Get a FREE ZOOM CALL READING when you purchase your 9 Star Ki Reading before 11/27/23! Receive your 2024 9 Star Ki Astrology reading with all 3 STARS. Learn how to align with the energy of 2023 to Manifest all that you desire, plus receive distance Reiki & an Energy Clearing.
9 Star Ki of 2024 is a 3 Wood Star, so what does that mean for me?
Look for your personal 9 Star Ki STAR in the chart & watch my Youtube videos for your personal 9 STAR KI reading.
What is 9 Star KI?
if you’re new to 9 Star Ki, this is probably the oldest form of Astrology there is & it’s my personal FAVORITE SYSTEM for learning how to align with the energy that can support your growth & success when you learn how to use it to your advantage. Nine Star Ki is a nature based astrology based on the 5 Element system from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Jin Shin Do & Feng Shui. To find your own 9 Star Ki Star look to the chart in the description or sign up for my e-mails & get a FREE 9 Star Ki reading, link below in description. When you know your 9 Star Ki you will want to watch your annual video to find out what star you are traveling through this year.
We’re all born of 3 different Elements represented as STARS & every month we travel through other elements & every year we’re ruled by an element both personally & collectively, it’s like spirals within spirals.
The 5 Elements move in a productive cycle that goes like this: WATER feeds WOOD, Wood Feeds Fire Fire Feeds Earth. Earth Feeds Metal & Metal feeds Water through condensation & this natural cycle continues to circle around, but sometimes we can have reverse “destructive patterns’ such as Fire Melting Metal that’s a destructive cycle that will take your money, so I really pay attention to that one in FENG SHUI when I am doing a Home Clearing. When you get a 9 Star Ki reading of all 3 elements you can see if it is a productive or destructive cycle & it will tell a story. For instance, I am a 3-6-2 Wood Metal Earth, which would be a destructive cycle because wood going in metal is going to get cut, I picture it like a tree going into a metal chipper but then the product makes mulch which feeds the earth at the end of my cycle. I have witnessed that so many healers have this kind of destructive to productive cycle, we experience pain so that we can learn to heal ourselves & others.
A beautiful productive cycle that leads to ABUNDANCE would be a 2-6-1 Earth feeds Metal feeds Water, here the earth nourishes metal that feeds water & water is wealth so this person will have great success in life, indeed, I have read this chart for someone who has really prospered. Those are just 2 examples of how the 5 Elements can show up in your 3 star pattern.
When you learn these natural 5 ELEMENT patterns you will begin to align to the energy of your own personal star cycles by learning about the stars you are traveling through so that you know for instance when it is the BEST time to Launch your business or a productive time to work hard on your goals when you can really MANIFEST or maybe look for LOVE or when it is time to pull your energy back in & just REST & Nourish yourself in order to get ready to be ready for your next big growth cycle.
I used to get mad at myself for PROCRASTINATING but once I studied this 9 Star KI system, I could see that there’s times when the ENERGY DOESN”T SUPPORT GROWTH or Doing all the things & that sometimes we just need to BE, to rest, to go within, to do the self care & nourish our roots.
When you learn more about the energy of your own personal growth cycles, you won’t be frustrated about times when nothing seems to be happening because you learn to strike when the iron is hot & act when the energy supports you to get better results, so you’re not wasting your efforts or spinning your wheels in these times when the energy doesn’t support you moving forward. You can use this energy to manifest all that you desire love, money & success when you align with the right times to make it all happen for you & 9 Star Ki will teach you how to align with a powerful energy to become a magnet for all that you desire when I combine this with Distance REIKI, I’ve witnessed MIRACLES happen. If you want to get an extended 9 Star Ki reading that includes all 3 Stars & what element you are currently traveling through plus Distance Reiki & an ENERGY CLEARING to remove any blocks so you can move forward, there is a link below for my 9 Star Ki Reading sale. Thanks for watching & hit the subscribe & notification button to receive all the 9 Star Ki predictions to come
2024 9 Star Ki is a 3 Wood Tree Star
A Wood Dragon year that begins February 10th 2024 on the LUNAR NEW YEAR.
The mantra for 2024 is…
We can do hard things!!!
Especially if you are a 3 Tree Star you will be doing hard things as the Center Star but we will all be asked to RISE to the occasion, let me know in the comments what STAR you are & I will give you a mini intuitive reading, I love to hear what stars you are & let you know what divine message Spirit wants me to share with you. If you are a ONE WATER STAR, you will be under this 3 Fast Growing Tree cycle the most as it is the element you’re personally traveling through as our collective world travels through this Wood element, you’re wood SQUARED, you’re getting the double influence & I had that last year with the 4 Wood Star, you really feel the energy of that wood element when your personal star is the world star.
This year holds a special promise for BENEVOLENCE, there’s an uplifting word, probably the most positive vibes that can come from this 3 Wood Star, this is an energy of KINDNESS that our world needs right now, this is a glimmer of HOPE that we can make positive changes through our good deeds, that we can return to LOVE.
