Lionsgate Portal Reiki for Abundance Class

Lionsgate Portal Reiki for Abundance Class

Lionsgate Reiki For Abundance Class is 08/06th at UNITY in BEND!
I will be teaching a special LIONSGATE Portal Reiki for Abundance Class on 08/06th at UNITY Community of Bend
Lionsgate Portal is 08/08/2022 I am teaching a special Reiki for Abundance Class at Unity to embrace this energy for Manifesting!


On July 4th the SIRIUS GATEWAY is OPENED & this begins the Energy Portal that becomes at its PEAK on 08/08 LIONSGATE & I am offering special LIONSGATE PORTAL READINGS $88 I will chart where SIRIUS Star shows up in your Chart, here’s a hint it’s in your house of CANCER where Sirius hangs out, I will also show you where LEO at 16 degrees hits & where your Sagittarius Galactic Center is. If you know how to read your own Chart, these are the three aspects you want to be looking at to see how this year Lionsgate will affect YOUR LIFE….Some people will be more effected than others depending on what shows up in those areas, if there’s any planets are transits happening there you will feel it more, some people may not feel it as much, just like Eclipses, sometimes it really hits us & other times not as much… My Sirius star is in my 11th House of Friendship & I feel like I want to be around people again, I’m enjoying more time w/ friends lately & meeting so many new friends in Bend, lately & Leo at 16 degrees comes in so close to my LEO ASCENDANT in my First House, a Lion is who am I, it’s probably why I LOVE this LIONSGATE portal so much, I’ve been celebrating every year for over a decade now & I resonate with this energy. I don’t have any special planets in the Galactic Center but Sagittarius 27 degrees is in my 5th house of children, creativity & gambling, so what the heck, I might buy a lottery ticket or start a new creative project, I’m too old to have any more kids!

If you know any teenagers 13-15 year olds, they have PLUTO that transformative, change maker planet in the Galactic Center as Pluto was hanging our there from 2006 thru 2007, so I know my kid will be feeling, these kids are really here to CHANGE their world with that powerful Galactic Center Aspect! I am so curious if any of you have a Galactic Center planet, Sun & moon would be the most common, let me know in the comments if you do, it’s such a RARE aspect to have.
This GALACTIC CENTER is a special Addition for 2022 & this aspect brings such a positive, HOPEFUL VIBE to this LIONSGATE….
Lionsgate is always celebrated on 08/08 August 8th every year.
8 = INFINITY, 8 is the # for Abundance….
This is a time when the Sun is in LEO, the LION & SIRIUS STAR, the brightest Star in our Galaxy is RISING now & moving closer to the EARTH this opens the powerful Sirius GATEWAY that pours this bright blue, CRYSTALINE energy into our world & we can all receive Energetic Downloads for our highest healing good at this time & this ALIGNS so WELL with a REIKI ATTUNEMENT that also opens Energy Centers in your body to allow you to tap into these higher frequency Energies, so I always teach a REIKI for Abundance Class near this powerful LIONSGATE Portal & my students always have these incredible transformations from this class especially. This year I am teaching it at UNITY in Bend on August 6th, this is open to anyone & everyone, you don’t need any previous Reiki experience, you don’t need to be a healer, come as you are & everyone who attends my LIONSGATE REIKI for ABUNDANCE Class will receive my new BOOK Reiki for Abundance to help you align with this higher energy of REIKI to receive all that you desire!!!

This LIONSGATE PORTAL is a time to get really clear about your INTENTIONS for what you want to Manifest from NOW through August 08th….because this is a major OPPORTUNITY Portal that only comes around once a year & this is the BEST ENERGY for Manifesting ABUNDANCE in particular, especially this year with this Galactic Center Aspect.
LIONSGATE PORTAL is all about Sirius, the BRIGHTEST Star in our galaxy, it shines BRIGHT BLUE in the Canis Major constellation that looks like a Dog, which is why Sirius is called the DOG STAR & this is where we get the term, “Dog Days of Summer.” although Sirius is coming in closer to Earth right now, we cannot see Sirius Star in the Summer b/c it shows up in the daytime the SUN Blinds us from seeing it, we can see Sirius best in the Winter months January through March in the Pacific Northwest but we can still receive these powerful ENERGETIC DOWNLOADS from this SIRIUS STAR in this Lionsgate Portal that has been worshiped since Egyptian times….WHEN SIRIUS STAR begins RISING in the night sky over EGYPT this STARTED THE NILE RIVER to RISE with WATER, A SIGN OF DIVINE ABUNDANCE for WATER is Wealth. The GIZA Pyramids in Egypt were built to align with the ORION STAR Constellation & this bright blue SIRIUS STAR & during the LIONSGATE Portal they align perfectly with the 3 stars, the South Pyramid aligns with Orion representing OSIRIS Rebirth, the North Pyramid aligns with Draco Star & the Middle Pyramid aligns with SIRIUS which they called ISIS’ Star. This Lionsgate is a time when Egyptians would tune in to receive DIVINE MESSAGES FROM ISIS. Egyptians would pray for LOVE & ABUNDANCE in many rituals they performed around the SIRIUS STAR Portal.

