we will be talking about how to care for your HEART in todays reading & I am wearing my heart on my sleeve literally as we get closer to Valentine’s Day, I am having a RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY CHART READING SALE, you get 2 CHARTS one for you & one for your partner plus learn how you relate to each other based on how your planets interact, it is SO HELPFUL to know this, I offer Relationship advice & COPING Mechanisms to help you CONNECT on an even deeper level with the one you love! You have to order this by JANUARY 30th if you want to have it completed in time to give as a GIFT for VALENTINES DAY, the LINK is below in the Description & on my WEBSITE at KIMIMIhealingarts.
This Cancer Full Moon is all about MOTHERHOOD but even if you’re not a mother you can always MOTHER your INNER CHILD, ask your inner child what it wants to do today.
see if you can HEAL an INNER CHILD WOUNDs, this is remarkable work that can CHANGE everything!
You may be feeling more Vulnerable this Lunar Cycle,
or Overwhelmed & that is just the energy of this moment as we prepare to transition out of the DRAGON Year & into this SNAKE EARTH MOTHER year on January 29th Lunar New Years & I just recorded all of my SNAKE YEAR Predictions for the 9 Star Ki, be sure to check those out, find your own Star & see what this year holds for YOU! I am still having my 9 Star Ki reading sale with distance Reiki & an Energy clearing until January 29th & then the price goes up, the link for that is below, too.
AS WE ENTER 2025???? Oh YES darlings, there IS!!!
JANUARY 11TH THE LUNAR NODES MOVE FROM ARIES / LIBRA AXIS where we were in 2024 trying to balance our own personal needs with the needs of our RELATIONSHIPS
& now we have this MASSIVE ENERGETIC SHIFT INTO PISCES & VIRGO that will last 18 months & we will have ALL those ECLIPSES in 2025 in PISCES / VIRGO
Pisces Rules the 12th House, Completion of a Karmic Cycle, the last house of the Zodiac wheel that represents endings, death & ultimately Spiritual Enlightenment if you’re lucky. Pisces brings this Mystical, Magical energy & we can really channel DIVINE MESSAGES from SPIRIT now to guide us forward into the great UNKNOWN, the ABYSS, this brand new awakened world we’re moving into where it feels like the LANDSCAPE has changed & we’re not in KANSAS anymore! Pisces rules hospitals & INSANE ASYLUM & we may see more PSYCHOSIS in 2025 that will have you clicking your ruby slippers together saying “There’s NO Place LIKE HOME!” because you may want to hide out at home during this year’s Eclipse Portal!!!
Combined with VIRGO who is so Salt of the Earth PRACTICAL in the 6th House of our Health & Wellbeing as they relate to your Daily ROUTINES, take your VITAMINS KIDS! Virgo is like the Mailman, dependable, reliable delivery of the goods, so cling to that predictability as everything is changing around you, especially when this NORTH NODE COMES INTO CONJUNCTION W/ NEPTUNE bringing us confusion, delusion & that Alice in Wonderland house of mirrors where we can’t even tell what is real anymore, especially with Artificial Intelligence giving us fantasy world images, North Node Pisces conjunct Neptune sets the stage of an otherworldly theatre experience like the Wizard of Oz but throw in more ALIENS, ANGELS & ANCESTORS!
I am going to unpack all of this in a separate NODAL AXIS report for 2025 soon but what you really need to know is…
EXACT on January 18th, already visible in the night sky, Venus shines her LOVELIGHT on this Saturn in Pisces situation to bring in some softer mood lighting to the PLAY we’re about to watch, Saturn is the SOUL TEACHER here to give you Soul Lessons & tough homework assignments, but VENUS says, STAY HEART CENTERED & you will not FAIL these TESTS that are coming, if it gets hard, keep placing your hands over your heart, close your eyes, feel your heart beating, tune in, tap into that LOVE that resides into your heart, it is always available to you through this simple act of SELF LOVE, you can access Self Healing, Joy & BLISS when you take a moment out to simply place your hands on your heart & breathe.
MOON CONJUNCT MARS on January 3rd & then it will conjunct again on January 31st as Mars stations Direct & crosses over the moon again, this brings VOLATILE EMOTIONS, feelings that TAKE OVER & cause you do ERRATIC MISTAKES, feel the feelings but please don’t act on them this Full Moon, just stay home, rest & KEEP CALM because we are still experiencing that MARS OPPOSITE PLUTO Transit until Mayday, look at all the EXPLOSIONS & VIOLENCE we saw when that transit was EXACT, remember my MARS MANTRA, “Do NOT Engage with CRAZY!” Find Refuge in your HEART as we wait for this STORM to pass, focus your attention on your HEART daily, place your hands on your heart, tap into those juicy feelings of LOVE, Divine Healing, JOY, Gratitude & BLISS this will create a GOLDEN DOME of protection around you, improving your wellbeing & increase the energetic vibration in our world.
When you do this kind of daily practice with Reiki tapping into your heart space you will call this golden light energy through your crown chakra & expanding outwards, the more you do this the STRONGER & BRIGHTER your Protective Golden Dome of energy becomes around yourself, around your home & your family, this SELF REIKI is always available to you We will all need more ENERGY CLEARINGS, more Healing REIKI & more ENERGETIC PROTECTION in the CHAOS of all these MARS TRANSITS comiing in HOT all through 2025 as I spoke about in my 9 Vibration recording, 9 is ruled by Mars & MARS is prevalent all year, MAR is the WARRIOR, Mars brings WARs, Calamity, Aggression & Violence, this is a call for more HEALING LOVE to pour into our planet to balance this, like the YIN & YANG when the Darkness is a Magnet for the LIGHT.
PLUTO is shaking his DEATH RATTLE with this PLUTO CAZIMI & this is ushering in this KALI YOGA that Hindus believe leads to the destruction of our world, I prefer to see it as a death transformation rebirth cycle but combined with that SNAKE Year , there may be more souls leaving the building this year not ready to energetically EVOLVE to this NEW AWAKENING that is coming in.
This could make you feel paranoid as if the world really is ending or maybe you feel like someone is out to get you in some way, you might not be wrong about that depending where this AQUARIUS TRANSIT shows up in your chart!! TREAD CAREFULLY like you are stepping on a TIGER’s TAIL/
Our world may see more Catastrophic events, do you see why I am saying you might want to stay HOME & HIBERNATE like all of JANUARY??? Home is where the Heart is & again, I remind you to keep breathing with your hands on your hands on your heart, comforting yourself like a Mother comforts her child, “ALL IS WELL, I AM SAFE, I am calling in a GOLDEN DOME OF PROTECTION for my family.”
Let’s see if the SABIAN SYMBOL can advise us on how to handle these INTENSE Transits & trust me when the girl with a Scorpio Stellium tells you it’s going to be INTENSE, it’s going to be REAL INTENSE, buckle up!!!
KEYNOTE:Complex inner potentialities in harmonic relationships.
We’re dealing with a process of integration between ONE YIN, Woman, emotions, Moon & 2 YANG, MEN, Actions, Sun on an ISLAND in the SOUTH, interesting in the 9 STAR KI the SOUTHEAST is the LUCKY corner of 2025. Together this three-fold consciousness has a harmonious and well-integrated modus vivendi (a specific way of life where people co-exist in PEACE & HARMONY) this is different from mainstream living & it holds potential for relationships that have mastered INTER-DEPENDENCE.
Let’s read on & see where this is leading us this FULL MOON CANCER….CANCER 25°: A WILL-FULL MAN IS OVERSHADOWED BY A DESCENT OF SUPREME POWER.
KEYNOTE:Spiritual forces bring a descent of power.
In this descent, divine consciousness, or Shakti, descends directly down from divine source above and enters the crown of a person’s head. This is often experienced as golden light, white light or energy, energetic alchemical “quicksilver” streaming down onto and into a person to create an energetic barrier This is exactly how a REIKI ATTUNEMENT works it’s magic & this is the GOLDEN DOME of PROTECTION I’ve been talking about, I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this reading.
In this Sabian symbol we have a transcendent expression of “success.” It is a spiritual descent of POWER, an energeticENDOWMENT.
So even though we have a Willful Man taking POWER this Month, there is a SUPREME POWER still working it’s magic if you can align with this HIGHER VIBRATIONAL ENERGY that is also pouring into our planet right now with the RISE of the SCHUMANN RESONANCE & all of the Geomagnetic storms that are going to be OFF THE CHARTS all of 2025, these are UPGRADING Us energetically for the times, so your homework assignment is to STAY HOME, place your hands on your heart & BREATHE!!!!
THIS Black Moon is a SPECIAL, RARE Opportunity to step out of your own way & MANIFEST something MORE in your life, it’s a call to DREAM BIGGER, to step into your TRUE, DIVINE POWER, to finally live the life you were always meant to, to access all those things you’ve been putting into your Vortex that you want to MANIFEST as Esther Hicks says, I’ve been listening to more Esther Hicks to stay INSPIRED, maybe this Black Moon we can get into the receiving mode & finally MANIFEST everything we want as we move into yet another LUCKY MANIFESTING MOON that is ruled by the auspicious Purva Phalguni Vedic Nakshatra, who is the GOD of WEALTH & MIRACLES who guides us in our Pursuit of Happiness, what a promising star as we move into this New Year!
This is a POTENT SEED MOON for planting your 2025 Intentions coming in right at the beginning of this FERTILE SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year, what do you want to MANIFEST now? CLAIM it in the Comments & I will send Reiki to it!!!
I am thrilled to move out of 2024 & into 2025 with the energy of this NEW MOON CAPRICORN Guiding us forward, as I will be personally moving on from my Hurricane year in the Nine Star Ki Astrology & into my Luckiest Metal Star of Abundance, bring it on!!!!
I just recorded ALL of my 9 Star Ki astrology readings for 2025, find your STAR & see what this Snake year will hold for you. This Snake Year will be all about REINVENTING Ourselves as we SHED our old snake skins of the past in a powerful death transformation rebirth cycle that we’ve been traveling through since 2020 now we are REBORN & anything is POSSIBLE, but it will require us to really LET GO & there may be some kind of UNRAVELING occurring in 2025 that forces us to SURRENDER to the PROCESS.
this Black Moon is the PORTAL that opens this brand NEW way for what we will BECOME, this New Moon Intention may be the most important one we will make this year, so dig deep & set some goals because Capricorns LOVE to make GOALS.
One of my goals is to focus more on 9 Star Ki Readings this year & I am giving away a 9 STAR KI Reading each month instead of Western Astrology Charts when you like, subscribe & comment you will be init2winit!!!
I really want to teach you how powerful this 9 Star Ki 5 Element system is for ALIGNING to the ENERGY of everything you want to call in.
I have seen absolute MIRACLES happening recently for some of my clients who received 9 Star Ki readings with distance Reiki & Energy Clearings & they’ve MANIFESTED their Heart’s desires within a few days after our Zoom, it’s mind blowing MAGIC Happening, as we enter 2025, things are speeding up, the energy on our planet is increasing & I believe 9 Star Ki combined with REIKI & Energy Clearing is pure MAGIC for this MOMENT!!!!, I hope you will go to the SNAKE year reading, look at the Chart & find your Star so you can get into this other form of Astrology as much as I am! Right now you can get your 2025 9 Star Ki Reading with a ZOOM with me + Distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing for just $138. I am probably going to raise my rates in February of this year, so get in now!
For the purposes of this Video, I will unpack the Western Astrology with CAPRICORN, Cardinal Earth Sign bringing us stability & a foundation to support this massive growth cycle we are beginning as we move into 2025. We will need to pack our patience as we begin to climb this mountain because we still have MARS in LEO, Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus in Taurus & Chiron in Aries all RETROGRADE at the moment.
