November 7th we enter an 8 Earth Mountain month & things should calm down a bit in the chaos of this war that started in October’s 9 Fire Star month that is ruled by the heart but last month’s events were heartbreaking….
I look to astrology to try to understand what is going on in the world around me & honestly, as I’m to preparing my 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology readings it looks like this state of unrest could get even worse next year as we move into the Three Tree Star because it’s associated with a WARRIOR ruled by the liver and a hot, YANG rising energy, suggesting pent up frustrations that may suddenly explode plus Putin is a 3 Tree Star, so Russia may become even more aggressive but it’s not looking good for Putin as he moves into his Hurricane year where things will get crazy. I’m not loving next year b/c I am a 3 Tree Star myself, so it will be my Center Star year, always a chaotic time ahead…
When we get to Fall/Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of the next year begins to come in, perhaps that is why we are seeing more Yang Rising Aggression coming in now…combined with Mars conjunct Sun in Scorpio in Western Astrology, so much hot headed energy.
If you are new to 9 Star Ki Astrology, this system is based on the 5 ELEMENT System used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Feng Shui where we have Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. Right now I am giving away FREE 9 STAR KI readings on my website, link down below & there’s also a chart in the description where you can get your 9 Star Ki # so you can see what November will bring for you personally as I post each Stars monthly prediction at the end.
The November energy flows from an 8 Earth Mountain within a 4 Tree /Wood year within a 2 Earth 2 year cycle within a 9 fire 81 year greater cycle. This month the tree on the mountain has support from this strong Earth energy, even if the Tree is on fire as it has been all year, the CHI flows in a productive cycle, albeit a SLOWER energy that is rooted in support from double earth energy that can make it hard for us to motivate, sleep in, rest & nourish yourself.
The Earth Mountain Star is about TRANSFORMATION & it pairs so well with the Scorpio New Moon this month. This is not about making “Outer Changes” this is about the changes you make WITHIN, like a caterpillar going into a cocoon to become a butterfly, “It all begins WITHIN” This is a time to do the work to clean up your internal limiting beliefs, to do therapy to process your old baggage or trauma or do hypnosis to transform your old stories into a new belief system that supports you better, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, you will begin to see things change for the better in your outer world when you do your INNER WORK this month.
In the Fall, trees & plants bring all of their energy back into their ROOTS, to nourish their roots & we will want to root down this month, get back to our BODIES nourish ourselves, get mindful, be still & quiet, do Yin Yoga, meditation, journaling, get into our receptive mode, less talking, more LISTENING….
when we move into Earth energy, everything moves slower, it is represented by this season of Fall going into Winter when the earth gets cold & solidifies, there’s no growth happening now, it’s time to settle down. We might WORRY about our resources, especially if our harvest didn’t feel like enough this season.
Earth rules the stomach, so you may have digestive issues. This is the time to NOURISH yourself with warming foods, like this pumpkin curry stew recipe I am in love with that uses onions, peppers, turmeric & ginger, I will link to this pumpkin curry stew video we did on our other Health channel in the description, it’s so nourishing to your stomach CHI. Spicy Chai or Ginger tea is also warm & nourishing for your digestion this season. Wearing earthy colors of orange, golds & browns will feel cozy.
Get out into nature if you can & hike in silence.This month can be about having deep faith & TRUST in the universe to provide the support & resources you need. You don’t have to struggle or hustle to get what you need, see if you can manifest by energetic ALIGNMENT, just ALLOW good things to show up for you or ask others for help when you need it.
There is a subtle “surrender” energy in an 8 Earth Mountain, have you ever tried to manifest something, maybe a job or a relationship & it just didn’t come, maybe you felt DOUBT that it would ever show up & then when you “LET IT GO” & sort of “GIVE UP” on it, in that moment of SURRENDER is when it suddenly shows up in a completely surprising way….I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard friends say, “I don’t even want a relationship right now, I just want to be alone & learn how to truly love myself….” that’s usually right before they meet the love of their life…. so stop “EFFORTING” this month, give yourself permission to take a break, Netflix & Chill, you will want to be home, in your haven, more alone time & resting with this heavy CAVE Mountain energy. This is a good month to for SELF CARE, starting an exercise routine, getting a massage or taking more supplements to avoid getting sick.
8 Earth Mountain Star Aligns so well with Thanksgiving b/c you will want to NOURISH yourself & also give Thanks for all that you do have, find ways to show more GRATITUDE this month, time to start a gratitude journal to count your blessings & you can use your journal to start thinking about what you want in 2024, we have some journals on Amazon, I will link below in description.
The only constant in life is change & it’s our responsibility to make sure the changes to come are positive by taking initiative & aligning with positive energy to take us in the right directions, we have some magical REIKI infused Soundscapes that you can listen to & align with a higher vibrational energy through Quantum Healing. 2024 will bring an even FASTER Change cycle, so get your REST this Earth month, so you can get ready to be ready for what is coming next year.
There is an interconnectedness to this Earth Mountain energy, I think of Mycellium or Tree roots that have these underground networks where they share resources of food & water, they can also send distress signals about droughts or insects attacking. It’s a Matriachal system where Elder Mother trees rule, they care for & protect young saplings by sending resources through underground networks. this ties into Western Astrology where we have this Divine Feminine Energy rising with all these powerful GODDESS Planets showing up now, I talked about it in my New Moon Scorpio reading. I think we’re moving into a new way of operating from a place of motherly wisdom that includes nurturing, collaboration, community & connection.