When Sirius shines its beautiful Blue Light Energy over us, this Energy is available for all of us to receive this during this once a year LIONSGATE Activation & truly the best way to TAP into this QUANTUM HEALING ENERGY is by giving & receiving REIKI or by Receiving a Reiki Attunement & you can also join me LIVE online right here on YOUTUBE for a LIONSGATE REIKI ACTIVATION on Monday 08/08 at Noon where I will be giving away this magnificent RED FLAME CARNELIAN Crystal that is an incredible Manifesting Stone for LOVE & ABUNDANCE & this deep RED color was sacred to the Egyptians who saw this stone representing the BLOOD OF ISIS, this is a stone for CREATIVITY, Fertility & DIvine Feminine Rising. It is also a stone of ALCHEMY> IF you’d like to WIN this Red Flame Carnelian on the LIONSGATE Like, Subscribe & Comment & I will write your name & place it in my Singing Bowl & one lucky winner will receive this Crystal. This portal is a WONDERFUL time to put your CRYSTALS & your Bottles of WATER in the window Sills to charge them with this Sirius Star ENERGY.
Other ways to tap into this LIONSGATE PORTAL Energy are to get out in NATURE, even EARTHING in your own backyard with your bare feet in the grass or dirt for 15 minutes a day. August 8th is an excellent day for YOGA, especially BREATH of FIRE, Any kind of MEDITATION, BREATHWORK, Heart Math or Hypnosis.
This years LIONSGATE PORTAL is especially beneficial for working to Manifest more:
RECALIBRATE your life, get back on track.
This LIONSGATE PORTAL opens your HEART because the Hearth of the LION is STRONG & HEALING, JUST AS a REIKI 1 ATTUNEMENT OPENS THE HEART Chakra so that the Reiki energy can pour from your Heart through your hands. LIONGATE ALSO OPENS SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra tapping you into becoming all that you are meant to BE & finding your True POWER & DIVINE PURPOSE.
This is a great opportunity to figure out what you want to do with your life & how you will go about making it all happen!!!


I always say in my Reiki classes, it’s not all “Rainbows & Unicorns” with these powerful ENERGY PORTALS, you may experience some ASCENSION SYMPTOMS
When we receive an increase in energy that comes from a powerful Energy Portal like the LIONSGATE it can bring some funky side effects you may notice from now through mid August like:
Headache, pressure in your ears,
ears ringing, hearing high pitch sounds
extra sensitive to lights & sounds,
extra sensitive to being around others, you might need more time & space alone or an Energy Clearing
Feeling OVERWHELMED for no reason.
INSOMNIA but then so tired during the day you may nap for hours, sleep is all wonky
Feeling Anxious
Feeling cranky
Insane, otherworldly DREAMS
lack of appetite or the opposite extreme hunger, digestive changes, detoxing.
You may experience a HEALING CRISIS of some kind, just like getting lots of bodywork, acupuncture or chiropractic can sometimes trigger a healing crisis, where your symptoms seem worse or you may be feeling all the feels, just know this is the Energy healing your old wounds & you WILL Feel Better once you MOVE THROUGH IT ALL….

So take good care of yourself while we are experiencing this huge Energy Shift, this is a time to nourish yourself with healing foods, get a massage, Reiki, an energy clearing or space clearing, take your Vitamins & drink TONS of WATER, you will notice you want more fluids, the fluids help you receive this energy.
The SABIAN SYMBOL for this powerful LEO SUN at 16 degrees is so HOPEFUL, too!

