This Gemini Full Moon illuminates the TWINS, Castor & Pollux
Castor is the Mortal Son born of Spartan
& Pollux is Immortal born of ZEUS
This represents all those DICHOTOMIES of life, feeling invincible or feeling small, feeling UNLIMITED & then feeling OVERWHELMED, HOPE & FEAR, Love & Hate, Peace & War, we maybe feeling the whole SPECTRUM of big feelings this Supermoon & what can you release now into the ETHERS to clear your mind as we prepare to bid adieu to 2024 to shed our skin like the SNAKE Year of 2025 we will be moving into.
Who are my GEMINI friends? I’d love to know! We all have GEMINI somewhere, my Gemini is in the 11th House of friendships, I have so many Gemini friends & I love them but they do drive me crazy with how UNPREDICTABLE they can be! I like to say SQUIRREL to my Gemini friends b/c they are always chasing Squirrels in new directions, leaving behind their path & purpose for some new shiny thing!
This full Moon will cross JUPITER the KING of WISHES, Jupiter is like Santa Claus promising you will get everything you want, so make a WISH, leave it in the comments & I will send Distance REIKI for it to come true.
The exact Moon Jupiter Conjunction will be on FRIDAY the 13th an auspicious time for MOON MAGIC as it represents the time when wise women would GATHER for Lunar Rituals, this is why Friday the 13th has a bad reputation, anytime powerful women gather together it was thought to be EVIL or SCARY, so get out there & do something that scares you & EMPOWERS you at the same time!
I will be hosting another REIKI infused MOON MAGIC ZOOM this time focusing on manifesting ABUNDANCE, I will link below to sign up.
Moon conjunct Jupiter is all about WISH FULFILLMENT & GOOD FORTUNE, I think we can all use this optimistic transit right now & it shows up at 15 degrees of GEMINI so look at your chart & let me know where 15 degrees of Gemini shows up for. For my it’s the 11th house which is an auspicious placement for Jupiter so of course I will be buying a Mega Millions Ticket this week, let me know where Gemini is for you & I will give you a mini reading.
KEYNOTE:The need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals, it’s that coming together, gathering wisdom & this ties into the Iching I am covering in the 9 Star Ki Astrology which is about the power of FELLOWSHIP
Transcendent experiences when likeminded individuals come together, The “Dutch children” communicate with their subconscious minds in a spirit of discussion that has prevailed in Holland. They are “children” because this implies brand new experiences that demands a “clean” and open mind eager to test what is experienced in a state of NEW “Discovery.”In old tribal cultures a man’s “great dreams” were accepted as valid and acted upon only if another tribesman also had a similar dream. here we find a need for COLLECTIVEOBJECTIVITY
If you look at Jupiter in the night sky right now as it gets in alignment with this Full Moon you will see that it’s actually happening in Taurus & we have a MOON, JUPITER, PLEIADES ALIGNMENT happening this week, Pleiades the 7 Sisters, rulers of DESTINY, this is a BENEVOLENT alignment that connects us to the DIVINE SOURCE, Angels, Ancestors & Aliens alike, all coming in strong this moon to assist us, so this is a time to ask for HELP from a Higher Spirit, God, whatever you want to call it.
This is a time to ENERGETICALLY ALIGN to whatever you DESIRE, Ask, Believe & you will receive, this is your best chance for manifesting with the Law of Attraction in this Lunar cycle, then we move on to Capricorn next month & we will have to WORK for what we want again, so take some time out this Full Moon to connect energetically, to send distance Reiki, to get an energy clearing or just try DREAMING it into being because we also have NEPTUNE in PISCES in a T Square to this Sun & Moon saying if you can DREAM It you can Achieve it, though we may be delusional about how much we can accomplish right now.
This COLD Full Moon on December 15, 2024, will rise and set at its most extreme northerly points on the horizon—the result of a once-every-18.6 years “major lunar standstill.” This is a PIVOTAL CROSSROADS point for all of us, to call on HECATE for new directions, a new purpose, perhaps NEW LOVE or new ways to PROFIT in the coming year. Then we will have the Winter Solstice, darkest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
We just completed that SOLAR FLIP of the SUN’s MAGNETIC North & South poles & our earth is still spinning, we survived the Geomagnetic Storms of 2024 without any real electrical grid mayhem, hopefully we will Survive whatever comes our way, let’s just take it day by day for now in gratitude for this peaceful moment & maybe the next one will be good, too.
Mercury the planet that RULES GEMINI is in the opposite Sagittarius, it’s OPPOSITE SIGN
JUPITER the planet that RULES SAGITTARIUS is in GEMINI also the opposite so this is a FLIP the SCRIPT moment for JUPITER & MERCURY two POWER PLANETS that may have people sort of “Flipped Out, too” When you have 2 Planets in their OPPOSING SIGNS at the SAME time this is called a MUTUAL RECEPTION when you have Mercury the ruler of Gemini in Sagittarius & Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius in Gemini, your peanut butter is in my chocolate, this is a significant AHA Moment of REVELATIONS
Jupiter in Gemini expands COMMUNICATION, oh my, my clients are really wanting to TALK in their MASSAGE sessions right now I am feeling JUPITER expanding GEMINI’s GOSSIPING VIBES
Mercury in Sagittarius is so PHILOSOPHICAL, solving all the world’s problems
Retrograde Planets now JUPITER, URANUS, CHIRON & MARS I will get to soon.
VENUS in Capricorn is in a HARMONIOUS SEXTILE with Mercury in Sagittarius, speak words of LOVE & KINDNESS this Full Moon. This can bring about REVELATIONS
Jupiter Square Saturn I talked about this in my Black Moon report & it’s only getting more INTENSE now as we have this CONFLICT between FREEDOM Jupiter & RESPONSIBILITIES SATURN & how much do I just want to quit everything & move OFF GRID, anyone else? But SATURN says, “you got bills to pay, go to WORK!!!”