1 Star You may be feeling more energetically sensitive, intuitive & empathic this month, this is a perfect time to get an Energy Clearing or Space clearing to clear yourself of other people’s stuff. Or maybe you could de-clutter & get rid of anything that no longer serves you, to lighten up. There is a balance between wanting to be alone, to process your thoughts & wanting to be with others to enjoy time together. Take in all the beauty that surrounds you this month, go for a sunset walk or enjoy a really good meal in a fancy restaurant. Whatever you’re doing, be mindful, be present in the moment & give thanks for your wonderful life you have created.
2 Star You are always giving so much to others, this is your month to focus on your own needs, your own health & wellbeing. Nourish yourself with healthy soups & warm teas. Treat yourself as good as you would treat your friends or family this month, do something special for yourself like get a massage or go to Yoga. Your free time is so precious, don’t give it all away this month serving others, take time to be at home more. You will be craving more alone time than usual, so hit the PAUSE button, turn your phone on do not disturb, carve out some time to just BE without any obligations to others. Take a sick day at work, especially if you feel GOOD.
3 Star Turn on your Love light this month & let it shine for others who are in the dark. You have this warm, radiant energy of a campfire on a cold night this month, everyone wants to circle around your warm & friendly vibe. Your divine healing energy will attract amazing new friends & profound experiences if you will be open & accepting of invitations to get out & be seen in the world. When you open your heart to experience JOY & BLISS, you will become a magnet for Miracles! If you are single, you may meet the love of your life this month. If you are in a relationship, you will enjoy being with your partner, maybe go on a romantic Fall getaway.
4 Star This is a powerful conception month for you, something brand new wants to be born, either an idea, a project or even a baby, there is a fertile energy that is in it’s pure potential state. Treat your new ideas like precious jewels that hold tremendous value, give yourself time & space to dream something new into being. If a new opportunity or new path arises this month, say Yes! Shift your focus from what could go wrong to what if it could be better than you imagine, when you dream bigger this month. It’s important to keep a positive mindset as you conceive this new thing, so avoid negative people, scary t.v shows or bad news, you will be more sensitive to bad energy as you birth in this bright, beautiful new thing!
5 Star This will be a busy month of planning ahead, figuring out your next steps forward on your projects, solving any problems that prevent you from having the life you know you can have. You can begin to plan out your 2024 goals because you have some exciting things coming in next year & now is your time to write out your timeline so you can begin to make it all happen. Better things are coming to you soon, you can just feel this SHIFT in your energy now. You’re pleasantly optimistic about the future for the first time in awhile..although there’s still some heavy lifting work to be done. If there’s anything you want to change about your life, now is the time to strategize what to do next to accomplish your big plans.
6 Star
Everything you want in life, already exists within you, you only have to bring it up to the surface to experience it. This month you access your greatest inner resources so that you can pursue your dreams. You will have more energy than usual this month to make it all happen & you will be BUSIER than usual. You can feel a positive new change in the air & you’re happy for it. This is a good time to start a new physical exercise, stretching, biking, running to burn all that energy you will have & get some endorphins.
7 Star You are inspired to make positive changes this month, but you’re not sure exactly what it is that needs to change. Be like a leaf on the stream & go with the flow, look for signs to guide you on your path ahead & let go of the reins, just allow things to change without having to control this new way forward. Take care of yourself this month so you do not get sick, rest, nourish & relax. You’re craving self inquiry, spend some time figuring out what you want to do next in life as you begin a new chapter of letting go of your past in preparation to bring in something new over the next 2 years, this is a clearing out process & a good time for a space clearing or energy clearing.
8 Star This month is all about creating energetic boundaries so that you’re not over giving to others or doing too much at work, it seems like everyone is depending on you right now, but you don’t have to do it all. Learn to say NO & honor your precious time & energy. This would be an excellent time for an Energy Clearing to clear out other people’s stuff that is dragging you down. Give yourself some time off this month with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no agend, simply be in the moment & let your cares go. This is a good month to try a Forgiveness exercise like H’opono-ono to “make things right” with anyone who has hurt you in the past, simply say I am sorry, Please forgive me, I forgive you, Thank you, I love you.
9 Star This is your LUCKY Harvest Month when you will receive great abundance for all of your efforts all year long, you will reap what you have sown. You deserve to have what you want, so ask, believe & receive it all now. Give yourself permission to have everything you want but avoid overspending or going into debt this month. You are blessed by a divine providence to manifest this month, so spend some time figuring out what you want & how to get it. Remember when you have more, give to others who have less & this will ensure future prosperity to come.
That’s what everyone has been asking me, so I look to the Stars for answers & here’s what I found….
Donald J. Trump
JUNE 14, 1946
Queens, NY
10:54 AM
Hello & Welcome. I am Terie & today I am going to read Trump’s 2024 Astrology Chart & see if the stars are aligning for him to Win or Lose in next year’s election. I’ve looked to astrology my whole life to see what is going on & what will happen next in our world, it always tells the story as it is going to happen, you’ve just got to learn how to read it.
So will TRUMP win the Election?!?! Let’s see what the STARS Say for Donald J. Trump in 2024.
Stay tuned until the end when I tell you what my own intuitive hit is telling me about who will WIN this election For now, I am going to read Trump’s chart without judgement, just as I would if he hired me to read his chart for 2024 Predictions. I’m only looking at what the Astrology says, the stars never lie.
So you are invited to watch along whether you are rooting for Trump to Win or Lose, whether you love him or hate him you are welcome to be here, to listen to his transits & look at his fascinating chart, I’m always amazed by Trump’s chart. I read Trump’s chart & 9 Star Ki Astrology just for fun in the last election & I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would WIN, it was so clear to so many astrologers. In the 9 Star Ki he was in the 3 Fast Growing Tree Year that gave him so much “go for it” energy & 3 Wood Stars always WIN, our whole world will be under the 3 Wood Star in 2024 interesting we collectively return to the energy that helped TRUMP WIN in 2016, while Hilary was in a 2 Earth year as an earth mountain herself, she was slowed down by too much EARTH, both Eastern & Western Astrology said the same thing, TRUMP was undeniably going to become our President.