Capricorn wants us to set those BIG GOALS but Mars retrograde refuses to fuel our ambitions making it hard to accomplish anything right now, Jupiter retrograde means we’ve lost faith in our ability to succeed, Uranus retrograde means there could be a major PLOT TWIST coming that changes our direction & Chiron Retrograde is bringing up our DEEPEST WOUNDS that need to be HEALED before we can move forward, so instead of doing your usual New Year’s Goals & VISION Boards, use this extraordinary BLACK MOON to allow yourself to be in a state of simply NOT KNOWING, let UNSEEN FORCES GUIDE you now, get out of your own way, stop trying to “DO THE THING” & get into a RECEIVING MODE where you simply ALLOW THINGS TO HAPPEN like nature grows trees, in a cycle of seed, to sprout to solid form, by simply allowing the growth to happen, you cannot control anything this moon.
Listen to the Winds of Change that are blowing now, Listen to SPIRIT for guidance, Call on your ANGELS & Spirit Guides to lead you on a brand new path you may have never thought of before, Harmony, growth, Love, happiness and prosperity will come to you when you can get out of your own way & simply connect to a Divine Source of Energy that will bring you everything you desire.
Just after this New Moon we will have a powerful, transformative MARS opposite PLUTO, 2 of the most VOLATILE Planets in opposition bringing us conflict between what we want to be doing with our life & what we’re actually doing in our daily life. It’s like there is this deep desire for great achievement now combined with an inability to get out of bed in the morning. This transit is asking us to overcome our RESISTANCE to change, remove negative thinking, stay away from toxic friends & clear out those pesky energy blocks that are getting in the way of pursuing your CREATIVE PURSUITS. It will be a month long cycle of limited progress & the best you can hope for is to simply REACH FOR BETTER FEELING THOUGHTS as Esther Hicks says, get on a high flying disc of Positivity, shoot rockets of desire & don’t let anyone take your dreams away. Get SPIRITUAL in your INTENTIONS this Black Moon because their are higher beings listening to your prayers now, listen to this Sabian Symbol….
AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP.KEYNOTE:The revelation of the spiritual meaning and purpose at the core of any life situation.“Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole. Surrender your separative ego- consciousness and flow with the universal current which, to the religiously minded person, is the Will of God.
This Black Moon brings us an ENERGETIC ATTUNEMENT to the rhythm of universal life. Calling all ANGELS as we enter 2025!!! Thanks for watching
2025 is a Snake year celebrated as LUNAR NEW YEAR on Wednesday January 29th, 2025. You may have seen this Snake year listed as a Wood element but in the 9 Star Ki Astrology system we are moving out of the Wood element & into the Earth Element with a 2 EARTH MOTHER Star year This will be a year where we can really manifest with this FERTILE EARTH ENERGY you can imagine planting Seeds of Intention in early SPRING for everything you want to CALL IN & If you leave a comment about what YOU want to MANIFEST in 2025 I will send Distance Reiki for it to come to you for your highest healing good, may you receive all that you desire this year. In this video I will talk about HOW TO ENERGETICALLY ALIGN with what you want because this is the best WAY to become a MAGNET for everything you want to show up effortlessly.
2025 is an EXCITING YEAR to MANIFEST MONEY if you know the 5 Elements, EARTH feeds METAL, this Earth energy brings us GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES to make more MONEY & Snakes naturally accumulate an abundance of resources, so this is a time for MANIFESTING & INVESTING, the FINANCIAL Outlook is Amazing in 2025!!!
If you’re new to 9 STAR KI it is Japanese divination system based on nine-year cycles of Ki or ENERGY related to nature’s seasonal cycles, the Nine STARS are numbers representing different cycles that begins with a SEED germinating underground all the way through the fast growing Spring to blooming, producing, then harvesting, then being used to fuel the fire. It uses the 5 ELEMENT System with Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. Look to the chart in the beginning & in the description to get your 9 STAR primary element using your birthdate & then comment with your STAR & I will give you a free mini intuitive reading, you can also join my email list for a longer FREE 9 Star Ki Reading or purchase a ZOOM 9 Star Ki reading where I read all 3 of your 9 Star Ki Elements that tells your life path & then I tell you what element you will be traveling through for 2024 & you will receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing to help you ALIGN to the ENERGY of what you desire, so that this can be the year that you MANIFEST it by becoming an energetic MAGNET for it to come to you, I have seen absolute MIRACLES happen after people have this Reading combined with Reiki & Energy Clearing, I could do a whole video about my client’s success stories but I want to get on with how you can MANIFEST with this LUCKY SNAKE EARTH MOTHER Year when our thoughts become things & I want to teach you how to create your reality in 2025 by simply focusing on your ENERGY, right now check in, how are you feeling energetically? Where would you land on this energetic scale? Now close your eyes & think of something that you LOVE more than anything & feel that JOY in your heart when you think of something you Truly LOVE, it could be a person, place or thing. See if you can raise your energetic vibration towards JOY which is the best place to MANIFEST from. Another way to raise your Energetic Vibration is to take a REIKI class & get a Reiki Attunement that opens your HEART Chakra & when you raise your energy, you will become an energetic match to everything you want. Regular Energy Clearings help to clear out whatever negative blocks are holding you back from having the life you’re trying to manifest & this Snake EARTH MOTHER year, we will all need to create STRONG ENERGETIC BOUNDARIES saying NO, not overdoing it.
A GOOD MOTHER is a SELFISH MOTHER a client told me this years ago & it is TRUE! In this year of the Earth Mother we will need to take more time for ourselves, to do the DEEP HEALING so that we can rise to our own personal POWER.
Snakes are extremely FERTILE combined with that 2 EARTH MOTHER Star I predict we will have a BABY BOOM in 2025 maybe Millenials will get pregnant afterall, if you’re trying to get pregnant, Fertility Acupressure is one of my specialties, I’ve helped thousands!
Did you know Snakes are so FERTILE they can even REPRODUCE on their OWN, in an ASEXUAL way known as a Virgin Birth perhaps connecting Snakes to Mother Mary.
This can also be a time of our own personal METAMORPHOSIS where we BIRTH our TRUE SELVES into being or we do that DEEP INNER CHILD work to figure out what we truly want out of life. there’s so much HEALING that can happen in an Earth year as we birth ourselves into being, we may see a lot of people changing jobs, reinventing themselves & finding their TRUE CALLINGS or just doing something they’ve always wanted to do like TRAVEL… I will talk more about these DIVINE Callings later on
This 2 Earth Star element is symbolized as a seed of potential underground in early Spring that cracks open to begin to SPROUT, this is an exciting time to GROW FORTH but if you really stop to think about the SPROUT’s JOURNEY, it is a time of PUSHING UPWARD towards the SUNLIGHT & there’s a lot of HEAVY LIFTING to do pushing upwards with weight of the soil, the weight of the WORLD resisting your upward moment & pushing you back down & maybe there’s rocks you have to grow around, obstacles to overcome, so go EASY on yourself if you’re not making as much PROGRESS as you would like this year, honor this slow growth cycle because this sprout is precious & if a plant does not sprout well it cannot grow & bloom or produce food, so this SPROUTING Forth Year is so VITAL for our FUTURE GROWTH, this is a time to NOURISH Yourself, to HEAL, to take care of your SPROUTING IDEAS, don’t expect big results or achievements right away this year, it’s a slower process, be proud of yourself for getting out of bed each day to move the needle forward in small ways, like a sprout that has pushed forward even if it’s just a little bit but you may be fighting some real PROCRASTINATION, a them of 2025, remember that FIRE FEEDS EARTH if you feel like you cannot motivate in this DOUBLE EARTH ENERGY Year, then wear FIRE COLORS RED, ORANGE or PURPLE because FIRE feeds Earth or have a red LANTERN
Earth Mother Stars are True CAREGIVERS sometimes as we travel through this 2 Earth Element collectively, we can get STUCK in a cycle where we’re doing more for others than we do for ourselves. Be careful that you’re not overdoing it, over giving, over commiting & then not taking care of your own needs, like even forgetting to eat because your so busy running errands for others. This will be especially true for my 8 Earth Mountain Star friends who will be traveling through the 2 Earth Star year, don’t rescue others by doing things they should be doing for themselves even if it’s your kids, they can do things for themselves, like learn to make their own lunch & they will be empowered in the process & you can have a moment for yourself. To all my caregivers, especially Mothers I say be KIND to yourself, Healer Heal Thyself, put your Oxygen Mask on FIRST before you worry about everyone else on the plane. The more you give to others, the less time & energy you have to do your own personal work this year & that work is so important to your growth cycle, so make sure you are protecting your time & energy that can be stolen away in all these little ways, day by day.
You will have to BALANCE it because you will feel CALLED to HELP Others in an earth year, just constantly check in with yourself to make sure you’re not doing so much that you’re sacrificing your own wants & needs! If you need HELP this year, be brave & ASK For HELP, it will get better if you allow others to help you in your struggle, this is one of the profound lessons of a 2 Earth Mother year, to recognize that you have SUPPORT when you need it, all you have to do is ASK others for it!!! I think our society is become so independent minded we forget this.
Earth Element can bring us REVOLUTION, INNOVATION & Steady PROGRESS! SNAKE energy is about shedding our skin in a death, rebirth cycle that we’ve been in for awhile now, but this year it gets more intense as we will be dealing with some issues of survival, resources & the only constant is CHANGE as we will be forced to EVOLVE how we use our PRIMORDIAL LIFE ENERGY comes into focus. Sunlight serves as the source of energy for most growth & food production. I see SOLAR POWER taking off this year, it’s a good time to INVEST in SOLAR as other power sources will get more expensive going forward. FIRE is another form of PRIMORDIAL Energy that may be influencing 2025 as we’re in a 2 Earth Star year within a Nine year 2 Earth cycle within a larger 81 year 9 FIRE Star Cycle, Fire feeds EARTH so that earth can create Metal this should be a productive year where we can make MONEY but we will have to make sure the fires don’t destroy everything, make sure your home is protected from fires. Snakes go into hiding when it’s cold outside & re-emerge in the hottest part of the day, we may have an even HOTTER Year in 2025 as snakes crave DEEP HEAT & it’s gonna get HOT.
Snakes are also connected to that darkness, they live in the shadows, connecting us to the dark realms of what is HIDDEN that may come to the surface in ways that shock us, if you’ve ever been hiking & had a rattle snake jump out of a rock, you know how SHOCKING it can be!
I think we will have SHOCKING SECRETS that are Exposed this year, I think of Adam & Eve & the Snake who brought the apple, so perhaps the SECRETS being revealed will be SEXUAL, lots of scandals & investigations coming up this year that might even SCARE US like a Snake, I am curious, are you scared of Snakes? I LOVE Snakes but they’ve still scared me, I’ve seen so many rattle snakes in my life~!
In Hindu cultures Snake Symbolize WATER & Spiritual cleansing. Water could get more attention as our climate is in an a drought or if we’re really lucky, we may receive greater water supplies which signifies greater Wealth.
SNAKE is also shown as a symbol of HEALING in the Caduceus & our Healthcare will come into focus this year, I predict a Nurse’s & TEACHER strike as part of the Worker’s Revlolution, the CAREGIVERS are TIRED!
Snakes have this ability to suddenly strike out at their prey, but they do not act impulsively, it’s with calculating consideration that they move swiftly. Consider that when you’re plotting your next move, you may be obsessing about it for months & then shock your friends & family when you suddenly decide to make a big change! There’s a lot going on behind the scenes in a snake year, people may be plotting their next moves secretly then shockingly do something like get divorced or quit their jobs or close their business firing everyone, lots of unexpected changes to come this year.