2 REIKI ZOOMS one of Friday the 13th & one on 12/20 just before the Winter SOLSTICE
one person said of my Fire Ceremony:
“blah blah”
KEYNOTE:The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment.
Winter symbolizes darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold, that feels very SATURN. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power to rise above an outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill by learning this rhythmic freedom that is so JUPITER to OVERCOME the Frozen ELEMENTS that is SATURN’s Restriction
SKATING as a form of FREEDOM by using the most binding situations of an ICED over LAKE to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure & movement.
Entropy is a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. You can think of it as nature’s tax. Entropy naturally increases over time. Problems arise: your house gets messy, your garden gets weeds, and your coffee gets cold.
9 star ki December
4 Wood Star month
December 7th we started a 4 Tree that bends in the WIND Month, in a 3 FAST GROWING Tree Year, in a 2 EARTH 9-Year cycle, in a 9 Fire 81-Year cycle. The cycle of support flows from 3 Tree, to 4 Tree, to 9 Fire, and terminates in 2 Soil making this a very PRODUCTIVE Month as Wood Feeds Fire & Fire Feeds EARTH, get everything DONE now, do your Homework, work on your end of year TAXES, whatever you need to do, do it in the next 2 months before February when I predicted a SLOWER Earth Energy causing us to procrastinate & possibly a deep freeze, snowy February to come according to the Farmer’s Almanac who says big snows will arrive late this year.
Tree energy gets tasks completed this month due to its double WOOD ELEMENT. 9 Fire receives double WOOD FUEL to keep us MOTIVATED. Wood, Fire and Earth play nice this month bringing us good vibes this Holiday season. Yet, Wood element rules over the LIVER which can have frustrations & anger, tendency to drink more, so remember to nourish your liver with Lemon ginger hot tea with honey.
13: Fellowship
When communal or tribal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonding only develops if personal interests are subordinate to virtuous human relations, like open communication and empathy. The broader the perspective, the greater the good that can be achieved; and the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat for the good of all, though it does help to have a beautiful island of high ideals to row toward!
Learn to respect the power of diversity, for a community’s strength lies not only in its numbers but in the diverse skills and collective resources of its members. Like the stoutest walls reinforced by different materials, the strongest groups benefit from a tolerance of differences, strengthening the fabric of the whole. With a unified group solidly behind you, even difficult enterprises can be undertaken without great risk.
The strongest bond is the one between two human hearts that have come to know and share each other’s inner thoughts and desires. Whether separated by circumstances or fate, divided by differences of opinion, or angered by each other’s behavior, if the bond is true, nothing can break it. This type of union can experience difficulty, but it will ultimately bring the sweetest joy known to humankind
So, what resource is available that can provide the organization and stability required? Just look in the mirror. We can. Reach out to your neighbor. Realize that none of us are perfect, so we shouldn’t expect others to be. Allow this time of rising global ki to lift your spirits, your awareness, your kindness and your understanding. Let the yin, expansive, pioneering, inventive light of the dawn shine through. Sure there will be challenges, but doesn’t that mean we’re all sharing the same adventure? We humans can realize that we have more tools at hand than the prevailing ki. We can improve the world, including even our own ki, by the way we eat, how we act, speak, think and pray. After all, it isn’t the ki that caused our problems. And if people can break it then people can fix it.
4 Tree is the ki of technology and commerce. Three Tree is associated with fresh starts, progress and new adventures. Nine Fire supports chaos but is also the ki of fortunate outcomes. Let us learn to use them in loving and constructive ways.
We can make this holiday season shine with the yin, warm, outgoing, rising energy.
1 Waters- will be happiest if they turn their attention to family and friends. Two Soils- your break is over, but look for some interesting developments near the end of this period. Three Trees- can make constructive progress but should proceed in a mature, attentive way. Four Trees- time for your karmic checkup. 5 Soils- will travel a well defined path but it will be difficult to move in new directions. Six Metals- will continue through their second month of stability but will be open to heartfelt moments. Sevens- will be supported by small changes if they maintain a focused goal. Eight Soils- will have a sunnier outlook if they remain organized. And 9 Fires- will be successful if they maintain a spiritual perspective and good humor. All of us- can conceive a better New Year, with a little extra effort.
That’s what everyone has been asking me, so I look to the Stars for answers & here’s what I found….
Donald J. Trump
JUNE 14, 1946
Queens, NY
10:54 AM
Hello & Welcome. I am Terie & today I am going to read Trump’s 2024 Astrology Chart & see if the stars are aligning for him to Win or Lose in next year’s election. I’ve looked to astrology my whole life to see what is going on & what will happen next in our world, it always tells the story as it is going to happen, you’ve just got to learn how to read it.
So will TRUMP win the Election?!?! Let’s see what the STARS Say for Donald J. Trump in 2024.
Stay tuned until the end when I tell you what my own intuitive hit is telling me about who will WIN this election For now, I am going to read Trump’s chart without judgement, just as I would if he hired me to read his chart for 2024 Predictions. I’m only looking at what the Astrology says, the stars never lie.
So you are invited to watch along whether you are rooting for Trump to Win or Lose, whether you love him or hate him you are welcome to be here, to listen to his transits & look at his fascinating chart, I’m always amazed by Trump’s chart. I read Trump’s chart & 9 Star Ki Astrology just for fun in the last election & I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he would WIN, it was so clear to so many astrologers. In the 9 Star Ki he was in the 3 Fast Growing Tree Year that gave him so much “go for it” energy & 3 Wood Stars always WIN, our whole world will be under the 3 Wood Star in 2024 interesting we collectively return to the energy that helped TRUMP WIN in 2016, while Hilary was in a 2 Earth year as an earth mountain herself, she was slowed down by too much EARTH, both Eastern & Western Astrology said the same thing, TRUMP was undeniably going to become our President.
