August 30th

Blue Moon is when we have 2 FULL MOONS in one month & A SuperMoon is a perigee-syzygy, meaning the Moon is at 90% or greater perigree, in it’s closest approach to Earth, so this MOON will look closer & brighter & feel much more INTENSE…Get your rest before it comes, we will have Supermoon insomnia but also crazy intuitve dreams giving us insight to our Destiny w/ that powerful KITE transit with the GRAND TRINE, wowee, this could easily be a 4 hour reading but I’m going to distill it down quick & easy for you to take like an elixir. I am Feeling it in my chart, I have PISCES moon at 9 degrees & my son has his North Node at exact conjunction to this Superbluemoon 7 Degrees of Pisces!!!

Where is your PISCES 7 degrees?!? I will circle it on the Chart so you can look for Pisces in your chart, if you haven’t had your chart read, I do Astrology Readings, I will link to my website below in the descriptions.

I can’t stop thinking of an image of a TSUNAMI when I think of this Superbluemoon & I always want to be on the BEACH for Pisces Full Moons, but this year, I feel like I just want to be home in my own safe harbor… Tsunami is a Japanese word Tsu means Harbour & Nami means WAVE. Get to a SAFE HARBOR we’re about to have a devastating WAVE!

A Tsunami is one of the most powerful, destructive natural forces that comes in a series of massive WAVES expanding outwards caused by a sudden disruption in the Ocean, such as an Earthquake, Geopathic Distress or a massive underwater Volcano. Tsunamis radiate outward in all directions & it’s mostly going on UNDER the SEA, not visible on the surface, that is fascinating & reminds me of so many of us right now who may have waves of turbulence going on within, even as we might not see anything happening on the surface, there may be turbulence underground…..We may try to ignore the Earth’s

issues, but eventually we won’t be able to ignore it when the WAVES rise above the surface….
We will all be feeling all the Tsunami of feels this Super Blue Moon, but how many people will express it or even let it come to the surface because Pisces rules the 12th house ruled by the SUBCONSCIOUS, all things HIDDEN, under the surface, DEEP SECRETS, this 12th house also rules over Insane Asylums, hospitals & our own inner journey that we rarely share with others, this Supermoon may bring some VULNERABLE POSTS or some shocking secrets exposed…. So even if we don’t see an actual Tsunami this Supermoon, we might be feeling massive waves of EMOTIONS spreading out in all directions, hidden just under the surface that threaten to drown us with this powerful PISCES superbluemoon at 7 DEGREES. 12th house rules over Hospice, Death and Self Undoing, meaning anything we do to undermine or self sabotage ourselves. Paired with CHIRON in ARIES Retrograde, that wounded warrior healer we might see a lot of HEALING CRISIS this Supermoon & lots of people acting out in crazy ways, try to keep COMPASSION as your shield against others who might not be able to handle the intensity of this energy, but for the most part, I want to hide out on this kind of a moon, take some strong KAVA KAVA potion & see what VISIONS my dreams will bring.

Full Moons are always about RELEASING whatever is holding us back & with a Moon this powerful, it might be that everything is stripped away from you whether you’re ready to release it or not & we are definitely seeing that for all of those affected by the Maui wildfires.

URANUS stations RETROGRADE 08/28 at 23 degrees of TAURUS in such close range to Jupiter at 15 degrees of Taurus, not a conjunction per se, but Jupiter has an effect of EXPANDING Uranus who is creating unexpected EARTH events that relate to our RESOURCES in Taurus, where is your TAURUS in your chart, there could be Upheaval or

Breakthroughs or a little bit of both, an upheaval that leads to a breakthrough.
TAURUS 23°): A JEWELRY SHOP FILLED WITH VALUABLE GEMS. KEYNOTE: Social confirmation of natural excellence. Gems result from natural processes, induced by extreme volcanic heat and pressure & geopathic stress. The GEM is a finished product of refined craftsmen. Both the gems themselves and the artistry are highly prized and bring prestige to the owner of the jewels. The symbol applies to any product of culturally acquired skill embellishing or transforming the end results of a lengthy and demanding natural process. CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH.