The last time we had a SNAKE year with an Earth Mother Star was in 1989 & let’s look at what happened that year: There was a REVOLUTION in Eastern Europe that ultimately lead to the fall of the Berlin Wall marking an end of the Cold War and the beginning of the post-Cold War era. In Western Astrology with Pluto in Aquarius we have this REVOLUTIONARY ENERGY that will bring massive Worker’s Strikes, change is going to come.
The 2 Earth MOTHER year will really shine a light on issues of MOTHERHOOD, as we have a new administration coming in taking away Women’s Reproductive rights & freedoms, I envision Women’s March & a return to more Feminism to go along with the Worker’s Strikes & revolution.
The World Wide Web was invented in 1989 & that has clearly changed everything!!!! What do you think will be the BIG INVENTION of 2025? Is it AI?
We also had the inauguration of GEORGE BUSH after a very controversial presidential election, I will never forget those HANGING CHADS that cost Al Gore his win & how CORRUPT that whole election felt, I never believed Bush won, I can’t believe Trump won either, I am still in a state of total denial & wow, here we are again just like in 1989.
We had an EARTH RELATED CRISIS with the EXXON VALDEZ OIL SPILL & EARTH Related discoveries like the 4,400 year old Egyptian Mummy Tomb filled with hieroglyphs & valuable statues of pharoahs a true Archeology Treasure for the ages!
There was a Golden Age in Art & Music with bands like Nirvanna having their break out moment
Gay Activism hit an all time high in the fight against AIDS, I remember seeing the Grateful Dead play a massive benefit concert for AIDS in the Spring of 89, Aids killed millions.
Could we have another new disease or EPIDEMIC in this EARTH SNAKE Year? Snakes years do bring more death /birth cycles & we do have this big, bad BIRD FLU looming & so much food poisoning, so many recalls of foods this Winter going into the snake year, snakes can be POISONOUS, so I imagine we will have more poisonings of all kinds, too.
This may bring awareness to our food supply & a desire to eat more locally grown foods, even growing your own foods in your backyard, we won’t be able to afford most foods from foreign countries with all the tariffs anyways.
2 Earth Stars LOVE to have animals, so we may see PETS coming into the limelight in some way or more funding for animal rescue programs.
What changes do you see coming this year? I’d love to know, leave it in the comments, we can all tap into our own Intuition about 2025, SNAKES are the most intuitive sign, they lay low, pay attention & can sense danger, we will all need to tap into our 6th sense this year to protect ourselves in changing circumstances & there will be energetic downloads with the Schumann Resonance that allow us to be more in tune. Snakes remain calm and composed in stressful situations, so be like the snake this year, try to keep calm when crisis hits.
Snakes know how to STRATEGIZE to WIN, do you know the story of the Dragon & the Snake? The order of the animals was determined by the Jade Emperor & both the Dragon & Snake were both leading the race but the snake slithered up the dragon’s tail to hitch a ride to come in just behind Dragon, this is why Snake Years are particularly LUCKY for DRAGON as Snake pays Dragon back for the ride with a WEALTHY FORTUNE to come in Snake years.
We will all want to focus on our STRATEGY for the Future now, earth years are about laying the foundation for success, not necessarily getting out & launching your new path, but more of a time to set long term goals, invest wisely, network, cultivate connections with people you want to work with & embrace the changes that are coming.
You may have had limited success with an idea in the past, this is back to the drawing board moment where we can reinvent ourselves, try again in a different way, go back to school or take an online course to guide you forward.
Earth element moves slowly, carefully with calculated moves in contrast to last years fast growing tree, this year is a time to PAUSE so you can evaluate the situation & be resourceful.
A few more Tips & Tricks to bring in more LUCK & ABUNDANCE in 2025 Snake Year using the Earth Element
Wear Earth tones, all those shades of browns, golds and greens, especially avocado green & tea green, goldenrod yellows, khakis, creamsicle soft oranges & soft rosy pinks.
Be sure to hang Prayer Flags in your Southeast Corner while you invoke your intentions, I get my Prayer Flags from Dharmashop made my Buddhist Nuns, I will link in the description. The SOUTHEAST CORNER will be the LUCKIEST Corner of your home this year, so really spruce that area up, put a lucky plant there, I have my Christmas Tree in my Southeast corner & Santa is sure to deliver!
In an Earth year you will get an A for EFFORT so remember It’s better to TRY doing something new even if you FAIL because sometimes that FAIL could be a stroke of luck that leads to pure GENIUS when you learn a valuable lesson in the process, so don’t be afraid & Expect good things to happen!
If you Do GOOD things for your family, friends & community, just like a Good MOTHER does, good things will happen for you. be a positive force in your community & you will find that all the love & support you give to others comes right back to you multiplied!!!
Give what you want to Get out of life this year, when you meet a new friend or work connection, think, “How can I help this person?” instead of thinking, “What can I get out of this?” Karma will reward this CARING mindset, you will attract better luck, more clients, more sales & more followers this way.
Always Be Prepared like a good Boyscout, EARTH energy is all about being prepared, Good luck occurs when an opportunity presents itself and you are prepared to GO FOR IT.
Intentionally surround yourself with high vibe people who bring you positive energy remember you MANIFEST with your ENERGY so steer clear of negative people, stop watching the news or horror shows, only allow HIGH VIBES in! Project Love & Peace out into the world & see how that attracts like minded people to you, this is a year for connection, networking & friendships as I read the Fellowship Iching in my last 9 star ki reading for December, we will join together with like minded people this year make sure you’re attracting positivity because you’re projecting positivity!
Become a servant of this revolutionary change we are in! The only constant in life is change, so embrace it and ride the wave of transformation don’t resist the new technologies & new ways that are coming b/c this NEW WAY FORWARD is inevitable now, just learn to ADAPT to changing circumstances, surrender to the process or be dragged, we will see even more changes to come in 2026 when we enter the year of INNOVATION, this year is just a GLIMPSE of what’s to come, just like when the World Wide Web was invented in the last Earth Snake Year, they had NO IDEA how it would transform our world, look at how much it has! Right now technology is completely changing the way we will work & live going forward, if you want to prosper and grow you’ve got to ride these waves of change.
It’s not just about manifesting money, we will all need to be in service to others in some way, to give something meaningful that uses your own personal GIFTS, this year is about FINDING YOUR TRUE DIVINE CALLING, so listen to SPIRIT who will guide you, I don’t care how old you are, it is NEVER too late to find your Calling because that is the key to happiness & fulfillment in life.” If all you did this year is figure out what you want to do with your one precious life, you will have done enough!
NINE in Numerology & Feng Shui Did you know if you add 9 to any number, it equals the number? 9 + 2 =11 1+1 = 2 & so on, try it, it’s really fun to see how magical the number 9 is!
Number NINE is all about COMPLETION & EVOLUTION, that fits! We are leaving behind our lucky 8 number & I know so many people who are obsessed with the number 8 for ABUNDANCE & I love 8, too, I am an 8 in numerology. Do you know your own personal Number? You simply add up all the numbers in your birthdate, for me it adds up to 8 & it’s why I LOVE to MANIFEST MONEY & why I reach REIKI for ABUNDANCE because 8 is the number of ABUNDANCE! But honestly, after years of doing Feng Shui space clearings, I’ve found that 8 Homes aren’t always the LUCKIEST in fact people in 8 HOMES tend to get OBSESSED about MONEY & sometimes they even have DEBTS or lots of BILLS, it seems like our whole world had MONEY PROBLEMS & yes MONEY was a BIG ISSUE this year, but I think I am excited to move onto a
9 Vibration because NINE is so MONEY, they don’t need MONEY anymore, they have it all, there’s no struggle or hustle to get money because they have MORE THAN ENOUGH RESOURCES Now & so I WISH YOU ALL ENOUGH in this 9 YEAR, wouldn’t it be nice to have MORE THAN ENOUGH & Never have to worry about money again? We could start worrying about how we’re going to SPEND all our money instead of worrying about how to GET Money. Let’s do that!
it reminds me of Bill Gates who is so WEALTHY that I’ve heard he NEVER CARRIES a WALLET, I had a client who worked with him, he generally has “people who take care of the bills, whether he’s at a restaurant or he’s buying a yacht, Bill Gates does not need to carry cash on hand, his assistant will take care of all the financials, that is what 9 is like, it’s so RESOURCEFUL, it’s on a HIGHER FINANCIAL PLANE, it’s ENLIGHTENMENT, Spiritual Awareness, connection to SOURCE to provide you with everything you need, 9 Vibration never worries about bills, debts or making money, NINE has the ultimate FULFILLMENT, More than ENOUGH & Nines love to GIVE BACK, this is the number of HUMANITARIAN Efforts & just like Mr. Rogers said, “Look for the HELPERS” those HELPERS are probably NINE Vibration people & we should all be a little more like them this year!
One last MANTRA for a 2 SNAKE EARTH MOTHER YEAR is “It’s better DONE than PERFECT!!!” In true 2 Form I was procrastinating my completion & recording of this, it wasn’t good enough until finally I HAD TO DO IT or it wouldn’t be done right? This theme will come up for all of us as we PUSH UPWARDS just DO THE THING b/c it’s better DONE than PERFECT!!!
I am going to leave you with some nature REIKI & ENERGY CLEARINGS to help you MANIFEST in 2025!
B- ROLL Earth tones!
B-roll “What is 9 Star KI?” Video
1 WATER (4) you are in a second year traveling through the WOOD ELEMENT that brings a GROWTH CYCLE of Profound CHANGES as you were in the 3 Fast Growing Tree last year & now you travel through the 4 TREE THAT BENDS IN THE WIND, like the old WILLOW TREE.
Your Element of Water feeds wood so this is an exciting & productive year for you in 2025 full of OPPORTUNITIES but the energy is a little slower in 2025 as this is a YIN WOOD ELEMENT as opposed to last years YANG Wood Element, this will be less OUTWARD GROWTH & more INTERNAL ADAPTATIONS as the tree learns how to handle changing circumstances. In last year’s 3 Wood Star year the growth was inspired from within, like a Spring tree that desires to grow and bloom, you may have wanted to make a change & then you did. That was a process of inner transformation creating outer growth, effortlessly producing new leaves & maybe you decided to BLOOM in some way last year. In the 4 Wood Star year the growth and change comes more from the outer world influence affecting the tree having to deal with the winds of change, storms, droughts, fire, insects and everything you can possibly imagine that affects a trees ability to grow forth. You will have to ADAPT to all these changing circumstances in your environment now & be like that leaf on the WIND, go where the winds may take you, learn to go with the FLOW this year.
This year will bring new opportunities for growth & AHA Breakthrough moments, but you’re not as confident about the directions you want to go in, as you were last year. It can feel like you’re no longer in control of the changes taking place & you’re not sure what is going to happen next! It can feel like everything is up in the air now. Last year you wanted to make a change, now it feels like the changes are coming from external circumstances, like getting fired & having to find a new job or having to move your home because your landlord wants to sell their house. When the Big Change wasn’t your idea, it feels less exciting because you’re forced to change instead of choosing it.
This is a time to get into your Beginner’s Mind, be willing to NOT KNOW ALL the ANSWERS, to be OPEN MINDED, maybe seek advice from a teacher or mentor, be flexible, make adjustments, allow for the big changes to take you in new directions. Try to be okay with not knowing where you are going, just be in the moment & enjoy the ride! This would be a good year to expand your horizons with continuing education or a retreat getaway.