This time around it is not as clear cut to me, Trump has some powerful JUPITER alignments that COULD BRING A WIN, JUPITER RULES OVER POWER & FAITH, Trump has thIS luckiest Jupiter Sun Cazimi, that’s truly a WINNING Transit that always makes me buy a Lottery Ticket when I see it show up in my chart, that makes me think, yes, he is against all odds going to take this Presidency, but then he has this pesky Saturn Square Uranus that is a challenging aspect bringing road blocks & obstacles to his victory not to mention some Karmic lessons & LOSSES.
I see JUPITER coming in like SANTA on his sleigh to bring Trump the GIFT of a Presidential Victory so hopeful for Trump, Jupiter Santa rules over HOPE.
Then I see Saturn square Uranus coming in like the GRINCH to take it all away & even lock Trump up.
So it will be the Best of Times & the Worst of Times for Trump in 2024, making this election feel like a scale as we move into that 2024 LIBRA Scales of Justice Eclipse Year ahead. where the lightest feather could tip the scale in his favor or against his favor, it feels like it could all come down to just a few votes whether we wins or loses but let’s look closer at his chart for more definitive clues if he’s going to WIN or LOSE.
Trump was born during a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Center in his 4th house of Home & Mother he’s a powerful CHANGEMAKER being born in an Eclipse on that Gemini Sagittarius Axis on the 10th house of Career/Father & 4th house of Home/Mother, this particular Total Lunar Eclipse that occurred at Donald’s birth is called a LUNAR SAROS 129 & it occurs every 9 years, the next one will be March 2025 close to the time the Winner will take the Presidency. People who have Moon conjunct Galactic Center as Donald Trump does means he is a FORCE in NATURE
He MANIFESTS with his Connection to SOURCE that he was born with Moon near the Galactic Center, he’s the kind of person who is always in the right place at the right time, he may have overinflated his wealth but he is successful just looking at his chart I see him knowing what he wants & then getting it more often than not, you can see why he has inspired so many people, he does have powers of persuasion & abundance. Trump works this manifesting Alchemy with his words because of course he is a GEMINI, Geminis are natural WORDSMITHS, Trump has a stellium in Gemini with SUN, North Node & Uranus, Gemini ruled by Mercury gives him those Jedi Mind Skills to create the reality he believes he deserves to have, he manifests his desires by proclaiming that he already has what he wants, that what he wants to have happen IS happening if only in his own imagination, even if it’s a white lie he wields it to magnetize getting what he wants & then what he wants naturally comes to him, people criticize his lying but he uses it in the best Law of ATTRACTION WAY, when he says it’s going to be huge & he IS going to WIN he is proclaiming what he wants with that powerful of I AM affirming & it works wonders for him. I wonder if he read the Law of Attraction books like the Secret or if it just comes natural for him. It reminds me of a child bragging about having something or gloating about fake accomplishments to inflate their status but then lo & behold they end up getting what they bragged about or becoming what they said they were afterall, this Fake it until you make it system actually works sometimes.
He was BORN in aTotal LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius near the GALACTIC CENTER in the 4th house of Home & Mother, when someone is born with Sun in 10th house of Father & Moon in 4th house of Mother, his PARENTS have a huge impact on WHO HE IS, I wanted to know more abut Trump’s mother Mary Anne, she has a whole Wickipedia page, really interesting how we don’t hear about her as much, but she is a powerful force, setting sail to America on her own at age 17 to seek a better life, she is fierce survivor rising from an immigrant servant’s position to aspire great wealth mostly through marriage but she worked with her husband managing properties, she lived the true American Dream from rags to riches & we all know Trump’s Father is a Real Estate mogul, have you heard the Woodie Guthrie song about him? Worth a listen.
Trump has his North Node Gemini 10th House Father & South Node Sagittarius 4th House Mother, his life purpose, his work, his family & his home are tied in deeply with his parental roots, so much to unpack here. North Node 10th house brings a rise to a position of Great Power & he does it in part, for his FATHER, but that Lunar Eclipse Moon & South Node in 4th house of Mother makes him emotional in a FIERY Sagittarius way of course, so his emotions become outburts where he can’t control what he says, like a classic Sagittarius. He may have deep Mother Wounds & his relationships with women may be his demise that affects this election ultimately, more about that later. His North Node Will be activated by a SUN Conjunction in 2024 lighting up his purpose in life & once again giving him this UNCANNY LUCK, he’s connected to Wealthy, Powerful people that will try to help him WIN against all odds.
Interesting TRUMP”S GEMINI / SAGITTARIUS AXIS was activated during that powerfulEclipse Portal happening in the 2020 election & that triggered Donald Trump’s North node / South Node in a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE RETURN for Trump that happened JUNE 5th in Sagittarius at 15 degrees, so close to an exact return to Trump’s Lunar Eclipse at Sagittarius at 21 degrees when he was born. Activating his Nodal Axis did not give him the WIN in 2020, but it did stir up a lot of chaos for him, now the SUN lights up his North Node in Gemini could this light up his Soul’s Mission to WIN & gain Power by using his GEMINI Superpowers of manifesting with his words? It’s making a Solar Opposition to his Lunar Eclipse Wounds of Loss & we will have some CHIRON the wounded healer Transits coming up showing Trump he has a lot to HEAL in 2025, how will he have time to process everything that is happening to him, it’s going to be an intense year of HIGHS & LOWS for Donald Trump.