In 2024 we shift from a 4 Wood Star, that tree that bends in the wind to adapt to changing circumstance and now we will move into the young, buoyant SPRING Tree, the 3 Wood Star will continue a 2 year cycle of major growth & changes but now the change comes from within, you may be feeling like, “I’ve got to make a big change!” it’s about changing yourself, changing your role in life, it’s SELF motivated whereas the change from the 4 wood star of 2023 was more external, things happening to you that force you to change, just as a tree must adapt to external circumstance like droughts, storms and fires. In the 3 Wood Star the change comes from our own personal desire to GROW & we may want to do something completely new this year. So maybe you are craving a move to a brand new location or to start a new business or launch some new project, even craving a new love affair or to begin a new way forward in some way.Â
In 2024 we may all take on BIGGER ROLES in life & GROW into new positions that we take on, like a tree will grow into the space it has in the garden, if we give ourselves room to grow this year, we can amaze ourselves with what we accomplish in this fast growth cycle! We will have a greater VISION for our Future this year & this will be the best year for having a VISION BOARD PARTY, I might have to do another Lunar New Year Vision Board party like I did last year.
The 3 Wood Star rules over the season of early Spring, as the light returns after a dark Winter, the world wakes from winterâs slumber, there is rebirth as the flowers begin to bud. There is this YANG ENERGY that has been stored as we were hibernating all Winter, Winter is a YIN cycle & now this Yang energy wants to be released to RISE UPWARD & EXPAND OUTWARD in a powerful growth cycle we will be feeling for all of 2023. 3 Tree stars bring a hopeful energy that things will get better & our uplifting energy returns, we begin to feel revitalized, rejuvenated, ready to take on big projects again for the first time in a long time.
There is an optimism that anything is possible now & we can truly manifest great things with the potential that lies in a 3 wood star year. There is a DETERMINATION to succeed that reminds me of the saying Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it” The energy rises upwards and bursts out of the ground with strong, creative force like a flower blooming out of concrete, the energy of lush green sprouts of grass that shoot up from the ground in early Spring. This bright Kelly Green is the color of 3 Wood Star you can wear this color this year to become inspired to make positive changes & grow your business, grow your children or grow food on a farm, we will all be craving to GROW something new & exciting in this 3 wood star year that gives us a greater VISION, a glimpse of something BETTER to come & we overcome our fears of the future now & our adventurous spirit finally returns.
There are some pitfalls in a 3 Wood Star year to beware of. If your Wood element is out of balance, your vision may be clouded. You may get depressed or procrastinate to the point of frustration & self doubt for not being able to move forward or even see a future at all. Or you may push too hard trying to force growth that becomes like over fertilizing our tree until it withers or you could become obsessively fixated in your pursuits even if it’s not working out. This can lead to fear of failure if you can’t grow forth & achieve your goals as quickly as you’d like to.
Another imbalance of a 3 Wood Star year is when your anger gets out of control & it’s limiting your progress. There can be RESISTANCE to your growth forward this year, too, resistance is like kryptonite to the beautiful young tree that wants to grow forward, resistance kills your dreams, so you may need to do some kind of energy clearing to remove whatever resistance is blocking you so that you can achieve momentum to grow forth in 2024. I’m offering 9 Star Ki Readings that include distance Reiki & an energy clearing to clear your path forward, link is in description below.
The organs associated with 3 Wood Star are the Liver and the Gallbladder. The Liver oversees our planning and execution capabilities, while the Gallbladder is in charge of decision-making.
Do you ever wake up at 3AM in the morning? This is the hour of STRATEGIC PLANNING & it is ruled by the Liver & the Wood Element. The hours between 11pm through 3AM are ruled by the Wood Element & the Liver, it includes the energy we use to make big decisions, so you may wake up during this time knowing what to do next to handle a situation.
It comes from our Ancestors, the ones who WON the WARS by getting up at 3 AM to “Plan their Attack” if you were going to have a surprise attack on your enemy before dawn, you would have to rally the troops & plan your attack just before 3 AM the Wood / Liver hour. We are the descendants of the ones who WON the War of course that’s why we are here, so we are hard wired to wake up around 3 AM & plan our attack, figure out our day, I like to keep a notebook by my bed, so if I wake up with a brilliant plan or sometimes it’s a grocery list, I can jot it down & go back to sleep.
Speaking of WAR, the 3 WOOD STAR is known as the WARRIOR & indeed this fast growing tree has an angry, warring energy about so I fear we will see more tensions & battles ahead under this influence but then by 2025 when we move into the 2 Earth Star it should calm down…
When anger is channeled properly it can be a useful force that pushes us forward in our pursuits like fighting for justice, we will see lots of this with the combination of the 3 Wood Star & the LIBRA Eclipse portal combined. . Properly acknowledging and channeling our anger into positive changes can be beneficial if we can control it & balance it out with forgiveness and understanding, to aspire to a state of divine benevolence & KINDNESS. This year we may want to give back our time & service to the common good & serving our community without benefit to the self, becomes the ultimate goal for supreme growth.
When you tap into this boundless energy of a 3 Tree Year, you may take on more than you think you can handle, like a tree rising up to grow taller than it ever thought it could, you will rise to meet the occasion but remember a Tree can only grow as tall as it’s roots dig deep, so stay ROOTED & Grounded with lots of earthing, nature therapy, yin yoga & remember to nourish your root system with healthy foods, all work and no play can be common place in a 3 wood star but it’s not healthy so take time off because you may be having some growing pains this year.
3 Wood stars are really good at starting something new, but not always good at finishing their projects, so be careful that you’re not starting too many things without giving yourself the time to complete each new project. So often when we’re traveling through a 3 Wood Star we get inspired & want to do multiple things but then we may fail & not complete any of it, so just take on ONE thing at a time.