You might face difficulties, obstacles & issues that come from outside of you, conflicts with other people, this is all part of your own transformative growth cycle, sigh. The hardest part here is trying NOT to BLAME others for your own inadequacies, difficulties or problems that you will inevitably face this year.
There’s a delicate balance here between worrying about what is going to happen next, in a “catastrophic mindset” way or passively letting things happen to you because this year you have a receptive, yin, wait & see approach to your goals that may let some opportunities pass you by.
Relationships can feel strained under this influence of the WINDS of Change, too! You might be reconsidering your roles in the relationship, rethinking about if your relationship feels right anymore? You might be craving interpersonal freedom or feeling held back by your relationship commitments now. If there was any doubts or thoughts of divorce here, it would come up even stronger in 2024 when this soft wind of change will become a full blown HURRICANE next year!
AND as I say that, it’s also good to recognize the “Doubts” & Turbulence you may be feeling in your relationship now is just a part of this tree bending in the wind year & so it might be wise to see if you can survive the storms of this year & next & wait until 2025 before making any big decisions in your relationships…
I think of this year as the time to get PREPARED like you would if you knew something major was on the horizon, make preparations, nourish yourself, take care of the cows as they say.
This can be a potent energy to use for Therapy or Hypnosis, to make internal changes in reaction to the external influences that are forcing you to make a change! It’s an excellent year to seek the wise counsel of a mentor, advisor or even life coach to try to figure out your next chess moves. This is a great year to read all the BOOKS as trees LOVE to learn, too!
As the tree grows older now, you may have to prune back some branches that grew too big & maybe you were growing in a direction that didn’t really pan out, time to cut your losses with the gardening shears.
You may fall into some brand new opportunity this year that takes your life in a totally different direction, but if your still hanging on to hopes around those old, dying branches, it can hold you back from moving forward. So spend some time figuring out how to prune your tree for optimal growth forward, like a Bonsai master who meditates & listens to the tree to decide what to cut & where to focus on growth. This 4 Wood Star is also represented by BAMBOO trees, so try wearing lighter green tea colors, mossy green colors and lighter browns to align with the energy of this year.
Nourish your roots, a tree can only grow as tall as its roots grow downward into the earth, so stay rooted.
New possibilities to grow in new directions.
Growth is affected by outside influences just like trees in Monterey grow crooked because of the wind’s influence, we may have to grow in different directions this year b/c of the outer elements affecting us. You will have to adapt to changing circumstances affecting our directions forward.
Be open minded, you don’t have to have all the answers this year, you can allow new information to come in and accept new pathways. Fate, Destiny takes a turn this year, you may end up somewhere totally different than we thought. You might change jobs, move your house or some other big life change occurs. Expand your horizons, ask friends, family & mentors for advice. You may find a Teacher, Guru or Mentor who guides on your path.
Divine messages coming through to guide you in mysterious ways. Get outside for some Nature therapy surround yourself with trees, wood and plants. I think of Robert Frost’s poem for you this year, as you will be making so many decisions on your winding path forward, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel both.
2 EARTH STAR (5) This year you are the 5 Earth STAR, known as the CENTER STAR as you are in the Center now because we’re all collectively going through a 2 Earth Mother Star Year, that is your sign, so you will definitely want to watch the main Snake Year video & follow all the advice there about taking care of yourself & setting those Energetic Boundaries. Last year the winds of change were gently blowing as you were the TREE that Bends in the WIND & you may have learned how to ADAPT to changing circumstance, this year can bring an even greater Whirlwind of change, known as the HURRICANE year & you have double earth in an earth year can lead you to be extremely busy which will then bring you exhaustion, overwhelm & procrastination.
Wear FIRE colors to motivate yourself because Fire Feeds Earth, so red, orange & purple will bring you more energy this year, even eating spicy foods, drinking ginger tea, to keep your circulation flowing.
This 5 Earth Soil year is like a freshly plowed field after a Spring Rain, there is a FERTILE Energy here & this can be a time to plant seeds of INTENTION for whatever you want to GROW FORTH, this MOIST SOIL ENERGY makes this the best year to start a NEW BUSINESS, NEW RELATIONSHIP or NEW DIRECTION like beginning your College Education for whatever you BEGIN in this year will grow deep roots & grow tall & strong like the mighty Oak Tree whose Acorn was planted at the most potent time in Spring, the ENERGY Supports GROWTH, so you will have lots of business, work & activity in this year. The work you’re doing this year will reap rewards, profits & recognition in the next 2 years, so put in your time & effort now, knowing that it will PAY OFF.
Maybe you’ve started a new business or project & now you’re getting lots of business, but it can almost be too much of a good thing. I just finished my Center Star year in 2024 & I felt like a WAITRESS in a busy restaurant during a RUSH, running around trying to help everyone, to serve so many people & when you’ve taken on too many things all at once it can be so stressful & maybe you even feel like you’re not doing any of your tasks well b/c you’re just rushing all around, there is a constant FRANTIC energy to this YANG Earth Element that you go, go, going too much.
You may have people who really need you this year in some way, you could be caring for your children, parents or BOTH at the same time or maybe you have a sick pet that needs your help, in some way you may have to BE OF SERVICE to someone or to be CAREGIVER for a loved one. Make sure that you don’t get overwhelmed in the process or forget to take care of yourself in this process. If you need HELP, remember to ASK FOR SUPPORT in this process. You may need to say NO to others demands so you don’t get overwhelmed but you can still give a portion of your time to help others out because the more you give, the more you will receive this year.
You will be like a MAGNET this year, people will be attracted to you & you may find new friends & lovers. If you’re in a relationship it may go through a powerful transformation, this is an excellent time to do couples counseling to get to the next level of deep connection & acceptance. You may want to seek counseling to uncover certain patterns that came from your childhood, too. As you heal these parts of yourself, you will radiate even more warmth & love, people will love to be in your presence.
3 WOOD STAR (6) MOVING out of the Hurricane & into a 6 METAL star, the money is finally coming! This is your harvest year for ALL that Hard Work you’ve been doing in the last 5 years of GROWTH & CHANGES, now you will finally reap your rewards this year!
It’s your time to RELAX & RECEIVE, Your mantra “Let GOOD things come to you” and they will! You deserve the BEST THINGS IN LIFE & if you can give yourself PERMISSION to be truly PROSPEROUS you may receive absolute MIRACLES this year! This is your luckiest year, you may receive unexpected money from an inheritance, a big bonus or promotion at work or even playing the lottery, you will be more likely to WIN a JACKPOT in this 6 Metal Star time than any other year. BREATHE new LIFE into your VISION & Remember what you wanted when you started this journey 5 years ago. Try making a wish list at the beginning of the year, see if all your wishes really do come true this year!
You will be in your power all year, more able to manifest all that you desire, but the tricky part just might be knowing what it is that you really want in life. Metal controls Wood, so it can feel like even though you have this opportunity to get what you want, you may not know what that is, you may feel oppressed by indecision over too many choices, like when you’re at your favorite restaurant & you don’t know what to order & when it arrives, you’re not sure you made the best pick.
The best way to ENHANCE your Luck in a 6 Metal Year is to where Metal colors like Silver, White, Dark Grey, Cobalt blues, Golden Yellow, and Gold.
6 Metal Star is located in the Northwest Corner of your home, so this is a good year to place energizers in your NW Corner of your home for greater Abundance, healthy plants, water fountains, Powerful Crystals & of course METAL Objects in Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, Platinum, even ringing your Metal Singing Bowls in the NW Corner especially & placing Metal Singing bowls near the doors of your home will help you COLLECT MORE FUNDS! You might also place some lucky coins, a Wealth Vase or Malachite Crystals that pertain to prosperity in your NW Corner of your home. Metal Feeds WATER, as condensation builds up on metal & becomes WATER & Water is Wealth, the Water region of your home is the West portion of your house. This is another good region to enhance for Prosperity, put house plants, fountain, a fish tank, any water elements, I really, truly need a Hot Tub in that area this year! Just have fun with these Feng Shui cures, they don’t have to be so serious! The most important part is YOUR INTENTION!!!
Hello, 4 WOOD STAR you have worked hard and prospered, now is your time to enjoy the fruits of your labor by living in the moment & having more FUN, remember FUN? Take a moment in gratitude to enjoy the brilliance of a setting sun on a gorgeous beach. Make a wonderful, nourishing dinner with friends & family like you would on Thanksgiving, this has a similar Autumn energy to the year, a time to take stock in all that you have in your life, your friends, family & home & just ENJOY the beauty in everything you have MANIFESTED.
You may be more sensitive to your surroundings making this an ideal time to tidy up your home, get a SPACE Clearing & create a sanctuary of sacred space somewhere in your home, it could just be one corner of a room where you declutter & perhaps make it a meditation space with an altar, crystals, a candle & any other healing items.
You will want more time to YOURSELF this year, so this can be your refuge space. You’re also more sensitive to negative energy, this is a good time to receive an energy clearing to clear out anything that is blocking your path forward. This is the perfect year for travel, to take in scenic beauty and paint or take photos, do something CREATIVE this year, even if it’s taking up pottery or just coloring books! You are the Artist this year & you may feel inspired to try something new, to beautify your home with a remodel, get a MAKEOVER, try a new hairstyle or buy some new clothes to reinvent yourself in an INSPIRED WAY.
5 EARTH STAR (8) This year is about going deep within for some major inner transformations as you enter the 8 Earth Mountain Star. Earth feeds Metal so this will be a nourishing year that will ultimately inspire you, it can be productive even if it feels like you are going deep into a Cave & you may feel like you are not being seen or heard this year, but that is just the nature of this year, to go within & become invisible to the outer world so you can focus on your inner self.
Your experience in 2025 is like a caterpillar that goes into its cocoon to transform into a Butterfly, you will need more time to yourself, to go deep within and just figure things out, you may be more sensitive to other people’s energy as you’re in this INTERNAL TRANSFORMATION, so this is not a good year for being in crowded places & you may want to get more ENERGY CLEARINGS & do more HEALING WORK this year.
Just like a butterfly in a chrysalis, you should NOT Move or Travel this year b/c if you’ve ever raised Caterpillars to become butterflies, the main thing is “DON”T MOVE THAT CHRYSALIS!!!” So go slower, don’t make any big chess moves this year. Accept this year as a time of deep, inner work & hibernation as you prepare for bigger things to come next year. Allow time for solitude, naps, lots of self care, healing, go get bodywork, take time for journaling and Yin Yoga. Your home will be a place of refuge, so this is a good time to organize & tidy up your home but do NOT move or Travel! You are in the year of the Mountain, so wear Mountain colors of dark browns, earthy yellows and beige. Your Crystal this year is the MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN made from a VOLCANO this crystal has all the energy of a deep cave transformation & I am going to give some of these away b/c we find these in Central Oregon in Abundance!
6 METAL STAR (9) You are on fire this 2025 year as you enter the 9 Fire Star, this is a time of completion of your whole 9 YEAR CYCLE, so there may be some endings
This NINE FIRE STAR ELEMENT is ruled Heart so you will make more decisions that come from your HEART & if you’re heart isn’t in it, either in your WORKLIFE or your RELATIONSHIPS, you may just leave situations this year, I imagine someone leaving a job in the middle of a busy shift b/c they just don’t want to do it anymore!
Remember fire melts metal, so this can be a destructive year for you where you just want burn it all down or you may be feeling BURN OUT, you may need more rest & downtime even as you’re entering a normally energizing, outgoing element, FIRE can drain your Metal element but Fire can also sculpt Metal into amazing creations like the blacksmith forging a beautiful work of Art, you may become something even Better in 2025!