Let’s start with the HIGHS JUPITER the planet of Expansion, the Believe it to Achieve it personal power guru is in Trump’s 9th house of Beliefs, Travel & Education now before it moves into Trump’s 10th house of Career & POWER in 2024.Next April 20, 2024 Jupiter in Taurus conjuncts Uranus Taurus giving Trump high spirits to ask, believe & receive all the support he needs to WIN & someone from a foreign land helping Trump to WIN shows up again & again in his chart next year.
JUPITER Conjunct Midheaven
Trump’s JUPITER transits reminds me of that old song, “Some guys have all the LUCK.” Next SPRING, April 2024 through June 2024 Trump has this auspicious Jupiter conjunct Midheaven transit that brings a LUCKY fortune cookie for his career & achieving his big goals. He gets the results he wants & we’re already seeing this in the Polls. It’s a time of confidence, recognition, achievement and professional progress. This is like running a marathon & you get a major lead over your competition, it feels like no one can catch Trump now in the race but it’s only through JUNE, a lot can change in those final weeks.
Jupiter loves travel & making friends in high places & foreign affairs, my instinct is that there’s massive help here for Trump from someone in a position of power in a foreign country, it’s covert, behind the scenes, is it PUTIN? Putin is a 3 Wood Star going through a Hurricane in 2024, not sure how much he can help, but some powerful foreigner is funneling resources for TRUMP to WIN.
When Jupiter conjuncts Midheaven it’s exciting & optimistic, it lights you up like the radiant SUN shining on you, it EXPANDS everything in a good way & the advice I usually give in readings is that you should not take on more than you can handle even if it all seems like Great Opportunities, don’t over commit.
Trump is going to have more than he can handle next Spring as things really speed up for him & he is in the SPOTLIGHT in the news, he’s being seen for good deeds & bad deed, it can feel like it’s all too much for him, so even though this is a POSITIVE Jupiter Midheaven transit, there is an OVERWHELM that comes from Opportunity overload that could EXHAUST Trump’s health, like a kid who has eaten too much ice cream sundae & now he’s sick.
JUNE 11th 2024 JUPITER enters GEMINI Trump’s house of his SUN, North Node & Uranus
When Jupiter the KING enters the house of your Natal Sun, it’s as if you get an opportunity to make a WISH & Ask the KING for it to come true, it’s like rubbing the Genie’s LAMP & being told “your Wish is my Command”,
I could practically declare Trump the WINNER just for Jupiter entering GEMINI then TransitingJUPITER in Gemini will conjunct Trump’s Natal URANUS at 7 degrees of GEMINI a second Jupiter conjunct Uranus for Trump again showcasing foreign people of SUPREME POWER coming in to HELP him WIN, even if there’s something deceitful here, like the Free Masons or the Illuminaty there’s higher POWERS backing him that we can’t even fathom, but I am sure it will all come out in a tell all book someday far into the future.
Then transiting JUPITER in GEMINI conjuncts his North Node in October, Trump’s big life lessons & purpose are LIT UP at 20 degrees of Gemini, this is expansion of power & then on October 8th Jupiter reaches 21 Degrees of GEMINI we can just about call that a
JUPITER SUN CAZIMI in the 10th HOUSE of POWER for Donald Trump, this is truly the LUCKIEST Transit you can have.
When I saw this JUPITER Conjunct SUN in GEMINI, I thought he’s going to WIN for sure, but then, I looked a little closer & realized he misses a true JUPITER SUN CAZIMI by ONE DEGREE, it’s as if he loses by ONE VOTE because when TRUMP is standing before the KING presenting his wish to become President, something really funny happens, JUPITER gets within ONE Degree away from Trump’s Sun at GEMINI 22 DEGREES, Jupiter is just about to give him everything he wants & then..
JUPITER STATIONS RETROGRADE at that 21 DEGREE point, so turns out, it’s not a true CAZIMI but so CLOSE, so now this race is really hard to call, some may say it’s close enough, some will say he missed it by a hair.
JUPITER will be RETROGRADE still during the time of the Election so maybe the KING won’t give TRUMP his power, maybe Jupiter in Gemini Retrograde means the KING will be disempowered, moving backwards. We have MERCURY, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus & Chiron all RETROGRADE on election day, what could go wrong with our Voting during Retrograde season?
Jupiter will not go direct until January 2025 when the President takes office, so the King will not be granting wishes after all, when Trump needs him most. It’s like he’s SO CLOSE to get everything he wants & then the King backs out of the deal…but only by ONE Degree, too close to call it, we’re going to need a referee on the court, that’s a close call to make.
We have powerful North Node Aries / South Node Libra Eclipses happening in 2024, the first one is a LUNAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA on March 25th when Trump has a Lawsuit pending & then a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in ARIES on April 8th, I am watching these eclipses closely to see how it will impact our Elections & the current WAR situations, learn more about this Powerful new ERA being ushered in with Aries North Node / Libra South Node Eclipse Portal of 2024, I have separate videos about it, I will link below.
These 2024 Eclipses will hit Trump’s 3rd House of LIBRA having to do with his LAWSUITS as Libra is the scales of JUSTICE & Trump’s ARIES in the 8th House that is ruled by Scorpio dealing with sex, death & taxes he may have debts to pay but also the veil is thin in this Eclipse Portal to come, maybe Trump gets help from the other side with his Father, Mother & Brother all crossed over or it could mean some Skeletons coming out of his closet, Jupiter will EXPAND any secrets revealed & Trump’s Uranus square Saturn means they will be Shocking Secrets, what could shock us at this point?