In 2025 we will have a major slow down energetically so don’t commit to so many things that take you years to complete, try to focus on what you can do this year alone.
We will all have more progress this year & finally feel like we have a clear VISION for our future! We will be able to make plans for our future and execute them with determination and efficiency. Our sense of divine purpose in this moment for this life is clearer now that it has been in years. There is also flexibility to this energetic action as this Spring tree is very buoyant & it can grow past obstacles and react accordingly to any changing circumstances.
How to nourish & support yourself during this time of rapid change that comes with a 3 Fast Growing Tree Star:
DRINK lots of WATER trees need water, water will become a focus this year as we are in unprecedented drought but we will all be craving more water under this 3 Tree star.
Even listening to the sounds of water will nourish your wood element, we did a water sounds recording for 11/11 I will link it in the description.
Get more exercise than usual this fast growing tree energy has a YANG Rising energy that can fuel our growth but it can also feel like you’ve had too much coffee & exercise, especially out in nature like hiking will be one of the best ways to balance that aggressive Yang energy.
Earthing with bare feet in the soil or gardening can also nourish your roots. Growing food in your yard can be a great way to resonate with this growth cycle.
Wearing the colors of trees, I love to wear a kelly green shirt with brown pants, feels like being a tree, colors of water will feed our wood energy like my favorite Turquoise any blue will do.
READ more books this year! Wood elements love to learn, so tap into your wood element by reading more or take a class just for fun to learn something new.
Consume foods & drinks that nourish your liver like artichoke, olive oil, sauerkraut, oatmeal & my fave Coffee, yes coffee is actually good for your liver! Avoid too much alcohol, sugar or processed foods.
Want to learn how to MANIFEST Money, Love or maybe your dream home in this 3 Wood Star Year? You’re in luck b/c WOOD Element is one of the most resourceful elements we have, making 2024 one of our best opportunities to make our dreams come true & the way to do it may surprise you….you’ve got to QUIT TRYING & release your resistance so that you can ALLOW good things to come to you naturally!
A Spring Tree doesn’t “TRY” to GROW it just allows nature to take it’s course & before you know it, it’s growing….So do less efforting & focus on more ALLOWING this year!Â
Releasing your resistance will allow you to receive what the universe is already trying to give you. How do you release resistance, first you have to figure out what your resistance is & you can try some automatic writing with a journal, where you simply ask yourself what is blocking me from having all that I desire & see what pops up, is it fear of change? do you have a fear of having money & why? Do you have a limiting story that you got from your parents?
If you feel like you need to reprogram your brain to get into the receiving mode, we did a fun video called “Making money while you sleep” where you can reprogram your brain to overcome resistance. Or like I mentioned before you may want to try an energy clearing if you’re feeling really stuck. Once you clear all the resistance to your growth you will see there is nothing that you need to do to grow more abundance, love & all the good things you want to call in, you can simply be like that Spring Tree & GROW tall & branch out & become bigger than you could have ever imagined!Â
This Eclipse is a culmination of 6 years of HEALING Work we’ve been doing on our planet since Chiron the Wounded Warrior Healer entered ARIES in 2019 beginning a Healing CRISIS. For those of you born between 1969-1976 you may have CHIRON in ARIES & this has been an intense Chiron in Aries RETURN where your deepest wounds are being TRIGGERED & coming to the surface to be HEALED. I did 2 separate reports on Chiron in Aries, I will drop them in the comments b/c there’s a LOT to UNPACK about Chiron’s influence!
If you’re an ARIES, you’ve probably had a lot to HEAL recently, let me know in the comments if that’s true for you ARIES, but we all have ARIES somewhere in our Chart, we all have our work to do. This is also a CHIRON RETURN Time for the UNITED STATES, our Country needs to HEAL from some deep WOUNDS that have been buried, we might all need a powerful Energetic HEALING this Eclipse, so it’s fascinating that the PATH of TOTALITY will be crossing right over the UNITED STATES, beginning in the Pacific Ocean crossing over MEXICO first coming into Texas right where we have so much migrant madness going on, how will this Eclipse affect all of these states in the LINE of TOTALITY where it will be crossing Dallas, TEXAS, Little Rock, Arkansas; Indianapolis, Cleveland & Buffalo, New York.
This Eclipse is a WILD CARD of CHANGE that is BIRTHING in something BRAND NEW we can’t even comprehend what it is just yet, just like when a Baby is Born, there’s no way of knowing who this newborn will become over time, we have to wait & surrender to this birthing process of Change that is occurring in this 1st House of the Zodiac Wheel, it’s a Brand NEW growth CYCLE, a brand NEW Day & we’re like infants who don’t know what to do next, just BE here now & ALLOW the tides of change to wash over you, there’s nothing you have to do it, it will be a natural process like a sprout bursting out of a SEED in the Springtime.
Look at that chart how ALL of the PLANETS are just lining up close to the action Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, North Node, Moon, Sun, Chiron & Mercury with Jupiter & Uranus close by, SOMETHING will be REVEALED that will begin a process of DEEP HEALING for ourselves & perhaps on a larger scale, for our World!