You will feel so INSPIRED by this warm fire & it can feel like the light of Spring has returned after a dark Winter where you have this HOPEFUL Feeling in your HEART for the first time in years! This is your time to shine & you may receive more attention & recognition than usual this year. If you are single, you will probably meet “the one” this year, as the doors of your Heart are OPEN & you are a magnet for LOVE! If you’re wanting to apply for a new job, you will most likely GET IT even if it’s beyond your skill level, you can rise to a HIGHER POSITION in life this year!
This would be the best year for you to Launch your Youtube page, podcast, publish your book & be SEEN in the world because this Star of FAME is shining on YOU! This is a SAY YES Year, whatever opportunities show up for you now, say YES!!!
This is one of the best years for MANIFESTING MIRACLES so dream big this year & ASK, BELIEVE & your probably will RECEIVE whatever your heart wants!
This is a giving season in your life, you will find the more you give, the more you will receive, so be generous, give from your HEART SPACE< donate money to good causes & it will come back to you multiplied.
You will feel more outgoing than usual, so have fun with it, go to all the parties, make new friends and dance to your own beat. This is one of the best times to TRAVEL the world on an Adventure. You will be invited to more events & ou may find yourself so busy that your head is swirling, so take time out to be alone, go for a walk or meditate just to quiet your mind from the whirlwind of activity.
Your Fiery Color pallette this year includes Red, bright Orange, Bright Yellow, Purple & Fuchsia Pink, all colors radiating the passions of the heart & Fire, you are sure to be seen wearing these power colors! You will be so noticed this year, you might want to slow down so you don’t get a speeding ticket, your actions both good & bad will be recognized so make sure your actions reap more Awards than penalties. Your lucky direction is South East this year for both sleeping & hanging prayer flags.
7 METAL STAR (1) This is your ONE WATER STAR Year & Metal feeds Water so you will be in a productive FLOW State this year where you can tap into your Creativity & Dream a brand new dream into being because you are Starting all over again, this is your very first year in a brand new 9 year cycle, you are a seed, full of potential, like an Acorn that will manifest into a mighty Oak Tree someday, but for now, you are underground in stillness, in Winter, this will not be a “doing year” year, this is an internal process of GERMINATION & it all BEGINS WITHIN, this can be a more INTROVERTED YEAR where you’re extra sensitive to other people’s energy & as a Metal Star I know you’re always sensitive to other people’s energy, this year you will CRAVE ALONE TIME like it is a SUPPLEMENT!
This INTERNAL Germination process is just like being pregnant when you are creating this brand new life, but for awhile it can seem like nothing is happening & before you begin to show, no one even knows the magical process you are in, you might keep it secret as you begin to grow this new life that you will birth, this year will be like that. Give yourself plenty of time & space to dream your future into being, create a magnificent vision board & allow yourself to really fantasize more than ever!
What would you do if you simply could not fail? You may find a brand new CALLING, you may want to move to a new town or explore new talents, but keep telling yourself, this is not yet your “DOING” Year this is only the time for “Getting ready to be ready to make a Change!” Your Mantra is “I’m just GERMINATING this year, feel free to tell people this when they ask what are you doing now that you quit your day job! GERMINATION may very well be the most important part of the growth cycle, give yourself the GIFT of DOWNTIME so you can envision what it is you want to create for this next 9 year Growth Cycle, like a Farmer looking at a SEED Catalog to plan next year’s crops.
The Season of this One Water Star year is like January, when we have NEW YEARS DAY & we all get so excited & hopeful about our BIG GOALS for the New Year, but then you look outside & realize it’s SNOWING, so maybe you’re not going to accomplish much today. Let yourself rest, like you would on a Snow Day, rest on your cozy couch & be mindfully present as you enjoy this reflective, imagining time. Allow SPIRIT to guide, get mystical & spiritual in the process, ask the Universe, Source, Angels or God to guide you on your brand new journey, look for SIGNS & directions. Get comfortable with this UNKNOWN, UNSEEN Process that is stirring deep within your Psyche. Discover your inner wisdom, read lots of books & watch inspiring videos.
Somedays in a One Star year, you might even feel lazy, uninspired or like you’ve lost your MOJO, but the magical lesson here is “do less and manifest even more as we learn in the Tao Te Ching LESS is MORE” this is a time to find passive income, how can you make money while you’re sleeping?
This would not be a wise year to start a new business or PUBLISH anything b/c you are like that seed UNDERGROUND, Under SNOW, you simply won’t be SEEN & so it can feel like you’ve somehow FAILED when you’re not getting any clients or business but really it was just bad timing. it’s better to use this energy to Envision a New Business, to think it up, but Don’t Launch anything new until 2027 or the energy just won’t support it! If you have been wanting to write a book, this could be an excellent year to take some time in solitude & write it, but again don’t publish it until 2027 or later! Same goes for any creative work of art or music, you will definitely be in a creative FLOW State for making things, just don’t take them to market until 2027 or later when you’re in a more extroverted state of being seen.
Wear all the colors of water this year, every shade of blues, black, aquamarines, seagreens and turquoise.
in 2024 you started a brand new 9 year cycle as a seed of potential, now you will crack open & begin to SPROUT FORTH as you enter this 2 Earth Star year that our whole world will be collectively going through as 2025 is a 2 Earth Mother Snake Year, if you haven’t already watched my primary 9 Star Ki predictions for the year, you will want to watch that for even more insights about the year you’re going through! When a Seed Sprouts, it’s actually a LOT of Work, it has to burst through that protective shell & then begin to PUSH UPWARDS towards the Sunlight with HEAVY SOIL weighing it down, it can feel like the sprout can barely get ahead this year, then their’s rocks in the way, you may have obstacle to your growth, so Nurture yourself through this process where you will be doing a lot of heavy lifting. It may seem like a lot of hard work for you all year without much progress, so don’t try to accomplish everything all at once.
You may have fears coming up that you’re not moving in the right direction, that things aren’t succeeding in the way you wanted, but any path you take now, will eventually lead you to where you want to be. Your main goal for the year is to build your foundation & MAKE A PLAN because in 2026 that is when your growth cycle will be energized & you will have more forward momentum! Then you will be like a flower blooming through concrete, nothing can stop you next year. If you are launching a creative project, next year will be an even better time to put it forth into the world.
In 2025 you may be craving more self care, nourishment and healing. NOURISH yourself with healthier foods & get your SELF CARE like Massage, so you don’t get sick. It will be enough just to sprout upwards, little by little. Don’t try to do it all now. Think about what it is you want to grow but remember you have a full 9 year cycle to get it all done. Use this year to plan it all out, like you would plan a garden. It might be really fun to get some sprouts this Spring and observe their growth cycle, witness first hand how the seeds sprout. The emphasis for your 2025 is an upward momentum with flexible growth patterns that can adapt to changing circumstances. You might want to seek the advice of mentors who have succeeded in areas you want to take on in your new growth cycle. You have a strong determination to grow forth now against the inertia of heavy soil weighing you down. You can simply move around any obstacles that show up this year. Your enthusiasm for change brings steady advancements forward. “Grow with the Flow” will be your mantra! Be patient with yourself and others this year as it can feel like nothing is happening fast enough for you. You might not have as much energy to give to all the demands of your life, so practice saying “No” if something shows up that doesn’t align with your purpose. You can’t do it all this year! You will be under time constraints as you try to do more to move your dial forward. Be mindful about where you are spending your time. Get an hourly planner and track your schedule more closely this year so you can accomplish your goals. Ask for help when you need it, you have so many people in your life who want to support you now.
A sprout gains energy from it’s roots in the ground, so stay rooted this year. Take time for exercise, nature therapy, yin yoga and meditation. Do some earthing with bare feet in grass, let the energy of the earth feed you. You will want to take baby steps forward. Even humble beginnings can become a foundation for great success in the future. The distance between where you are in this moment and where you want to be in life will be a series of small steps forward, it’s not a race. Find enjoyment in the process this year. Be grateful for all of the little things that you have and celebrate your littlest wins, too. You will be protected by fate this year and everything is working out for you. Take your time and enjoy the ride!
in 2025 you are an Energetic, Blooming TREE Star!
2024 may have been a difficult year of struggling to Push Upwards, like a flower bulb underground that must first push up & out of the soil to prepare to bloom, that was an exhausting process that really took the whole year & may have left you feeling exhausted & discouraged, but hopefully you managed to sprout & now you have emerged from the nourishing soil & you are ready to BLOOM, like a dandelion coming through concrete to bloom, nothing can stop you now, this is your GO FOR IT YEAR!!! Wood Feeds Fire so this will be the beginning of a 2 year PRODUCTIVE CYCLE that brings Changes for the Better!
This year is represented by the Season of Full Bloom SPRING, you know that HOPEFUL feeling when your garden finally comes back to life after a long, hard Winter? That feeling of New Life being born, you can guess that this is a very FERTILE year, in more ways than one, if you want children, this is a great year for it, but Fertility means more than making babies, it can be used to CREATE art, make products and birth a new Business. If you have been wanting to make a change, to move, change careers or LAUNCH a new Business, finally you will get the GREEN LIGHT to Go Forth & Prosper! Now you will have all the Energy you need to make things happen this year!!! This is what we called in Chinese Medicine, a YANG Year, full of energy but you have to be careful that you don’t YANG OUT, meaning you have so much energy & you want to do so many things & you have all these ideas & you’re going in so many different directions all at once & then you just collapse in complete exhaustion & probably a headache!!!
Remember a Fast Growing Tree still needs to have solid, strong ROOTS so make sure you are staying Grounded this year, you will need more Exercise to balance out all that energy, just so you can get to sleep & walking, hiking, forest bathing will be a great way to bring in more YIN Energy so you don’t Yang Out! This is a great year for receiving FOOT Massages or buy yourself some big boots that keep you rooted!
Even though you finally have much more energy than you have had in years, remember to take it easy, you still want to FOCUS on what it is you want to give your precious life force energy to, what is it you want to do with your one magnificent life? What do you want to BLOOM into being this year?
Try not to take on too much this year b/c sure this year is full of all this energy but you might not be feeling like that energizer bunny next year & the years to come, so if you commit to too much when you are feeling really good, just like in the Spring, you might live to regret it later on, so just like when your garden is in a full bloom, fast growing cycle, you might still need to prune back some things that have overgrown their spaces during this growth cycle & figure out how you want to balance all the things that are growing so that your garden can have harmony & nothing is overwhelming the space by growing out of control.
This Gemini Full Moon illuminates the TWINS, Castor & Pollux
Castor is the Mortal Son born of Spartan
& Pollux is Immortal born of ZEUS
This represents all those DICHOTOMIES of life, feeling invincible or feeling small, feeling UNLIMITED & then feeling OVERWHELMED, HOPE & FEAR, Love & Hate, Peace & War, we maybe feeling the whole SPECTRUM of big feelings this Supermoon & what can you release now into the ETHERS to clear your mind as we prepare to bid adieu to 2024 to shed our skin like the SNAKE Year of 2025 we will be moving into.
Who are my GEMINI friends? I’d love to know! We all have GEMINI somewhere, my Gemini is in the 11th House of friendships, I have so many Gemini friends & I love them but they do drive me crazy with how UNPREDICTABLE they can be! I like to say SQUIRREL to my Gemini friends b/c they are always chasing Squirrels in new directions, leaving behind their path & purpose for some new shiny thing!
This full Moon will cross JUPITER the KING of WISHES, Jupiter is like Santa Claus promising you will get everything you want, so make a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance REIKI for it to come true.