It will all come out in his Lawsuits scheduled for next Spring when this Eclipse Portal happens & he may feel like he’s not getting the RESPECT, recognition or rewards he believes he deserves or that his POWER & INFLUENCE can not save him this time. His powerful JupiterEXPANDS his EGO so Trump might come across as arrogant or boastful in debating with other candidates or in his lawsuits, his “know it all” Gemini wordy rambling on attitude will not serve him well in court or in the election this time around & it could result in some kind of reversal of fortunes once Jupiter moves away from his Midheaven next June 2024.
We can’t talk about Trump’s Future without talking about URANUS
ENTERING GEMINI JULY 2025 bringing even more unexpected events for Trump as this marks a Uranus return for Trump but wait…plot twist, it’s also a URANUS RETURN for the United States if you look at our 1776 American Birth Chart & when the American Revolutionary war birthed America as a Free Nation, Uranus was in Gemini during our declaration of independence & another Uranus return in 1862 brought the the CIVIL WAR….URANUS in GEMINI brings UNREST, WAR & REVOLUTION, oh my! I could do 6 hours on Uranus in Gemini but what’s important now isTrump has Uranus in Gemini at 7 Degrees, Uranus the planet of unexpected events & surprises in the sign of GEMINI translates as “I can’t believe he said that!” Trump is always surprising us, he is an innovative Changemaker, he goes against old ways of doing things, he breaks rules, laws & outdated taboos & everyone LETS HIM. He gets away with more stuff than most, but it will be interesting when he has his URANUS RETURN in 2025 at the exact same time America is having a URANUS Return, America’s chart also has Uranus in Gemini maybe that’s why he aligns with our core American values & people believe him when he says he will make Amerca Great again, that is a great slogan, he manifests with his words. This powerful URANUS in GEMINI return for Trump that will be exact closer to Trump’s 84th birthday, Uranus hangs out in a sign a long time & it takes 84 years for Uranus to travel all the way back to an exact return, but even Uranus entering Gemini brings these WAVES of MASSIVE CHANGE for Trump in his 10th house of CAREER, POWER & AUTHORITY that makes it so hard to predict what will happen for him.
When I’m looking for a definitive answer in a Chart & URANUS is involved, I am scratching my head, there’s no way to know what’s going to happen with URANUS in the already unpredictable sign of GEMINI but there will be a lot to SAY about it & Trump will be the talk of the town again.
I just have to look at the SABIAN SYMBOL for Trump’s URANUS at 7 Degrees of Gemini b/c this just got interesting…it’s a late 7 degrees, so I am going to read for 8 remember JUPITER will conjunct Uranus, too.
KEYNOTE: The disruptive power of the ambitious mind upon the organic wholeness of human relationships.
We are dealing i with man’s discovery of the new powers residing in his special contribution to the total organism of this planet Earth β his consciousness and aggressive mind. The first stage dealt with oil a form of energy the modern mind has made available. Now we see in this new symbol a pictorial indication of what the use of this intellect-generated energy inevitably leads to: industrial unrest and violence. As man manages to rape the earth in order to demonstrate his power and intensify his pleasures and his sense of proud mastery, conflicts and disruptive processes are inevitably initiated.The arousal is presented to us here in its collective social form because we have reached an emotional-cultural level. The type of power generated by the analytical intellectual faculties is disruptive; it is based on the destruction of matter & invites egocentric hoarding & privileges of one over another. This leads to a REVOLT AGAINST PRIVILEGES
There is A WAR involving OIL & ENERGY but it’s also a WORKERS Revolution.
Could this have something to do with those looming SOLAR STORMS threatening our Power Grid in 2025?
URANUS on Midheaven & 10th house of Career sextile Venus before Trump’s Uranus Return Uranus will conjunct his MIDHEAVEN & this brings SIGNIFICANT changes that disrupt his career and public profile, could this actually be JAIL? Sweeping changes come to his work, home and family life, he will have to adapt to situations that rock his world, will he have to dismantle Trump Tower?! I picture the TOWER card in the Tarot, it could all come crumbling down around him, but he is a SURVIVOR he will either ignore or Resist any unpleasant, unwanted, or shocking changes & stuffing his problems will make matters worse for Trump leading to insomnia, anxiety, depression or heavy drinking that could ultimately unravel his HEALTH & wellbeing at a level we haven’t seen, this transit shows turbulence caused by emotional distress, misguided loyalties, unrequited love, or fears of Financial hardship, lack of security & stability, even pressure from scared family members can all make him feel this heavy burden only made worse by
SATURN SQUARE URANUS from April 2024 through February 2025 brings restrictions, regulations & that diamond making pressure that comes from obstacles, challenges & KARMIC Soul Lessons, ouch, could this LIMIT his ability to run in the election because of his LAWSUITS?
SQUARES bring changes you donβt want to happen that are forced on you, it can be a frustrating time of rising tension and stress with Uranus involved it’s hard to predict what is going to happen but it will probably be SHOCKING & lead to UNREST. Trump will be forced to adapt to changing circumstances occurring in his house of PISCES where Saturn resides, that’s RELATIONSHIPS & his late degree Taurus in the 10th House of Career… Plot Twist could it be MELANYA affecting his career? Or is it other business PARTNERSHIPS? Someone is going to block Trump’s progress. So many Transits still to unpack real quick like
VENUS SATURN conjunction happening in Trump’s 7th House of relationship, Venus is LOVE & Saturn is those hard knock life lessons, oooh something is unraveling in Trump’s love life in all this.
Trump’sCHIRON in LIBRA the WOUNDED WARRIOR Healer opposite VENUS in 7th House of Relationships, Trump is feeling unsure in love life, could there be a Heart Ache or BREAK UP? so much healing to do in Trump’s Relationships, maybe more scandals come out & Melania is not having it this time around, who knows, but relationships will be rocky in 2024.