What is Revealed can vary for us greatly depending on how your own personal chart looks, some may have very disrupting changes & others may have be lucky enough to have incredible BREAKTHROUGHS & AHA moments! Either way don’t rush into solutions or feel like you have to “ACT” immediately, just sit with what shows up for you & explore it first. If you want to see what your CHART says, I am having an Eclipse Astrology Chart Sale for $88. you will receive ALL 4 Eclipses for 2024 & a write up about where these eclipses will be showing up in your houses & how that will affect you.
If you’re an Aries or Libra North Node you will be feeling it the most of all, this is your SOUL”S BIG MOMENT to do the thing you were brought here to do & it may involve being UPROOTED in some way, there may be a LOSS that is making room for some new direction to come, so even if things seem bad right now, remember it WILL GET BETTER & you are Not Alone, I feel like we need to start an Eclipse Support Group right now b/c I’ve been hearing from so many of you about how difficult this time is, it’s a time of UNRAVELING is the word I keep hearing
When I had my North Node Eclipse in Aquarius it felt like being enlisted in a SOUL’s ARMY, like the Universe woke me up at 5 am & insisted, it’s time to go, you need to leave, you’ve got to go over here, to do this other thing, I thought, how long will I be doing this other thing? You just have to GO & do the thing, there will be signs along the way to tell you where to go, who to talk to & what lessons you need to learn. You simply have to SURRENDER to the PROCESS or be Dragged!
It’s nice to know what HOUSE it is happening in for you, so you can follow along. It’s wild the Libra Lunar Eclipse was in my 3rd House of Neighbors & Siblings, all of a sudden my neighbors on either side of me moved out of state, they had opportunities elsewhere & immediately packed up & left. Then my sister in law, closest to a sibling I have, she is a LIBRA with her Sun in exact conjunction to the Eclipse & we were in communication during the Lunar Eclipse. So you look to your HOUSE of Aries & Libra in your chart & you to make sense of what is going on around you & what are you supposed to do in this particular situation. If you’re lucky, you’re not directly affected & then you can just be an “Observer” I didn’t have any planets or major aspects, I watched it affect my neighbors greatly though.
Eclipses always arrive together based on the Moons Axis, the Head & the Tail of the Drago this eclipse is on Aries North Node Head of the Drago & Libra South Node tail of the dragon Axis, so we have both Eclipses close together.
I’m hyperfocused on VENUS & MARS this Eclipse, VENUS moves into Aries April 5th, just before this total solar eclipse, now the LOVER becomes the WARRIOR, perhaps she is FIGHTING for LOVE & she is also CHASING LOVE now, Aries love the Chase & Conquest of LOVE it becomes a competitive SPORT & this will bring on SPRING FEVER, new relationships will BLOOM, there’s a fiery, passionate desire brewing, you may be wanting something new & exciting, even married people may want to have a Spring Fling, Love becomes so SPONTANEOUS, it’s not LONG Lasting here in Aries I’m afraid. Venus in Aries can bring fierce fighting in your relationship, too.
I fear some people could have their hearts broken under this influence, just be careful. I am sad to see Venus leave Pisces & I am counting the days until Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, where she is at home again & not so cruel in love! VENUS rules LIBRA PEACE
MARS is the natural ruler of ARIES the Warrior but Mars is softened now in PISCES water on it’s fire creating steam. Mars becomes more of a Spiritual Warrior now, could this bring some PEACE at least a respite for now.
Mars Saturn Conjunction APRIL 10th!!!
Mars gives you the energy & ambition to fulfill your GOALS & attain your Desires while Saturn offers the control & Self Discipline necessary for success & growth. You would think this would work out well, but it can be very volatile, unpredictable especially in watery PISCES where emotions get the better of us & there can be angry outbursts, destructive energy, losing control of our aggressive tendencies. This is a VOLATILE ENERGY. Will I stay in & hide under my bed during this transit? Maybe!
But Pisces is also that OLD SOUL Wisdom that might know better than to start a fight they can’t win….Pisces is a CALMER energy for Mars & it makes Saturn more of a Spiritual Teacher…
I am wondering what affect this will have on all the WAR situations…. I think of Frankie goes to Hollywood
“WAR what is it good for?”
Can we please realize that & choose PEACE?
Then after this Eclipse we will have a really BIG Deal Jupiter Uranus CONJUNCTION in TAURUS that will be coming April 20th. JUPITER EXPANDS & Gives us FAITH & URANUS SURPRISES & Gives us Breakthroughs in Taurus an EARTH sign, this could be geomagnetic activity, solar storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, severe weather storms, floods & mudslide & Taurus also rules the 2nd House of Wealth, our Resources, so we may have some Financial Surprises coming, let’s hope it’s Financial Windfalls & not Financial Recessions. This is a RARE Jupiter Uranus Conjunction, between the year 1100 and 2023, Jupiter and Uranus came together in a conjunction only 3 times: back in 1181, 1858, and the most recent was 1941. What was it that happened in 1941? After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor the United States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S. a few days later, and the nation became fully engaged in the Second World War. Lots to unpack, I will do a separate report on this JUPITER URANUS TRANSIT, stay tuned.
In Astrology charts we say this is an Aries Eclipse but…. because of the procession of stars… If you look to where the ECLIPSE will actually show up in the night sky in ASTRONOMY, it’s showing up in the constellation of PISCES right at that KARMIC KNOT between the two Fishes. The 2 Fishes represent DUALITY between Reality & Fantasy, one fish swims Upstream while the other swims downstream, Pisces has all this Wisdom yet the fish can SELF SABOTAGE, ruled by Neptune there can be real CONFUSION happening on this Eclipse, what is REAL & what is AI? We’re already not sure what is REAL right now.
