Plaid Friday is my ONE DAY Only, ONLINE only Sale that I do with the Bend Health Guide every year! Support local small businesses in Bend when you shop locally for Healing Gifts. Thanks so much for supporting my little business during your holiday shopping this season. I am providing these gift card buttons using secure SQUARE shopping for Gift cards!

Receive a Full Western Astrology Chart with a Zoom Session, see what 2023 holds for You!!!

Honestly, Web Design is not my strong point as a Healer, so bear with me as I create this #PlaidFriday Blog post to bring all the Sales to you! You can click on each button below to see all my deals on Reiki, Massage, Astrology & Energy Clearings, plus I’ve added the links to the Infrared Biomat because I know several of you have mentioned you would love to get one, maybe for Christmas!

Thank you so much for supporting my l’il business ALL Year long, the last 2 years have been my busiest years ever, thanks to YOU! Have a wonderful, restful Thanksgivng Holiday!

We seriously need a new Family Plaid image b/c Liam is taller than me now!

Equinox Astrology Reading

EQUINOX  Thursday 09/22/2022

At the September Equinox each autumn, the Sun is directly over the Earth’s equator, the Sun shifts into the astrological sign of Libra, the sign of the SCALES in BALANCE & this marks the midpoint in the astrological year (which began in March with the SPRING Equinox and the arrival of the Sun in Aries, the baby. 

This Autumn season is a time to bring our ENERGY back inward, to get back to our ROOTS, just as the plants & trees bring their energy into their roots in the FALL & this is a time for connecting with our Ancestors, the roots of our family tree, this is a powerful season for Ancestral Healing. We have ALL those RETROGRADES sucking us into the Underworld & then there’s the Taurus Scorpio Eclipse Portal looming, changes are coming & it ALL BEGINS WITHIN, I am offering a Retrograde Chart Sale for $88 I will tell you how ALL of these Retrogrades will affect you this season.  Sun Conjunct Mercury this Equinox, Mercury rules our MIND, Communications & Writing & the SUN just lights up this planet & finally we can think CLEARLY now in spite of all those planets in Retrograde as I talk about in another video.  So take some time out this Equinox just for THINKING about things, more thinking less doing….You could get some great IDEAS if you take the time to meditate, get quiet & tap into your mind for a minute. Thomas Edison got his best ideas from NAPS this is the time to go within, Meditate, get Quiet,  get out of your BETA brain that is so worried about survival & get into the deeper Alpha, Theta & Delta to find solutions. Nikola Tesla said if you want to find your genius, be ALONE, the mind is shaper & keener in seclusion & uninterupted solitude, being alone is the secret of invention.being alone is where ideas are born!  Where I live in Bend, this town has gotten so much louder since I first moved here & could all that EXTERNAL NOISE  in our world be making us dumber?

You can also use this Sun conjunct Mercury time for doing Therapy, I am taking Wendy Wirtz’s Breakthrough Academy course right now where we are exploring all these Therapeutic Healing Modalities like EMDR, OponoOpono, EFT & more. 

Venus opposite Jupiter

Strong desires drive you to pursue your DREAMS on a grand scale or you could meet the LOVE of your LIFE with this postive aspect. Try not to BUY too many things you don’t need though, this is an impulse shopping over spending transit~!

Mercury opposite Jupiter there is a tension between your Great Ideas & how to get them out into the world right now & wanting to express yourself in BIG NEW WAYS but meeting some resistance / fear in the process. 


Be careful with your words now, if you want to express yourself to others, try writing a letter that you don’t have to send.

Libra is the SCALES of JUSTICE & with Saturn Retrograde going back to the scene of the crime, Saturn the Lord of Karma, we will see some people finally paying the price for the crimes they have committed & the rights & wrongs being balanced out this Season 

Libra is all about our RELATIONSHIPS & finding a balance in how much we give & take this Season.

EMPATH CYCLE Of giving & pulling back, where you give too much & you’re completely drained, so you have to pull your energy back in, do the selfcare, do the healing & then you have this strong desire to GIVE too Much yet again…

Next up we will be talking about the ECLIPSE PORTAL so Stay Tuned for that, like & subscribe! 

I will be posting my Fall Reiki classes in the Class section of this website, check it out & sign up!