This time around it is not as clear cut to me, Trump has some powerful JUPITER alignments that COULD BRING A WIN, JUPITER RULES OVER POWER & FAITH, Trump has thIS luckiest Jupiter Sun Cazimi, that’s truly a WINNING Transit that always makes me buy a Lottery Ticket when I see it show up in my chart, that makes me think, yes, he is against all odds going to take this Presidency, but then he has this pesky Saturn Square Uranus that is a challenging aspect bringing road blocks & obstacles to his victory not to mention some Karmic lessons & LOSSES.
I see JUPITER coming in like SANTA on his sleigh to bring Trump the GIFT of a Presidential Victory so hopeful for Trump, Jupiter Santa rules over HOPE.
Then I see Saturn square Uranus coming in like the GRINCH to take it all away & even lock Trump up.
So it will be the Best of Times & the Worst of Times for Trump in 2024, making this election feel like a scale as we move into that 2024 LIBRA Scales of Justice Eclipse Year ahead. where the lightest feather could tip the scale in his favor or against his favor, it feels like it could all come down to just a few votes whether we wins or loses but let’s look closer at his chart for more definitive clues if he’s going to WIN or LOSE.
Trump was born during a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius close to the Galactic Center in his 4th house of Home & Mother he’s a powerful CHANGEMAKER being born in an Eclipse on that Gemini Sagittarius Axis on the 10th house of Career/Father & 4th house of Home/Mother, this particular Total Lunar Eclipse that occurred at Donald’s birth is called a LUNAR SAROS 129 & it occurs every 9 years, the next one will be March 2025 close to the time the Winner will take the Presidency. People who have Moon conjunct Galactic Center as Donald Trump does means he is a FORCE in NATURE
He MANIFESTS with his Connection to SOURCE that he was born with Moon near the Galactic Center, he’s the kind of person who is always in the right place at the right time, he may have overinflated his wealth but he is successful just looking at his chart I see him knowing what he wants & then getting it more often than not, you can see why he has inspired so many people, he does have powers of persuasion & abundance. Trump works this manifesting Alchemy with his words because of course he is a GEMINI, Geminis are natural WORDSMITHS, Trump has a stellium in Gemini with SUN, North Node & Uranus, Gemini ruled by Mercury gives him those Jedi Mind Skills to create the reality he believes he deserves to have, he manifests his desires by proclaiming that he already has what he wants, that what he wants to have happen IS happening if only in his own imagination, even if it’s a white lie he wields it to magnetize getting what he wants & then what he wants naturally comes to him, people criticize his lying but he uses it in the best Law of ATTRACTION WAY, when he says it’s going to be huge & he IS going to WIN he is proclaiming what he wants with that powerful of I AM affirming & it works wonders for him. I wonder if he read the Law of Attraction books like the Secret or if it just comes natural for him. It reminds me of a child bragging about having something or gloating about fake accomplishments to inflate their status but then lo & behold they end up getting what they bragged about or becoming what they said they were afterall, this Fake it until you make it system actually works sometimes.
He was BORN in aTotal LUNAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius near the GALACTIC CENTER in the 4th house of Home & Mother, when someone is born with Sun in 10th house of Father & Moon in 4th house of Mother, his PARENTS have a huge impact on WHO HE IS, I wanted to know more abut Trump’s mother Mary Anne, she has a whole Wickipedia page, really interesting how we don’t hear about her as much, but she is a powerful force, setting sail to America on her own at age 17 to seek a better life, she is fierce survivor rising from an immigrant servant’s position to aspire great wealth mostly through marriage but she worked with her husband managing properties, she lived the true American Dream from rags to riches & we all know Trump’s Father is a Real Estate mogul, have you heard the Woodie Guthrie song about him? Worth a listen.
Trump has his North Node Gemini 10th House Father & South Node Sagittarius 4th House Mother, his life purpose, his work, his family & his home are tied in deeply with his parental roots, so much to unpack here. North Node 10th house brings a rise to a position of Great Power & he does it in part, for his FATHER, but that Lunar Eclipse Moon & South Node in 4th house of Mother makes him emotional in a FIERY Sagittarius way of course, so his emotions become outburts where he can’t control what he says, like a classic Sagittarius. He may have deep Mother Wounds & his relationships with women may be his demise that affects this election ultimately, more about that later. His North Node Will be activated by a SUN Conjunction in 2024 lighting up his purpose in life & once again giving him this UNCANNY LUCK, he’s connected to Wealthy, Powerful people that will try to help him WIN against all odds.
Interesting TRUMP”S GEMINI / SAGITTARIUS AXIS was activated during that powerfulEclipse Portal happening in the 2020 election & that triggered Donald Trump’s North node / South Node in a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE RETURN for Trump that happened JUNE 5th in Sagittarius at 15 degrees, so close to an exact return to Trump’s Lunar Eclipse at Sagittarius at 21 degrees when he was born. Activating his Nodal Axis did not give him the WIN in 2020, but it did stir up a lot of chaos for him, now the SUN lights up his North Node in Gemini could this light up his Soul’s Mission to WIN & gain Power by using his GEMINI Superpowers of manifesting with his words? It’s making a Solar Opposition to his Lunar Eclipse Wounds of Loss & we will have some CHIRON the wounded healer Transits coming up showing Trump he has a lot to HEAL in 2025, how will he have time to process everything that is happening to him, it’s going to be an intense year of HIGHS & LOWS for Donald Trump.
Let’s start with the HIGHS JUPITER the planet of Expansion, the Believe it to Achieve it personal power guru is in Trump’s 9th house of Beliefs, Travel & Education now before it moves into Trump’s 10th house of Career & POWER in 2024.Next April 20, 2024 Jupiter in Taurus conjuncts Uranus Taurus giving Trump high spirits to ask, believe & receive all the support he needs to WIN & someone from a foreign land helping Trump to WIN shows up again & again in his chart next year.
