08/08/2020 LIONSGATE is an auspicious time for opening your Heart Chakra with a Reiki Attunement, that’s why I am teaching a special LIONSGATE Reiki class Saturday!!!  I have ONE spot left, as I had a cancelation.  Lions Gate has ties to ancient Egypt,...

Chinese New Year of the RAT!

January 25th celebrates Chinese New Year of the Rat with the New Moon Aquarius.  This begins a whole new 12 year cycle as the Rat is the first animal in the Chinese Zodiac.  This year is a great time to launch a new business or project as it favors new...
Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

Plaid Friday BOGO Massage Sale 11/29/19

This Plaid Friday 11/29/19 we will be having a ONE DAY only Sale for BOGO Massage Gift Certificates ONLINE! Buy one 90 Minute Massage Gift Certificate & Receive a 60 Minute Massage Gift Certificate FREE!!! Give one away for a present & keep one for yourself,..., pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0