The Natural process that makes GEMS reminds me of an Astrological SQUARE creating that DIAMOND making process & we have Venus Square Jupiter right now as Venus in LEO prepares to go direct 09/03 but first she will square Jupiter on 08/22, of all the squares this one is the least of our worries, Venus wants love, money, beauty & she aligns well with Jupiter the King who grants wishes, probably our biggest worry with this square would be OVERSPENDING & I just saw a story about the new TIFFANY’s remodel in NYC who wouldn’t love to be rich enough to shop for some precious gem there, we are living in such a time of haves & have nots. This Money Square brings a tendency toward greed, excess, and extravagance but can cause problems for gluttony, drinking and drug abuse. As Oscar Wilde said, “Moderation in all things, including Moderation…”

She will cross over all those LEO points again, for the 3rd TIME I think of Commodores, Once, Twice, three times a Lady, Lionel Richie wrote that in honor of his wife, very VENUS divine feminine empowered… where is your LEO?! A lot will be ACTIVATED, Triggered, GLIMMERED & Shimmered here in your house of LEO. Do you like Glimmer or Shimmer better? Glimmers & Shimmers are the opposite of Triggered, it’s when something LIGHTS YOU UP in a GOOD

WAY, those micro-moments in life, when you begin to SHINE from the JOY within, I had this recently at CRATER LAKE, I felt HIGH with the beauty of that deep blue water or maybe it’s a gorgeous Sunrise or Sunset that lifts your heart or jumping into the cool water on a hot day, the happiness you feel seeing your newborn baby smile for the first time that can light up the room or when you have finally HEALED from an injury & you have your first glorious, pain free day that feels magnificent have you had a GLIMMER or SHIMMER experience? I’d love to know

Jupiter Quintile Saturn at 11:11 pm on this Supermoon. “RE-ORG…”
, this Quintile brings

restrained expansion a PUSH PULL Energy, there is a Spiritual FAITH & HOPE to transform our world (Jupiter) meeting with Rules, Regulations, Restrictions & LESSONS with SATURN Retrograde in Pisces at 3 degrees brings KARMIC LESSONS as Saturn is nearly conjunct this Supermoon bringing a sense of SERIOUSNESS to our EMOTIONS, we could DROWN in the Seriousness of our Emotions, take it easy, this too shall PASS! Saturn Quintile Jupiter, I envision trying to build your dream house but having the Permit office say, “you can’t do it that way, you can’t add a second floor, you can’t EXPAND, you will have to REDESIGN it according to REGULATIONS” Find another way to EXPAND, REDO everything

Mercury goes Retrograde in VIRGO on 08/23 where it will cross Virgo between 8 – 16 degrees 3 times, Virgo loves perfection, so try, try again to get it RIGHT over the next 2 months.

Jupiter in Taurus goes Retrograde 09/04 affecting our Resources & if you are a Taurus, this is your year to ask Jupiter the KING to grant your wish, but maybe it’s time to re- think what it is you want & if it will really make you happy, we

should all use this time to get really clear about what we want to manifest & why.
Remember if you want to LAUNCH something, this time period of 8 Planets Retrograde is NOT the time to do it, we have Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron and Pluto all retrograde this SUPERBLUEMOON

Mars Trine PLUTO & URANUS Grand Trine part of this KITE of this SUPERBLUEMOON. Kite is a planetary aspect pattern that occurs when three planets in the chart form a Grand Trine and a fourth planet is opposite (180°) one of the Grant Trine planets, and thus forms a sextile aspect (60°) to the other two configured planets.


KITES are about FATE & DESTINY pushing you forward to discover your TALENTS & PURPOSE in life, there can be an INITIATION into something NEW but there can also be a challenging LESSON here that is forcing you to step into your own power, express your True Gifts & show up as your most AUTHENTIC SELF. How will it affect you, where is Pluto 28 Degrees Capricorn for you? There’s your Transformation, Where’s Mars at 2 degrees at LIBRA there’s your Initiation & Ambition, where’s Uranus & Jupiter in Taurus? There’s your sudden, unexpected event or breakthrough, Uranus causing you to EXPAND, Manifest or find your Spiritual Faith, Jupiter. Let’s not forget NEPTUNE in Pisces here at the top of the Kite, listen to your INTUITION, your Dreams, perhaps you will begin an Alice in Wonderland like adventure, I think of friends at Burning Man right now experiencing these powerful transits in that make believe world they co-create, what lessons will Saturn in Pisces bring them?