The exact Moon Jupiter Conjunction will be on FRIDAY the 13th an auspicious time for MOON MAGIC as it represents the time when wise women would GATHER for Lunar Rituals, this is why Friday the 13th has a bad reputation, anytime powerful women gather together it was thought to be EVIL or SCARY, so get out there & do something that scares you & EMPOWERS you at the same time!
I will be hosting another REIKI infused MOON MAGIC ZOOM this time focusing on manifesting ABUNDANCE, I will link below to sign up.
Moon conjunct Jupiter is all about WISH FULFILLMENT & GOOD FORTUNE, I think we can all use this optimistic transit right now & it shows up at 15 degrees of GEMINI so look at your chart & let me know where 15 degrees of Gemini shows up for. For my it’s the 11th house which is an auspicious placement for Jupiter so of course I will be buying a Mega Millions Ticket this week, let me know where Gemini is for you & I will give you a mini reading.
KEYNOTE:The need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals, it’s that coming together, gathering wisdom & this ties into the Iching I am covering in the 9 Star Ki Astrology which is about the power of FELLOWSHIP
Transcendent experiences when likeminded individuals come together, The “Dutch children” communicate with their subconscious minds in a spirit of discussion that has prevailed in Holland. They are “children” because this implies brand new experiences that demands a “clean” and open mind eager to test what is experienced in a state of NEW “Discovery.”In old tribal cultures a man’s “great dreams” were accepted as valid and acted upon only if another tribesman also had a similar dream. here we find a need for COLLECTIVEOBJECTIVITY
If you look at Jupiter in the night sky right now as it gets in alignment with this Full Moon you will see that it’s actually happening in Taurus & we have a MOON, JUPITER, PLEIADES ALIGNMENT happening this week, Pleiades the 7 Sisters, rulers of DESTINY, this is a BENEVOLENT alignment that connects us to the DIVINE SOURCE, Angels, Ancestors & Aliens alike, all coming in strong this moon to assist us, so this is a time to ask for HELP from a Higher Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it.
This is a time to ENERGETICALLY ALIGN to whatever you DESIRE, Ask, Believe & you will receive, this is your best chance for manifesting with the Law of Attraction in this Lunar cycle, then we move on to Capricorn next month & we will have to WORK for what we want again, so take some time out this Full Moon to connect energetically, to send distance Reiki, to get an energy clearing or just try DREAMING it into being because we also have NEPTUNE in PISCES in a T Square to this Sun & Moon saying if you can DREAM It you can Achieve it, though we may be delusional about how much we can accomplish right now.
This COLD Full Moon on December 15, 2024, will rise and set at its most extreme northerly points on the horizon—the result of a once-every-18.6 years “major lunar standstill.” This is a PIVOTAL CROSSROADS point for all of us, to call on HECATE for new directions, a new purpose, perhaps NEW LOVE or new ways to PROFIT in the coming year. Then we will have the Winter Solstice, darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
We just completed that SOLAR FLIP of the SUN’s MAGNETIC North & South poles & our earth is still spinning, we survived the Geomagnetic Storms of 2024 without any real electrical grid mayhem, hopefully we will Survive whatever comes our way, let’s just take it day by day for now in gratitude for this peaceful moment & maybe the next one will be good, too.
Mercury the planet that RULES GEMINI is in the opposite Sagittarius, it’s OPPOSITE SIGN
JUPITER the planet that RULES SAGITTARIUS is in GEMINI also the opposite so this is a FLIP the SCRIPT moment for JUPITER & MERCURY two POWER PLANETS that may have people sort of “Flipped Out, too” When you have 2 Planets in their OPPOSING SIGNS at the SAME time this is called a MUTUAL RECEPTION when you have Mercury the ruler of Gemini in Sagittarius & Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius in Gemini, your peanut butter is in my chocolate, this is a significant AHA Moment of REVELATIONS
Jupiter in Gemini expands COMMUNICATION, oh my, my clients are really wanting to TALK in their MASSAGE sessions right now I am feeling JUPITER expanding GEMINI’s GOSSIPING VIBES
Mercury in Sagittarius is so PHILOSOPHICAL, solving all the world’s problems
Retrograde Planets now JUPITER, URANUS, CHIRON & MARS I will get to soon.
VENUS in Capricorn is in a HARMONIOUS SEXTILE with Mercury in Sagittarius, speak words of LOVE & KINDNESS this Full Moon. This can bring about REVELATIONS
Jupiter Square Saturn I talked about this in my Black Moon report & it’s only getting more INTENSE now as we have this CONFLICT between FREEDOM Jupiter & RESPONSIBILITIES SATURN & how much do I just want to quit everything & move OFF GRID, anyone else? But SATURN says, “you got bills to pay, go to WORK!!!”
2 REIKI ZOOMS one of Friday the 13th & one on 12/20 just before the Winter SOLSTICE
one person said of my Fire Ceremony:
“blah blah”
KEYNOTE:The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment.
Winter symbolizes darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold, that feels very SATURN. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power to rise above an outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill by learning this rhythmic freedom that is so JUPITER to OVERCOME the Frozen ELEMENTS that is SATURN’s Restriction
SKATING as a form of FREEDOM by using the most binding situations of an ICED over LAKE to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure & movement.
Entropy is a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. You can think of it as nature’s tax. Entropy naturally increases over time. Problems arise: your house gets messy, your garden gets weeds, and your coffee gets cold.
9 star ki December
4 Wood Star month
December 7th we started a 4 Tree that bends in the WIND Month, in a 3 FAST GROWING Tree Year, in a 2 EARTH 9-Year cycle, in a 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 4 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil making this a very PRODUCTIVE Month as Wood Feeds Fire & Fire Feeds EARTH, get everything DONE now, do your Homework, work on your end of year TAXES, whatever you need to do, do it in the next 2 months before February when I predicted a SLOWER Earth Energy causing us to procrastinate & possibly a deep freeze, snowy February to come according to the Farmer’s Almanac who says big snows will arrive late this year.
Tree energy gets tasks completed this month due to its double WOOD ELEMENT. 9 Fire receives double WOOD FUEL to keep us MOTIVATED. Wood, Fire and Earth play nice this month bringing us good vibes this Holiday season. Yet, Wood element rules over the LIVER which can have frustrations & anger, tendency to drink more, so remember to nourish your liver with Lemon ginger hot tea with honey.
13: Fellowship
When communal or tribal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonding only develops if personal interests are subordinate to virtuous human relations, like open communication and empathy. The broader the perspective, the greater the good that can be achieved; and the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat for the good of all, though it does help to have a beautiful island of high ideals to row toward!
Learn to respect the power of diversity, for a community’s strength lies not only in its numbers but in the diverse skills and collective resources of its members. Like the stoutest walls reinforced by different materials, the strongest groups benefit from a tolerance of differences, strengthening the fabric of the whole. With a unified group solidly behind you, even difficult enterprises can be undertaken without great risk.
The strongest bond is the one between two human hearts that have come to know and share each other’s inner thoughts and desires. Whether separated by circumstances or fate, divided by differences of opinion, or angered by each other’s behavior, if the bond is true, nothing can break it. This type of union can experience difficulty, but it will ultimately bring the sweetest joy known to humankind
So, what resource is available that can provide the organization and stability required? Just look in the mirror. We can. Reach out to your neighbor. Realize that none of us are perfect, so we shouldn’t expect others to be. Allow this time of rising global ki to lift your spirits, your awareness, your kindness and your understanding. Let the yin, expansive, pioneering, inventive light of the dawn shine through. Sure there will be challenges, but doesn’t that mean we’re all sharing the same adventure? We humans can realize that we have more tools at hand than the prevailing ki. We can improve the world, including even our own ki, by the way we eat, how we act, speak, think and pray. After all, it isn’t the ki that caused our problems. And if people can break it then people can fix it.
4 Tree is the ki of technology and commerce. Three Tree is associated with fresh starts, progress and new adventures. Nine Fire supports chaos but is also the ki of fortunate outcomes. Let us learn to use them in loving and constructive ways.
We can make this holiday season shine with the yin, warm, outgoing, rising energy.
1 Waters- will be happiest if they turn their attention to family and friends. Two Soils- your break is over, but look for some interesting developments near the end of this period. Three Trees- can make constructive progress but should proceed in a mature, attentive way. Four Trees- time for your karmic checkup. 5 Soils- will travel a well defined path but it will be difficult to move in new directions. Six Metals- will continue through their second month of stability but will be open to heartfelt moments. Sevens- will be supported by small changes if they maintain a focused goal. Eight Soils- will have a sunnier outlook if they remain organized. And 9 Fires- will be successful if they maintain a spiritual perspective and good humor. All of us- can conceive a better New Year, with a little extra effort.
This year my PLAID FRIDAY SALE offers a 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with a ZOOM CALL with me! Receive your 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology readingwith all 3 STARS & find out what next year holds for you. Learn how to align with the energy of 2023 to Manifest all that you desire, plus receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing. If you order it before Cyber Monday 11/27 you will get the add on ZOOM CALL, a one on one video chat where you can ask questions after you receive your written reading. If you are giving this gift, please purchase before 12/01/2023 to give me time to complete the reading before Christmas!
2025 will be the year of the SNAKE & a 2 Earth Year in 9 Star Ki. Find out how to ALIGN with the ENERGY of your own personal Star Elements for this upcoming year. This reading includes a 40 minute Zoom Call with distance Reiki & an energy clearing! A transformative gift for someone who needs direction & healing in their life.
Receive your Western Astrology chart, tables & full write up of transits + ZOOM Call + Distance Reiki & an Energy clearing! Learn how to ALIGN to the ENERGY to manifest your DESIRES when you receive an Astrology Chartl, I include distance REIKI & an energy clearing to clear your path forward.
If you’ve been wanting an INFRARED BIOMAT of your own, this is the ONLY time of year they go on SALE!!! SAVE $300 on the full size Infrared Mat or even get a Mini mat that you can use on the couch or in bed.
THERAGUN is the best percussive therapy deep tissue massage tool to provide an extra deep muscle treatment that releases the armor of tension so many clients have. You just have to try it & see, schedule your Massage online or text 206-794-3118 to get in.
If you are interested in purchasing a Theragun for use at home, they are on sale for Black Friday!
I was going to take some personal time off for the election results, but then I thought, that will just give me anxiety, so I did the exact opposite, I opened up my massage schedule for even more availability because I thought if it’s bad news I just want to pour into my work of healing others, when I am stressed out, it feels good to give to others. I am a classic workaholic, when the going gets tough, I bury myself in work but I LOVE my work so it’s my favorite coping mechanism. I realized everyone I saw was completely out of their bodies, detached, floating away, maybe it was too much news, too much social media, but I spent the whole week putting people back into their bodies. I realized that it’s EMBODIMENT that can HEAL Us right now, we need to return to our bodies now, get outside, get into nature, call your spirit back home like a stray cat that’s roamed too far off, it’s time to come back.
Embodiment calls all your power back home. Get back in your body & bring your AWARENESS back to your own inner knowing, bring your focus inward, stop worrying about what’s happening out there, UNPLUG, go for a walk, do some movement, get a MASSAGE or even a distance REIKI Zoom session, I will link my website below, I can help you get back into your body if you’ve left the building & this embodiment will help you feel better!
Let’s do a simple Somatic exercise to get back into your body right here, right now, I call this butterfly wings, you know KIMIMI my business name means Butterfly, so interlace your thumbs so your hands are like butterfly wings. Now rest your hands on your heart, take a deep breath in, call your attention to your heart. Now gently pat your butterfly wings, bringing your awareness to the soothing sensation of this gentle tapping on your chest, tune everything else out, just focus on your chest & this gentle tapping & see what shows up for you, you may begin to feel all the feels & that is the point really, let things come up, disappointments, sadness, anger whatever shows up just allow it to surface & then release like a butterfly floating away.
