The Rainmaker

The Rainmaker


There was a terrible drought in that part of China where Richard Wilhelm was living. After all the ways to bring rain that the people knew had been tried, they decided to send for a rainmaker. This interested Wilhelm very much, and he was careful to be there when the rainmaker arrived. the man came in a covered cart, a small, wizened, old man who sniffed the air with evident distaste as he got out of the cart, and asked to be left alone in a small cottage outside the village; even his meals were to be laid down outside the door.

Nothing was heard from him for three days, then it not only rained, but there was also a big downfall of snow, unknown at that time of year. Very much impressed, Wilhelm sought  the rainmaker out and asked him how it was that he could make rain, and even snow. The rainmaker replied, “I have not made the snow; I am not responsible for it.” Wilhelm insisted that there was a terrible drought until he came, and then after three days they even had quantities of snow. The old man answered, “Oh, I can explain that. You see, I come from a place where the people are in order; they are in Tao; so the weather is also in order. But directly I got here, I saw the people were out of order and they also infected me. So I remained alone until I was once more in Tao and then, of course, it snowed.”

Plaid Friday Sale!

Plaid Friday Sale!

Plaid Friday Bend

Plaid Friday Bend

2019 SALE can be found here:

Plaid Friday Sale at Kimimi Healing Arts[/caption]
<h2><strong>BOGO Massage Gift Certificates</strong></h2>
<h2><a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”> </a>
Purchase a 90 Minute Massage &amp; get a 60 Minute Massage FREE!
Give one as a gift &amp; keep one for yourself, you decide who gets the
longer massage, use Paypal button at
<form action=”” method=”post” target=”_top”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”cmd” value=”_s-xclick”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”hosted_button_id” value=”N5NSG9HQYSHKL”>
<tr><td><input type=”hidden” name=”on0″ value=”PLAID FRIDAY MASSAGE SALE”>PLAID FRIDAY MASSAGE SALE</td></tr><tr><td><select name=”os0″>
<option value=”BOGO 90 Min Massage GET 60 Min. Massage FREE MASSAGE”>BOGO 90 Min Massage GET 60 Min. Massage FREE MASSAGE $125.00 USD</option>
<option value=”BOGO HOT Stone Massage”>BOGO HOT Stone Massage $118.00 USD</option>
<option value=”BOGO 9 Star Ki Reading for 2020″>BOGO 9 Star Ki Reading for 2020 $108.00 USD</option>
<option value=”BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing & get a 9 Star Ki reading free”>BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing & get a 9 Star Ki reading free $235.00 USD</option>
</select> </td></tr>
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<img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″>

BOGO 2 9 Star Ki Astrology Readings for $108 </strong>
See what 2020 holds for you &amp; someone special with a Full Astrology Chart including your 9 Star Ki predictions.</h2>
<h3><strong>BOGO Reiki For Abundance Class</strong> take Abundance Reiki class with a friend or loved and you both will prosper, when you buy 2 spots for the price of one $185.</h3>
<h3><strong>BOGO Feng Shui Space Clearing &amp; get a Free Energy Clearing &amp; free 9 Star Ki reading. </strong>
When you buy a Feng Shui Home or Office Space Clearing you will get a Free Energy Clearing &amp; 9 Star Ki reading with it, a $203. Value! All for $235.</h3>

<img class=”size-medium wp-image-2078″ src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”223″ height=”300″ /> WTSweigert Photography Plaid Friday Sale on Headshots
<h2>$85 Photo Session for Headshots or Christmas Card Photos</h2>
<h2>WTSweigert Photography aka Bill has done most of the headshots for our Bend Health Guide.
He is offering a $85 Special for Plaid Friday online at <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”></a></h2>

Back to School Massage Specials in Bend

Back to School Massage Specials in Bend



Bend Massage

Bend Massage

Back to School Massage Special

As kids return to school it’s times for Moms to refill their Well with Selfcare once again. This year for my Back to School Special, I am offering a FREE Pendulum Energy Clearing with any scheduled Massage or Reiki Session through 10/5/18.

This Summer I did an extensive training in Santa Cruz with Jean Haner on how to clear Energy using a Pendulum. I’d love for your to experience this amazing modality! Do you feel like you might have picked up some energy this Summer that is not your own? Don’t we all?! Come in for a Massage & leave with your Energy crystal clear like a freshly cleaned window! Regain your sparkle!

Look forward to seeing you soon, you can schedule online with the “Schedule now” button on the Home page!, pub-4119085300821157, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0