Last but never least in my heart, CHIRON square to SATURN those DEEP WOUNDS we’ve been working on for awhile are

now giving us healing crisis, soul LESSONS & challenges…I wish I knew my cat’s chart b/c he must have some Chiron in Aries aspects he has had so many HEALTH issues all year & this is all about healing those Deep Wounds & he had a major puncture wound that seemed like it was completely healed but then out of the blue, the whole thing just swelled up again & filled with an abscess that needed to be surgically released & it felt so symbolic to this CHIRON, just when you think your wounds have finally healed, they may begin to SWELL & there’s so much more to be released & purified & you CAN NOT IGNORE it, you have to deal with it right now, there’s no more pushing it down or trying to ignore the pain, the pain is coming up to the surface to be felt, healed & finally released this moon.



KEYNOTE: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen to stand uncompromisingly for their own truth.

Those who do not depend upon collective values, traditions or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion. They are sustained only by the power within them, to which a light above answers. The symbol tells us: “Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an Individual — a child of God.”

a sudden realization that implies the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION.

Interesting paired with Taurus Sabian Symbol about the GEMS was a CERTIFICATION OF PERSONAL WORTH now we have

Supreme Worth of Life, the message is about feeling WORTHY & honestly, I worry about Suicide for some people who may be feeling swallowed up by these WAVES of Serious Emotion, no matter where you are or what is happening, your life has infinite WORTH, you are all GEMS shining this supermoon & as Thich Nhat Hanh says, because you are ALIVE everything is possible. You can turn it all around & find your true Destiny this Superbluemoon, you can begin again, it gets better, do not give up just as it’s about to get so much better!!!!



Join the Community this Fall at Bend’s Original Health Fair happening on Saturday 09/23/23 at Unitarian 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend, OR 97703 Be one of the first 100 in the door to get a SWAG BAG!

Kevin Kraft of Soundshala Wellness will be performing the Opening Ceremony SOUND BATH along with Kat Rose & friends!

Bring the kids to meet the Fairies of Glinwood Fae in the family forest of fun! Carolyn Black of Oregon Marketplace will be talking about changes to Oregon’s Health Plans.

Jeanette Small of Lucid Cradle will talk about her Psilocybin Therapy now legal in Oregon.


Infrared Biomat protects your immunity from viruses better than a Sauna

Infrared Biomat protects your immunity from viruses better than a Sauna

Purchase your BIOMAT here: https://kimimi.biomat.com

Infrared Biomat Massage in Bend, Oregon

The Amethyst Richway BIOMAT


Can Infrared prevent VIRUSES? More important now than ever Infrared Biomat has been proven to boost the immune system, prevent viral and bacterial infections and also speed recovery from viral and bacterial infections!

We live in a time where viruses & toxins bombard our bodies: pandemics, herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxic overload is linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with HEAT, like a fever when you are fighting a virus. 

Far Infrared Heat can prevent a Virus by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process. It also improves our Cellular Health improving our overall health!

We live in a time where toxins bombard our bodies: herbicides, pesticides , chemicals in our air and water plus general pollutants surround us. Toxins are linked to pain, sickness, cancer and dis-ease in our bodies, reducing toxins makes us feel better. The body has its own ways of detoxing, usually with heat, like a fever when you are fighting a virus, but because our bodies are overwhelmed by more toxins coming in than the body can process, toxins build up over time and end up causing a wide variety of health issues. Far Infrared Heat can remove toxins by increasing the body’s blood circulation and natural detoxification process.

Far Infrared Light if we could see it, would appear in the farthest red portion of a rainbow or an electromagnetic spectrum. Researchers discovered Amethyst crystals were able to magnify high frequency, Far Infrared light waves into the greatest spectrum of bio-availability, in essence making far infrared much more effective & easy for the body to absorb and use. Infrared Biomat with Amethyst crystals delivers the deepest infrared heat, superior to a sauna because regular heat has difficulty passing through our body’s own protective layers and skin. Far Infrared Heat magnified by Amethyst crystals can penetrate 6 inches deep to create intense heat causing cells to wake up, actually move, detoxify and begin a healing process. Infrared Sauna only reaches 2 inches in depth.

Biomat’s Far infrared rays are closest to sunlight’s frequency without harmful UV/UVB radiation. NASA conducted the first research on Far Infrared spectrum 20 years ago, receiving scientific attention for its beneficial healing capabilities. Studies show Far Infrared stimulated production of healthy cell tissue, promoted fast relief from injury, decreased pain levels, eliminated cellular waste, encouraged detoxification at a cellular level and increased oxygen to tissues all while increasing blood circulation. FDA approved Biomat Infrared for pain relief from muscle spasms, sprains, strains, joint pain, arthritis, muscle injuries and improved sleep quality in patients with chronic pain. Biomat has had positive effects in research for patients with cancerous tumors, seasonal affect depression (S.A.D) and Chronic Pain.