Chiron SQUARE SATURN May 2024 thru April 2026 a long transit that brings Obstacles, challenges & lessons that lead to healing old wounds & past traumas. There is a PAINFUL LOSS that ultimately leads to hgiher purpose & resolution comes through a HEALING CRISIS, Trump should care more about his HEALTH in 2024, he could suffer a Heart Attack with all these Health related SQUARES transits.
Chiron Sextile Sun this is a more positive Chiron aspect that shows an opportunity to HEAL after a health scare of some kind.
Trump is a 9 FIRE Star in the 9 Star Ki ruled by the HEART, he is the Ultimate PROMOTER & Marketer, this is where Democrats fail in politics, they don’t ADVERTISE enough, they don’t see politics as the business it is, this is why so many business owner Republicans Win, they are natural born Marketing Experts, it’s all one big Marketing campaign & it helps if you are FAMOUS this is Trump’s advantage, when you can use your MUGSHOT to make millions, you’re a PROMOTER Extrordinaire, how ever will he promote his campaign in 2024?
In the 9 Star Ki he will be in 2 Earth Star CYCLE as he just started a brand new 9 Year Cycle of growth as a Seed Underground in 2023, now he becomes the SPROUT Pushing Upward, heavy lifting, lots of work but of course his FIRE element feeds Earth, so it’s a productive, good cycle for him although 2 Earth Star was the star Hilary was in when she lost & Biden will be in a very lucky 6 METAL STAR, reaping rewards year in the 9 Star Ki where good things come for him after 2023 was a Hurricane for Biden.
VENUS coming in so STRONG near the Election along with all these GODDESS Planets bringing a Divine Feminine Energy Rising on our planet supports a WOMAN winning the election & that is my own personal INTUITIVE HIT, that’s where I am placing my BET but I’m not sure what WOMAN it will be… I am going to delve into the charts of KAMALA HARRIS & Nikki Haley, heck maybe I will even look at Marianne Williamson
If there is a CANDIDATE you want me to look at their charts, leave it in the comments, this is FUN! I’m sure I will do BIDEN’s Chart, too, fellow Scorpio 4 Wood Star that he is, I can relate to him, but for some reason I kinda want to wait & see, am I the only one who feels like BIDEN isn’t really going to run afterall? I don’t know why I think that. We shall look to the stars for answers day by day!
Auspicious 11/11 day with this Spica Moon Alignment & I will be teaching REIKI at Hanai Center on this day, you can still sign up, email me at
Find out how the Eclipse will be affecting you personally, based on what house it shows up in, get a full reading with details & coping mechanisms. This will be my LAST ASTROLOGY SALE of 2023!!!
We just had ARIES SUPERMOON that was so much about RELEASING the OLD so you can Step into the Brand NEW, so many of us are at a CROSSROADS time right now & I always think of the Goddess HECATE who helps us navigate our new path forward as we move into this… you can call to HECATE this Season to guide you on your path if you are experiencing big changes as we move into….
Aries North Node
Libra South Node
This ARIES/LIBRA Nodal Axis Cycle lasts all through 2024 so it’s good to know where your ARIES & LIBRA show up in your Chart, that is where you will be feeling it. I am having an ECLIPSE Astrology Chart SALE for $88. get your chart this month & help me pay for my Cat Kettle’s Vet bills π crazy cat!
Eclipse PORTAL Cycle begins with this Solar Eclipse happening October 14th at 9:13 am in the West, check the times for where you live.
I am SUPERSTITIOUS about ECLIPSES In Ayurvedic Astrology it is believed that a Solar eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu Ketu gets revenge on the SUN by swallowing it to darken the Sun’s luminous rays. The Sun’s energy force goes dark during an eclipse and this can leave us feeling drained or depressed for a few days after. In Vedic Astrology, eclipses are a terrible time to start new projects, relationships, jobs, or really accomplish anything, so give yourself a break this Eclipse, just take it easy. You can google all the Eclipse superstitions, Kings & Queens would HIDE Out in secret rooms for fear of calamity.
I find some hope that this Eclipse is coming just after Friday the 13th a Sacred Goddess Day that feels empowering & it’s just before NAVARATRI the 9 nights of the Goddesses in India. During this Eclipse, we have Black Moon Lilith fully empowered & exalted in VIRGO, I’ll do a separate report on this transit because I have a lot to say about LILITH, who wants us to become take back our POWER & become EMPOWERED in our own SOVEREIGNITY. We have Venus direct having risen as Morning Star in her Divine Feminine GLORY & so many Goddess Planets circling about right now! JUNO enters Virgo on October 17th Asteroid Goddess Juno was known as Hera, Queen of Gods and was one of only 2 legally married women in all of Olympus, along with Venus.
Juno was married to Jupiter, the king and she embodied traditional ideas of monogamy and marriage. Polar opposite to LILITH. Juno is a lunar goddess who oversees marriage & childbearing. Ask Juno to help you find your soul mate, true love and long lasting commitment. Juno symbolizes mystical union, a higher spiritual consciousness you can reach when you transcend your ego. Overcoming your own separateness, you can dissolve through this union and become one with the universe, sounds like Enlightenment. She is the polar opposite of Black Moon Lilith who does not want Union but instead wants to be her own, independent unmarried, childless powerhouse of Female Expression, to become a healer, an Oracle & do her own thing like a Vestal Virgin of ancient times.
I envision Juno & Black Moon Lilith having coffee together & talking about Women’s issues, I’d love to hear that PODCAST!!! what will come of LILITH & JUNO’s union in VIRGO at some point they will CONJUNCT, stay tuned for that….
If we must lose the light energy of the SUN at least we have the Divine Feminine GODDESS Energy to soothe & protect us all!