Pisces the Fish is one of the ancient constellations. In the Greek story, a massive sea monster, Typhon, was sent to destroy the gods. After being alerted to the monsterâs presence, Aphrodite and Eros 2 LOVE Goddesses, swam into the Euphrates River where they transformed themselves into FISHES, I think of SATURN transforming into the SEA GOAT with a Mermaid tale as Saturn is transiting Pisces now.
It’s all happening under the SQUARE constellation of PEGASUS & the Triangulum, this is a very MYSTICAL area of the night sky that rules over ANCIENT Wisdom, old souls, ancestors & aliens alike, it’s so other worldly, this is the gateway of Pisces & the oldest ways of being just as we cross a Threshold into Aries birthing a brand new way forward.
PEGASUS constellation coming in hot here, represents profound World CHANGES that will come to our OCEANS, our oceans may heat up with that fiery energy of MARS in PISCES that symbolizes a combination of FIRE & WATER, could there be EXPLOSIONS at SEA or maybe it will be those Underground Volcanoes erupting, there is a destructive OCEAN FIERY BATTLE scene here, this is one Summer I will NOT be taking a CRUISE, stay away from the Ocean on this eclipse, could this even be TSUNAMI energy?
Pegasus is a HORSE that can FLY Like a Bird, representing that we all RISE ABOVE whatever chaos comes from this disruption. Pegasus was born from the blood of the gorgon Medusa after Perseus decapitated her. Pegasus emerged fully-formed from her neck, talk about rising above bad situations. With his white wings and powers of flight, Pegasus was considered a divine creature associated with poetry, wisdom, and the springs of Hippocrene and Pirene. Pegasus is also known in mythology as Thundering Horse of Jove, the ancient God of Rome who became Jupiter, that carried the divine lightning to bring ENLIGHTENMENT & Inspiration. Pegasus came to represent a free spirit who nurtures creative talents. Pegasus brings us Fearless Adventures, new exploration, intuition, imagination & he wants us to take FLIGHT, perhaps without leaving the ground, maybe ASTRAL TRAVEL or the Magic Carpet ride that is coming up in the Sabian Symbols. There is so much EXPANSION & ASCENSION Energy coming in this Eclipse Season, give yourself TIME & SPACE to Absorb the energetic downloads, we’re already soaking in it, can you feel it? Add to that those Solar Storms that are lighting us up energetically. We have Triangulum constellation that brings that TRINITY energy this relates to DEMETER Godddess Mother of Persephone who promises to bring a bountiful SPRING but only if her daughter returns home in time, this Eclipse holds our Harvest in the Balance & this Triangle constellation also contains a Pinwheel SPIRAL Galaxy that might make you dizzy when you’re looking up at the Eclipse, there’s an ALTERED STATE of Consciousness energy here, I would not partake in mind altering substances during this Eclipse, your mind will be altered naturally, if you added more to the mix, you may fly away never to return.
ARIES 19 Degrees sabian
KEYNOTE: The use of creative imagination.
A way of life refusing a hectic involvement in social competition and waste-producing overproduction allows for the development of unattached and transcendent understanding. The static floor (carpet) on which man’s feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception. The period of rest from outwardly directed activity bound to collective normality presents the creative mind with the possibility of surveying in dreams the totality of the present-day social situation, thus “to see whole.” A STRIFE-TRANSCENDING AND UNATTACHED OUTLOOK UPON EVERYDAY REALITY. Eclipse Astrology Sale for $88.00 receive your Astrology Chart & learn where all 4 2023 Eclipses will be affecting you this year!
Eclipse Portal OPENS and SO IT BEGINS!!!
We have a New Moon Aries Solar Eclipse going into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio & what do Aries & Scorpio have in common? MARS the fierce warring planet rules both. This Eclipse month is a FORCE to be Reckoned with even as Mars is in Gemini where Mars is more strategic & less volatile, but still this is a month where Tempers can flare.
4 Eclipses:
April 19th 9:12pm Aries 29 degrees Solar Eclipse!
MAY 5th 14 degrees Scorpio LUNAR Eclipse
SOLAR Eclipse October 14, 2023, at 1:55 PM, at 21° Libra
4) Partial LUNAR Eclipse October 28, 2023, ° Taurus
We have so much to UNPACK today w/ this New Blue Moon in Aries, Jupiter Conjunct Eris, everybody’s favorite Mercury Retrograde & a mystical, magical Sabian Symbol asking us all to strike a New Chord to Co-Create a new REALM, oh my, it’s going to be an Ecstatic 6 months Eclipse Portal if you can RISE to the challenges ahead, stay tapped in & turned on until the end of this bumpy ride adventure!!!
I’ll include some powerful Herbal Allies at the end to help you maintain your equilibrium….& a Shiva Lingum pendulum space clearing that we could all use about now!
Life imitates Astrology b/c this Eclipse is all about Disruptions & Obstacles & so I have my Ganesh remover of obstacles….b/c we went out in nature yesterday & we were hit w/ so many Disruptors, even just NATURE, Arctic WIND Breezes so fierce
REBIRTH, RESET, Brand Spanking New Opportunities
A FRESH, New way Forward is coming in!!!