Note that NOT ALL Biomats are Equal! There are a lot of cheapy copycat biomats, but look for the Amethyst Crystals in your Biomat & then you will know for sure! If you’d like to try an Infrared Biomat, schedule a Massage today!

Here is my CAT enjoying the INFRARED BIOMAT in our Deep Rest Binaural Music Sound Healing Video….


https://square.link/u/hbatjwLn Eclipse Astrology Sale for $88.00 receive your Astrology Chart & learn where all 4 2023 Eclipses will be affecting you this year!

Eclipse Portal OPENS and SO IT BEGINS!!! 

We have a New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse going into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio & what do Aries & Scorpio have in common? MARS the fierce warring planet rules both. This Eclipse month is a FORCE to be Reckoned with even as Mars is in Gemini where Mars is more strategic & less volatile, but still this is a month where Tempers can flare. 

4 Eclipses: 

  1. April 19th 9:12pm Aries 29 degrees Solar Eclipse!
  2. MAY 5th 14 degrees Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse 
  3. SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023, at 1:55 PM, at 21° Libra 

4) Partial LUNAR Eclipse October 28, 2023, ° Taurus 

We have so much to UNPACK today w/ this New Blue Moon in Aries, Jupiter Conjunct Eris, everybody’s favorite Mercury Retrograde & a mystical, magical Sabian Symbol asking us all to strike a New Chord to Co-Create a new REALM, oh my, it’s going to be an Ecstatic 6 months Eclipse Portal if you can RISE to the challenges ahead, stay tapped in & turned on until the end of this bumpy ride adventure!!! 

I’ll include some powerful Herbal Allies at the end to help you maintain your equilibrium….& a Shiva Lingum pendulum space clearing that we could all use about now! 

Life imitates Astrology b/c this Eclipse is all about Disruptions & Obstacles & so I have my Ganesh remover of obstacles….b/c we went out in nature yesterday & we were hit w/ so many Disruptors, even just NATURE, Arctic WIND Breezes so fierce 


REBIRTH, RESET, Brand Spanking New Opportunities

A FRESH, New way Forward is coming in!!! 

Whenever we have 2 New Moons in a row in the same sign,

like we do this month, our 2nd New moon ARIES,

it’s like having a Blue Moon which is 2 Full moons in one

month, it’s extra Special, it’s the Universe saying PAY

ATTENTION NOW!  Something SPECTACULAR is about to

happen, OPEN YOUR EYES, get off your phone, LOOK UP, this

is going to shake you out of your slumber & this Eclipse

Portal will be a collective AWAKENING!!!

Perhaps some Great OPPORTUNITY Came to you w/ that magnificent Jupiter Sun Cazimi, but now is not a time to forge ahead, now is a time to ask yourself “ARE YOU SURE?!?!” & Weigh your OPTIONS b/c the Dragon’s Tail of this Eclipse is LIBRA, the SCALES 

A Double NEW Moon is a time to revise your intentions that were set in the previous new moon cycle and this is an opportunity for to adapt to changing circumstances. If whatever you are trying to do is not working, TRY, TRY Again, Try a different way or let that intention go & make a New Plan Forward because what’s meant for you will not pass you by, if it’s not coming to you, maybe it’s not meant for you? Align with the energy of what it is you want, start there. This ARIES new moon lights a FIRE under you, to motivate you & the ambitious energy coming in now is double that of the previous Aries new moon. The energy of this new karmic cycle is asking you to stand up for yourself & achieve your Biggest Goals even if you are confronting some obstacle, enemy or disruption!!! Be the RAM push your way through the hardships, deal with it & move FORWARD beyond the power struggles.

This Eclipse Portal we are entering will have a

profound effect on us for the next 6 MONTHS if you are an

Aries or a Libra or you have your North Node in Aries / Libra

you will be having the biggest

QUANTUM LEAPS forward, but just like I tell my Reiki

Students when they get their Reiki Attunements, it’s not all

Rainbows & Unicorns….it can also bring about Healing Crisis,

the dark night of the Soul & ARIES the WARRIOR combined

with his sister ERIS the Goddess of Dischord is saying FEEL


Aries the fierce Warrior would bring his sister ERIS into battle

& they were both fearless fighters full of rage &

righteousness, fighting for the PEOPLE, so this is a time when “You gotta FIGHT for your Right….to party, I just get Beastie Boys when I say that but..” it’s a tricky time where Passion may lead us on new paths, but it’s NOT a great time to make any big, life altering decisions, see the Path to take but stay where you are for now.