Listen to the rhythm of your taps, bring your awareness into your chest & get into it as you call yourself home with this somatic exercise, stay here as long as you want.
I had a wonderful New Moon Scorpio meeting with some of you on my LAKSHMI REIKI ACTIVATION on ZOOM where I gave Distance REIKI & of course it was so powerful that just after this Zoom an electrical TRANSFORMER in my neighborhood BLEW, there’s always some issue with technology & electricity when those Reiki Master Symbols start working their magic but we had fun & luckily the power didn’t go out until the Zoom was over!
I am going to do another LIVE REIKI for MANIFESTATION ACTIVATION for this TAURUS SUPERMOON this is the BEST SUPERMOON for MANIFESTING MONEY of ALL because TAURUS RULES over MONEY, so let’s come together to MANIFEST FINANCIAL WINDFALLS on 11/15 it will be a LIVE FIRE CEREMONY at 5:55pm just as the moon reaches it’s peak Fullness, we can RELEASE what no longer serves us, whatever is holding us back from Manifesting all that we desire into the Fire & I will link the sign up below & I am going to GIVEAWAY 3 Spots for this ZOOM call when you like, subscribe & comment you will be in it to WIN IT! The winner of my Full Moon Astrology Reading is @ITSFUNBEINGAGIRL what a great handle, be sure to email me at kimimihealingarts@gmail.com with your date, location & time of birth & I will start your chart!
We have such an EARTHY Month with this TAURUS SUPERMOON & in the 9 Star Ki we are in that 5 Earth Center Star, where we all go home, it’s time to get rooted, time to do some Earthing with barefeet in the muddy soil, grass or sand.
Taurus is about our RESOURCES, do we have enough money, food, love to survive? Taurus craves NOURISHMENT, if you’ve ever been around a Taurus who is HANGRY, you know that all you have to do is FEED them & they transform into the most loving people again, Taurus is ruled by VENUS.
VENUS was having fun in Sagittarius, she’s risen as evening star, you can see her shining bright in the night sky, she crossed the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittariu & now she moves into serious CAPRICORN where she will get rooted & gain strength. This is the time for Capricorns to find LOVE & Money, to fix up their homes & get into their heart space, do I have any Capricorns watching? Use this time to tap into your JOY just as Pluto leaves Capricorn it’s as if Venus is bringing her Heart Salve to heal Capricorns after years of PLUTONIAN intensity & transformation, now Venus the love Goddess comes to HEAL your broken Heart & say, you’re going to be okay now. Venus is healing all of us from what we have been through since 2020 when she reaches that Capricorn 29 degree point where Pluto relentlessly went back & forth for years.
PLUTO enters AQUARIUS 11/19 that is a separate video because this transit is going to bring a Massive WAVE of Transformation & REVOLUTION to our world as we enter this AQUARIUS Age, we will watch power structures crumble so don’t even worry about who was elected, it’s a house of cards about to fall, just stay in your body!
SATURN stations DIRECT in pisces 11/15, Saturn gains POWER & MOMENTUM in his journey as primordial SEA GOAT, pay attention to where PISCES is in your chart, leave it in the comments if you know where PISCES shows up for you & I will give you a mini reading about what that will be about.
Saturn demands you to LEARN a LESSON here, you may have been ignoring a situation, glossing over a problem & with Neptune in Pisces as well, you may be down right delusional about your current situation, but Saturn is your SOUL TEACHER reminding you that your HOMEWORK is DUE, no more meandering or avoiding, you need to hyperfocus & complete your assignment before you fail this course!
We have a TRINE between SATURN in Pisces, Mercury in Sagittarius & Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini brining us powerful LESSONS that require us to tap into our deepest FAITH, to use our Jedi Mind Powers to EXPAND our Horizons through deep CONNECTIONS. There is a SEA CHANGE Happening & maybe it’s all playing out exactly as it is meant to be to make way for the REVOLUTION that is coming.
MERCURY in Sagittarius WILL GO RETROGRADE on 11/25 just in time for Thanksgiving Travels
MARS in fiery LEO will RETROGRADE 12/6 right as VENUS joins PLUTO in AQUARIUS opposing Mars will usher in a new revolution of Love vibrations, don’t worry about what stupidity is going on in the 3rd dimension we can rise above it all into the 5th DImension & leave behind this timeline of stupidity.
There is a REVOLUTION of LOVE happening & this Revolution will not be televised, so it’s time to finally turn off your TV, stop watching the news, create your own Reality, find healthy friends & make magic happen in your world no matter what is going on in the 3D world.
What are your COPING MECHANISMS for times like this? It seems like the whole world is Triggered whether your candidate Won or Lost, it reminds me of working at a domestic violence shelter where we dreaded Superbowl, the day of the worst violence towards women, usually it was the Men whose teams WON who were the worst aggressors. So I say once again, “Don’t Engage with CRAZY” not even on social media b/c there’s going to be some CRAZY out there in the weeks to come.
I’ve been using this Mantra from Louise Hay to regulate myself “All is Well in my World, Everything is working out for my Highest Good. Only good will come out of this situation. I am safe.”
KEYNOTE:The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation.
The positive results of man’s collective endeavor to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city.
This is a symbol of COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of “belonging” to a large, organized, peaceful whole.
As I read this, this Sabian Symbol was familiar to me from doing Kamala Harris Chart & indeed this Supermoon will conjunct her JUPITER at a late 24 degrees of Taurus & I read this Sabian Symbol for her Chart reading, this Supermoon conjunct her Jupiter in her 12th house is about endings that will bring her a time of deep Spiritual FAITH, Jupiter expanding this Supermoon brings her a gift of emotional fulfillment despite her losses, she has gained something in this process & Jupiter, the King of Wishes will still grant her deepest desires, if only emotionally / spiritually, she will still find her JOY as she has taught us to do.
We can CHOOSE the 5D TIMELINE that favors LOVE & ignores politics, I’ll meet you there, I have that RUMI poem in mind.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense. The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you really want. Don’t go back to sleep. People are going back and forth across the doorsill where the two worlds touch. The door is round and open. Don’t go back to sleep.”
I am a Reiki Master Teacher & Licensed Massage Therapist with over 26 years experience as a healer. I wrote Reiki for Abundance book available here: https://amzn.to/3WI88Yu
I wrote a book! My Reiki for Abundance Book is now available on Amazon, Kindle & soon to be Audible! You can receive a Free (signed) Copy when you attend any of my REIKI Classes or purchase it on Amazon!
Reiki for Abundance: Overcome burnout by aligning with a higher energy to receive all that you desire.
Reiki Disclaimer:
I had a student who told me her life had changed so much after taking my Reiki class that I should have a disclaimer, so here it is.
A Reiki healing session may increase your energy levels. Taking a Reiki class will change your life forever and there’s no going back.
A Reiki attunement may shift your perspective emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and even financially, for the better! Reiki may accelerate your Soul’s divine purpose. Reiki may improve your life in ways you weren’t ready for.
Higher level Reiki Attunements may speed up your Soul’s karmic lessons and evolution.
Expect Miracles with Reiki!
Here is an excerpt from my book to peak your interest…
Reiki for Abundance
“We teach best, what we want to learn”
Richard Bach
I’ve seen Reiki bring miracles for myself, my clients and my students. Reiki can bring miracles for your life, too. My intention is to teach you how to align with this radiant energy to manifest all that you desire using the healing powers of Reiki. This traditional Usui Reiki healing system is passed down from Ascended Masters, enlightened beings of love and light, in a lineage that is celebrating 100 years in 2022.
You might be drawn to this book because Reiki is calling you. If so, you might be experiencing burnout, exhaustion or wanting more meaning in your life. This book will show you the way to use Reiki to regain your vitality and receive greater abundance in your life. This Reiki energy is your birthright.
Anyone can receive Reiki for their own healing any time without any proper training. This life force energy known as Reiki is always available for you to access for your own divine healing. If you have ever hurt yourself and immediately put your hand on the area of pain, then you have healed yourself with Reiki. When a child falls down and their parent immediately places their hands on their injury, holding the area to comfort their child, they are giving Reiki, too. This is healing energy we all have access to in the palms of our hands. We learn the very first time we hurt ourselves how to give and receive Reiki energy to heal ourselves with our hands.
This book contains Reiki. If you were drawn to read this Reiki book, the universe may be nudging you to take in this Reiki energy. Receive it and let it transform your life. Take a moment now to breathe it in, as we begin. Even if you never receive a Reiki session or take a Reiki class you will be receiving Reiki as you read or listen to this book. Let this Reiki energy be for your highest healing good. There is nothing you have to do to get this energy. You’re already soaking in it. It is an effortless process. Your higher mind knows how to tap into this Reiki to get just the right amount. Take it in and let it heal you.
Get a FREE ZOOM CALL READING when you purchase your 9 Star Ki Reading before 11/27/23! Receive your 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with all 3 STARS. Learn how to align with the energy of 2023 to Manifest all that you desire, plus receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing.
9 Star Ki of 2024 is a 3 Wood Star, so what does that mean for me?
Look for your personal 9 Star Ki STAR in the chart & watch my Youtube videos for your personal 9 STAR KI reading.
What is 9 Star KI?
if you’re new to 9 Star Ki, this is probably the oldest form of Astrology there is & it’s my personal FAVORITE SYSTEM for learning how to align with the energy that can support your growth & success when you learn how to use it to your advantage. Nine Star Ki is a nature based astrology based on the 5 Element system from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Jin Shin Do & Feng Shui. To find your own 9 Star Ki Star look to the chart in the description or sign up for my e-mails & get a FREE 9 Star Ki reading, link below in description. When you know your 9 Star Ki you will want to watch your annual video to find out what star you are traveling through this year.
We’re all born of 3 different Elements represented as STARS & every month we travel through other elements & every year we’re ruled by an element both personally & collectively, it’s like spirals within spirals.
The 5 Elements move in a productive cycle that goes like this: WATER feeds WOOD, Wood Feeds Fire Fire Feeds Earth. Earth Feeds Metal & Metal feeds Water through condensation & this natural cycle continues to circle around, but sometimes we can have reverse “destructive patterns’ such as Fire Melting Metal that’s a destructive cycle that will take your money, so I really pay attention to that one in FENG SHUI when I am doing a Home Clearing. When you get a 9 Star Ki reading of all 3 elements you can see if it is a productive or destructive cycle & it will tell a story. For instance, I am a 3-6-2 Wood Metal Earth, which would be a destructive cycle because wood going in metal is going to get cut, I picture it like a tree going into a metal chipper but then the product makes mulch which feeds the earth at the end of my cycle. I have witnessed that so many healers have this kind of destructive to productive cycle, we experience pain so that we can learn to heal ourselves & others.
A beautiful productive cycle that leads to ABUNDANCE would be a 2-6-1 Earth feeds Metal feeds Water, here the earth nourishes metal that feeds water & water is wealth so this person will have great success in life, indeed, I have read this chart for someone who has really prospered. Those are just 2 examples of how the 5 Elements can show up in your 3 star pattern.
When you learn these natural 5 ELEMENT patterns you will begin to align to the energy of your own personal star cycles by learning about the stars you are traveling through so that you know for instance when it is the BEST time to Launch your business or a productive time to work hard on your goals when you can really MANIFEST or maybe look for LOVE or when it is time to pull your energy back in & just REST & Nourish yourself in order to get ready to be ready for your next big growth cycle.