Capricorn Full Moon 

July 13th 11:37AM PNW

Supermoon Astrology Chart winner is KAREN SIPES, who just had her birthday, how fun! Remember to like, sub & comment for a chance to WIN on the next Full Moon in Aquarius in August! 

We had that Cancer New Moon calling us home & I have spent more time at home recently & decluttering, I can always tell when a major ENERGY SHIFT is coming when I start purging & decluttering & I wonder if any of you are feeling it, too?
On the 4th of July as I record this, the SIRIUS GATEWAY is OPENED & this begins the Energy that continues to grow until it reaches its PEAK on 08/08 LIONSGATE & this is ruled by Sirius the Dog Star & although we cannot see Sirius in the Summer b/c the SUN Blinds us from seeing it, but we can still receive these powerful ENERGETIC DOWNLOADS from this Lionsgate Portal & this is something the Egyptians worshiped, their Pyramids were built to honor this rising of the Sirius Dog Star, I would LOVE to be in Egypt to see this constellation when the Sirius, the brightest BLUE STAR that burns brighter than our own SUN, lines up with the Pyramids, that must be truly magical! I am going to do another whole report about the LIONSGATE Portal b/c there’s so much to say about how to align with the energy of this.

I have been teaching a very special LIONSGATE Reiki for Abundance Class just before 08/08 for over 10 years now & I find this is the BEST Time to receive a Reiki Attunement for MANIFESTING because REIKI ALIGNS so well with this Sirius Gateway energy, all of my Reiki students who received their first attunement during the Lionsgate have experienced incredible transformations. I am teaching this class this year at UNITY & Everyone who attends will receive my new Reiki Book for FREE, I will put the LINK down below to sign up. 

This Capricorn SUPERMOON has us feeling very GOAL ORIENTED & willing to WORK for it but don’t be discouraged if the results are not showing up this month even with all the energy you are pouring into your projects, it may not bear fruit until mid August, so don’t give up, keep working at what you want to Manifest. I’ve been working like such a Worker BEE in ALL the ways this month, so many massage & Reiki sessions, astrology charts & recording my Audible version of my book now & this CAPRICORN energy is like when you’re working so hard, you don’t even have time to count your money yet, reminds me of working in busy restaurants, you just keep trudging ahead, they’ll be time enough for counting with the deal is done, wasn’t that song? , but this is the time of year when the energy is the strongest & supports making HAY while the Sun Shines so that later on we can enjoy the Fall & Winter in a more relaxed way if we put in the efforts now to work hard & get ahead.  

Mercury has left Gemini to move into Cancer & Now Mars has left Aries for Taurus this creates a slower energy now as we move from air & fire both quick moving energies into water & earth & we are in the MUD now with all these storms causing that moist soil just like in the 9 Star Ki, I’ve been doing separate 9 Star Ki Astrology reports where we find ourselves in that 5 Moist Soil Star all year & this feels like a stormier Summer than usual, I’m grateful for the rain as we’ve been in a severe drought here in Central Oregon & I’d much rather have rain than fire! 

Sun in Cancer Sextile Uranus Taurus on July 10th just before this Full Moon makes this Capricorn Supermoon SEXY, I don’t always think of my hard working mountain goat capricorn friends as SEXY but this time they are! Sun sextile Uranus transit brings optimistic surprises, sextiles are GOOD aspects and this can even bring exciting new romantic encounters. This is a good MOON to try something FUN & NEW & you will be craving freedom from your responsibilties, great day for the BEACH, I see lots of people calling in SICK at work this week, where you’re really calling in because you FEEL TOO GOOD to go to Work in reality! This would be a fabulous aspect for going out to eat somewhere new & exciting with your loved ones, family, friends or romantic partner & try all the things, Taurus LOVE to EAT & you  might want to order some aphrodiasiacs like OYSTERS & you have to enjoy DESSERT with this aspect, this is an EAT Dessert FIRST Sextile. 

You may be INSPIRED by a flash of insight or feeling an energetic download coming in, could be that Lionsgate Energy or you will have otherworldly dreams this week, remember Uranus rules over Aliens, too, maybe you’ll get beamed up to a spaceship & taken on an adventure through space, try telling your boss about that excuse!!! 