JUPITER Conjunct Midheaven
Trump’s JUPITER transits reminds me of that old song, “Some guys have all the LUCK.” Next SPRING, April 2024 through June 2024 Trump has this auspicious Jupiter conjunct Midheaven transit that brings a LUCKY fortune cookie for his career & achieving his big goals. He gets the results he wants & we’re already seeing this in the Polls. It’s a time of confidence, recognition, achievement and professional progress. This is like running a marathon & you get a major lead over your competition, it feels like no one can catch Trump now in the race but it’s only through JUNE, a lot can change in those final weeks.
Jupiter loves travel & making friends in high places & foreign affairs, my instinct is that there’s massive help here for Trump from someone in a position of power in a foreign country, it’s covert, behind the scenes, is it PUTIN? Putin is a 3 Wood Star going through a Hurricane in 2024, not sure how much he can help, but some powerful foreigner is funneling resources for TRUMP to WIN.
When Jupiter conjuncts Midheaven it’s exciting & optimistic, it lights you up like the radiant SUN shining on you, it EXPANDS everything in a good way & the advice I usually give in readings is that you should not take on more than you can handle even if it all seems like Great Opportunities, don’t over commit.
Trump is going to have more than he can handle next Spring as things really speed up for him & he is in the SPOTLIGHT in the news, he’s being seen for good deeds & bad deed, it can feel like it’s all too much for him, so even though this is a POSITIVE Jupiter Midheaven transit, there is an OVERWHELM that comes from Opportunity overload that could EXHAUST Trump’s health, like a kid who has eaten too much ice cream sundae & now he’s sick.
JUNE 11th 2024 JUPITER enters GEMINI Trump’s house of his SUN, North Node & Uranus
When Jupiter the KING enters the house of your Natal Sun, it’s as if you get an opportunity to make a WISH & Ask the KING for it to come true, it’s like rubbing the Genie’s LAMP & being told “your Wish is my Command”,
I could practically declare Trump the WINNER just for Jupiter entering GEMINI then TransitingJUPITER in Gemini will conjunct Trump’s Natal URANUS at 7 degrees of GEMINI a second Jupiter conjunct Uranus for Trump again showcasing foreign people of SUPREME POWER coming in to HELP him WIN, even if there’s something deceitful here, like the Free Masons or the Illuminaty there’s higher POWERS backing him that we can’t even fathom, but I am sure it will all come out in a tell all book someday far into the future.
Then transiting JUPITER in GEMINI conjuncts his North Node in October, Trump’s big life lessons & purpose are LIT UP at 20 degrees of Gemini, this is expansion of power & then on October 8th Jupiter reaches 21 Degrees of GEMINI we can just about call that a
JUPITER SUN CAZIMI in the 10th HOUSE of POWER for Donald Trump, this is truly the LUCKIEST Transit you can have.
When I saw this JUPITER Conjunct SUN in GEMINI, I thought he’s going to WIN for sure, but then, I looked a little closer & realized he misses a true JUPITER SUN CAZIMI by ONE DEGREE, it’s as if he loses by ONE VOTE because when TRUMP is standing before the KING presenting his wish to become President, something really funny happens, JUPITER gets within ONE Degree away from Trump’s Sun at GEMINI 22 DEGREES, Jupiter is just about to give him everything he wants & then..
JUPITER STATIONS RETROGRADE at that 21 DEGREE point, so turns out, it’s not a true CAZIMI but so CLOSE, so now this race is really hard to call, some may say it’s close enough, some will say he missed it by a hair.
JUPITER will be RETROGRADE still during the time of the Election so maybe the KING won’t give TRUMP his power, maybe Jupiter in Gemini Retrograde means the KING will be disempowered, moving backwards. We have MERCURY, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus & Chiron all RETROGRADE on election day, what could go wrong with our Voting during Retrograde season?
Jupiter will not go direct until January 2025 when the President takes office, so the King will not be granting wishes after all, when Trump needs him most. It’s like he’s SO CLOSE to get everything he wants & then the King backs out of the deal…but only by ONE Degree, too close to call it, we’re going to need a referee on the court, that’s a close call to make.
We have powerful North Node Aries / South Node Libra Eclipses happening in 2024, the first one is a LUNAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA on March 25th when Trump has a Lawsuit pending & then a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in ARIES on April 8th, I am watching these eclipses closely to see how it will impact our Elections & the current WAR situations, learn more about this Powerful new ERA being ushered in with Aries North Node / Libra South Node Eclipse Portal of 2024, I have separate videos about it, I will link below.
These 2024 Eclipses will hit Trump’s 3rd House of LIBRA having to do with his LAWSUITS as Libra is the scales of JUSTICE & Trump’s ARIES in the 8th House that is ruled by Scorpio dealing with sex, death & taxes he may have debts to pay but also the veil is thin in this Eclipse Portal to come, maybe Trump gets help from the other side with his Father, Mother & Brother all crossed over or it could mean some Skeletons coming out of his closet, Jupiter will EXPAND any secrets revealed & Trump’s Uranus square Saturn means they will be Shocking Secrets, what could shock us at this point?
It will all come out in his Lawsuits scheduled for next Spring when this Eclipse Portal happens & he may feel like he’s not getting the RESPECT, recognition or rewards he believes he deserves or that his POWER & INFLUENCE can not save him this time. His powerful JupiterEXPANDS his EGO so Trump might come across as arrogant or boastful in debating with other candidates or in his lawsuits, his “know it all” Gemini wordy rambling on attitude will not serve him well in court or in the election this time around & it could result in some kind of reversal of fortunes once Jupiter moves away from his Midheaven next June 2024.