Whenever we have 2 New Moons in a row in the same sign,
like we do this month, our 2nd New moon ARIES,
it’s like having a Blue Moon which is 2 Full moons in one
month, it’s extra Special, it’s the Universe saying PAY
ATTENTION NOW! Something SPECTACULAR is about to
happen, OPEN YOUR EYES, get off your phone, LOOK UP, this
is going to shake you out of your slumber & this Eclipse
Portal will be a collective AWAKENING!!!
Perhaps some Great OPPORTUNITY Came to you w/ that magnificent Jupiter Sun Cazimi, but now is not a time to forge ahead, now is a time to ask yourself “ARE YOU SURE?!?!” & Weigh your OPTIONS b/c the Dragon’s Tail of this Eclipse is LIBRA, the SCALES
A Double NEW Moon is a time to revise your intentions that were set in the previous new moon cycle and this is an opportunity for to adapt to changing circumstances. If whatever you are trying to do is not working, TRY, TRY Again, Try a different way or let that intention go & make a New Plan Forward because what’s meant for you will not pass you by, if it’s not coming to you, maybe it’s not meant for you? Align with the energy of what it is you want, start there. This ARIES new moon lights a FIRE under you, to motivate you & the ambitious energy coming in now is double that of the previous Aries new moon. The energy of this new karmic cycle is asking you to stand up for yourself & achieve your Biggest Goals even if you are confronting some obstacle, enemy or disruption!!! Be the RAM push your way through the hardships, deal with it & move FORWARD beyond the power struggles.
This Eclipse Portal we are entering will have a
profound effect on us for the next 6 MONTHS if you are an
Aries or a Libra or you have your North Node in Aries / Libra
you will be having the biggest
QUANTUM LEAPS forward, but just like I tell my Reiki
Students when they get their Reiki Attunements, it’s not all
Rainbows & Unicorns….it can also bring about Healing Crisis,
the dark night of the Soul & ARIES the WARRIOR combined
with his sister ERIS the Goddess of Dischord is saying FEEL
Aries the fierce Warrior would bring his sister ERIS into battle
& they were both fearless fighters full of rage &
righteousness, fighting for the PEOPLE, so this is a time when “You gotta FIGHT for your Right….to party, I just get Beastie Boys when I say that but..” it’s a tricky time where Passion may lead us on new paths, but it’s NOT a great time to make any big, life altering decisions, see the Path to take but stay where you are for now.
We are asked to be
BIGGER, to EXPAND, to go BEYOND our current
capabilities, to Strive for something GREATER, to make
a real difference in our world, to stand up to injustice, to
REVOLT, but also to HEAL our deepest wounds, we’re all
going to be BUSY the next 6 months, especially Aries & Libra,
but we all have Aries & Libra somewhere in our chart, it’s a
good idea to know where this Eclipse Portal Energy is hitting
you personally!!!
I am doing an ECLIPSE Astrology Reading sale for $88
I will give you a Chart reading focused on how the 2023
Eclipse Portal will affect you personally & I will include all 4
Eclipses that we have this year!
Jupiter Conjunct ERIS the Goddess of Dischord in ARIES,
this is a time of DISRUPTIONS. Let’s talk about ERIS….
As the story goes…A hero named Peleus and a sea nympThetis
had a magnificent wedding on Mount Olympus.
Everyone was invited, except for the goddess Eris, whose name
is also “Discordia” in Latin. Well shunning Eris was a Big
Eris created CHAOS at the wedding when she threw a golden apple marked for the “fairest of all” into the dining table. Three goddesses believed it was for them and started to fight â Athena, Goddess of wisdom, Venus, goddess of love and beauty and Juno, the Queen. A heated battle ensued over this golden apple. To settle the dispute, Jupiter, the king of the gods, plucked a poor mortal named Paris from a hillside and forced him to choose. All the goddesses tried to bribe him: Athena with her martial arts, Juno with political clout, but it was Venusâ who won after charming with her beauty & love vibes. Paris was granted the most beautiful woman in the world in return for awarding the golden apple to Venus, the goddess of love. Unfortunately, the woman he chose was Helen of Troy, who was already married to King Menelaus. When Paris ran off with Helen, the Trojan War ensued, it all began with Eris seeking revenge for not being included, so there is a theme running right now about how those who are excluded will rise up & create dischord, we are in such a time of the “Haves & Have nots” this Jupiter conjunct Eris with an ARIES eclipse has REVOLUTION written all over it!
Eris is urging us all to speak out, to take action, to make a CHANGE. I think Marianne Williamson’s Presidential Campaign is the embodiment of this Eris Conjunct Jupiter transit as she ran in 2020 & she was practically shunned, not taken seriously, even as she gave a powerful message that inspired real CHANGE, she is challenging our broken down System with a force of LOVE & Grace unlike any politician we have ever seen & Rayner Jae Liu sees her as ERIS, too as he wrote an article entitled “meet Eris, the Goddess behind the Force that is Marianne Williamson” & I love this quote from his piece:
âI think Marianne running is kicking up the unhealed parts of the country. The Goddess Eris story is extremely relevant to your campaign. When a truth-teller enters the scene, she reveals the darker underbellies of the collective that many people would prefer to ignore.â I will link to this article in the description if you want to learn more. This is exactly what Goddess ERIS does, she shows us our UNHEALED Parts, our failings, our EGO wounds & she makes us deal with it by bringing Chaos into our lives…. Put your seat belts on & prepare for turbulence this Eclipse Portal!!!