Later this month we have a Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE in TAURUS on October 28th, the FINAL Taurus/Scorpio Eclipse…but this again is a sign that we are a little “OFF” b/c a Libra New Moon should grow into an Aries Full Moon, but we had the Aries Harvest Full Moon in September, the moons have been off their AXIS for most of 2023, I think a lot of us are feeling “OFF OUR AXIS!” let me know if you feel a little OFF this year?
LIBRA Eclipse means that the power & energy of all things LIBRA will be “Eclipsed”, diffused, blacked out for a bit…Let’s think about what LIBRA represents…
It’s the Scales of JUSTICE, I would not want to have a court hearing on October 14th b/c Justice will surely be BLIND that day.
Libra is BALANCE, so we may be feeling “off balance” we may lose our EQUILIBRIUM, we may experience Vertigo on this day, take it easy.
Libra is PEACE & HARMONY, so we may experience the opposite “UNREST”, Conflicts, even WAR which is ruled by ARIES, the Ram, the WARRIOR.
Libra rules over our Relationships, Friendships & Partnerships natural ruler of the 7th HOUSE of the Zodiac so it will effect all those 7th House issues of marriages, partnerships, but did you know 7th house also rules over Legal Contracts, Enemies & Power Struggles, too?
This Eclipse will SPARK BIG CHANGES in our Relationships, Partnerships & Work / Life Balance we are on the precipice of a BRAND NEW WAY OF BEING & this is a time of BIG RELEASES, but sometimes Eclipses can cause ABRUPT Changes especially if you are Libra Sun, Libra Rising or Libra North Node, you could suddenly dissolve a business partnership, get a divorce, lose your office or housing situation, all of that can feel SCARY but know that is aligning you to something HIGHER, bring you a higher love eventually.
CLEAR out OLD WAYS to make room for a New beginning, New Relationship, New Alliances & a Better Way Forward. Pluto Stations Direct on October 10th in his final degrees of Capricorn, finally ready to move into AQUARIUS & usher in this NEW AGE. Mars enters Scorpio on October 12th giving us AMBITION & a strong backbone to stand up to anything that comes our way, look out world.
Libra is ruled by VENUS who has risen now as morning STAR in LEO, look for Venus in the Eastern dark sky just before Dawn, she is shining in her full Divine Power Glory right now, I’ve been watching Venus every morning & she will open your HEART Chakra & she inspires that Higher LOVE Vibration, looking at Venus shining her brightest is so UPLIFTING, you have to try it!!!
We have MERCURY at 17 degrees of Libra coming in close to conjunction to the Sun & Moon bringing clarity of mind, communication & beautiful expression at this Solar Eclipse, get out your journals & start WRITING!!!
There’s so much talk about “Relationship” struggles as we move into this Aries / Libras Eclipse Portal, but what if it could be POSITIVE Relationship Changes, I see this as a time of REBIRTH for many Relationships, maybe instead of divorces we see more Renewal of Vows, falling back in LOVE with someone you were separated from, re-connections, Re-Kindling & Reclaiming a better way forward in your relationships & partnerships. I see this Eclipse portal as a powerful time for MEDIATIONS, coming to agreements and negotiations. It’s a great time to be a Lawyer in this Eclipse Portal & we will see so many Lawsuits taking place all through 2024 with these Aries/Libra Eclipses.
October 16th Jupiter QUINTILE SATURN
Quintile means Jupiter & Saturn will form a 72 degree angle, I see lots of Quintiles when I am reading Astrology Charts & they are important to take not of especially when you have 2 power planets like Jupiter the King who grants Wishes & Saturn the Karmic Lord of big Soul Lessons, we may step into a New Path now that will bring out a new talent or skill, follow your heart, what is it you want to PURSUE? Go do that!
You might feel like you want to get really ORGANIZED with Saturn or you may need more SPACE to Create, JUPITER, this transit brings a lot of CREATIVE ENERGY to pursue new goals, new passions & to BEGIN AGAIN & again, so don’t worry about the end product, get into the creative process & just see where it takes you, tap into a higher mind now that wants to lead you somewhere you’ve never been before.
KEYNOTE: A revivifying contact with the Mother-force of nature and of social togetherness.
The sea is the vast matrix from which living organisms originally emerged. It also symbolizes the collective Unconscious, “matrarchial” envelope of the biosphere within which consciousness takes individualized forms. The consciousness of human beings is given specific form by the culture in which they live and the particular occupations they carry on in everyday work. But it is very good and healthful for their minds to become revitalized by collective experiences and deep feelings of undifferentiated unity & connection as they merge in the vast refreshment of their planetary “Mother” where “she” is most dynamic, unlimited and unconfined by boundaries.
Here lies a biodynamic foundation, reaching beyond the biosphere to a cosmic Mother β an all embracinggalactic Space, as we saw last month when that SUPERMOON crossed the Galactic Center. We may speak here of an OCEANIC MOTHER FEELING, born of attunement to the most basic rhythms of existence.
DIVINE FEMININE RISING evidenced even in the SABIAN SYMBOL for this Eclipse, what does it mean for all signs?
Aries This Eclipse opposes your sign which drains your energy combined with Pluto squaring Mars you may to deal with Competition or you could have some power struggles coming up this Eclipse portal. Beware of starting un-necessary arguments with other, keep your feelings in reserve for now & strengthen your position before you strike out. Compromise & negotiations will serve you better than fighting with others.
Taurus The pressure is finally off your shoulders this Solar. Eclipse. You have a lovely VENUS TRINE bringing you opportunities for love & money, you can finally manifest your best life now Taurus, but remember you have one last Lunar Eclipse coming at the end of the month. You may still have something that needs to be processed from last year, that one last HURDLE to overcome before you can move forward on your next big mission. Take some time this month to process all your feelings from the past year, maybe get an energy clearing or some kind of healing work to clear the way, so that you can move forward into your next chapter. Get ready to be READY by healing yourself.