We can’t talk about Trump’s Future without talking about URANUS
ENTERING GEMINI JULY 2025 bringing even more unexpected events for Trump as this marks a Uranus return for Trump but wait…plot twist, it’s also a URANUS RETURN for the United States if you look at our 1776 American Birth Chart & when the American Revolutionary war birthed America as a Free Nation, Uranus was in Gemini during our declaration of independence & another Uranus return in 1862 brought the the CIVIL WAR….URANUS in GEMINI brings UNREST, WAR & REVOLUTION, oh my! I could do 6 hours on Uranus in Gemini but what’s important now isTrump has Uranus in Gemini at 7 Degrees, Uranus the planet of unexpected events & surprises in the sign of GEMINI translates as “I can’t believe he said that!” Trump is always surprising us, he is an innovative Changemaker, he goes against old ways of doing things, he breaks rules, laws & outdated taboos & everyone LETS HIM. He gets away with more stuff than most, but it will be interesting when he has his URANUS RETURN in 2025 at the exact same time America is having a URANUS Return, America’s chart also has Uranus in Gemini maybe that’s why he aligns with our core American values & people believe him when he says he will make Amerca Great again, that is a great slogan, he manifests with his words. This powerful URANUS in GEMINI return for Trump that will be exact closer to Trump’s 84th birthday, Uranus hangs out in a sign a long time & it takes 84 years for Uranus to travel all the way back to an exact return, but even Uranus entering Gemini brings these WAVES of MASSIVE CHANGE for Trump in his 10th house of CAREER, POWER & AUTHORITY that makes it so hard to predict what will happen for him.
When I’m looking for a definitive answer in a Chart & URANUS is involved, I am scratching my head, there’s no way to know what’s going to happen with URANUS in the already unpredictable sign of GEMINI but there will be a lot to SAY about it & Trump will be the talk of the town again.
I just have to look at the SABIAN SYMBOL for Trump’s URANUS at 7 Degrees of Gemini b/c this just got interesting…it’s a late 7 degrees, so I am going to read for 8 remember JUPITER will conjunct Uranus, too.
KEYNOTE: The disruptive power of the ambitious mind upon the organic wholeness of human relationships.
We are dealing i with man’s discovery of the new powers residing in his special contribution to the total organism of this planet Earth — his consciousness and aggressive mind. The first stage dealt with oil a form of energy the modern mind has made available. Now we see in this new symbol a pictorial indication of what the use of this intellect-generated energy inevitably leads to: industrial unrest and violence. As man manages to rape the earth in order to demonstrate his power and intensify his pleasures and his sense of proud mastery, conflicts and disruptive processes are inevitably initiated.The arousal is presented to us here in its collective social form because we have reached an emotional-cultural level. The type of power generated by the analytical intellectual faculties is disruptive; it is based on the destruction of matter & invites egocentric hoarding & privileges of one over another. This leads to a REVOLT AGAINST PRIVILEGES
There is A WAR involving OIL & ENERGY but it’s also a WORKERS Revolution.
Could this have something to do with those looming SOLAR STORMS threatening our Power Grid in 2025?
URANUS on Midheaven & 10th house of Career sextile Venus before Trump’s Uranus Return Uranus will conjunct his MIDHEAVEN & this brings SIGNIFICANT changes that disrupt his career and public profile, could this actually be JAIL? Sweeping changes come to his work, home and family life, he will have to adapt to situations that rock his world, will he have to dismantle Trump Tower?! I picture the TOWER card in the Tarot, it could all come crumbling down around him, but he is a SURVIVOR he will either ignore or Resist any unpleasant, unwanted, or shocking changes & stuffing his problems will make matters worse for Trump leading to insomnia, anxiety, depression or heavy drinking that could ultimately unravel his HEALTH & wellbeing at a level we haven’t seen, this transit shows turbulence caused by emotional distress, misguided loyalties, unrequited love, or fears of Financial hardship, lack of security & stability, even pressure from scared family members can all make him feel this heavy burden only made worse by
SATURN SQUARE URANUS from April 2024 through February 2025 brings restrictions, regulations & that diamond making pressure that comes from obstacles, challenges & KARMIC Soul Lessons, ouch, could this LIMIT his ability to run in the election because of his LAWSUITS?
SQUARES bring changes you don’t want to happen that are forced on you, it can be a frustrating time of rising tension and stress with Uranus involved it’s hard to predict what is going to happen but it will probably be SHOCKING & lead to UNREST. Trump will be forced to adapt to changing circumstances occurring in his house of PISCES where Saturn resides, that’s RELATIONSHIPS & his late degree Taurus in the 10th House of Career… Plot Twist could it be MELANYA affecting his career? Or is it other business PARTNERSHIPS? Someone is going to block Trump’s progress. So many Transits still to unpack real quick like
VENUS SATURN conjunction happening in Trump’s 7th House of relationship, Venus is LOVE & Saturn is those hard knock life lessons, oooh something is unraveling in Trump’s love life in all this.
Trump’sCHIRON in LIBRA the WOUNDED WARRIOR Healer opposite VENUS in 7th House of Relationships, Trump is feeling unsure in love life, could there be a Heart Ache or BREAK UP? so much healing to do in Trump’s Relationships, maybe more scandals come out & Melania is not having it this time around, who knows, but relationships will be rocky in 2024.
Chiron SQUARE SATURN May 2024 thru April 2026 a long transit that brings Obstacles, challenges & lessons that lead to healing old wounds & past traumas. There is a PAINFUL LOSS that ultimately leads to hgiher purpose & resolution comes through a HEALING CRISIS, Trump should care more about his HEALTH in 2024, he could suffer a Heart Attack with all these Health related SQUARES transits.
Chiron Sextile Sun this is a more positive Chiron aspect that shows an opportunity to HEAL after a health scare of some kind.
Trump is a 9 FIRE Star in the 9 Star Ki ruled by the HEART, he is the Ultimate PROMOTER & Marketer, this is where Democrats fail in politics, they don’t ADVERTISE enough, they don’t see politics as the business it is, this is why so many business owner Republicans Win, they are natural born Marketing Experts, it’s all one big Marketing campaign & it helps if you are FAMOUS this is Trump’s advantage, when you can use your MUGSHOT to make millions, you’re a PROMOTER Extrordinaire, how ever will he promote his campaign in 2024?
