng Shui Home or Office Space Clearing you will get a Free Energy Clearing & 9 Star Ki reading with it, a $203. Value! All for $235.

SAVE $111 on your 2020 ASTROLOGY CHART!!!

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Mother’s Day Giveaway!

One Lucky Mother will WIN this CBD Gift Bag

Purchase a Mother’s Day MASSAGE Gift Certificate

or Schedule a Mother’s Day Massage online at 

to be entered in this Contest, a Winner will be chosen on Mother’s Day!!!

Give your Mom what she really wants…. A Massage & some REST!!! 

All Mother’s Day Massages will include a CBD pain relieving gel option, to be used

during the Massage! 

Included in this Gift package for one Lucky Winning Mom: 

Rest CBD BATH Soak, Lavender Blossom


300mg, 7oz REST CBD SOAK is a luxury goat milk bath with sleep-inducing CBD and therapeutic essential oils. Approximately eight servings per container.


  • Quiet your mind and body
  • Prepare you for sleep
  • Hydrate & Exfoliate Your Skin


  • All-Natural
  • Chemical-free
  • Nutrient-rich

Rest CBD Cream


REST CBD GOAT MILK CREAM is loaded with CBD to prepare your body for bedtime and treat your skin all night long. 300mg CBD. 2 Fluid Ounces. REST CBD will:

  • Hydrate Your Skin
  • Calm Your Muscles and Mind
  • Stimulate Collagen and ElastinRest CBD Goat Milk SoapDEEPEN YOUR SLEEPREST CBD GOAT MILK SOAP is an all-natural synergy of CBD and essential oils to prepare you for a deeper night of sleep. With chemical-free cleansing power and healing goat milk, this soap will deliver 200mg of CBD to your body to calm your mind while improving your sleep.REST CBD SOAP will:
    • Prepare you for sleep
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Hydrate and moisturize
    • All-Natural
    • Chemical-free
    • Healing for problem skin
CBD Goatsmilk REST products from MISSION FARMS!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0