We are asked to be 

BIGGER, to EXPAND, to go BEYOND our current

capabilities, to Strive for something GREATER, to make

a real difference in our world, to stand up to injustice, to

REVOLT, but also to HEAL our deepest wounds,  we’re all

going to be BUSY the next 6 months, especially Aries & Libra,

but we all have Aries & Libra somewhere in our chart, it’s a

good idea to know where this Eclipse Portal Energy is hitting

you personally!!!

I am doing an ECLIPSE Astrology Reading sale for $88

I will give you a Chart reading focused on how the 2023

Eclipse Portal will affect you personally & I will include all 4

Eclipses that we have this year! 

Jupiter Conjunct ERIS the Goddess of Dischord in ARIES,

this is a time of DISRUPTIONS. Let’s talk about ERIS….

As the story goes…A hero named Peleus and a sea nympThetis

had a magnificent wedding on Mount Olympus.

Everyone was invited, except for the goddess Eris, whose name

is also “Discordia” in Latin. Well shunning Eris was a Big


Eris created CHAOS at the wedding when she threw a golden apple marked for the “fairest of all” into the dining table. Three goddesses believed it was for them and started to fight — Athena, Goddess of wisdom, Venus, goddess of love and beauty and Juno, the Queen. A heated battle ensued over this golden apple. To settle the dispute, Jupiter, the king of the gods, plucked a poor mortal named Paris from a hillside and forced him to choose. All the goddesses tried to bribe him: Athena with her martial arts, Juno with political clout, but it was Venus’ who won after charming with her beauty & love vibes. Paris was granted the most beautiful woman in the world in return for awarding the golden apple to Venus, the goddess of love. Unfortunately, the woman he chose was Helen of Troy, who was already married to King Menelaus. When Paris ran off with Helen,  the Trojan War ensued, it all began with Eris seeking revenge for not being included, so there is a theme running right now about how those who are excluded will rise up & create dischord, we are in such a time of the “Haves & Have nots” this Jupiter conjunct Eris with an ARIES eclipse has REVOLUTION written all over it!

Eris is urging us all to speak out, to take action, to make a CHANGE. I think Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Campaign is the embodiment of this Eris Conjunct Jupiter transit as she ran in 2020 & she was practically shunned, not taken seriously, even as she gave a powerful message that inspired real CHANGE, she is challenging our broken down System with a force of LOVE & Grace unlike any politician we have ever seen & Rayner Jae Liu sees her as ERIS, too as he wrote an article entitled “meet Eris, the Goddess behind the Force that is Marianne Williamson” & I love this quote from his piece: 

“I think Marianne running is kicking up the unhealed parts of the country. The Goddess Eris story is extremely relevant to your campaign. When a truth-teller enters the scene, she reveals the darker underbellies of the collective that many people would prefer to ignore.” I will link to this article in the description if you want to learn more.  This is exactly what Goddess ERIS does, she shows us our UNHEALED Parts, our failings, our EGO wounds & she makes us deal with it by bringing Chaos into our lives…. Put your seat belts on & prepare for turbulence this Eclipse Portal!!! 

When I do Astrology readings & I see an aspect like this, I am a truth telling Scorpio, I’m going to tell you it’s going to be HARD, there’s no way to sweeten a transit like this, the best thing you can do is KNOW where ERIS at 24 Degrees of Aries falls for you & then prepare for battle!!! For me it’s my 9th House of Beliefs, look at your chart, find the House that ARIES is in & leave a comment about where ERIS falls for you & I will let you know what I think it means for you. Eris conjunct Jupiter in my 9th house asks me to stand up for my beliefs & Freedom & rebel against anything that would try to take that away from me. This conjunction will have a different FLAVOR for each & every one of you depending which house it shows up in. Eris is exalted in the 4th House & the sign of Cancer, so if you have Eris in the 4th house, you will be the most empowered by this!!! 