In the 9 Star Ki he will be in 2 Earth Star CYCLE as he just started a brand new 9 Year Cycle of growth as a Seed Underground in 2023, now he becomes the SPROUT Pushing Upward, heavy lifting, lots of work but of course his FIRE element feeds Earth, so it’s a productive, good cycle for him although 2 Earth Star was the star Hilary was in when she lost & Biden will be in a very lucky 6 METAL STAR, reaping rewards year in the 9 Star Ki where good things come for him after 2023 was a Hurricane for Biden.
VENUS coming in so STRONG near the Election along with all these GODDESS Planets bringing a Divine Feminine Energy Rising on our planet supports a WOMAN winning the election & that is my own personal INTUITIVE HIT, that’s where I am placing my BET but I’m not sure what WOMAN it will be… I am going to delve into the charts of KAMALA HARRIS & Nikki Haley, heck maybe I will even look at Marianne Williamson
If there is a CANDIDATE you want me to look at their charts, leave it in the comments, this is FUN! I’m sure I will do BIDEN’s Chart, too, fellow Scorpio 4 Wood Star that he is, I can relate to him, but for some reason I kinda want to wait & see, am I the only one who feels like BIDEN isn’t really going to run afterall? I don’t know why I think that. We shall look to the stars for answers day by day! Eclipse Astrology Sale for $88.00 receive your Astrology Chart & learn where all 4 2023 Eclipses will be affecting you this year!
Eclipse Portal OPENS and SO IT BEGINS!!!
We have a New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse going into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio & what do Aries & Scorpio have in common? MARS the fierce warring planet rules both. This Eclipse month is a FORCE to be Reckoned with even as Mars is in Gemini where Mars is more strategic & less volatile, but still this is a month where Tempers can flare.
4 Eclipses:
April 19th 9:12pm Aries 29 degrees Solar Eclipse!
MAY 5th 14 degrees Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse
SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023, at 1:55 PM, at 21° Libra
4) Partial LUNAR Eclipse October 28, 2023, ° Taurus
We have so much to UNPACK today w/ this New Blue Moon in Aries, Jupiter Conjunct Eris, everybody’s favorite Mercury Retrograde & a mystical, magical Sabian Symbol asking us all to strike a New Chord to Co-Create a new REALM, oh my, it’s going to be an Ecstatic 6 months Eclipse Portal if you can RISE to the challenges ahead, stay tapped in & turned on until the end of this bumpy ride adventure!!!
I’ll include some powerful Herbal Allies at the end to help you maintain your equilibrium….& a Shiva Lingum pendulum space clearing that we could all use about now!
Life imitates Astrology b/c this Eclipse is all about Disruptions & Obstacles & so I have my Ganesh remover of obstacles….b/c we went out in nature yesterday & we were hit w/ so many Disruptors, even just NATURE, Arctic WIND Breezes so fierce
REBIRTH, RESET, Brand Spanking New Opportunities
A FRESH, New way Forward is coming in!!!
Whenever we have 2 New Moons in a row in the same sign,
like we do this month, our 2nd New moon ARIES,
it’s like having a Blue Moon which is 2 Full moons in one
month, it’s extra Special, it’s the Universe saying PAY
ATTENTION NOW! Something SPECTACULAR is about to
happen, OPEN YOUR EYES, get off your phone, LOOK UP, this
is going to shake you out of your slumber & this Eclipse
Portal will be a collective AWAKENING!!!
Perhaps some Great OPPORTUNITY Came to you w/ that magnificent Jupiter Sun Cazimi, but now is not a time to forge ahead, now is a time to ask yourself “ARE YOU SURE?!?!” & Weigh your OPTIONS b/c the Dragon’s Tail of this Eclipse is LIBRA, the SCALES
A Double NEW Moon is a time to revise your intentions that were set in the previous new moon cycle and this is an opportunity for to adapt to changing circumstances. If whatever you are trying to do is not working, TRY, TRY Again, Try a different way or let that intention go & make a New Plan Forward because what’s meant for you will not pass you by, if it’s not coming to you, maybe it’s not meant for you? Align with the energy of what it is you want, start there. This ARIES new moon lights a FIRE under you, to motivate you & the ambitious energy coming in now is double that of the previous Aries new moon. The energy of this new karmic cycle is asking you to stand up for yourself & achieve your Biggest Goals even if you are confronting some obstacle, enemy or disruption!!! Be the RAM push your way through the hardships, deal with it & move FORWARD beyond the power struggles.
This Eclipse Portal we are entering will have a
profound effect on us for the next 6 MONTHS if you are an
Aries or a Libra or you have your North Node in Aries / Libra
you will be having the biggest
QUANTUM LEAPS forward, but just like I tell my Reiki
Students when they get their Reiki Attunements, it’s not all
Rainbows & Unicorns….it can also bring about Healing Crisis,
the dark night of the Soul & ARIES the WARRIOR combined
with his sister ERIS the Goddess of Dischord is saying FEEL
Aries the fierce Warrior would bring his sister ERIS into battle
& they were both fearless fighters full of rage &
righteousness, fighting for the PEOPLE, so this is a time when “You gotta FIGHT for your Right….to party, I just get Beastie Boys when I say that but..” it’s a tricky time where Passion may lead us on new paths, but it’s NOT a great time to make any big, life altering decisions, see the Path to take but stay where you are for now.
We are asked to be
BIGGER, to EXPAND, to go BEYOND our current
capabilities, to Strive for something GREATER, to make
a real difference in our world, to stand up to injustice, to
REVOLT, but also to HEAL our deepest wounds, we’re all
going to be BUSY the next 6 months, especially Aries & Libra,
but we all have Aries & Libra somewhere in our chart, it’s a
good idea to know where this Eclipse Portal Energy is hitting
you personally!!!
I am doing an ECLIPSE Astrology Reading sale for $88
I will give you a Chart reading focused on how the 2023
Eclipse Portal will affect you personally & I will include all 4
Eclipses that we have this year!
Jupiter Conjunct ERIS the Goddess of Dischord in ARIES,
this is a time of DISRUPTIONS. Let’s talk about ERIS….
