08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!! 
I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation. 

Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt, for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and appears closer to the Earth than any other time of year. Sirius Star is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light and divine energetic downloads. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called Lionsgate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents individualized expressions of the Divine. During Lionsgate, Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet. This is a wonderful day for receiving energy work, attunements, meditations, Yoga and nature therapy! As Exciting as it all sounds, know that, this High Energy Day, may feel uncomfortable for some. Many people are not used to these higher levels of energetcic expansion, as most of us are familiar with a more contracted state of being small, so to feel more safe in the new frequencies that will be electrifying the nervous system, it might be nice not to do too much this day!  You may experience side effects of the massive heart opening that can include feeling anxious, cranky, thirsty, dizzy and ungrounded. Try Earthing, placing your feet in the dirt, grass or beach if you experience any of these side effects! 

When will I see you again?!

When will I see you again?!


As of May 15th Kate Brown allows Massage Therapist to resume work as a Personal Service. I personally, will not open until Phase 2, which is expected to be June 08th and even with that, I am operating on a wait & see approach.
I want my clients & myself to be as safe as possible, there are still so many unknowns right now!
You can wear a mask. I can wear a mask. The massage table and doorknobs and entire space can be bathed in a bleach solution. It still won’t stop the transmission that’s likely to happen when two people who are in the same breathing space for over an hour together.
I do want to get back to work so much, I miss Massage, I miss teaching REIKI but with an abundance of caution, I am going to wait this first round out & see how it goes! I would love to see more testing, I would love to see Antibody testing!


I will be in touch with those of you who had to be canceled first, as soon as I know for sure when my opening date is.
For now, you can schedule a Distance Reiki Healing, Energy Clearing or an Astrology Chart!
Thank you clients, we will see each other again, I promise, when it is completely safe to do so!!!

As of May 15th Kate Brown allows Massage Therapist to resume work as a Personal Service. I personally, will not open until Phase 2, which is expected to be June 08th and even with that, I am operating on a wait & see approach.
I want my clients & myself to be as safe as possible, there are still so many unknowns right now!
You can wear a mask. I can wear a mask. The massage table and doorknobs and entire space can be bathed in a bleach solution. It still won’t stop the transmission that’s likely to happen when two people who are in the same breathing space for over an hour together.
I do want to get back to work so much, I miss Massage, I miss teaching REIKI but with an abundance of caution, I am going to wait this first round out & see how it goes! I will be in touch with those of you who had to be canceled first, as soon as I know for sure when my opening date is.
For now, you can schedule a Distance Reiki Healing, Energy Clearing or an Astrology Chart!

Thank you clients, we will see each other again, I promise, when it is completely safe to do so!!!

Distance Reiki & Energy Clearings through May Day!

Distance Reiki & Energy Clearings through May Day!

How are you?!
What a Wild Rollercoaster Ride 2020 is!!!

I am not taking any Massage Clients currently in support of the STAY HOME movement, though my office is in my home, I want to do everything I can to protect our most health vulnerable friends right now. If you would like to support my small business at this time, you can purchase a Gift Card for a $77 Massage for later & SAVE $23 on your next Massage, use the custom amount button online here:

I am offering Distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions and it has been Ahhmazing! I love the insights I have been getting every time I do a healing for someone, lots of massive tree impressions coming through, with roots coming up again and again. A reminder for us all to stay grounded during this time, root down! If you would like a Distance Healing Session, please Email me at or Schedule Online, I have opened up some distance session times on my Scheduler, too. They are filling fast though!

I am also in the midst of our Bend Health Guide Deadline coming up on April 18th, so if you know of any local, Bend small businesses you would like to support in this difficult time, we are having our biggest Sale ever, basically selling Business Card sized ads at cost for $222 & you can order it online for a business you know who may be struggling, the link is:

BE Well Clients, I am sending everyone who is reading this now good, healing juju!!!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0