April 20th we have SUN SQUARE PLUTO, the Sun has just moved into Taurus now Square Pluto at Zero degrees Aquarius affecting all FIXED SIGNS with that diamond making pressure we’ve become accustomed to by now. There is a danger of a deep TRANSFORMATION here, look out Will Robinson, I can’t say much more about this Square, as a Scorpio I am just squared out, but will I be laying low this day? why Yes, yes I will.

Mercury Retrograde in TAURUS April 21st will be

adding fuel to this already disruptive fire affecting all the

Earth sign things like Farming, food production, our

environment, maybe shaking up some EARTHQUAKES with

Uranus still strong in Taurus, but Taurus also rules over our 

MONEY, so pay attention to your accounting, beware of fraud

on your accounts, & there will be even more disruptions for

our financial institutions, pay attention to your RESOURCES


This Mercury Retrograde makes me think of the Einstein

Quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over

and expecting different results.” We’re all being asked to

try a NEW WAY FORWARD for the next 6 months, our old,

outdated patterns aren’t serving us anymore!!!This brings us

beautifully into the Sabian Symbol:


KEYNOTE: Attunement to cosmic order.

A brand new technique is being presented based on experiences implied in the preceding symbols. Now we enter into a new realm of possibilities of action, there’s brand new harmonic principles operating in this brand new realm. The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. An individual advancing “on the Path” should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind’s evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to all seekers of meaning found in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part – yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its divine meaning.               

I’m really on a Marianne Williamson kick today but this quote, we all know it, is so fitting for this Eclipse Portal! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

2 Herbal Allies that I promised for this Eclipse Portal are 


Ravensara is the most protective herb on the planet & we will all need protection from the crazy, I think of Ravensara as a golden dome of high vibrational energy that keeps out viruses, toxic emotions, as a healer I depend on this oil the most in sessions to keep me clear of taking on other people’s stuff…. It also protects against Viruses & bacterial infections that seem to be running rampant right now. Ravensara reduces anxiety, helps you sleep better when you annoint your feet with it before bed. Ravensara dispells negativity & evil, malefic entities, it is a powerful SPACE Cleaning oil when diffused in a room. What I really love about Ravensara for these times is that It can clear your mind and help you focus on higher, magical new moon intentions & life purposes, it helps you step into being something MORE, to fulfill your SOUL”S PURPOSE on the planet! 

honestly, after 24 years of doing Massage Therapy, Ravensara may be the most POWERFUL Essential Oil I’ve ever encountered & I source my Ravensara from a small harvest company in Canada, it’s all organic & ethically harvested & I usually only sell it to my clients & Reiki students, but it’s just so important for these times, I am going to sell some bottles here, I feel like this Ravensara medicine wants to reach more people this season, I will link in description…

Holy Basil also known as TULSI is my other fave for this Eclipse, it’s a sacred plant in India, known as the ELIXIR of LIFE, I love to grow it in the Spring, so my seeds of intention will probably be planted as Holy Basil seeds, it also protects us & gives us a keen focus to transcend whatever chaos is going on & know our MISSION in life & how to proceed. Grown in your yard, it will protect your home & family. It’s a powerful adaptogen & helps us recover from stress, difficult situations & burnout, be sure to stock you apothecary with this one this season!

This Solar Eclipse in Aries also brings to mind the WOLVERINE that we have showing up here n Oregon, getting closer & closer to my house, the Wolverine is such a fierce creature it should invoke a healthy amount of FEAR …. Whenever an animal shows up for me, if I encounter it in the woods or in the news, I love to turn to a website called “What’s Your Sign,” I will link below.

AVA says, “Wolverine’s meaning is bold and in your face with fierce confidence, wildly intense energy & unpredictable, mischievious Behavior, the Wolverine will NOT BACK DOWN, it will stand it’s ground, just like Tom Petty.

The wolverine does what it has to do to live, eat, survive and maintain homeostasis. Wolverine teaches us is to accept our WILD nature & refuse to be tamed. If you struggle with your dark side – the wolverine will help you love your shadows. If you have had a hard childhood, a hard life..if you have had to scratch and claw for survival or equality you might resonate with this WARRIOR wolverine energy that is coming in this Eclipse but it’s also a warning to beware of the primal energy that may be lurking nearby, lock your doors….

Stay Safe, Stay focused, you got this!!!

I’ll see you on the other side as the next report will be that SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE falling right on my stellium of 5 planets in Scorpio, but I’m not nervous, it’s fine, it’ll be fine, We WILL SURVIVE, right?

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