As the story goes…A hero named Peleus and a sea nympThetis
had a magnificent wedding on Mount Olympus.
Everyone was invited, except for the goddess Eris, whose name
is also “Discordia” in Latin. Well shunning Eris was a Big
Eris created CHAOS at the wedding when she threw a golden apple marked for the “fairest of all” into the dining table. Three goddesses believed it was for them and started to fight — Athena, Goddess of wisdom, Venus, goddess of love and beauty and Juno, the Queen. A heated battle ensued over this golden apple. To settle the dispute, Jupiter, the king of the gods, plucked a poor mortal named Paris from a hillside and forced him to choose. All the goddesses tried to bribe him: Athena with her martial arts, Juno with political clout, but it was Venus’ who won after charming with her beauty & love vibes. Paris was granted the most beautiful woman in the world in return for awarding the golden apple to Venus, the goddess of love. Unfortunately, the woman he chose was Helen of Troy, who was already married to King Menelaus. When Paris ran off with Helen, the Trojan War ensued, it all began with Eris seeking revenge for not being included, so there is a theme running right now about how those who are excluded will rise up & create dischord, we are in such a time of the “Haves & Have nots” this Jupiter conjunct Eris with an ARIES eclipse has REVOLUTION written all over it!
Eris is urging us all to speak out, to take action, to make a CHANGE. I think Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Campaign is the embodiment of this Eris Conjunct Jupiter transit as she ran in 2020 & she was practically shunned, not taken seriously, even as she gave a powerful message that inspired real CHANGE, she is challenging our broken down System with a force of LOVE & Grace unlike any politician we have ever seen & Rayner Jae Liu sees her as ERIS, too as he wrote an article entitled “meet Eris, the Goddess behind the Force that is Marianne Williamson” & I love this quote from his piece:
“I think Marianne running is kicking up the unhealed parts of the country. The Goddess Eris story is extremely relevant to your campaign. When a truth-teller enters the scene, she reveals the darker underbellies of the collective that many people would prefer to ignore.” I will link to this article in the description if you want to learn more. This is exactly what Goddess ERIS does, she shows us our UNHEALED Parts, our failings, our EGO wounds & she makes us deal with it by bringing Chaos into our lives…. Put your seat belts on & prepare for turbulence this Eclipse Portal!!!
When I do Astrology readings & I see an aspect like this, I am a truth telling Scorpio, I’m going to tell you it’s going to be HARD, there’s no way to sweeten a transit like this, the best thing you can do is KNOW where ERIS at 24 Degrees of Aries falls for you & then prepare for battle!!! For me it’s my 9th House of Beliefs, look at your chart, find the House that ARIES is in & leave a comment about where ERIS falls for you & I will let you know what I think it means for you. Eris conjunct Jupiter in my 9th house asks me to stand up for my beliefs & Freedom & rebel against anything that would try to take that away from me. This conjunction will have a different FLAVOR for each & every one of you depending which house it shows up in. Eris is exalted in the 4th House & the sign of Cancer, so if you have Eris in the 4th house, you will be the most empowered by this!!!
April 20th we have SUN SQUARE PLUTO, the Sun has just moved into Taurus now Square Pluto at Zero degrees Aquarius affecting all FIXED SIGNS with that diamond making pressure we’ve become accustomed to by now. There is a danger of a deep TRANSFORMATION here, look out Will Robinson, I can’t say much more about this Square, as a Scorpio I am just squared out, but will I be laying low this day? why Yes, yes I will.
Mercury Retrograde in TAURUS April 21st will be
adding fuel to this already disruptive fire affecting all the
Earth sign things like Farming, food production, our
environment, maybe shaking up some EARTHQUAKES with
Uranus still strong in Taurus, but Taurus also rules over our
MONEY, so pay attention to your accounting, beware of fraud
on your accounts, & there will be even more disruptions for
our financial institutions, pay attention to your RESOURCES
This Mercury Retrograde makes me think of the Einstein
Quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results.” We’re all being asked to
try a NEW WAY FORWARD for the next 6 months, our old,
outdated patterns aren’t serving us anymore!!!This brings us
beautifully into the Sabian Symbol:
KEYNOTE: Attunement to cosmic order.
A brand new technique is being presented based on experiences implied in the preceding symbols. Now we enter into a new realm of possibilities of action, there’s brand new harmonic principles operating in this brand new realm. The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. An individual advancing “on the Path” should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind’s evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to all seekers of meaning found in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part – yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its divine meaning.
I’m really on a Marianne Williamson kick today but this quote, we all know it, is so fitting for this Eclipse Portal! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
2 Herbal Allies that I promised for this Eclipse Portal are
Ravensara is the most protective herb on the planet & we will all need protection from the crazy, I think of Ravensara as a golden dome of high vibrational energy that keeps out viruses, toxic emotions, as a healer I depend on this oil the most in sessions to keep me clear of taking on other people’s stuff…. It also protects against Viruses & bacterial infections that seem to be running rampant right now. Ravensara reduces anxiety, helps you sleep better when you annoint your feet with it before bed. Ravensara dispells negativity & evil, malefic entities, it is a powerful SPACE Cleaning oil when diffused in a room. What I really love about Ravensara for these times is that It can clear your mind and help you focus on higher, magical new moon intentions & life purposes, it helps you step into being something MORE, to fulfill your SOUL”S PURPOSE on the planet!
honestly, after 24 years of doing Massage Therapy, Ravensara may be the most POWERFUL Essential Oil I’ve ever encountered & I source my Ravensara from a small harvest company in Canada, it’s all organic & ethically harvested & I usually only sell it to my clients & Reiki students, but it’s just so important for these times, I am going to sell some bottles here, I feel like this Ravensara medicine wants to reach more people this season, I will link in description…
Holy Basil also known as TULSI is my other fave for this Eclipse, it’s a sacred plant in India, known as the ELIXIR of LIFE, I love to grow it in the Spring, so my seeds of intention will probably be planted as Holy Basil seeds, it also protects us & gives us a keen focus to transcend whatever chaos is going on & know our MISSION in life & how to proceed. Grown in your yard, it will protect your home & family. It’s a powerful adaptogen & helps us recover from stress, difficult situations & burnout, be sure to stock you apothecary with this one this season!