Gemini Libra Eclipse is in a positive TRINE to your sign, feel good opportunities show up to advance your career & love life at the same time, lucky you! This is a “SAY YES!!!” moment Gemini, whatever comes your way is guiding your path forward in a magical, new direction, so if someone asks you to do something out of your normal routine, Say Yes, it is leading you into a new positive direction & doors are opening for you now, this is your moment to GO FOR IT! Things will just naturally show up for you now & you don’t have to work so hard to get ahead, you deserve to receive rewards this month.
Cancer This Solar Eclipse will SQUARE your sign, this may bring obstacles, lessons or struggles but remember within every challenge in life there is a GIFT that will come from it later on, this is so true for you this month, so stay focused on your goals & intentions to move forward, don’t get hung up by minor setbacks from this Eclipse because later this month you will have a SUN, Mars & Mercury TRINE your sign bringing you an abundance of OPPORTUNITIES for increased Fortune, this brings a Rainbow & Pot of Gold after this temporary Eclipse storm, I promise you!
Leo This Eclipse is in a LUCKY SEXTILE your Sign, bringing you good news, lucky breaks & it will improve your mood, strengthen your position of power, it brings LOVE & ABUNDANCE so take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. If you’re single, you may attract a new LOVE Connection now! If you’re in a relationship there may be a renewal of PASSION, take some time to be with the one you love, this would be a perfect weekend for a romantic GETAWAY to relax & bask in your LOVE Vibes.
Virgo Eclipse will help you to find a better Balance in how much you give & how much you receive back, avoid playing the Martyr now, if you’re not getting the support you need, it’s time to ask for it! Take small steps now towards CHANGING your old patterns. This is an excellent season to seek Therapy, Hypnosis or Healing to uncover some old ways of being that are no longer working for you, so that you can move forward & make the life you’ve always wanted to live. It might be time to think about moving your house even or uncovering some ancestral wounds that need to be healed.
Libra ECLIPSE in your SIGN has you feeling a little UNEASY about what is to come…You may be feeling anxious & craving more alone time. just go easy on yourself as you begin a yearlong transformational cycle. You may need to ask for more support from loved ones, friends, family & even co-workers as you begin to navigate this unknown course before you, like a SAILOR setting off to sea, get prepared, be well nourished, get the self care you need so you can be ready for the big adventure to come over the next year, who knows where you will end up, just try to enjoy the ride!
Scorpio You’re on a fabulous TREASURE HUNT this Eclipse Portal!This is a time to be open minded & have more FUN in the ways you attract love & money in life. What if you released your need to know where you’re going or how you will get there. Have you ever been on a trip without a MAP, where you explored a town without any agenda? That’s not like a Scorpio but I dare you to set forth on a journey this month without worrying about the destination or your goals, just be OPEN to whatever shows up for you! Release your need to be in control because Venus is Sextile your sign bringing brand new Opportunites for LOVE & MONEY but you won’t get there from your old ways of doing things, you will have to go a different, happy go lucky way to find it. GOOD LUCK!!!
Sagittarius Do not get discouraged during this Eclipse Portal, you may have some challenge that forces you into a position where you need to ask friends or family for a favor to solve your current problems. You love to give help & advice, but sometimes, you need a little help back from your friends & family, too.
You will find out who your true SUPPORTERS are this Eclipse. Venus Squaring your sign means you need love, support & affection from friends, family & loved ones now. Later this month Venus will Trine Jupiter & your luck in LOVE & MONEY will return & you can pay back any debts you owe. You are on the precipice of Achieving Great Things, this is the Universe’s way of pulling you back just a bit before releasing the ARROW towards your Bullseye Goal, it’s a happy ending story afterall!!!
Capricorn Eclipsewill Trine your sign bringing you Harmony in all your relationships & an opportunity for a higher love, I hear Wedding Bells Capricorn! This is a perfect time to take some time out for a romantic Fall Getaway with someone you love or maybe you will Fall in LOVE this month! You’re craving MINDFULNESS this month, you want to be in the moment, in love & gratitude. You work so hard Capricorn, you deserve to enjoy this time off! Sun Trine Saturn later this month brings you splendid opportunities to advance your career that will just fall in your lap, you may receive recognition or a big pay raise, you won’t have to do anything to get it, this is about your past achievements, so don’t feel guilty about taking time off in early October, your career is doing FINE!
Aquarius You are feeling on top of the heap this Eclipse season, like you’ve finally caught up & you can manage things, you’re feeling confident in work & in your love life right now. Mercury Trine your sign brings opportunities to negotiate for whatever you want, so maybe it’s time to ask for a RAISE or Promote yourself or tell your story to the world in some way. The energy supports your goals & plans, so you’re the one sign that can move forward & make gains this Eclipse season. Don’t let it be all work & no play, get out with friends & enjoy some fun Fall Frolicking, too.
You may be having an OPPORTUNITY Overwhelm Crisis this month, as you have so much Inspiration from Neptune & Saturn lighting up your sign, giving you profound ideas, but you can’t do it ALL….This Eclipse Portal is a time for some deep Soul Searching to figure out what is truly important for you to Accomplish in the next 6 months & perhaps let some things go to make time & space for the most important goals. Venus Trines Uranus will bring a SURPRISE Opportunity for Love & Money this Halloween, so you will want to be OPEN & AVAILABLE for this New thing, don’t get bogged down trying to take on too many things, that you miss out on something wonderful right around the corner, free up your Schedule so you can say YES!!!!
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