When I do Astrology readings & I see an aspect like this, I am a truth telling Scorpio, I’m going to tell you it’s going to be HARD, there’s no way to sweeten a transit like this, the best thing you can do is KNOW where ERIS at 24 Degrees of Aries falls for you & then prepare for battle!!! For me it’s my 9th House of Beliefs, look at your chart, find the House that ARIES is in & leave a comment about where ERIS falls for you & I will let you know what I think it means for you. Eris conjunct Jupiter in my 9th house asks me to stand up for my beliefs & Freedom & rebel against anything that would try to take that away from me. This conjunction will have a different FLAVOR for each & every one of you depending which house it shows up in. Eris is exalted in the 4th House & the sign of Cancer, so if you have Eris in the 4th house, you will be the most empowered by this!!!
April 20th we have SUN SQUARE PLUTO, the Sun has just moved into Taurus now Square Pluto at Zero degrees Aquarius affecting all FIXED SIGNS with that diamond making pressure we’ve become accustomed to by now. There is a danger of a deep TRANSFORMATION here, look out Will Robinson, I can’t say much more about this Square, as a Scorpio I am just squared out, but will I be laying low this day? why Yes, yes I will.
Mercury Retrograde in TAURUS April 21st will be
adding fuel to this already disruptive fire affecting all the
Earth sign things like Farming, food production, our
environment, maybe shaking up some EARTHQUAKES with
Uranus still strong in Taurus, but Taurus also rules over our
MONEY, so pay attention to your accounting, beware of fraud
on your accounts, & there will be even more disruptions for
our financial institutions, pay attention to your RESOURCES
This Mercury Retrograde makes me think of the Einstein
Quote, âInsanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results.â We’re all being asked to
try a NEW WAY FORWARD for the next 6 months, our old,
outdated patterns aren’t serving us anymore!!!This brings us
beautifully into the Sabian Symbol:
KEYNOTE: Attunement to cosmic order.
A brand new technique is being presented based on experiences implied in the preceding symbols. Now we enter into a new realm of possibilities of action, there’s brand new harmonic principles operating in this brand new realm. The music of the spheres is the celestial embodiment of principles of polyphonic interplay. An individual advancing “on the Path” should seek to understand and realize his place in the vast scheme of mankind’s evolution, in the immense Chord of the harmony of the universe. The message to all seekers of meaning found in this symbol is TO LISTEN TO YOUR INNER VOICE It is the Voice of the Whole, of which one begins to realize that one is a tiny little part – yet a significant part, for every note of the universal Chord has its place and its divine meaning.
I’m really on a Marianne Williamson kick today but this quote, we all know it, is so fitting for this Eclipse Portal! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.â
2 Herbal Allies that I promised for this Eclipse Portal are
Ravensara is the most protective herb on the planet & we will all need protection from the crazy, I think of Ravensara as a golden dome of high vibrational energy that keeps out viruses, toxic emotions, as a healer I depend on this oil the most in sessions to keep me clear of taking on other people’s stuff…. It also protects against Viruses & bacterial infections that seem to be running rampant right now. Ravensara reduces anxiety, helps you sleep better when you annoint your feet with it before bed. Ravensara dispells negativity & evil, malefic entities, it is a powerful SPACE Cleaning oil when diffused in a room. What I really love about Ravensara for these times is that It can clear your mind and help you focus on higher, magical new moon intentions & life purposes, it helps you step into being something MORE, to fulfill your SOUL”S PURPOSE on the planet!
honestly, after 24 years of doing Massage Therapy, Ravensara may be the most POWERFUL Essential Oil I’ve ever encountered & I source my Ravensara from a small harvest company in Canada, it’s all organic & ethically harvested & I usually only sell it to my clients & Reiki students, but it’s just so important for these times, I am going to sell some bottles here, I feel like this Ravensara medicine wants to reach more people this season, I will link in description…
Holy Basil also known as TULSI is my other fave for this Eclipse, it’s a sacred plant in India, known as the ELIXIR of LIFE, I love to grow it in the Spring, so my seeds of intention will probably be planted as Holy Basil seeds, it also protects us & gives us a keen focus to transcend whatever chaos is going on & know our MISSION in life & how to proceed. Grown in your yard, it will protect your home & family. It’s a powerful adaptogen & helps us recover from stress, difficult situations & burnout, be sure to stock you apothecary with this one this season!
This Solar Eclipse in Aries also brings to mind the WOLVERINE that we have showing up here n Oregon, getting closer & closer to my house, the Wolverine is such a fierce creature it should invoke a healthy amount of FEAR …. Whenever an animal shows up for me, if I encounter it in the woods or in the news, I love to turn to a website called “What’s Your Sign,” I will link below.
AVA says, “Wolverine’s meaning is bold and in your face with fierce confidence, wildly intense energy & unpredictable, mischievious Behavior, the Wolverine will NOT BACK DOWN, it will stand it’s ground, just like Tom Petty.
The wolverine does what it has to do to live, eat, survive and maintain homeostasis. Wolverine teaches us is to accept our WILD nature & refuse to be tamed. If you struggle with your dark side â the wolverine will help you love your shadows. If you have had a hard childhood, a hard life..if you have had to scratch and claw for survival or equality you might resonate with this WARRIOR wolverine energy that is coming in this Eclipse but it’s also a warning to beware of the primal energy that may be lurking nearby, lock your doors….