KEYNOTE: The surge of life and love after a major crisis.
How brilliant the light after the long “night of the soul”! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in the marriage of sunbeams and rising sap. This indeed is “Release” — light and life singing in the cleansed and refreshed mind, flooded for a while by the waters of feeling.
This reveals consciousness at its most inspiring moments of enjoyment. But these “peak experiences” can operate at several levels. The first and most basic level is that of life itself, and of the overcoming of its many crises — THE JOY AND POWER OF NEW BEGINNINGS.
This Sabian Symbol gives me so much HOPE for our future even in the midst of all the craziness that is going on right now in our world, there is a bigger ENERGY brewing that is so OPTIMISTIC if you can tap into it…
If you watched my Lionsgate Report from 2021, last year’s Lionsgate portal had a much darker feel to it b/c Sekhmet the Lion Goddess who loves to drink blood & cause death was coming in so strong last year but this year we see a much more OPTIMISTIC LIONSGATE energy with this GALACTIC CENTER ENERGY Giving us POSITIVE CHANGE& I truly believe this could be a sign that we are over the hurdle of Covid…. I remember when it first started in 2020 after that powerful Saturn Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, everyone was asking me when I thought it would be over, people seemed to expect it to be over in a few months & then I said 2023 looks good…. I think this very optimistic LIONSGATE portal IS a sign of GOOD TIMES Ahead! The energy of this Lionsgate Portal really carries us all the way through the year until NEXT years 2023 Lionsgate. These are JOYFUL energies we are working with this year’s Lionsgate. Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter, is truly the most PROSPEROUS sign I know of, Sagittaius is ruled by JUPITER the KING who GRANTS WISHES, so this year’s Lionsgate is an excellent time for MANIFESTING ABUNDANCE & this will by my focus with my Reiki for Abundance Class on 08/06th & with my LIONSGATE ACTIVATION happening LIVE on Monday 08/08 Lionsgate on Youtube at Noon. Sagittarius are happy go lucky adventure seekers who love to TRAVEL so we may be craving more adventures this Summer & we are certainly that in our airports. This can be a powerful energy to start a new project, new venture or find new love. I wish you all the blessings this LIONSGATE Portal gives & may this DIVINE ENERGY bring you Abundance, LOVE & JOY!

INFRARED BIOMAT fights Viruses!

INFRARED BIOMAT fights Viruses!

Could Infrared prevent viruses? More important now than ever Infrared Biomat has been proven to boost the immune system, prevent viral and bacterial infections and also speed recovery from viral and bacterial infections!

We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus. 

Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!

Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.

Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infraredfor pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain. If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, contact:

The Rainmaker

The Rainmaker


There was a terrible drought in that part of China where Richard Wilhelm was living. After all the ways to bring rain that the people knew had been tried, they decided to send for a rainmaker. This interested Wilhelm very much, and he was careful to be there when the rainmaker arrived. the man came in a covered cart, a small, wizened, old man who sniffed the air with evident distaste as he got out of the cart, and asked to be left alone in a small cottage outside the village; even his meals were to be laid down outside the door.

Nothing was heard from him for three days, then it not only rained, but there was also a big downfall of snow, unknown at that time of year. Very much impressed, Wilhelm sought  the rainmaker out and asked him how it was that he could make rain, and even snow. The rainmaker replied, “I have not made the snow; I am not responsible for it.” Wilhelm insisted that there was a terrible drought until he came, and then after three days they even had quantities of snow. The old man answered, “Oh, I can explain that. You see, I come from a place where the people are in order; they are in Tao; so the weather is also in order. But directly I got here, I saw the people were out of order and they also infected me. So I remained alone until I was once more in Tao and then, of course, it snowed.”

Lionsgate Portal Reiki for Abundance Class


08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!! 
I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation. 

Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt, for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and appears closer to the Earth than any other time of year. Sirius Star is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light and divine energetic downloads. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called Lionsgate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents individualized expressions of the Divine. During Lionsgate, Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet. This is a wonderful day for receiving energy work, attunements, meditations, Yoga and nature therapy! As Exciting as it all sounds, know that, this High Energy Day, may feel uncomfortable for some. Many people are not used to these higher levels of energetcic expansion, as most of us are familiar with a more contracted state of being small, so to feel more safe in the new frequencies that will be electrifying the nervous system, it might be nice not to do too much this day!  You may experience side effects of the massive heart opening that can include feeling anxious, cranky, thirsty, dizzy and ungrounded. Try Earthing, placing your feet in the dirt, grass or beach if you experience any of these side effects! 

Distance Reiki & Energy Clearings through May Day!

Distance Reiki & Energy Clearings through May Day!

How are you?!
What a Wild Rollercoaster Ride 2020 is!!!

I am not taking any Massage Clients currently in support of the STAY HOME movement, though my office is in my home, I want to do everything I can to protect our most health vulnerable friends right now. If you would like to support my small business at this time, you can purchase a Gift Card for a $77 Massage for later & SAVE $23 on your next Massage, use the custom amount button online here:

I am offering Distance Reiki & Energy Clearing Sessions and it has been Ahhmazing! I love the insights I have been getting every time I do a healing for someone, lots of massive tree impressions coming through, with roots coming up again and again. A reminder for us all to stay grounded during this time, root down! If you would like a Distance Healing Session, please Email me at or Schedule Online, I have opened up some distance session times on my Scheduler, too. They are filling fast though!

I am also in the midst of our Bend Health Guide Deadline coming up on April 18th, so if you know of any local, Bend small businesses you would like to support in this difficult time, we are having our biggest Sale ever, basically selling Business Card sized ads at cost for $222 & you can order it online for a business you know who may be struggling, the link is:

BE Well Clients, I am sending everyone who is reading this now good, healing juju!!!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0