This Solar Eclipse in Aries also brings to mind the WOLVERINE that we have showing up here n Oregon, getting closer & closer to my house, the Wolverine is such a fierce creature it should invoke a healthy amount of FEAR …. Whenever an animal shows up for me, if I encounter it in the woods or in the news, I love to turn to a website called “What’s Your Sign,” I will link below.
AVA says, “Wolverine’s meaning is bold and in your face with fierce confidence, wildly intense energy & unpredictable, mischievious Behavior, the Wolverine will NOT BACK DOWN, it will stand it’s ground, just like Tom Petty.
The wolverine does what it has to do to live, eat, survive and maintain homeostasis. Wolverine teaches us is to accept our WILD nature & refuse to be tamed. If you struggle with your dark side – the wolverine will help you love your shadows. If you have had a hard childhood, a hard life..if you have had to scratch and claw for survival or equality you might resonate with this WARRIOR wolverine energy that is coming in this Eclipse but it’s also a warning to beware of the primal energy that may be lurking nearby, lock your doors….
Stay Safe, Stay focused, you got this!!!
I’ll see you on the other side as the next report will be that SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE falling right on my stellium of 5 planets in Scorpio, but I’m not nervous, it’s fine, it’ll be fine, We WILL SURVIVE, right?
Watch my Youtube Video about VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER to learn even more!
If you get your telescopes out right now, you can already see Venus snuggling up to Jupiter in the night sky & if you have a Star App you will see it’s actually in Sidereal Pisces not Aries in 2023 & that is because of the Procession of Stars, which will be another separate video some day.
Jupiter & Venus together at last reminds me of the popular Prom King & Queen, they are the most beautiful COUPLE in the starry sky & they compliment each other so well. When these two come together it’s a special alchemy brewing for MANIFESTING your HEART’s Desires & you have to ask yourself, “DO YOU FEEL LUCKY, well do ya Punk?”
Truly we will ALL be feeling Lucky on this day & especially if they happen to be crossing your 2nd House of Wealth or your 8th House of Sex & Money, I’ve got 8th house for this transit, so you know I will be buying my lottery ticket this day!
Venus & Jupiter coming together is a good omen for manifesting LOVE, too, I know several people who are working on this, you know who you are & we just did this LOVE Binaural for Valentines with Distance Reiki for your Heart Chakra, listen to it while you sleep for 21 days & see if it opens you up to more LOVE in your life. I also recorded a Video about how to manifest with VENUS & the secret equation is to ASK, Believe & Receive, I will link to it below.
This Transit feels like SANTA coming & it makes sense b/c we do have SNOW right now & Santa is feeling extra GENEROUS & if you have GOOD KARMA you will be REWARDED but the nice thing here, unlike Saturn transits, is that even if you don’t have a perfect reputation, you may still receive a special gift from Jupiter King who is feeling extra loving around Venus & this is like the Grinch opening his HEART after all, we will ALL DESERVE LOVE & Abundance on this day & you only need to Believe to RECEIVE & maybe you will receive even if you’re feeling resistant to it all! So get into the RECEIVING MODE, Allow the good things to find you, be open to opportunities for LOVE & MONEY especially, this is a SAY YES moment, whatever comes your way, say YES Please & Thank You because it is probably better than you could have ever expected & it is going to give you a Quantum Leap into the life you’ve always wanted!!!
Even if something so called “Bad” happens to you on this day, take it as a sign that something GOOD is coming right around the corner! I will never forget the last time we had this Venus Jupiter Conjunction & I was all Polyanna over here sprinkling my rainbows from Unicorn butts & one of my Reiki students, “Well I just lost my JOB today so this is NOT a lucky transit for me at all…” She was single & to be honest, she hated that job anyways. So I replied back, “Just watch, it’s bringing you something better!” Well within 3 months she got a BETTER JOB & at her better job, she met the love of her life, she just got married last Spring & she is now expecting her first child!”
So even if you have a LOSS under this transit, I assure you it’s leading to an ultimate GAIN in your life. You just can’t go wrong with a Venus Jupiter Transit!
Venus is the goddess of Love & Beauty, Jupiter is the King who grants wishes, I promise you that beautiful things are coming to you, you’ll be feeling like a Magnet for the best things in life now, you can attract whatever you want to you, love, money, an infinity pool, I hope there will be TACOS!!!
If someone asks you on a date for this night, absolutely say YES because you will be radiating beauty from an inner glow of warmth & friendliness. If Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 7th House of relationships you may meet the love of your life this day, this is a wonderful transit for Falling in LOVE or rekindling your relationship to take it to the next level, a marriage on this day will indicate ever lasting love for sure!
Be careful if Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 5th House, you will surely get PREGNANT!
This is an excellent day to schedule a PHOTO SHOOT or film a Video b/c you will be looking so attractive, especially if it hits your 1st house. Or maybe you want to spruce up your Home & buy some Artwork if it’s in your 4th house.
Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. This way, you will expose yourself to the greatest opportunities for manifesting, let the Universe find you & reward you this day! You should take advantage of any financial offers or INVESTMENT opportunities that show up because this is a transit that GROWS WEALTH. This is a very lucky transit, so you may even be the beneficiary of a sudden and unexpected windfall, yes please & thank you!!!
Wishing you all the Venus & Jupiter Luck, I wish we could BOTTLE this Magic!
I am always getting this question as an Astrologer! How do I find my Galactic Center in my Astrology Chart? It’s so simple, just look for 27 degrees of Sagittarius in your chart! If you’d like to have a full Astrology Chart completed to learn more about what all that means, you can order online or email me at to get your chart read! I even do ZOOM Readings!
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