Stay Safe, Stay focused, you got this!!!
I’ll see you on the other side as the next report will be that SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE falling right on my stellium of 5 planets in Scorpio, but I’m not nervous, it’s fine, it’ll be fine, We WILL SURVIVE, right?
Watch my Youtube Video about VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER to learn even more!
If you get your telescopes out right now, you can already see Venus snuggling up to Jupiter in the night sky & if you have a Star App you will see it’s actually in Sidereal Pisces not Aries in 2023 & that is because of the Procession of Stars, which will be another separate video some day.
Jupiter & Venus together at last reminds me of the popular Prom King & Queen, they are the most beautiful COUPLE in the starry sky & they compliment each other so well. When these two come together it’s a special alchemy brewing for MANIFESTING your HEART’s Desires & you have to ask yourself, “DO YOU FEEL LUCKY, well do ya Punk?”
Truly we will ALL be feeling Lucky on this day & especially if they happen to be crossing your 2nd House of Wealth or your 8th House of Sex & Money, I’ve got 8th house for this transit, so you know I will be buying my lottery ticket this day!
Venus & Jupiter coming together is a good omen for manifesting LOVE, too, I know several people who are working on this, you know who you are & we just did this LOVE Binaural for Valentines with Distance Reiki for your Heart Chakra, listen to it while you sleep for 21 days & see if it opens you up to more LOVE in your life. I also recorded a Video about how to manifest with VENUS & the secret equation is to ASK, Believe & Receive, I will link to it below.
This Transit feels like SANTA coming & it makes sense b/c we do have SNOW right now & Santa is feeling extra GENEROUS & if you have GOOD KARMA you will be REWARDED but the nice thing here, unlike Saturn transits, is that even if you don’t have a perfect reputation, you may still receive a special gift from Jupiter King who is feeling extra loving around Venus & this is like the Grinch opening his HEART after all, we will ALL DESERVE LOVE & Abundance on this day & you only need to Believe to RECEIVE & maybe you will receive even if you’re feeling resistant to it all! So get into the RECEIVING MODE, Allow the good things to find you, be open to opportunities for LOVE & MONEY especially, this is a SAY YES moment, whatever comes your way, say YES Please & Thank You because it is probably better than you could have ever expected & it is going to give you a Quantum Leap into the life you’ve always wanted!!!
Even if something so called “Bad” happens to you on this day, take it as a sign that something GOOD is coming right around the corner! I will never forget the last time we had this Venus Jupiter Conjunction & I was all Polyanna over here sprinkling my rainbows from Unicorn butts & one of my Reiki students, “Well I just lost my JOB today so this is NOT a lucky transit for me at all…” She was single & to be honest, she hated that job anyways. So I replied back, “Just watch, it’s bringing you something better!” Well within 3 months she got a BETTER JOB & at her better job, she met the love of her life, she just got married last Spring & she is now expecting her first child!”
So even if you have a LOSS under this transit, I assure you it’s leading to an ultimate GAIN in your life. You just can’t go wrong with a Venus Jupiter Transit!
Venus is the goddess of Love & Beauty, Jupiter is the King who grants wishes, I promise you that beautiful things are coming to you, you’ll be feeling like a Magnet for the best things in life now, you can attract whatever you want to you, love, money, an infinity pool, I hope there will be TACOS!!!
If someone asks you on a date for this night, absolutely say YES because you will be radiating beauty from an inner glow of warmth & friendliness. If Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 7th House of relationships you may meet the love of your life this day, this is a wonderful transit for Falling in LOVE or rekindling your relationship to take it to the next level, a marriage on this day will indicate ever lasting love for sure!
Be careful if Venus & Jupiter are transiting your 5th House, you will surely get PREGNANT!
This is an excellent day to schedule a PHOTO SHOOT or film a Video b/c you will be looking so attractive, especially if it hits your 1st house. Or maybe you want to spruce up your Home & buy some Artwork if it’s in your 4th house.
Ideally, this time should be spent out and about, engaging with as many people as possible. This way, you will expose yourself to the greatest opportunities for manifesting, let the Universe find you & reward you this day! You should take advantage of any financial offers or INVESTMENT opportunities that show up because this is a transit that GROWS WEALTH. This is a very lucky transit, so you may even be the beneficiary of a sudden and unexpected windfall, yes please & thank you!!!
Wishing you all the Venus & Jupiter Luck, I wish we could BOTTLE this Magic!
Plaid Friday is my ONE DAY Only, ONLINE only Sale that I do with the Bend Health Guide every year! Support local small businesses in Bend when you shop locally for Healing Gifts. Thanks so much for supporting my little business during your holiday shopping this season. I am providing these gift card buttons using secure SQUARE shopping for Gift cards!
Honestly, Web Design is not my strong point as a Healer, so bear with me as I create this #PlaidFriday Blog post to bring all the Sales to you! You can click on each button below to see all my deals on Reiki, Massage, Astrology & Energy Clearings, plus I’ve added the links to the Infrared Biomat because I know several of you have mentioned you would love to get one, maybe for Christmas!
Thank you so much for supporting my l’il business ALL Year long, the last 2 years have been my busiest years ever, thanks to YOU! Have a wonderful, restful Thanksgivng Holiday!
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