I feel like these strong URANUS aspects always give me that funny DEJA VU feeling, too. URANUS sextile Sun is a good time for communicating BRAVE new ideas, your creativity is stimulated & Socializing, group activities and chance encounters will be enlightening. 

You will CRAVE Excitement & try not to throw away your whole life on a WHIM right now though, I read this story of a woman who was having a Sun Uranus Conjunction & the next thing you know, she gets a flat tire b/c URANUS is responsible for those “Unexpected Events” & she meets her Soulmate who helps her replace her tire, only thing is, she is married with a family & she is a Doctor, but she blows off everything, gets a divorce, leaves her family, quits her job to travel the world with this man she just met & maybe that is FUN, but I wonder if she has any regrets? It might be difficult to stick to a boring routine right now, but maybe you can just have a fun filled Ferris Bueller Day Off without throwing your whole life away over this transit? 

Venus Gemini Trine Saturn Aquarius

This is a time for SOCIALIZING that leads to Power Dynamics, like climbing the Social Ladder in some way or perhaps starting a relationship that will ultimately lead to Financial SECURITY, I’m not saying she’s a Gold Digger….but, it’s just as easy to love a rich partner as a poor partner, I’m kidding… This can also indicate love that comes through work, dating someone you work with & there may be power dynamics that need to be navigated carefully here… 

Trine’s are always OPPORTUNITIES, there is an opportunity, to rise up in your social position through love or friendship or social encounters, it could even be meeting someone at a bar, party or bbq who wants to invest in your business, be open for opportunities to show up in the most unusual ways this Supermoon. 

Venus Gemini Square Neptune Pisces

 July 14th

Be careful in new love relationships & new friendships started now because there may be an element of deceit or delusion as Neptune is retrograde, you may be rubbing the stardust out of your eyes & realizing that this person is not at all who you dreamed them up to be, be careful of putting someone on a pedestal b/c you might not be seeing them for who they really are right now, I love that Maya Angelou quote that says, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Mercury in Cancer conjunct the Sun 

July 16th

Mercury in Cancer has us going inward mentally, pulling our Energy in, wanting to mentally tune everything OUT & with all the crazy stuff going on in our world, who could blame us if we all need a break from the news & definitely time to go on a SOCIAL MEDIA DIET this Summer with MERCURY conjunct Sun in Cancer, it’s time to go HOME, find our SELF again, do the deep soul searching or at least clean out your sock drawer! 


KEYNOTE: The realization that one may grow through defeat as well as, and perhaps more than, through success.

While the preceding symbol referred to the drive toward success in culturally organized collective endeavors, this one presents us with the possibility of turning apparent external defeat into an inner spiritual achievement. We have seen how totally vanquished nations have leaped forward and achieved great economic success. Much depends on the quality of the will and the inner integrity of the person. The great sinner can become the most renowned saint, and a medieval Pope can be a criminal. What matters most is our INNER STRENGTH.

This is about KARMA & Capricorn ruled by SATURN knows all about KARMA! 



08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!! 
I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation. 

Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt, for Thousands of years has been observed and honored as a time of a great energetic influx and activation! This gateway is an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and appears closer to the Earth than any other time of year. Sirius Star is twice the size of our Sun and 26x brighter! It is a serious source of spiritual light and divine energetic downloads. Sirius represents abundance, harvest, and fertility. This alignment is called Lionsgate because it occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents individualized expressions of the Divine. During Lionsgate, Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. This Lion’s Gateway allows intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun to stream through our Sun and anchor new solar codes for Mastery and higher aspects of Love onto the planet. This is a wonderful day for receiving energy work, attunements, meditations, Yoga and nature therapy! As Exciting as it all sounds, know that, this High Energy Day, may feel uncomfortable for some. Many people are not used to these higher levels of energetcic expansion, as most of us are familiar with a more contracted state of being small, so to feel more safe in the new frequencies that will be electrifying the nervous system, it might be nice not to do too much this day!  You may experience side effects of the massive heart opening that can include feeling anxious, cranky, thirsty, dizzy and ungrounded. Try Earthing, placing your feet in the dirt, grass or beach if you experience any of these side effects!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0