I used to get mad at myself for PROCRASTINATING but once I studied this 9 Star KI system, I could see that there’s times when the ENERGY DOESN”T SUPPORT GROWTH or Doing all the things & that sometimes we just need to BE, to rest, to go within, to do the self care & nourish our roots.
When you learn more about the energy of your own personal growth cycles, you won’t be frustrated about times when nothing seems to be happening because you learn to strike when the iron is hot & act when the energy supports you to get better results, so you’re not wasting your efforts or spinning your wheels in these times when the energy doesn’t support you moving forward. You can use this energy to manifest all that you desire love, money & success when you align with the right times to make it all happen for you & 9 Star Ki will teach you how to align with a powerful energy to become a magnet for all that you desire when I combine this with Distance REIKI, I’ve witnessed MIRACLES happen. If you want to get an extended 9 Star Ki reading that includes all 3 Stars & what element you are currently traveling through plus Distance Reiki & an ENERGY CLEARING to remove any blocks so you can move forward, there is a link below for my 9 Star Ki Reading sale. Thanks for watching & hit the subscribe & notification button to receive all the 9 Star Ki predictions to come
2024 9 Star Ki is a 3 Wood Tree Star
A Wood Dragon year that begins February 10th 2024 on the LUNAR NEW YEAR.
The mantra for 2024 is…
We can do hard things!!!
Especially if you are a 3 Tree Star you will be doing hard things as the Center Star but we will all be asked to RISE to the occasion, let me know in the comments what STAR you are & I will give you a mini intuitive reading, I love to hear what stars you are & let you know what divine message Spirit wants me to share with you. If you are a ONE WATER STAR, you will be under this 3 Fast Growing Tree cycle the most as it is the element you’re personally traveling through as our collective world travels through this Wood element, you’re wood SQUARED, you’re getting the double influence & I had that last year with the 4 Wood Star, you really feel the energy of that wood element when your personal star is the world star.
This year holds a special promise for BENEVOLENCE, there’s an uplifting word, probably the most positive vibes that can come from this 3 Wood Star, this is an energy of KINDNESS that our world needs right now, this is a glimmer of HOPE that we can make positive changes through our good deeds, that we can return to LOVE.
In 2024 we shift from a 4 Wood Star, that tree that bends in the wind to adapt to changing circumstance and now we will move into the young, buoyant SPRING Tree, the 3 Wood Star will continue a 2 year cycle of major growth & changes but now the change comes from within, you may be feeling like, “I’ve got to make a big change!” it’s about changing yourself, changing your role in life, it’s SELF motivated whereas the change from the 4 wood star of 2023 was more external, things happening to you that force you to change, just as a tree must adapt to external circumstance like droughts, storms and fires. In the 3 Wood Star the change comes from our own personal desire to GROW & we may want to do something completely new this year. So maybe you are craving a move to a brand new location or to start a new business or launch some new project, even craving a new love affair or to begin a new way forward in some way.
In 2024 we may all take on BIGGER ROLES in life & GROW into new positions that we take on, like a tree will grow into the space it has in the garden, if we give ourselves room to grow this year, we can amaze ourselves with what we accomplish in this fast growth cycle! We will have a greater VISION for our Future this year & this will be the best year for having a VISION BOARD PARTY, I might have to do another Lunar New Year Vision Board party like I did last year.
The 3 Wood Star rules over the season of early Spring, as the light returns after a dark Winter, the world wakes from winter’s slumber, there is rebirth as the flowers begin to bud. There is this YANG ENERGY that has been stored as we were hibernating all Winter, Winter is a YIN cycle & now this Yang energy wants to be released to RISE UPWARD & EXPAND OUTWARD in a powerful growth cycle we will be feeling for all of 2023. 3 Tree stars bring a hopeful energy that things will get better & our uplifting energy returns, we begin to feel revitalized, rejuvenated, ready to take on big projects again for the first time in a long time.
There is an optimism that anything is possible now & we can truly manifest great things with the potential that lies in a 3 wood star year. There is a DETERMINATION to succeed that reminds me of the saying Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it” The energy rises upwards and bursts out of the ground with strong, creative force like a flower blooming out of concrete, the energy of lush green sprouts of grass that shoot up from the ground in early Spring. This bright Kelly Green is the color of 3 Wood Star you can wear this color this year to become inspired to make positive changes & grow your business, grow your children or grow food on a farm, we will all be craving to GROW something new & exciting in this 3 wood star year that gives us a greater VISION, a glimpse of something BETTER to come & we overcome our fears of the future now & our adventurous spirit finally returns.
There are some pitfalls in a 3 Wood Star year to beware of. If your Wood element is out of balance, your vision may be clouded. You may get depressed or procrastinate to the point of frustration & self doubt for not being able to move forward or even see a future at all. Or you may push too hard trying to force growth that becomes like over fertilizing our tree until it withers or you could become obsessively fixated in your pursuits even if it’s not working out. This can lead to fear of failure if you can’t grow forth & achieve your goals as quickly as you’d like to.
Another imbalance of a 3 Wood Star year is when your anger gets out of control & it’s limiting your progress. There can be RESISTANCE to your growth forward this year, too, resistance is like kryptonite to the beautiful young tree that wants to grow forward, resistance kills your dreams, so you may need to do some kind of energy clearing to remove whatever resistance is blocking you so that you can achieve momentum to grow forth in 2024. I’m offering 9 Star Ki Readings that include distance Reiki & an energy clearing to clear your path forward, link is in description below.
The organs associated with 3 Wood Star are the Liver and the Gallbladder. The Liver oversees our planning and execution capabilities, while the Gallbladder is in charge of decision-making.
Do you ever wake up at 3AM in the morning? This is the hour of STRATEGIC PLANNING & it is ruled by the Liver & the Wood Element. The hours between 11pm through 3AM are ruled by the Wood Element & the Liver, it includes the energy we use to make big decisions, so you may wake up during this time knowing what to do next to handle a situation.
It comes from our Ancestors, the ones who WON the WARS by getting up at 3 AM to “Plan their Attack” if you were going to have a surprise attack on your enemy before dawn, you would have to rally the troops & plan your attack just before 3 AM the Wood / Liver hour. We are the descendants of the ones who WON the War of course that’s why we are here, so we are hard wired to wake up around 3 AM & plan our attack, figure out our day, I like to keep a notebook by my bed, so if I wake up with a brilliant plan or sometimes it’s a grocery list, I can jot it down & go back to sleep.
Speaking of WAR, the 3 WOOD STAR is known as the WARRIOR & indeed this fast growing tree has an angry, warring energy about so I fear we will see more tensions & battles ahead under this influence but then by 2025 when we move into the 2 Earth Star it should calm down…
When anger is channeled properly it can be a useful force that pushes us forward in our pursuits like fighting for justice, we will see lots of this with the combination of the 3 Wood Star & the LIBRA Eclipse portal combined. . Properly acknowledging and channeling our anger into positive changes can be beneficial if we can control it & balance it out with forgiveness and understanding, to aspire to a state of divine benevolence & KINDNESS. This year we may want to give back our time & service to the common good & serving our community without benefit to the self, becomes the ultimate goal for supreme growth.
When you tap into this boundless energy of a 3 Tree Year, you may take on more than you think you can handle, like a tree rising up to grow taller than it ever thought it could, you will rise to meet the occasion but remember a Tree can only grow as tall as it’s roots dig deep, so stay ROOTED & Grounded with lots of earthing, nature therapy, yin yoga & remember to nourish your root system with healthy foods, all work and no play can be common place in a 3 wood star but it’s not healthy so take time off because you may be having some growing pains this year.
3 Wood stars are really good at starting something new, but not always good at finishing their projects, so be careful that you’re not starting too many things without giving yourself the time to complete each new project. So often when we’re traveling through a 3 Wood Star we get inspired & want to do multiple things but then we may fail & not complete any of it, so just take on ONE thing at a time.
In 2025 we will have a major slow down energetically so don’t commit to so many things that take you years to complete, try to focus on what you can do this year alone.
We will all have more progress this year & finally feel like we have a clear VISION for our future! We will be able to make plans for our future and execute them with determination and efficiency. Our sense of divine purpose in this moment for this life is clearer now that it has been in years. There is also flexibility to this energetic action as this Spring tree is very buoyant & it can grow past obstacles and react accordingly to any changing circumstances.
How to nourish & support yourself during this time of rapid change that comes with a 3 Fast Growing Tree Star:
DRINK lots of WATER trees need water, water will become a focus this year as we are in unprecedented drought but we will all be craving more water under this 3 Tree star.
Even listening to the sounds of water will nourish your wood element, we did a water sounds recording for 11/11 I will link it in the description.
Get more exercise than usual this fast growing tree energy has a YANG Rising energy that can fuel our growth but it can also feel like you’ve had too much coffee & exercise, especially out in nature like hiking will be one of the best ways to balance that aggressive Yang energy.
Earthing with bare feet in the soil or gardening can also nourish your roots. Growing food in your yard can be a great way to resonate with this growth cycle.
Wearing the colors of trees, I love to wear a kelly green shirt with brown pants, feels like being a tree, colors of water will feed our wood energy like my favorite Turquoise any blue will do.
READ more books this year! Wood elements love to learn, so tap into your wood element by reading more or take a class just for fun to learn something new.
Consume foods & drinks that nourish your liver like artichoke, olive oil, sauerkraut, oatmeal & my fave Coffee, yes coffee is actually good for your liver! Avoid too much alcohol, sugar or processed foods.
Want to learn how to MANIFEST Money, Love or maybe your dream home in this 3 Wood Star Year? You’re in luck b/c WOOD Element is one of the most resourceful elements we have, making 2024 one of our best opportunities to make our dreams come true & the way to do it may surprise you….you’ve got to QUIT TRYING & release your resistance so that you can ALLOW good things to come to you naturally!
A Spring Tree doesn’t “TRY” to GROW it just allows nature to take it’s course & before you know it, it’s growing….So do less efforting & focus on more ALLOWING this year!
Releasing your resistance will allow you to receive what the universe is already trying to give you. How do you release resistance, first you have to figure out what your resistance is & you can try some automatic writing with a journal, where you simply ask yourself what is blocking me from having all that I desire & see what pops up, is it fear of change? do you have a fear of having money & why? Do you have a limiting story that you got from your parents?
If you feel like you need to reprogram your brain to get into the receiving mode, we did a fun video called “Making money while you sleep” where you can reprogram your brain to overcome resistance. Or like I mentioned before you may want to try an energy clearing if you’re feeling really stuck. Once you clear all the resistance to your growth you will see there is nothing that you need to do to grow more abundance, love & all the good things you want to call in, you can simply be like that Spring Tree & GROW tall & branch out & become bigger than you could have ever imagined!
Can Infrared prevent VIRUSES? More important now than ever Infrared Biomat has been proven to boost the immune system, prevent viral and bacterial infections and also speed recovery from viral and bacterial infections!
We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus.
Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!
We live in a time where toxins bombard our bodies: herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxins are linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with heat, like a fever when you are fighting a virus, but because our bodies are overwhelmed by more toxins coming in than the body can process, toxins build up over time and end up causing a wide variety of health issues. Far Infrared Heat can remove toxins by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process.
Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.
Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infrared for pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain.
Note that NOT ALL Biomats are Equal! There are a lot of cheapy copycat biomats, but look for the Amethyst Crystals in your Biomat & then you will know for sure! If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, schedule a Massage today!
Here is my CAT enjoying the INFRARED BIOMAT in our Deep Rest Binaural Music Sound Healing Video….
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